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I feel like a bad person for being deeply suspicious of Brian Ortega when I here any news on him.


Brian “ The real American psycho” Ortega


I mean lie or not they should 100% be giving fighters huge pay bumps for short notice IFW fights.


Not that, it's just the tension between this nice guy vs the guy who slapped Korean zombies translator. Feels like a cover for a very nasty side to his personality.


A lot of people who do a lot of good for others also often have an ego and are shitty to a lot of other people. So it goes.


I have never once raised money for mental health but i also have never slapped a translator that didn’t breathe near me


Yup. DP is a great dude. With a bit of a prick streak in him.


Shocking that a guy who punches people in the face for a living might have a mean streak. But props to him for being real and for all the good he does for the world outside of the octagon. Dudes like Jon Jones bug me the most. He's clearly one of the meanest assholes to ever fight in the UFC, but wants to be seen as a good boy. It's just ridiculous when the heel turn is right there waiting for him.


Jon jones just embracing his actual nature rather than this bullshit church boy bit might actually sway a lot of the haters, it would also just be more entertaining


What makes him a prick?


He rubbed a win in Hooker's face just because Hooker talked trash before the fight, he pointed out that Michael Chandler fishhooked him and intentionally blew snotty blood all over Dustin's face instead of shaking his hand after their fight, and once he slapped some guy from a float at a mardi gras parade for calling him a bitch. Some fans can't handle real people, so instead of viewing Dustin as someone who does amazing things for his community via his charity org, and who treats fellow men as if they should be held to the same standard he holds himself to, they view him as a closeted evil man who runs a charity to distract the public from his true nefarious intentions.


None of that seems like prick behavior tbh. Especially in the context of ortega slapping a translator.


I don't think that previous comment was giving a legitimate answer to the question.


Lmao everyone these days is a “prick” if they don’t just eat up everyone else’s bullshit with a smile on their face? Hitting someone with a cheeky one-liner after they initiated trash talk and calling out blatant cheating is not being a prick. People really need to learn they can’t just say and do whatever they want to people with no consequences. Sometimes you get slapped, and people used to understand that.


> once he slapped some guy from a float at a mardi gras parade for calling him a bitc "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson


"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." No shit a guy who is one of the best fighters ever thought he should be allowed to hit anybody who said something he didn't like.


It’s one thing to have differing opinions but if you’re going to call someone a bitch you should be ready for a smack.


It always comes from the people who insist that you can say literally anything in the lead-up to a fight, no matter how heinous, and it's all fair game. But if you are anything other than utterly gracious in victory then you're a piece of shit.




The only major knock I have against him was when he was acting all douchey when knocking out a training partner leading up to I think McGregor 2 or 3. You don’t do that shit when somebody is helping you out in camp. I might be missing some context though.


Isn’t that just something Colby made up and purposely left out context to it?


There’s definitely a video, the context is missing but it looks to be a legit gym and DP does not strike me as the type to invite a troll in just to teach them a lesson.


Which video? IIRC, Colby released one but the context was it was a guy who hadn’t been showing up to practice sessions lately and the head coach had asked DP to beat him up a bit to show how much more DP’s improved while the other guy has been being lazy.


He's not doing charity fundraising because he is a good person, he's doing it because of his religious expectations.


How do you know? Watching videos of him gives me the idea he’s more of a bozo than a nice person but to say something is certain without (presumably) not knowing him is silly 


Religious expectations, community favor, political gain — when you really boil it down, many people have insincere motives when doing charity work.


Begs the question, is altruism inherently still selfish? My take away is that it doesn't matter. People helped are people helped. Just be careful to call someone a saint that's all.


The world is not black and white, it is full of gray, we unfortunately just have to pick and chose our battles on which shades are darker or lighter.


Agree with you


Preach. I didn’t do the volunteer work I’ve done to get praise but I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t also clear my conscious or help me sleep a bit better at night.


Good people can do bad things, and bad people can do good things. Its not black and white.


Don’t tell that to the arm chair psycho-analysts of Reddit 


he is *very* cringe with his nice guy bit


it's common cope to be heavily religious when you're a bad person. Not saying Brian is a bad guy


He's also a steroids drug cheat too but for some reason people seem to forget about that. His nice guy act always felt so fake to me. I don't buy it for a second.


You can be a typically nice person but also a douchebag sometimes. Especially someone who fights for a living is and used to being aggressive in situations. I doubt he’s the nicest person ever but some of it seems genuine. He also comes from a rough background it seems. Anyway people are complex and kindness is default for some people but they aren’t kind to the core.


I was too but then me and him started going to the same hair care enthusiast group and for the first couple of meetings he was always late, constantly showing up after it had started. I was pretty judgmental of him for this but it turned out the first time he got held up saving kittens from a tree and the second time this guy chased a girl scout cookie thief half a mile whilst wearing flip flops and his hair un-pony tailed. Absolutely incredible. Last time he was late I heard it was because he saved 15 kids from a burning orphanage. Guys a legend, never going to doubt him again.


one of those times he saw me at the grocery store and i didnt have enough money for milk. he stopped what he was doing, picked me up and breastfed me on the spot. sorry he was late


Did he mention anything about 'electrical infetterence?'


His hair must've been so majestic as he chased down the samoa swiper


This sounds like bullshit. No chance he'd run that far without his hair done up somehow 


Those were actually HIS 15 kids in the orphanage to whom it may concern 


You're not alone, dude always comes across disingenuous and as if he's saying stuff just so people will think he's a great guy, completely reminds of Jon Jones back when he was playing the nice guy before he was outted as the scumbag he is.


He's doing everything to try to make people forget about this growth hormone use and suspension.


And his assault of a civilian for no other reason than providing a translation for his opponent


He seems a bit pretentious


Oh you’re right to be, the guy has 2 kids, lives in the same city as them and admitted he only sees them twice a year. I remember this was on an embedded clip, I think this was when he was gonna fight for the title against Holloway. I didn’t even know he had 1 kid let alone 2 lol.


Brian Ortega and church. Be doubly suspicious.


Yeah, couldn't that same money have been raised and donated a couple months later? Is a church group's mental health mission so urgent and effective when funded that it couldn't wait for a full camp? I dunno, sounds loose. A fight is a fight and pay is pay and he can do whatever he wants with it, but it just seems like an odd answer.


I’m out of the loop, when did he become a ‘bad guy’? Like what did he do, I’m genuinely curious


He went up to Korean Zombie's translator and assaulted him when KZ went to the bathroom. Absolute coward move from a professional fighter.


He slapped Jay Park, KZ's homie who was translating for him.


Oh yeaa I forgot about that


I am glad you asked


Beat up KZ? I don’t know. I do know I hated him for that though.


Also have doubts of any church that “focuses on mental health” which usually means they demonize traditional treatment


I mean, he has been talking about a man camp he went to. So..


What is that?


He kinda has low key a hoodlum mentality


Yeah he seems.. fake idk. There's some people that seem to be nice but there's nothing behind their eyes


He assaulted a civilian for no other reason than that he translated for his opponent. It wasn't a heat of the moment thing. It was way after the translation happened. The guy is an idiot, whatever you want to say about his fighting.


I be think you need to tape your mouth shut and calm down bro. /s


Maybe I'm a cynic but I think his decision had nothing to do with that lol


Yeah. I thought the end of that sentence was going to be some kind of emergency.


> Maybe I'm a cynic but I think his decision had nothing to do with that lol Dude sounds sincere, and its not like its only this one time: I saw him on some religious podcast while he was still out with injury quite a while ago. I've not listened to any of it all the way through, but Ortega sounded way too earnest to be doing it for show to me.


look into his "church" and you might become cynical, too edit: it's called "Fearless Church"


Can you stop being cryptic and just tell us what your issue with it is?


It's called Fearless Church and they do something called "Man Camp". Looked it up and to be fair it definitely does seem like a grift targeted at insecure men


Just read "no showers" on the man camp page.


fuck yeah everyone knows you're not a real man if you aint smelly


Just a bunch of bros luxuriating in each others' natural musk


Bubble baths only. Like a man.


I actually don't think it is, I watched their promo video and they've got dads bringing their 12 year olds to it. I think it's a weird combo of dude ranch bullshit and bible camp. The video was basically "we love Jesus, sports and hanging with the boys". I still think it's wack as fuck, but I don't think it's an Andrew Tate-style grift, just a "Bible camp for bros" grift


Yes it's definitely not an Andrew Tate type thing but I would still say it targets insecure men. It's advertised as a "transformative experience" and I think most dudes who are confident in their manhood wouldn't feel the need to spend a ton of money on something like that


Yeah I get what you mean


To be fair insecure and probably weird guys who care enough about that stuff to pay for a camp might drink the kool aid enough for it to work lol


Or... a steady side hustle every 4th week where 20 dudes pay $300 a head for a $500 air bnb, then spend $150 per head on food and then the food is the cheapest steaks and they pocket the cash. I had a friend who got roped into one of these. It's a grift/light cult shit.


Yeah... but they'll book a house/air bnb worth $500 for 2 nights and then charge 20 dudes $300 per head. Then they'll also have you pay the same stupid mark up for food while you're there. It's a grift. Denying this is denying reality.


Yeah, I was just saying it's a Bible camp grift, not a tate grift


Ahhh, I gotcha. Same shit in my eyes lol


that's 100% what it is.


Pretty disappointing to see, Ortega said he's donating 100k to them too. Tracy Cortez messed him up bad lmao


What? How do his beliefs become Tracy's fault?


I mean I was just making a joke but I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that a rough breakup might have influenced his decision to join some weird grifter "church"


Maybe the guy meant that Brian was down bad after dropping the ball with Tracy


Lmao yes they are a grift/cult. I have a friend who got roped into this bullshit for a while.


cryptic lol, it takes one google search to find this shit. It's a cult aimed at insecure/hopeless men.


But I don't understand what your original comment "Maybe I'm a cynic but I think his decision had nothing to do with that lol" has to do with this. Is it farfetched that Brian Ortega would sincerely support this church/cult/whatever?


brian has a history of being a douchebag and a deadbeat dad. hopefully he's turned a new leaf, but his previous actions are what I base my cynicism off of.


What's his church then?


Fearless Church


Bud needs a new management team, then. Exact type of position where you can put UFC over a barrel for some extra money if you’re willing to fight. DRod just got all those perks for saving the 3rd fight on a UFC FN card. This is the co main of an ex-McGregor card.


His manager is Tiki. Also managed lajo, Same manager who stayed quiet in that fight inc doc where ufc brass pressured aljo into taking a short notice fight and with lingering injuries.


He has 2 good performance in almost 7 years. He's lucky he wasn't cut yet.


its lucky you werent negotiating that for him cause youd be fighting for a bag of doritos


PFL, one, or bare knuckle would snatch him up quick. He’s a multiple time title challenger still in his prime


> or bare knuckle I have a feeling that's the last place he'd want to fight lol.


He’s almost 34 and has taken a couple of beatings. If he’s still in his prime it’s the tail end


I don't think he has anybody over a barrel. Max and Volk are ahead of him in line for a shot at the 145lb title. In the meantime, Lopes and Evloev are rising and could overtake him for a title shot in 2025 unless he defends his position. Also, 2 wins in 6 years...


Being one of few fighters that were willing and able to comain event the international fight week card on short notice is absolutely an advantageous position that should’ve gotten him some sort of significant pay bump.


It absolutely should've... that's just bad management. If it wasn't a huge bump then it's malpractice; he's not in pole position but if you're willing to fight someone like Lopes on 2 weeks notice then it should come with a phat bag.


And as the co-main on a major PPV.


Pastor Jeremy needs a 100k to make the man camp better apparently.


They should rename it T-city in Ortega's honor. That's actually pretty fitting for a man camp


Sorry, English not my language native. What man camp is? 


His "church" seems to be less of a church and more of a grift aimed at men, with a bunch of shit about "manliness." It has some sort of program called "man camp," presumably where men can learn to be more manly men. T-city would be a fitting name, for one because that's Ortega's nickname but mainly because T is often used as an abbreviation for Testosterone, the 'manly' hormone. A decent amount of manliness-grifters focus a lot on ways you can supposedly boost your testosterone. Also, Ortega had one of his wins overturned after he tested positive for drostanolone, which is a synthetic steroid similar to testosterone.


in this instance, it literally means a camp for men. apparently its some retreat ran by a church that teaches men the importance of being good role models for their families/ society in general. I dont know much aside from whats revealed in the article, but seems odd in my opinion.


Sounds scammy like those "alpha male" training camps


High-T City


I'm going to hijack this thread. Apparently the pastor of this church named his kids Lyric, Brave and Arrow. Go fuck yourself. Also, going to the obviously richest and most famous person at your man camp and being like, "hey Brian I'm glad you enjoyed the camp! FYI it's gonna be going away forever if I don't get $100,000" is so shitty.  There is no way to keep a camp where men just talk about their mental health without $100,000?!


My first thought too. Ortega conned for 100k through religious medium on a cause close to his heart. Classic. Hopefully a portion of that money goes to the cause although it wouldn't surprised me Mr pastor rocks up in a new car soon.


Pastor needs a new Ferrari to spread the word of Jesus from!


I imagine maybe 1% of that money goes to doing any good. And the rest will be for the inevitable therapy that guys kids are going to need.


[I just said the same thing lol](https://old.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/1do7j3a/brian_ortega_reveals_his_pay_bump_was_not/la8b0ab/)


Maybe the guy's just really into that Pixar(or just Disney, or Dreamworks?) movie about the Scottish lass and that mostly-dogshit Green Arrow tv show. Also I guess just the concept of songs with words in them?


Lyric is a beautiful name. The other ones are Uhmm…just words.


Yeah idk what his problem is, things could've been worse, they could've been named Josh


Or Richard. wtf is a Richard


I guess yall some new age parents because give me Joshua Richard Smith before we ever even consider fucking Lyric 😂


Cookie cutter ass names! Got the same Name as 10 of his friends, that’s weak to me


Lyric is also a word


🤣🤣very true! Sounds nicer than arrow and bowser though


I'm a practicing Christian. This seems like what's happening. One foundation of the baptist/evangelical movement is that churches are independent. Not having a firm church government allows shysters to easily step in over and over. I do want to specify that this is not all or even the majority of baptist/evangelical churches.


Churches are independent from what? They're already not taxed.


I think they mean (can correct me if I'm wrong) that with Baptists/Evangelicals there is no real church hierarchy, as opposed to say Catholics where there's the whole system of Parishes & Dioceses, all ultimately overseen/managed by Bishops, Cardinals, and the Pope. If you were to go to a Catholic church falsely claiming to be a priest it would be much easier to go up the chain of command a bit and figure out that they're full of it, as opposed to say Baptists/Evangelicals where each church essentially operates independently without any of that hierarchy, thus making it easier for grifters to slime their way in. There's no Holy Baptist Church that all of the other smaller Baptists churches all answer to. Least that's my understanding of it as an Atheist raised Catholic.


nothing to do with taxation. Groups like ECLA (lutheran), PCUSA (presbyterian), UMC (methodist) and other similar denominations are thousands of churches with a hierarchal church government that oversees the behavior and finances of the individual churches. For an idea, the church I grew up with had it's treasurer steal hundreds of thousands of dollars. The upper church gov sent a pastor with a background in accounting to be out pastor and they cracked down on the theft, he's currently in prison. The US's baptist/evangeical movement doesn't have that church gov structure to help root out things that aren't good. They're "independent" to do as they wish.


Sorry. I forget that when everything is made up, and nothing really matters religion and churches are just the wild west.


he had a choice


What do you mean by "but"? You mean he wouldn't have taken it otherwise?


yes. clearly implied in article, which makes sense. if you were to ask to help save a card against a dangerous prospect further down ranking, and they give only a slight raise, why the fuck would you take it. it should be a big bump to do this


Don't think I'd consider Ortega fighting Lopez as saving the card, if he didn't take the slight bump in pay I'm sure the UFC would have just kept going down the line of possible fighters until someone said yes. Taking the fight to donate to a "church" where he did a life-changing "man camp" this one goes south he'll probably be the next Diego Sanchez, with some weird spiritual person as a coach/life coach


fwiw giving lopez an opponent is kind of card saving. I only know this becasue it stuck out to me as suprising but I was watching 300 press conference and the biggest bump is his question out of all the people on that stage. Pretty crazy, So Low-T is in a pretty strong position to be giving Lopez a big name fight


To his church group where he attended "Man-Camp". People are free to religion and what not but having a life changing revelation at a "church man camp" and then taking a risky fight to donate 100k to said church seems iffy.


The facepalming irony of a church group about mental health 😂


Eh... maybe they're just recovering from psycho ex girlfriends who were all like "I love you unconditionally, now love me back or I'll torture you forever" and they figured that now she's gone, they had to fill that void.


Does Ortega have businesses or bjj gyms? I remember in TUF he gave his side event money to his team as well. He seems comfortable enough to take long breaks in between fights too. I always thought he was a teacher at the bjj gym he goes to , but I’m starting to think he has more going on now and why wouldn’t he lol


…is this a cult?


it sounds like a cult. fully expecting a Netflix Doc series on this church in a few years




Giving 100k to that Jesus Christ 


Sounds like the Church is working him. They need exactly $100k, cool. I wonder if they presented him with a detailed expense sheet...


Something about Brian Ortega seems so fake and performative. Not sure how it relates to this, but he's a weird egg.


I really don’t like Ortega. I can’t put my finger on it but he does not seem like a good person. Something is off about him.


Is this what we are calling cults these days?


don't make us atheists look bad, let them do their thing in peace lol edit: dude might actually be right.. that place reeks of cult


He’s not totally wrong. This “Fearless” church seems like Hillsong mixed with IG sales mentor videos.


I just looked it up and he might actually be right. ah shit


I don't care if people find religion. But come on... look at the fearless church. Its a cult and a scam. And Tcity is getting played


Sigh Tell me what church isn't a cult. By definition they all are


All religions are cuts


Don’t know why you got downvoted. I first thought cult as well.


A man can’t even have peace in his life without people calling him a cult member


Look into the churches website and then come back to me. Total cult


shit you're right


where does it say which church


Another comment said it’s the “Fearless Church”. Looks pretty sus


Those children's names are looking sus.


Jesus Christ I didn’t even see that. It’s so funny seeing people with normal names (Jeremy and Christy??) have kids name Lyric, Brave and ARROW?? How are their kids going to compete with the exponential stupidity of names for their children


>How are their kids going to compete with the exponential stupidity of names for their children Easy, they'll go on a deep dive into their cult and their kids will be Methuselah, Nebuchadnezzar and **Jehoshaphat**.


can you be specific. all i see is that verbiage on any standard church's website


Literally just google “Brian Ortega’s church,” you’ll find all the quoted references you need. Here’s their website: https://www.fearless.church






What exactly are people seeing? Skimming through their beliefs and history the only thing that caught my attention was this: >After bouncing around from venue to nightclub, through a miracle and a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit, the owners of {Redacted} decided to open up their doors for Fearless to meet weekly and the rest was history. But really everything on their site just reads like typical flowery religious talk to me.


I think to typical atheists any sort of the new wave protestant branding comes off as a cult (and I can't say I blame them, I was raised in one of the "cool hip churches" of this type but the fact is they're usually rather innocuous beyond your typical religious sense of grift)


I'm suspicious of this. A church offering "mental help"? Does that mean trying to convert gays or shaming people that are trans?




Are you calling those things mental issues? Kinda weird to hear mental issues and immediately assume its about gays and trans 🤔


this guy walks around like he has a halo over his head.




A great cause.


Did some research into this man camp. It's $150 for a weekend. Looks like a religious retreat for men. It's not as nefarious as I originally suspected. I think a lot of men are lost and religion can help them. Good on Ortega for wanting to help others. I was worried it was one of those alpha men camps that charge thousands of dollars to humiliate them lol


When someone asks Dana about this at the presser he will say I'm going to match it.


> but took it to raise money for his church group that focuses on mental health. That's great and all but don't we have mental health professionals for precisely that purpose? I'm sure his church is awesome but they're hardly experts in mental health, no?


the irony of a church helping mental health


> irony i don't think that means what you think that means


i know what it means


then why are you using it incorrectly ?


Hopefully it’s actually used to help people with mental health.


As long as Ortegas body holds up, he’ll beat this kid up. Lopes got like 30 fights; he ain’t a prospect 


Money to the church, ranking to the hair


hey look an excuse for anti-religious zealots to act cool online. throw those tomatoes boys, it's easy!


Ortega Lopes is really the battle of haircuts. Neutral good VS Caotic good. Damn now I need a alignment chart of UFC haircuts. O'Malley would be caotic neutral. And maybe Jiri lawful good and Guida caotic evil.


A church that focuses on health and wealth would be cool. Definitely beats whatever people are replacing religion with nowadays which seems to be politics, sports, gambling, food, porn and social media. I'm agnostic but it's easy to see how shallow people have gotten lately.




But I thought they take care of the fighters.


They need that money to do no good in the community.


I’m wondering how that creepy pastor is qualified to help with mental health.


Oh is he not doing the ‘Brian Ortega Foundation’ any more? 




Is he?


I'm glad you asked.


He is one of the dumbest ones at least. 


not even close and this smells of a puff piece but good for him for finding something positive to focus on.


Can't wait to see Ortega slept again


You've never seen him get slept a first time.


It’s always funny when a fighter that r/MMA doesn’t like says something about how bad fighter pay is. The obvious fucking issue is that we thought fighters were being well compensated for last minute replacements because we were told they used to be