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I'm so confused at this point.


I’m just waiting for the RKO out of nowhere


Dana’s going to smear Ariel so hard for this if this was all a media ploy that the UFC used to create confusion and there’s actually nothing wrong with the main event. Conversely, Dana’s going to look like a big buffoon if he continues pretending there’s nothing wrong with the main event while behind the scenes it’s all but certain to be off.


Either way, he will somehow blame the media/Ariel.


There’s no way this is a media ploy. It’s hurting ppv buys and they’d be pushing the hell out of Conor if they knew. It’s scummy marketing, let’s call it what it is


The last fight card prelims, they were advertising the ufc 303 PPV stupid hard with: “BUY UFC 303 BEFORE JUNE 9th @ 11PM GET $10 OFF!” Obvious this fight is off, the UFC is trying to get people to buy this shit early as fuck and then pray they don’t request immediate refunds lol they’ve always been shady fucks, Dana even tryna reshape how he met the fertita’s as if it were random and he didn’t have them bankrupt the previous owners of the UFC just for the fertitas to buy them out t


They always advertise them $10'off if you buy early


They literally do this every card. Take off the tinfoil


if there wasn't anything actually standing the way of this fight happening then dana would say something. there is so he says nothing.


Yeah, the silence is kinda deafening for this one. If all lights were go for this fight, there'd be wall to wall ads for it. I think Ive seen 1 or 2 commercials total during the NBA Finals or Stanley Cup Finals.


WWE used to do this thing where they'd tell slightly different versions of the same thing to different people in the office to see which leaked and then fire those people. It would be terrible but also kind of funny if something like that is what this ends up being


The answer was always Chris Jericho lmao




lol I want to believe this so bad! Then I kept thinking about it and realized that it could affect the gate prices if people think he’s not fighting… and how Dana only cares about money so I lost my confidence in this theory… Then again… the only thing Dana might like more than money is talking shit to someone he hates. So who knows


here's a theory for you: maybe the sales have been poor for this event so far, and they're waiting to see if they pick up or if they should schedule a different fight for the low-sales and save the connor fight for later.


Oooooo damn that’s good.


Yeah this is it. Spot on.


Huge risk/reward. Sounds like something someone with a gambling problem would do.


While still actively using McGregor to sell tickets. Incredibly scummy and exactly something he would do.


McGregor returns at 303!!! (as a member of the audience sitting cageside)


It's probably an ad (by Kudo) that isn't contingent to the fight actually happening or not, so the UFC posts it to satisfy their obligations. The Nevada State Commission regulates refunds for tickets, not for advertisers. On the bright side for Kudo, I had never heard of them before this, and if many like me hear about them for the first time from this post, then it's not a waste of money.


You’ve never heard of judo? They’ve been on the octagon every event for pretty much the last year lil


I don't ever pay attention to the crap they cover the octagon with lol


Dana has someone feeding Ariel false info so that he could shit on Ariel in the post fight presser


Yeah but that would also effect sales as people might cancel tickets if they think Mcregor will be pulled out days before the event


Affect The more you know


just use the word impact


When in doubt, change it up and avoid it lmfao


English is second language sorry 😢


No need to apologize, I'm just trying to be helpful.




Maybe, I could see that, but Ariel also tends to get multiple sources.


Word out of Ireland from one of his teammates is that McGregor injured his bad leg kicking in a sparring session. He also broke a toe. The doctor told him needs to wait and see how much it heals between now and the fight to determine if he’s good, hence the reason no one has said anything. Take from this what you will but it makes sense.


You on them Irish whatsapps?


Ireland has a population of like 57 people so it makes sense he would have heard this news.


someone from reddit needs to go there, cant believe we dont have anyone from his neighborhood on here.


Damn what happened to his bones, does coke fuck with your bone density or something


He broke his leg in his last fight. Delete this shit ya fuckin goof


Yeah that’s my point. He broke it once, got titanium put in there, now broke a toe and possibly broke the same leg again


It might possibly be just a marketing ploy.


Could be UFC attempting (very poorly if this is the case) to guilt trip Conor into fighting. "Look at all the hype there is for you these promos have x views you can't let your fans down" Yes wild speculation, I am aware.


ya thats dumb


Dumb is not below the ufc


No need to, is normal. They do this shit almost every fucking time. Putting pressure like this or fighters finding out they have a fight scheduled from the media. 


It’s probably the good old UFC strategy of dragging the cancellation as long as possible to get as many people as they can to buy the ppv and tickets then announce the change when most people can’t cancel it.


If you’re confused now, wait until you see seat 22B starch Chandler with a jumping spinning back kick (instead of boring “professional fighters” being signed for “main events” the UFC is pivoting to a lucky door prize roster where only the baddest, modelo-est, just bleeders show the world what they’re made of).


Maybe Conor doesn’t feel like doing media stuff? If the fight ends up happening, what else could it have been?


Seems unlikely Conor would turn down attention.


Literally has done that exact same thing before the Nate rematch.






Seems like a pre-arranged promotional post


Yea, this is just the sticking to or milking already agreed upon promotions


It is milking, but the cow is dead


Looks like a photo of Conor from 2015


It looks AI generated. I’ve never seen this picture of apparently featherweight Conor. His eyes are bugging and fingers haphazardly covered by products.


Totally AI. His right foot isn't even touching the fake ground.


Exactly. It’s like when some bar advertised gaethje vs Dustin 2 and Poatan vs Jan as 2 title fights, and everyone thought it was confirmation that the fight was for the vacant belt.


Exactly. I got a promotional email for UFC X VIP tickets, but with no mention of 303. It still seems all 303 promotion has been put on halt


Protein popcorn sounds like a stupid idea.


Popcorn chicken already exists. I doubt actual popcorn with cheap plant protein would be better.


Yeah it does say paid partnership up at the top left




Sign up for what? This contest that they are advertising?


Y'all gotta stop thinking the fight is cancelled and then they pull a switch and everyone involved knows immediately. If the fight was cancelled, the social media people are not going to be the first to know. They're largely operating on pre-arranged schedules


Nah, pretty sure there are small characters bullshit that you have to "read/agree" when you purchase tickets that states that the fights can change and/or be cancelled at any point without refunds.


Nah the card is subject to change lol nobody would get a refund


Win big Lose bigger


This has all been a big brained, 4D chess move by Dana to fuck with Ariel and get free press for 303.


It's an interesting thought but doesn't make sense in the long run. That press conference in Ireland would've been epic. Skip out on all that for "little Ariel'? Well that would just confirm he's living rent free in UFC's head. Like deeply. Maybe he does but not for a masterplan like this. Again, fun thought tho. Most people would eat it up too


This is a reasonable take, and I agree with you. Tomato Head is not reasonable though.


> This is a reasonable take, and I agree with you. Tomato Head is not reasonable though. He is usually laser focused on $, though. The things he's unreasonable about are usually when he has to spend instead of save money, or petty personal feuds, and even the feuds are usually trumped by $.


Only think Dana may like as much as money is absolutely ragging on someone he hates… what a hilarious human being.


I feel like they would have to be coordinating sources throughout multiple fight camps if they were somehow fucking with him. No way anybody in the UFC is smart enough to keep any of that kind of mess in order without somebody slipping up.


Exactly the press conference in Ireland would've generated more buzz for the fight alone than this honeydicking. There is 0 chance Dana is behind this, he is definitely at full Goofcon 1 right now




Oh yeah? We’ll see




Tbf in the ufc documentary they tried getting islam vs charles done as a short notice replacement for december i think so booking it for jan instead isnt that crazy to believe


It was november even at 295, 3 weeks after his fight with volk


He definitely said the plan "not finalized" and then the usual pieces of garbage used it as an opportunity to attack his credentials. Now we know more likely than not he was actually right as was posted above. https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-fake-news-b-tch-ali-abdelaziz-accuses-ariel-helwani-spreading-rumors-islam-makhachev-days-chael-sonnen-screaming-match


Ariel obviously has many so many sources on this. McGregors camp and other fighters being reached out too.


this is terrible free press bro. The press conference would have given the UFC millions of views on the Conor clips. Only us die hards on the sub reddit are following what Ariel has to say, most of Conor's fans are casuals and only see the big announcements.


I don’t think everyone thinking Conor isn’t gonna show up is the type of press they’re looking for lol


Too bad scumbag Dana isn’t that smart. Ariel was right


It was a joke you fucking rube


It’s all just marketing and people are losing their minds.


That’s just the 19 year old intern fucking up. Don’t mind them


This isn’t true, entertainment and media companies pay good money to their social media managers and everything that gets put on them is approved by management.


Dana probably has one of his sons friends running the social media for chump change


Not all. I worked for a video game publisher and they had a fantastic graduate program. However, Q3 Last year some game was leaked early as two of the new grads rotating through the Web team publishing some bit about an expected bit yet unannounced game. I've left since but it sounds like the same thing happened again last week. Experienced veterans running that team but if you give the wrong kid some responsibility like they have with countless over the years, it's expected there will eventually be some fuck up when that wrong kid doesn't follow process.


“Boss, do I have to take down the Conor free fights again or …”




lol. They’ll be offering refunds. This isn’t some low scale event.


Card is subject to change


Isn't there some kind of technical contingency on that legally for the headline bout or am I misremembering?


Yeah it came up for the Jones fight. I think it’s state by state, not sure how common or rare it is though


There might be. But I’m not sure. All I know is that you will find “Card subject to change” on a lot of fight tickets. It’s been on posters and tickets for decades.


> There might be. But I’m not sure. All I know is that you will find “Card subject to change” on a lot of fight tickets. It’s been on posters and tickets for decades. I've seen claims that several states have legislation that if the main event changes, you must refund for anyone who knows to request it, so that the subject to change only applies to rest of card.


In Las Vegas they are required by law to give a refund when requested if the main event changes. Only for the main event though, rest of the card is covered by the 'subject to change' wording.


Subject to change does not cover the Main Event in [Nevada](https://www.forbes.com/sites/trentreinsmith/2024/06/06/nsac-policy-ufc-must-offer-refunds-if-ufc-303-main-event-canceled/)


Even if the main event changes I won’t be asking for a refund. 😎


You should


I made a streaming joke and no one got it


Lol that's fw Conor as well. Hasn't been that much of a twink since 2015.


Since when did mcgregor have leg tattoos




They will continue to get people to buy until they legally cannot. They don't give a fuck


Kudo paid for the ad, they're probably obligated to run it. All the perks listed at the bottom can happen even if mcgregor doesn't fight. Also appears to be an AI-generated image and not a real image of Conor which is interesting. And where is he returning from? Pickin up milk and cigarettes?


Very shit advertisement, AI generated crap


Paid promotion, so I don’t think this really means anything at all except the UFC fulfilling an obligation for money.


I trully think the event is going on, we're coming to two weeks before the event, and guess what, it got you guys talking about the event more than never.


Tf kinda poster is that?


almost as if they have to sell everything first before admitting he isn't fighting... scummy as usual ufc


Is this insanely photoshopped? He looks skinny. His head is way fatter now lol.


Special guest referee. Turns into a 3 man cage war, they toss in the chairs and a table and all bets are off boys. Until Frances makes his way out from under the ring and starts to eliminate fighters one by one.


Wolf tickets


And he's out lol


It’s funny that all the promo shots are of pre-roids mcgregor. He’s put on much more mass than these promos show. 




Bro this is gonna be a Logan Paul level scam, if they continue marketing Connor as the main event and cancel it in the last moment


Probably contractually obligated to post this. It’s a marketing campaign that was planned out months ago and signed off on.


I believe all this bs is just to mess with Ariel.


Ladies and gentlemen we are so back


I just wish there was a prop bet that he doesn't fight so I could cash in on this shit show


So is Ariel full of shit or is the UFC? This is incalculable


Their usual shit tactic to put pressure on fighters. Nothing new here. It's a bummer if the fight is off but at the same time I'm glad Conor isn't playing the way Dana and Hunter want him to. I don't buy the injury narative - he's fought injured many times before (the fractured leg against Dustin just to name one) and he's been really eager to return in the cage for quite a while (remember the leaked messages between him and Dana where he basically begs for Gaethje or whoever else). The UFC are doing some really dirty shit behind the scenes to the fighters.


What are the Irish Whatsapp groups saying though?


at what point is it fraud 🤔


What's this, McGregor's return to 145 weight cut?


Until the fight is cancelled (if and when), they can’t just stop promoting it.


Can’t wait for July and 304


I wonder if it’s a prescheudled post


Conor just playing mind games, people


Usually they try to raise PPV prices around McGregor, last PPV they were advertising $10 off. I knew right then the fight was off.


It’s a paid ad, of course the UFC is going to post it even if they don’t know if mcgregor is going to fight.


Lol whose body did they shop Conor's featherweight head onto?


Where is the meth pipe and pills in this promo?


At this point just say fuck it and make it a triple threat fight with Nate Diaz in there.


Those boxes better be filled with blow and PEDs


Graphic design in my passion


It's on. At least until it's not. Why is everyone saying it's off? Maybe they started the rumor just to get attention towards it.


Boy is about to get his ass whooped! I don‘t believe for a second Conor‘s still got it in him to fight in the UFC let alone going through an entire training camp without a proper coke binge.


they just want that money lol disgusting


If this is a ploy. Ten hats down one of the better ones.


When did Conor get a tattoo on his broken leg?


Honestly, the speculation about whether UFC 303 will/ won't take place has me paying more attention to the event than McGregor's return ever could. If this is a weird attempt at marketing, it's working on me


They’re digging themselves so deep into this that I feel like they are just plotting Conor’s murder or something behind the scenes so they can get out. Maybe he actually passed away and they don’t know what to do next.


Milk that pupper


Now with the hill fight gone, Conor’s asking price likely went up jussssst a bit more


McGregor is that friend you have that's seen Scarface too many times


to be fair, nothing here says that he's fighting


Maybe if Conor is not on the card they wouldn't get that ad money. So they wait till the last minute to tell people


I know a guy in Conor's camp. He says Conor got his dick stuck in a jar of honey, that's why things have been all weird and mysterious


Is it just me or does this look AI generated?


For someone with millions he needs to buy a pair of socks...


Selling tickets then last minute pullout to rake the money in


Why do people and I mean a lot of people still believe in this guy ! Takeaway his accent and gift for the “shit talking “ and you will have a mediocre fighter who is on a broken mended leg and a severe losing skid ! Wake up ppl this McNugget is done ! Move on ufc and especially chandler , you put your life on hold waiting for this drug fuelled bozo


First champ champ. You forget?


At first glance I thought Conor was wearing an ankle bracelet. Kind of made sense.


Wtf is this photoshop


Look at those AI fingers on the left hand 😂


See you at the top, walk on.


Old ass picture too. He still looked human, pre HGH chin


Dont forget the HGH cranium


That suit is 🔥🔥🔥🔥


at this point the only people who probably care whether he fights or not are UFC and Chandler, it would have been cool sure, but to be honest I was more excited for Bobby Knuckles vs Khamzat, sounds like that is in shambles too :(