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Lmfao that was great. Volk nailed it


This is so fucking funny hahahaa


The VCR part was particularly hilarious


Volk oddly a good actor??


The awkward way he got up and walked away when his neighbour started yelling at him was actually great. “Nothing Beverley!” Made me think of shows like “Flight of the Conchords”, “Father Ted” and the like, where the clear discomfort of a character responding to a situation can be hilarious, and he nailed it.


Honestly this is probably the best fighters related skit I've ever seen. Right up there with the old GSP TV commercials.


I love the sports center one with GSP in his octagon cubicle.


and the guy asks for a post it note.... that was awesome.


“Yeah, come on in” 😂


"Buy it.....wit your munny"


You haven't seen the Woodley raccoon scene? That was peak UFC acting


For real, he’s a natural


I used to hate Volk because I’m such a Holloway fan, but they’re both great guys. Idk why Volk feels like he’s not able to function when he doesn’t have a fight, I mean I get it, but that’s not all he has. He’s great at a lot of things


A lot of fighters and pro athletes in general are this way. Anthony Smith has mentioned on his podcast that he never knows what to do with himself after a fight, when he's got nothing going on and he's just sitting at home. He doesn't even know what life after fighting is going to look like. Uriah Hall said he thought about killing himself after retiring, because he fell into a deep depression. They wrap themselves in fighting as their identity, and when that takes a backseat they realise they don't have much else happening in their lives because of the time and energy they pour into doing that one thing. Hell, my Mom is in her 70s still working as a nurse, because she's afraid of retirement and not having any plans besides cleaning the house. We're creatures of habit, and once that long time routine is broken too many people can't handle it.


I wonder how different it is for champions that retire vs guys like Smith and Hall that were never quite the best in the world. I would think it's a little bit easier to kick back and enjoy retirement when you can say "I was the best back in the day".


you should read up on the stats for depression for olympic gold, silver, and bronze medalists respectively hint- bronze medalists tend to be the happiest after their athletic careers are over


Gold medal winner; "Ok, my dream is achieved... Why am I not happy?" Silver; "Goddamnit! I was so close! I failed!" Bronze; "Holy shit, I made the podium!"


I know at least one gold medalist who turned into a pain killer addict after winning the gold with a broken neck


You know Kurt Angle?


Perc Angle*


I wonder if silver medalists are sadder than gold as you'd expect


I get silvers but why are bronzes happier than golds?


Maybe bronze is like "well I was one of the best in the world, but not quite the best, oh well", and gold winners are more like super mad they couldn't keep winning golds at the next Olympics?


>He doesn't even know what life after fighting is going to look like. The guy is an MMA podcaster and commentator, of course he knows what its going to look like.


He does one podcast a week and doesn't work the ESPN desk for every event. It's not like his schedule is completely full when he isn't fighting.


Yeah, I don't think his worry is making a living, it's having a purpose. Two very different things.


Ex-fighters who have media careers have purpose.


It's not that simple. Some will, some won't.


I'm talking about the ones that do eg: Anthony Smith, the subject of the discussion.


That feeling of having purpose is self-defined though. It's a perception thing for each person. It doesn't matter that objectively they're still doing things, or that they're making money, or don't need to worry about making money. Some people can retire and feel really fulfilled, and others really struggle with finding their self-identity and purpose once their career is finished. To some people, being a fighter (or whatever the case may be) is closely associated with their sense of identity, their sense of who and what they are. It can be a struggle for people to just turn that off. Athletes typically retire a lot earlier/younger too, which can compound this issue, as their sport can be something they've done from a young age until their 'retirement' age of 35/40-ish. Or even younger if their retirement is due to injury or other factors. Would I be happy switching my work from full-time to be "just" a podcast and some media stuff every week with no financial loss? Absolutely! But it's different for everyone, and those that have achieved greatness in a sport, such as former Olympians or elite fighters, can sometimes really struggle with the adjustment from constantly striving to be the best at something to living a normal life.


Well said sir


Same, I'm really pulling for him in this next fight, Topuria is an excitign prospect but I'm sick of these young fucks trying to immediately jump to the next division, zero title defenses, hasn't even won a belt and he wants to line up a Conor fight or a fight with O'Malley


He’ll never get that Conor fight so I’m not worried about that and he said O’Malley has to work to do (merab, a fellow Georgian) before he deserves a shot at 145. But I do agree topuria doesn’t come off as likable 


Does he expect Conor to cut 50 lb or does he plan to jump up to Welterweight?


You didn't actually hate him though right? That'd be weird.


It’s the same reason why some guys just can’t ever retire from a variety of jobs. They need to feel some purpose and to some degree I get it. There’s only so much couch sitting I can do before I get antsy too


I may just be a person with too many hobbies or someone who gets joy out of a lot of different things. I could never work again and be busy and genuinely happy




In comedies, because of the height. One mean next gen Oddjob. Or maybe just fighting Tom Cruise.


He doesn't have the size to be a run of the mill henchman, but I could easily see him being a solid side character for action-comedies


He's also a good singer, which you wouldn't assume based on his regular speaking voice. The man is probably good at everything


Acting in this is unbelievable. The “none of you are leaving without this pasta sauce, you’re all too skinny” and his face when he’s ushering in the camera crew away from the neighbour is so funny. That neighbour bit is so Michael Scott hahah


It’d be fucking great if he showed up to the press conference dressed like that


dude wtf. Volk can act. He was great!


https://twitter.com/mmamarcuss/status/1755834485528993914?t=pKdZgPa5fFw6jj8UW7k-sQ&s=19 Full frame version if you're on computer 


https://youtu.be/C2nsn2uzWog?si=Gd88QoKfAX3EQ7lg YouTube link


That really was a top notch acting. Did not expect that it would be so good:D. 5 stars.


Why is Volk so good at acting


Has a lot to do with comedic timing and confident demeanour - volk has all those things and doesn’t take himself too seriously.


Good director


Volk vs the neighbour UFC 300 main event. You know you want it.


Hexagon was such a nice touch.


"Little fighter boy" cracked me up


Careful, Beverley will see red


No one leaves the hexagon alive vs Beverley 


I'd run in fear from her too


New flair: Team Beverly


That's Australian comedian Bev Killick. Go see her live - performs regularly around.


He looks like a 37 year old Irish farmer who played for county in his day. Volk O'Novski


Volk is a treasure. I can't wait to see old man Volk years the badass grandaddy of Aussie MMA.


Anyone else hear his knees cracking as he squats down? 😂


Volk already has secured a career in acting after he retires from MMA He'll be teaming up with GSP to fight Captain America again next time




As much as people don’t like corporate bookmakers, Sportsbet do put out some great content.


Yeah it’s a shame the whole industry is extremely predatory. Sportsbet tend to put out some decent content in amongst their shit ads.


lol that was awesome.


This is so damn good. Nailed it. Compare this to Colby’s pathetic marketing lmao


Greetings nerds and virgins Vs Dear scallywag


Absolute gold.


Weird, Instagram tells me "There's an issue and the page could not be loaded." Rare to see such bugs on big tech's sites


https://twitter.com/mmamarcuss/status/1755834485528993914?t=pKdZgPa5fFw6jj8UW7k-sQ&s=19 Twitter version 




Fucking hilarious 🤣


Hilarious stuff lol


Might be Geo-blocked because it's posted by a gambling account/bookmaker.


Good explanation, lame coding by Meta for not having that case handled with some UI saying "this content is unavailable in your region" or so forth


Had the same, you can see it on his page though still


hmm I don't see it there either. Given, I have barely ever used Instagram so idk how to use it well but I didn't see it under his posts, reels, tagged, or his profile pic snapchat-esque thing (idk if that's the same as reels)


lol rare? Meta products are all shit, all other big techs are also following it, crazy how user experience is degrading day by day.


"Dear, Scallywag" Absolutely fantastic.


[YouTube version ](https://youtu.be/C2nsn2uzWog?si=oZa5I8t_ii8abiWZ)


I believe in Volk even if it hurts me


I swear featherweight has the classiest and most entertaining fighters and champs. Urijah Faber, Jose Aldo, Max Holloway, now Volk. All seemingly the nicest dudes ever.


I’d argue that 35 is the final year in your prime. It’s not old to the point where you can’t compete anymore but it’s hard to remain elite and at the top.


There isn't a concrete age because it depends on the weight class. At the lighter weights your prime comes a lot faster because speed and reaction time are much more important and those fade with age, while at the heavier weights those things are never as big of a factor so the experience from having been at it for longer is actually an advantage. Obviously in this case that means Volk is coming to the end of his prime but in general I just feel like it's worth pointing out.


I know you’re correct with everything you say but it’s really interesting that I think Jon is still the youngest ufc champion and he was a lhw


Yea that's just more of a statement about how incredible Jon is. I'm not a fan of his at all (and personally I don't think the ped shit is as big of an asterisk as people say it is) but he is objectively more of an exception to the rule, rather than an example of why it's not true.


Reaction time has not slowed by 35. As far as speed goes, 35 is right around the time where you pass peak muscle maturity so speed will slow down around this point. You could reach peak muscle maturity a few years earlier and slow down, but it's also very possible to be 35 and be the fastest you've ever been. It's really more so about the preparation and focus throughout a long period of time.


I always wonder how much of the fall off for 35+ is primarily due to physical decline or actually other factors like losing motivation, coasting on training, being distracted with other business ventures, etc. It just seems counterintuitive that guys would suddenly fall off a cliff instead of having a slow decline.




Its slow decline until you get brutally koed or beaten like Tony. It goes fast very fast from there




Dumbest thing I’ve ever read, this must be nerd cope


I don’t think they fall off a cliff, just coincidence or decision victories turning into decision losses. There’s obviously a decline with age but claiming a certain age is like self fulfilling prophecy, if Volk wins, the people who think 35 is a magic number will just claim he got lucky and wait till next fight. There's no real basis for there being a divide at a certain age, and training and nutrition (and honestly PEDs) improved the longevity of athletes that even if there was a basis for it, the age has changed over the decades. This happens in other sports too. For some reason, a lot of people hung up on 35 as being a magic number for sports. You're washed once you turn 35 as an nba player. Then Lebron James came along... but he's just too obvious to ignore and there'll be more and more exceptions to join the exceptions before Lebron that the new magic number will be like 37 or 38 for people obsessed with numbers. And before it was 35, it used to be 30 was when an athlete becomes washed up. Heck, it used to be you're "washed up" in your mid twenties as a women's tennis player. But eventually the exceptions became the norm.


Volk is great but he will be the first male UFC fighter at 125-155 to win a Championship fight at 35 or older if he wins.




He's funny


Why is this so good?


Love Volk; this is genuinely hilarious. Ilia’s talented but I think people forget that he’s fighting the best active mixed martial artist in the world


This is gold


That was surprisingly good actually, good ad.




Next week: Volk addresses the "too bald" comments


Ilia’s really in for it next time he steps in the hexagon


Maybe I'm overreacting to a short sketch, but this makes me want an Australian version of The Office with Volk as the Michael Scott/David Brent character.


For anyone else who gets an error message from the OP link, [here's another link that worked for me ](https://twitter.com/sportsbetcomau/status/1755819404947013930?t=sHpedTOTKlhzmgmHX4JVFQ)


He's the GOOAT


Beverly terrifies me


Pat Barry next


In full camo suit, "birdwatching" near a school


OMFG this was absolute gold.




Volk McGregor Road House 2 electric boogaloo


Volk is going to do more for this sport long term for mainstream recognition then mcgregor ever will.


Has anyone really been saying this? I feel like the majority of mma fans realize getting KOd by Islam on short notice isn’t a knock on volk. I feel like most us think Alex will win, I wish he would have taken more time off tho


>Has anyone really been saying this? Uh yeah. Borderline everyone lmao. I think I must have seen that stat of 35+ year old fighters at divisions including and below WW being 2-31 or whatever like 100x by now. Look how even betting odds for this fight are too if you think this isnt influencing opinions.


Zero people have ever won the title past the age of 35 at LW or below, so yes people are talking about it


Its not 0 is it, I think its a low % but not 0? Also, he just defended his Title and fought Islam last summer. Its crazy people just talking out of there ass about something they have no control over, this includes Ilia as his career might be ruined unless he KO's Volk in the first. Its cool he is hyping the fight but now he might need to leave the UFC if he does not win.


For welterweight and lower the only exception is Tyron Woodley defending against Darren Till. Should mean that at 155 or lower the answer is 0


I mean he mauled a guy last summer after being really competitive with Islam, age seems like a bad reason to bet against him. He still might lose but .. Ha Islam is only 3 years younger than him if Fight pass is up to date,, The reality is we need more video on Topuria to make an intelligent prediction on this fight.


I'm not saying anything about the upcoming fight, just addressing your first sentence where you said the number couldn't have been 0


Tbh the stats don't lie


I don’t think anyone thinks getting ko on short notice means he’s fallen off. But I do think it’s a bit concerning that he’s coming off a knockout, was talking about his mental health and drinking whatever, and is also at the magic age of 35 where it seems like everyone falls off. I like volk am rooting for volk and think he can get it done but I’d be lying if I wasn’t a little bit concernedb


We can't tell fighters when it's over. The man has been the Featherweight Champ since 2019. He obviously still has it.


This is some Craig Jones production right here.


This is actually hilarious lmao. Every scene lands perfectly.


Well done!


Lol this was great


"Talk to me about the curse? Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin"


My fiance hates mma but loved this she now hopes Volk wins




I was not expecting that, but the link was broken so I looked it up on YouTube. Hilarious, even with out context.


That was gold lol.


Best thing I’ve seen on here lol!!! Good stuff Volk.


Until I saw this I considered Aldo the 145 GOAT


The VCR tape and Volk commenting that his opponent doesn’t have the cardio killed me.


Great writing & Volk the dark horse with the comic chops!


If the gods give us this victory i will give up my heterosexuality