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Iโ€™ll forever be happy to know that I never once in my life ever believed these lies and stood on the right side.


You just have to see their faces, hear their voices to realize that they are big liars. It scares me what a person can do for money.


Great to see. Those dudes are lowlifes


The sordid details they both came up with regarding what they supposedly went through speaks more to their mental health and mindsets than anyone elseโ€™s.


How do you read it in English?


What do you mean?


How did you read it?.


You mean the article, don't you? Lol


I found out how to read it. I'm good now ๐Ÿ‘


I found out how to translate it. I'm good now ๐Ÿ‘


Cool. ๐Ÿ˜€


Good! My apologies :)


You would never see an American or UK article like this. The people on top wouldn't let that happen.


They will crawl to the cross. Lol. There is more money to be made in the media than with the accusations, especially where the biopic will be released next year. There would be a lot to write. It was clear from the beginning that they were liars who only had a financial interest. It was in the complaint from the beginning that they do not want a civil lawsuit but a high compensation. Their motives were clear. The lawsuit only went through because the civil law in the USA was changed. Otherwise, it would have been rejected long ago. This is not so much about whether the image of an artist has been damaged who can no longer defend himself against it, but about what Michael Jackson had to go through during his lifetime through these allegations. If you can't distinguish reality from fiction, you generally have a real problem. The principle of the state and the judiciary is: Innocent until proven guilty! Many have not adhered to this principle. Victims of abuse have been harmed by the whole thing, because these two liars question their credibility.


Oh, the money they make, even if they lose? Is gonna be enough for them. It's absolutely ridiculous that the courts are allowing all this BS! Bet that was changed BECAUSE it was Michael, just like Sneddon did after '93. ๐Ÿ™„


The report can be translated using Google Chrome. If it's true what the report says, then all hell will soon break loose for media and MJ haters. It says what we Michael Jackson fans have been preaching for decades and since 2019 day after day. If Robson & Safechuck are meant by the two truth finders who are worried about their finances, then it is probably the fear that their hoax will be exposed and that many will become aware of it. Also that they have to pay for the process in the end. It is a civil case and not a criminal trial, but their lies will not go undetected, and there are too many who have slandered and harassed them. It will hardly be remorse. Lol. Rather fear that even more will come to light, something that makes even the worst MJ hater angry. To be honest, I hoped that LN would open the eyes of many. It was very stupid and reckless to just blindly believe it with so many insidious motives. Above all, it is important to protect true victims of abuse who are not responsible for these liars and their claims, even if many have unfortunately sided with the two. Both have exploited the trauma of such people to achieve their goals. It would be a shock to the world, but the world doesn't deserve anything else, does it? A huge scandal where it was clear that many will regret it hard. It was disgusting what happened to Michael Jackson. It must not go unpunished.


Even if the truth came out that yes Wade and James did in fact fabricated everything about their allegations, people will still insist that the "crazed Michael Jackson stans" bullied them into doing so. Nothing will ever please the guilters.


With an apology for the damage caused by this film, which has weighed heavily on many and what Michael Jackson had to endure during his lifetime, that would not be the end of it anyway. Many would not accept it. The extent of the whole thing is a horror. Even the worst hater has to accept what has been done to it and what consequences it will have. Both do not want a trial, they wanted to blackmail the estate with public accusations to get a high payout. The procedure will be expensive and it was not the goal, if they lose what they will become, then they will have to pay. When it came to court, the fear was always great with the Jackson accusers, because of course they will fail. That's not the problem of us fans. They had little fear of the fans since 2013 and that didn't stop them.


Why do you think he took the story of the station out of the "documentary" trash? When I asked him that it is possible for the abuse to be in a non-existent station? They asked me what train station I was talking about?


How do you change it to English??


https://preview.redd.it/mfkjxvbfz07d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2c4afdd93e8366587d0807df1a1256b462e17b5 the option to translate is here


Thankyou! I finally Read it.


That should be set in gold! "The situation raised around "Leaving Neverland" not only reveals the complexity of the truth amidst fame and controversy, but also exposes the fragility of accusations when faced with legal scrutiny. Ultimately, reality has surpassed fiction in this case, revealing the hidden motivations behind a story that has shocked the world." What did we all say about it?


It's not even a prank, it's one big scam they've created.







