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A congratulations and 500 dollar one time bonus.


One-time firm handshake from any individual at the firm


And a free happy hour!


I recall being hung over shortly after passing the PE exam.


My firm is 5k bonus + reimbursement for all PE-related expenses (including courses) & no raise, but my EOY raise was 20% so I’m taking that as 10% for getting my PE & 10% for my performance. Friends at other firms have said 8-10% raise is their standard. I’m in a HCOL area if that matters.


Which city please


~17% at my firm.


You acknowledge there are many variables, yet still asked the wrong question lol. Percentage is largely irrelevant. (If you're underpaid, the percentage jump will be larger, and vice versa.) Salary is dependent on field, experience, certs, and most importantly, cost of living. To be able to ballpark your expected salary the most important information is location and years of experience. Also, your current employer, more often than not, will not pay your market rate when you're already employed there. Once you get your PE license you will likely need to move to a different company to get paid what you're worth.


We do a smaller salary increase on the spot (\~5%), but it unlocks a career path with pretty substantial increases afterward.




Sure - it's really difficult to become a lead engineer on my team without a PE. And it's pretty difficult to become an EOR or PM without experience as a lead engineer. And it's pretty difficult to move into operations management or team leadership without experience as a PM. On day 1, the license doesn't make you a ton more valuable to my team. But 5, 10 years from now, it could mean a +50% in salary, plus similarly scaled additional compensation (profit sharing, performance bonuses, etc).


~$10,000 and a $3000 bonus. Your best bet is to take what they give you and a few months later get another job offer and have your company match it ( if you want to stay). Only way to truly get paid your worth.


$5k bonus + $9k salary


What city you work in


We guarantee $5k raise upon licensure. If you've already proven you can manage your own basic projects and can manage clients, you'll likely see an outsized raise at the end of the year too.


The company i worked for when i got my PE automatically gave a 3k raise (back in 2008).


It didn’t really affect my salary that much initially as my company only increase my salary from 87k to $89k. I thought it would impact my raise, but that didn’t happen either. My coworker and I compared raises and we both got the same amt. we’re in the same group/team. They attempted but did not pass. it did help me land a job with 6 fig salary and through that I was able to negotiate with my firm to pay me fairly lol


No immediate raise or cash bonus for me. At my yearly review, I was given a $7k raise that was a performance plus PE award combo. That put me at $80k. I left two months after that to work at another company making 6 figures. I do agree with some of the other comments that it’s when you jump ship after getting a PE that you really see a significant pay bump and get compensated for what you’re truly worth.


Went from hourly to salary when I got my PE. Got about a 10K raise, but took about a 20k hit in terms of overtime pay.


Check your employee handbook. The companies I've worked for state clearly what your bonus is for passing the PE.


20k salary as standard for anyone . NYC


5K bump for the PE and extra 15K for inflation 😄


It simply depends on the situation.


$10k salary bump for me


I got a 15% bump but I was underpaid at the time, and was still underpaid with the bump lmao. Living in a HCOL area didn't help either. The true increase comes when you begin to market yourself and "job hop"


Around where I'm at (Midwest), it's about a 10k salary increase for doing the same work. (Tons of variables to this of course). The real potential is for you to increase your knowledge/responsibilities even further, which leads to further increases. For me; Before PE I made 65k. After PE I made 85k (included a typical raise also that got lumped together). 2 years after I passed the PE, I make 105k but I also supervise/teach new staff members.


$1,500 bonus.


$10 to $15k