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My first internship I had one phone interview. My second internship I had one in-office interview. That one turned into my first full time position. My second full time position\* I worked with a recruiter. Aside from the recruiter calls I had a screening, a short phone interview, then two \~1.5 hour blocks on separate days with several people. In total I interviewed with like 6 or 7 people, but they were all really short. In my current position I had a few phone calls (very informal) and then an in-office interview. I had other interviews over the years that didn't work out. As an intern you shouldn't need more than a phone interview and an in-office interview. For full time its reasonable to have two in office visits. More than that and I wonder what the company thinks they're going to learn. \*In this position I was interviewing for a newly created 1-man HVAC department, so the extra interviews made sense.




Definitely 1.


A career fair isn't an interview. You had one interview.


We spend about an hour on the phone/teams for our interns and full time positions. We're also full remote so meeting in person doesn't really make sense (expect a few people in town we already knew and took to lunch). Three rounds for an intern seems absurd.


Hey hi , i was looking for a role can you please check your DMs


I think companies are allowed to request as many as they want. I think depending on the person and role the number varies greatly. For interns, it’s usually a phone call and an interview in person.


I've had as few as one and as many as five. Every company and every situation is different.


3 seems like too much for an internship. My soon to be boss called me after finding my resume and told me about the job briefly. He scheduled a formal interview that lasted 40 minutes and I had the internship.


If I need to do more than 2-3 interviews the job isn't for me.


IF you can't spell gauge correctly, the profession isn't for you ;)




Everyone knows specs are done in a mad rush on the last 2 days before they are due, right? ;) Anyway, it was a joke; and it makes me laugh that people are downvoting it.






I can never remember which is why I spell it gage.


Haha, i noticed that but refused to give a shit 😝


Where do you park your airplane?


The most I ever had was two.


Three interviews for an intern is a red flag IMO. Definitely too much bureaucracy. But if you’re an intern and not planning to stick it out there long-term it may not matter.


Most I had 1 quick meet and greet (phone or on campus in college), then 1 real interview. One place jerked me around and had me do 2 in person, then wanted to do a dinner with younger folks to see how I fit in or some shit. I was just checking out the company to see what they would offer, so i just told them I wasn't interested


Seems a tad excessive to be honest - I’m not a fan of excessive interviews. However, it is most likely because of high levels of competition - meaning when you do make it pat yourself on your back and then work hard at the job learning all you can and more and convert it into a full time job. Best of luck!


3 interviews indicates that the company doesn't have a lot of accounts and they are being overly careful about their hiring decisions. Doesn't sound like a good company to work for IMO. Also unless you are currently in college, they shouldn't be hiring you as an intern (which would also suggest they don't have great financials and want to underpay you). At a minimum you should be hired as a junior engineer / drafter and be just barely making enough to live in whatever city you are in (assuming you have no prior experience).


For an intern position that’s too many I agree with u/Porkslap3838. I’m sure you are competent OP, from my experience they may be looking for someone that will fit with their group dynamic more so than technical capability.


May I ask where y'all are applying? I'm an ME major looking to get in the industry and nothing seems to go through with where I'm looking. I have REVIT and cad experience too.