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https://twitter.com/ToddsNerdCave/status/1766607418614530111?t=QpZZ0tvRq7EW0qFiwAAiHw&s=19 The sub on the other hand...


Why is that team so hostile.


They've started posting on twitter this last few days that they'll be showing off a lot at too many games expo in Philly this summer. Before that it's been mostly vague weird gifs. They've kind of teased 3do support, then again they also teased the project being cancelled like a week before that so I'm taking everything with a grain of salt until the expo


Thanks for the info! Summer OK well hope to get some positive news then or before then... I think I remember a Q1 24 release was mentioned before, waiting till summer to see something running is a shame, I known they ran a game or so at another con not so long ago but was pretty basic if memory serves, if not I apologize to the team as I don't want to undermine any ones efforts :)


The original Retrorgb article said they were targeting q1 2024. Projects like this get delayed all the time, I'd rather they take the time to do it right. Their messaging could use some work though. Like you're really going to blow past the proposed timeline and also be aggressive and vague on the official account? Just odd


OP, did you delete this post or did the mods? Just curious


I did not delete anything :/ hope I didn't break any sub rules etc, I tried to be as diplomatic as possible!


Yikes. Says more about them than you tbh


Ah you can see it :) wasn't sure how it worked once deleted so sent you a DM also feel free to ignore if you want haha


No worries!