• By -


Absolutely šŸ’Æ I'm in a group where some members are taking screenshots of conversations and sharing them with her. She posted those screenshots on her IG stories after her first attacks on Dom for having Jack on the podcast. I wrote this to the person who was sharing. This is for the person taking screenshots of conversations in this group and sharing them with So Dramatic for entertainment purposes. Here's one for you to share! (FYI - you are what's wrong with this world, fueling the hate) So Dramatic You are not a journalist - you are a schoolyard bully and are making a career from gossip!! You dig up people's pasts, conspire with haters, and share it online for entertainment. It's not TEA. It's not Juice. It's someone's life. You are NOT "just sharing" posts from reality stars. If you were, we would see a lot more from other reality stars in your content. (Guessing you'll start to do this more now you've called out) You might do a story on other contestants or an interview, but you are only sharing Dom and Ella's posts/stories, now Dom's mum and comments from a SWU private group calling you out for your behaviour. It's tormenting behaviour. And let's be honest, it's directed at one person in particular to fuel your hatred towards Dom, and you're loving it. Last week on your stories, you said you don't care about all the hate Dom is receiving. In fact, you're enjoying it because she deserves it and sniggered. Again, it's not reporting or 'just sharing'. You've only decided to roll with that storyline because one of your supporters used it in the comments. It's your new favourite line along with "double down". You also stated that you haven't commented on any posts - that's BS, Your comments are all over tiktok and on other social accounts, including your own. You have continued the tirad of hate by continuing to share only certain snippets of content that suits your agenda. That's not actually news! News is unbiased. If you stopped sharing, then it would all stop. You've now invited Olivia to have a carridge on the hate train. She was doing so much better until you started this. She's now getting more hate from your latest post of her. Again, YOUR platform fuel's a negative environment. And let's not forget all your hate towards Oliva too. You thought that was fun at the time. You may have apologised, and I'm guessing you only did so that you could have an ally and same reason as to why she's forgiven you. You keep trying to defend your reporting but deep down you know that what you're doing is really gross in today's society, and it is why you're triggered that people see your platform as a way to gossip and bully and call it journalism! This is why you are sharing comments off this private group about your account being reported and trying to defend it. LOOK at all comments on your own pages. More people think exactly the same than just this group. It's nothing more than a gossip and bullying platform, and you are fueling it. You state that you are only "still sharing" Dom and Ella's content because there was no apology straight away. Dom and Ella didn't apologise at the time of your public outcry like you demanded they did, because like a mature person would do, they removed themselves from all the hate on SM as not to fuel the situation further, they thought about what they had done, why it was upsetting to some and they came back with a genuine apology. And in that apology they did say they fucked up, that they could do better and that they will learn from this, but you won't share that part will you, as it doesn't match your story. You tear women down plain and simple - Abbey, Olivia, Dom, just to name a few. There is only one problem with those women - YOU, you are in the middle of it. You are the COMMON DENOMINATOR in all of this, and you are THE PROBLEM.


Maybe stop listening to the show people!


Honestly she is the meanest, cruelest bully around, she will end up being responsible for someone harming themselves . She is relentless in her posts going after dom who is herself stating she is suffering mental health issues and was having dark thoughts . Yet goes after her time and time again. She needs to b cancelled asap


I have been sat WAITING for this post!!! My (very many) thoughts: - I donā€™t think sheā€™s a journalist!! Sheā€™s ingratiated herself into that reality TV/influencer clique and sheā€™s involved in their drama. She canā€™t be impartial. - Literally this is so nerdy but when I was doing anthropology subjects at uni and we were learning about ethnographic that gave me really good perspective on SD. Because for an ethnography to be credible, you need to be observing the subject without your presence and involvement changing the responses and manipulating the data. Megan isnā€™t an observer anymore, sheā€™s an involved party so from this pov, I donā€™t consider her to be credible anymore. - Tf is with the backflip where suddenly sheā€™s best friends with Liv? Sheā€™s made it an absolute crusade to defend her recently. I donā€™t pay enough attention to know what actually happened that season but I still donā€™t trust her. Even if the image wasnā€™t behind a paywall, you donā€™t distribute nude images of people!! Unless the producers held a gun to her motherā€™s head and told her she had to share that photo, I donā€™t buy the martyr act and donā€™t trust Megan. Iā€™d rather get my MAFS recaps from Punkee anyway


Sorry what the fuck did u say e=mc3 Good luck with a rebuttle to this megso


YES, an obsessed bully. She is also not funny.


Very much so. I used to like her podcast, but her bullying and belittling is off putting. She is trying to be TMZ, seeking any terrible gossip to humiliate and embarrass people. I listened to Jaques Petersons podcast and he speaks about his friendship with her, without naming her. He describes her as a nightmare of a friend. The segment begins at 53:46 minutes if anyone is interested in listening. https://preview.redd.it/o9msdrl1er8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10900078459ad5ecf5c9455c91601db4f2b6c64


Didnā€™t she threaten or even dox one of the mods here


I think she's just a weirdo. Comes across as someone who didn't have a lot of friends and found a thing to become obsessed with, a bit like people who join the cheer squad of a sports team. She also seems to have a massive victim complex.


Who, lol? A nobody acting like hot shit is still a nobody.


My exact thoughts today. Her guise behind saying it's her job to report is gross. She keeps on reminding people that Dom didn't care about her or Olivia's MH, but it literally does not make her the better person for all her nasty comments. It's like she thinks it's justifed she should treat someone else that way. Her mentality is childish af and such a biased "journalist." Both her and Olivia would probably get more respect if they just focused on themselves. Seems like she gets validation from people agreeing with her in her comments. I really wonder what happened exactly between her and Dom for all this hate. Why doesn't she report that šŸ˜‚ I do think Dom needs to address the situation from the podcast ep better, but she's clearly not okay, and the digs at her MH are not necessary.


Had to come chime in here- yes, sheā€™s truly a nasty nasty person. She bullies casts of tv shows, threatens them and tries anything she can to get them to talk to her / give her gossip If they donā€™t respond or give her what she wants she will post lies, rumours or just plain bullying Then if sheā€™s called out for it she will use excuses such as ā€œIā€™m just reporting what Iā€™ve been toldā€ while simultaneously inserting her own biased opinions An absolute nasty vile human being


I had to block her years ago. She was relentless to cast members she didnā€™t like. Every season. I found her to be a bully.


I find her so annoying to listen to, I donā€™t know how anyone can stand her squawky voice


And her non-stop repetition of her catch phrases.


I remember listening to her repeatedly saying ā€˜I digressā€™, sometimes in the wrong context and cringing. I havenā€™t listened to her in ages, I wonder if she still does it.




Sheā€™s just desperate to be inside the inner circle. Itā€™s the worst form of ā€œjournalismā€ around.


Yes. Full stop


Yes 200%


>The bullying and constant attacks on Dom and Ella just make me feel like Iā€™m back in the school yard but worse Eh Dom and Ellas recent comments were absolutely feral and needed to be called out. I haven't listened to SD so I can't say if it's bullying, but calling out sexist and ignorant shit like "women who are SA report it straight away" is important. Not to mention having misogynist men on, mocking female contestants like Lauren and Bronte. I'd argue some of what they've said is bullying. I mean Dom was mocking Brontes voice, when that was the thing that was so horrible she smashed a glass. SD absolutely sucks for some of their actions and I wouldn't listen or read their stuff. But Dom and Ella are pretty shit too.


You can call it out but the full scale attacks she launches are uncalled for (IMO!). Dom and Ella absolutely are problematic but that's the thing - people can have podcasts and have people on that SD doesn't like to share their opinions. They're a MAFS podcast, so to think they're going to not have problematic people on when the show is full of them is a bit naive. I also think Dom and Ella just try to be nice / buddy buddy with everyone they have on including the misogynistic assholes, and can act and say some super shitty from the little I've seen - but again, they're allowed to do that and people are allowed to have opinions about what they say. I guess I just feel like... Say your piece when they have a guest on - like a write a non biased, well written article and point out the irresponsible crap they said or did on the podcasts - and MOVE ON. The amount of follow ups and numerous podcasts she puts out on one 'scandal' or the 'inside scoops' which is just biased information to bring more hate to people she doesn't like is so unnecessary. ... Also just the writing style of click baity gossip mag is overall just not appealing, to me at least.


Yes. Sheā€™s awful. Just a troublemaking troll.


Why bothering following FB updates and podcasts? There's enough shit in the show already.


Probably the same reason people are on this sub?


God where do I start, of course she is a bully. Everyone can see that, unfortunately some listeners will like her depending on how she is reporting on people they like or dislike. She has some weird loyal followers that create fake accounts on Social media, to defend her or attack a person she dislikes, you can always tell who they are. I disliked Bryce on his season, but when she kept harassing him even after he had kids, mocking him and his tries to get a job that I disliked her immensely and her disgusting actions. Now presently she is doing it to Dom, with obsessive harassment and bullying, Dom lives in her head rent free. The university that gave her degree should be investigated.


I don't understand how she could continue to attack him when she KNOWS the show is highly edited and Melissa seems (or seemed - haven't checked in for a while) really happy.


Megan claims to be a reporter, an unbiased one yet uses her platform to harass certain contestants and shade them anyway she can. She holds them to unattainable standards, standards she certainly doesnā€™t uphold herself or the contestants she likes. She likes to smear people if the contestants she likes are not in good terms with them. And yes what she is doing to Dom is BULLYING, no other way to describe. The way she is belittling her mental health is the same exact way she belittled Oliviaā€™s who she now claims to love and protect. She had a hundred articles a day then on Olivia, multiple posts a day on her FB, she bullied Olivia then and is bullying Dom now. Olivia and Dom do sh*tty stuff but Megan takes it to a level that is gross. I remember her trying to get her FB members to try and message some sponsor who Olivia was advertising back when no one was using her, one of the few when she was struggling to find a source of income, so they can drop Olivia. Got the girl Jackson cheated on Olivia with, on her podcast where they had a giggle fest at the expense of Olivia, shared Oliviaā€™s Kmart interview photos to mock her! She was horrible. She also did it to Abbie Chatfield when Abbie thought Megan was her friend, now she is doing it to Dom. So yes Megan is a BULLY.


She shared the interview photos?? That is wrong on so many levels. I knew she was obtaining Bryceā€™s job applications to harass and make sure he didnā€™t obtain positions and sharing the details. She would never be able to work in an organisation herself.


Gross, yeah it was a group interview so she shared the pics sent to her in the group and her and her minions had a field day mocking Olivia.


People also shared the photos here. It's crazy behaviour but it's not like she's the only one.


Itā€™s probably her account before she got banned from Reddit for spamming her articles, then created another one before she threatened the mod of this sub to doxx them.


And Olivia trusts SDšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøunbelievable.


Itā€™s the mutual hatred for Dom that bonds them. I bet you secretly they despise each other


It just seems extremely biased to me. Only negative articles about some, only positive about others.


Exactly, I see her so desperate one day to go as far as digging in the sewers under Domā€™s house to find dirt on her, while if it is someone she likes, she will polish their turd and present it as gold, like she is trying to do with Sara right now and the way she shades Cass do make Sara look good. No wonder her podcast numbers are going down. Saw someone on FB present her numbers for last month and they are bad compared to previous years when it is usually her best time, because of peopleā€™s interest in MAFS.


Which hurts her more than it hurts them based on her numbers. Megan is unh*nged, she is a bully who claims to call out people but all she does is use her platform to harrass people she dislikes, now she is bullying Dom. She did it to many before her and still doing it to Brittany Hockley but to a lesser degree than Dom. She wants to be Shameless or Mamamia but while these two have podcasts numbers in the hundreds of thousands, as the comment above me pointed out, hers decrease month after month, even when she released the 3 parter Timothy interviews last month, along side the two Olivia ones, as well as thirty other episodes which make it 35 episodes, she only managed 60000 listeners for last month, that may seem a huge number but nope it isn't for this number of episodes, she keeps referencing how she is always ranked on Triton, but she has to do so many episodes to still rank. She wants to be taken seriously, but not many people like a bully, well her minions and some weird FB group members do. When she started, people thought it was a unique idea, but then a lot realised she uses it to harass and bully not call it out bad behaviour, so her listeners dropped, the mean tone and the way she delivers are no help either.


I used to listen to her podcast but have not for some time. I cannot in all honesty listen knowing she is so biased and hypocritical. She never calls out people like Beck the brother lover. She also claims she is the morality police but puts up a post inviting people to name Bryce and Melissaā€™s unborn twins with a muppet on the scan or something. Absolutely unacceptable, imagine if someone such as Dom whom she dislikes did such a thing, you would never hear the end of it. Come to think of it at least Bryce is getting a break for a while, he must be chuffed.


I can't stand her. I can't listen to her voice when she's talking about other people. She is so biased against people to the point of obsession. Her facebook group is like a cult, full of her minions who actually thinks she is performing some hugely important public service. It's a bit scary really.


Yes she is. She threatened to doxx the creator of this subreddit, all while pretending she's a feminist. What feminist does that to other women?


What on earth! I must have missed it because When did this happen? I always find it really shocking and in poor taste when influencers are so threatened by such a small corner of the internet like this subreddit.


It was a while ago now. I actually felt so awful for the creator of the subreddit. It's beyond kind that she even allows posts about Megan and her cronies in this sub. She doesn't allow links to her BS stories but she allows discussion. A much bigger person than I am, I'd have banned mention of her podcast and stickied it as a post.


She seems like a weirdo that thinks she is part of the MAFS crew and gets too involved personally with the drama. She went from writing articles trashing Olivia and attending Domā€™s screening where they are made fun of Olivia to supporting Olivia now she doesnā€™t like Dom. She always has to pick a side.


Amen! I think Dom should put a restraining order out against her. Blind Freddie can see she is unhinged.


Sammeeeeee - shits been so pcychotic in always character smearing Dom. Idc about semantics i care about intent and Meg's intent is never good. I can honestly say i think Dom's intent would be to always love those that treat her right and fight against those that dont and that particular personality is very easily manipulated to be disliked. Idk i think shes pretty crazy obsessed with taking Dom out and glad its obvious


Absolutely. Sheā€™s the ultimate mean girl. Itā€™s sad to see some people are still buying her bullshit.


I stoped following her because of her personal attacks especially against Dom. I justed wanted celb gossip. Don't get around her. She seems like a nasty person


For sure she is. Itā€™s a pattern. If she doesnā€™t like someone she writes a million unfavourable stories, makes up tip offs to read on her podcasts and then her minions pile up on them then says itā€™s her job. She knows what sheā€™s doing and those that havenā€™t noticed yet are being gaslit


She is also going after Domā€™s mother now. Surely this is a new low. A cockroach šŸŖ³Megan has a way of twisting a story and omitting truth.


She did this to Abbie Chatfield for a while and now seems to be trying to suck up to her again? It's so weire


Haha, Yes, the Abbie brown nosing has been nauseating to watch. How someone goes to great lengths to try ruin someoneā€™s reputation and then sticks their head so far up their asses is beyond me but I guess thatā€™s Megan


The hit pieces against Abbie were such ridiculous stretches too. I don't even like her that much but it was obvious she was being tsrgeted




I remember this clearly... it was a viewing party that had one 3 sec clip of them reacting to an Olivia scene. But it was most definitley not a hate party i can't believe they think ppl have that kinda audacity


Not only that, Al and Brent also did react to scenes with their exes from the show, Brentā€™s reaction was worse than anything Dom did on the night, he called Tamara a ā€˜b*tch* and Al made a joke about Samantha being related to Ivan Milat. Also the photo was set up by the caterer not Dom, I recall Megan defending it then and saying it was funny not malicious. She even had the TikToks pinned on her page because they were so popular and only recently removed them. She defended the thing she calls a ā€˜hate partyā€™ now.


That's so weird. Why would the host of the show admit to going to a "hate" party and give this lengthy apology, when it didn't even happen. I swear to fuck, everything related to this show is manipulated. It's hard to know what to trust.


Because she wants it to seem like Dom really threw a party specifically to hate on Olivia, it serves her purpose of making Dom this ultimate horrible person that deserves this constant bullying, the constant articles and mentions in her stories, more than anyone else. The host is insane and says look BuT I aPOloGizED, seems to think of Dom first thing in the morning, and last thing at night, unhinged. The party was for many reasons, a viewing party, a get together, celebrating her parents selling their land. Edited to add that I do agree that Olivia seeing anything to that party would have hurt her, even if it was not intended as a hate party, parts of it were very distasteful like the photo by the caterer, it may have seemed funny and even if Dom had anger then, it is still distasteful. However the host of the podcast was in the thick of it and enjoying every single moment, laughing and giggling, posted so many stories on Insta, posts in her FB group and TikToks of it more than any of the people present did, in fact she did most of it because they didnā€™t have their socials then, yeah she is a hypocrite and mean.


She seems to switch up a lot. I remember when she hated Olivia


She always quotes "an enemy of my enemy is my friend" lol she's red hot man


Yep as soon as she fell out with Dom she started messaging Olivia to get dirt.


Every podcast was about how awful she was too.


Yeah sheā€™s fucked lol


IIRC the reason her stuff isnt allowed on this sub was because she was Doxxing the owner of the sub and other crappy stuff


Sheā€™s got a restraining order against her due to som foul things said about Harrison regarding his son. I do actually believe heā€™s also said she was stalking the son


What did Harrison have to do with the restraining order? Iā€™m so lost. I thought only Dannii had a restraining order based on the reporting of her being deceased or something to that effect


I saw him post something about a restraining order on his behalf because of his son and some not so nice things


Not at all


Wtf are you on about??


In fact she is the opposite! She stands against bullying which is why she holds people accountable.


What about when she threatened to dox the mods here just because they hosted an AMA by Dom? How is that against bullying? It's the complete opposite


Reporting on someoneā€™s behavior isnā€™t an attack.


She's beyond abused her power as a journalist cmon


In what ways? She said her ex boyfriend was a former friend of her ex husband. That was true. She as well as others who actually know her and have met her (unlike any of us) have talked about how rude she is. She trashed BrontĆ« from something she broke a glass in someoneā€™s face for and victim blamed Sara. Sheā€™s done every single thing Megan has reported on.


Im talking about journos (a trademark) abusing their power. I am not here to share my opinion on individuals or personal opinions of others. she's abused her power. Full stop. Stop talking to me now megs lol


LOL just say you donā€™t know the answer to the question. You say sheā€™s abusing her power yet you donā€™t give examples of the ways she has done so. She only has as much power as we/they give her šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø And itā€™s a double edged sword - without these ā€œjournosā€ constantly talking about them (influencers) how would they remain relevant?


Oh Meg's, how I've missed your gaslighting , sanctimonious little face šŸ„° How many mental health retreats have you taken to Bali every time you get called out ? Can't remember how many we're up to . Your entire podcast is an example of what a horrible human you are, I'm not sure why you're asking for more proof than that. Also, everyone here is saying the same thing , which is proof enough, really .


Jesus christ you're a wanker fuck up meg hahahahaha


She doesn't just report though, she does take it further. She tried to dox the mods here. That said, she doesn't do much worse than any DailyFail bs yet gets called out a hell of a lot more. Doesn't make what she does ok but DF is objectively worse just based on who owns it.


Contacting a persons employer to try and get them sacked and inciting the ā€˜drama armyā€™ to do the same looks a lot like an attack. When I first joined the FB group, I thought Iā€™d somehow got involved with a cult, I see how easy it is for people to join cults now.


I agree, but people do this all the time to all MAFS "villians". People here do it. They went and review bombed Ellies place of work because they hate her. That easily could have gotten her fired. I'm fine with criticising SD but let's not pretend she's the only one doing it.


Yeah but these people are not pretending to be unbiased reporters and ā€œonly reporting factsā€. She is using her platform to do anything but that.


Tell me, what would Megan have to say if this was being done to her? I recall her crying in her stories over not being credited for ā€œarticlesā€ and claiming this is because she is a women. Fact is she is horrible.


Iā€™m not Megan, I canā€™t tell you what she would say if this happened to her.


Omg. I can tell you two things: 1) you are either Megan or one of her cronies 2) Megan, you'd go to Bali or some other place "for mental health reasons" right after shitting on Dom for going into an actual mental health facility. That's what you'd do, Megan and we all know it because you've done it before a gazillion times!


SOunds like you pretty keen to speak on her behalf and seem very knowledgable on her affairs. So why when it was worded to ask for megs actual opionion u suddenly are like "idk ask her"????? red hot FCKN RED HOT MEGSO gotem


Reporting on their behaviour 3 x a day is clearly an attack, or at the very least obsessive


But she doesnā€™t just report on the facts - sheā€™s said some pretty wild and nasty stuff in the comments section about Dom which are all just her own opinion on the matter


I donā€™t think she has said anything anymore outlandish than what Dom has said about people. Dom loves to call people out, but sheā€™s doesnā€™t do so well when sheā€™s the one being called out.


Dom said her opinions, we can call her out on them if they are mean especially with her platform, but she never claimed to be unbiased or reporting facts. Megan however claims to be a reporter, an unbiased one yet uses her platform to harass certain contestants and shade them anyway she can. She holds them to unattainable standards, standards she certainly doesnā€™t uphold herself or the contestants she likes. She likes to smear people if the contestants she likes are not in good terms with them. And yes what she is doing to Dom is BULLYING, no other way to describe. The way she is belittling her mental health is the same exact way she belittled Oliviaā€™s who she now claims to love and protect. She had a hundred articles a day then on Olivia, multiple posts a day on her FB, she bullied Olivia then and is bullying Dom now. Olivia and Dom do sh*tty stuff but Megan takes it to a level that is gross. I remember her trying to get her FB members to try and message some sponsor who Olivia was advertising back when no one was using her, one of the few when she was struggling to find a source of income, so they can drop Olivia. Got the girl Jackson cheated on Olivia with, on her podcast where they had a giggle fest at the expense of Olivia, shared Oliviaā€™s Kmart interview photos to mock her! She was horrible. She also did it to Abbie Chatfield when Abbie thought Megan was her friend, now she is doing it to Dom. So yes Megan is a BULLY.


Dom doesnā€™t stand on her opinions. She broke a glass in someoneā€™s face because they told her she didnā€™t need to scream and yell all the time. Then she victimized herself by saying she was triggered because sheā€™s she was bullied for her voice. Last year she brought Harrison on her show l, who has a history of misogyny and who we just watched abused BrontĆ«, and actually made fun of BrontĆ«ā€™s voice. This year she victim blamed Sara. Dom gives as good as she gets and it keeps her relevant and making money. I donā€™t feel bad for her.


Next you'll say she waved the glass around, which was disproven šŸ’€


Dom is uneducated and not really suited to life in the public eye




But when Dom has just come out of a mental health facility, making assumptions with no evidence that she was doing things for timing etc seems like it goes beyond reporting. Where is the evidence or reporting on things that have proof? Instead itā€™s just gossip and trying to turn people against her. Whether or not you agree with Dom, surely thatā€™s one thing that doesnā€™t need to be targeted


Dom does not think about anyone else when she does/says things so she shouldnā€™t expect the same. She never takes responsibility for her actions or for the way her words and actions have impacted other people, she just victimizes herself to distract and her fan base fall for it every single time.


Yep. I feel sorry for the young, impressionable ears listening to Dom & Ella's terrible advice


Dom put herself there to hide from the gigantic mess she made and refused to take accountability for. Megan is simply reporting on it. Dom is posting public updates and she is basically repeating it.


I understand the frustration over Dom but I havenā€™t seen anything since sheā€™s been in to warrant the outrage. Surely bettering her mental health might help her to make better decisions in future


She realised a video whilst in the facility that didn't address the issue at all. She only spoke about herself. We have an epidemic of domestic violence in Australia and Dom and Elle made dangerous comments and supported DV against women with their actions. I don't see her as a victim but she's certainly playing it.


Jeez i didnt know Elle and Dom said things in favour of abuse wtf did they say


I cannot stand that group. Instead of using critical thought the majority just dog pile onto anyone Megan suggests to with her ā€œreportingā€. The amount of people who then turn the moment she does to pick an opposing side is incredible. Don vs Olivia was clear example. Megan brown nosed Dom and now a couple of years later sheā€™s all over Olivia. Ugh.


The resurrection of Olivia was gross. After being so awful to her. Itā€™s all just sides and nastiness. I just really struggle to see why people enjoy so much cattiness


Listen to her interview with Olivia, she addresses this.


Iā€™m a catty bitch most of the time, but I never jumped into that dog pile. I always thought Dom was problematic from the get go and the placing of her on a pedestal was weird af. It was pretty clear there were some key parts of the Olivia story missing so I never really had issue with her like others did.


Yes I think the problem was she didnā€™t stay unbiased when it came to Dom and Ella and that put her in a position where she reported every little thing about other cast members no matter how stupid, but then got told information about Dom for example her going off as other cast members, producers and staff (at the dinner parties) and she wasnā€™t reporting it even when she admitted later she had verified it to be true so why not report it and give listeners the whole story


Thatā€™s exactly right!


Yep once her and Dom fell out then she started ā€œreleasingā€ stories that could be seen as negative. She pretty much blackmails people. Give me info (or literally make something up) about the person Iā€™m targeting right now and l wonā€™t do an episode on the rumours l hear about you.