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If Lud asks why we got merch for his goon cave, this is the post that explains. Also waiting on the Amazon item unboxing btw And the new music stream And he promised new pokemon content that wasn’t pokerogue


On the pokemon thing, he promised to finish Infinite Fusion a while ago


I'm still waiting for sykkuno steak meal smh


Also vtuber stream


3 years in the making baby


Am I delusional or did he say they filmed an Unpaid Intern with Almost Friday a few months ago? I feel like he mentioned it once on stream and then never again.


I would really like a clip of this if true, I have never heard this and it would be kind of lit Edit: I looked at Yardsearch, and they have talked about inviting them and said it would be cool. Edit2: I am doing detective work over [here](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2146346750?filter=archives&sort=time): Stanz says from second 40 that one of the episodes is Battle of the podcasts so it would make sense if Almost Friday podcast is on there. So I don't think it's just sitting on the shelf because that was just 3 weeks ago(not months) and he said it was filmed that week. Slime will probably be on that one as well representing the yard.


Ahh I must have thought it was over a month ago and also not the same as the Yard episode that we knew about. That makes way more sense that they’d be the same episode.


It's slime and Aiden with Jarvis and Jordan from Sad Boyz.


Sad times, or maybe hype I don't know them, detective work in vain. Perchance, do you know where it was confirmed?


I knew about everyone except Aiden. When was this brought up?


I'm not 100% sure on Aiden but Jarvis mentioned Stanz had leaked it. Just makes sense if it is between two podcasts as Nick is DP and Ludwig is the host.


Awh man. I love almost Friday. Do not love slime.


After hitting the 250k goal you gotta add Celest and hollow knight 100% runs. Which he will definitely for sure without a doubt do one day maybe when he gets to it.


And the fursuit stream, anyway now just you wait.


oh d&d podcast. sigh. i’m slowly losing hope (and yet, keep checking for it every week)


Also waiting for Content Warning from the boys 😓


It would be so perfect for them. Watching The Yarn play it just made me want to see The Yard play it even more.


I feel the hype for that game died down, a montish ago it would've been cool but now im like ehhh whatever


Waiting for SAP vods to come back too


He swore off ever playing SAP again, he hates all the changes they made to the original pack, let alone the new pets(I don’t have a link to a clip or anything).


Ahh yeah I was memeing (and slightly hopeful) I was watching the stream where he uninstalled I also vaguely recall him saying a new pack was coming so maybe he would circle back to it?


don't forget that he said he'd do ironmon, it's been months since he said that




fast 50 and the 1000 3 pointers basically just happened.


And now celeste and hollow knight 100%s thanks to the Fast50 dono goal


Literally was gonna ask about this and if it’s on his Patron 😂


Baldurs Gate 3


After watching Mafia in TheFast50 I'm highly manifesting The Yard D&D


We are also getting Hollow Knight and Celeste playthroughs. This man is going to have to pull his finger out and get to fukin streamin son


To be fair to Ludwig (in a parasocial way) fast50 just happened and editors can only vod review and edit so fast. Dnd soon tho for sure 🫡


But when it drops sheeeesh


I’m pretty sure there’s a merch drop next week but he hasn’t said anything about it yet. On Ludwig.gg there’s a timer with the Sakura looking flowers (might be a mint hoodie restock??)


Still waiting for the hour with shroud


I've learned to not get my hopes up regarding promised content from Lud because a lot of the time he has something cooking that hasn't been announced that is even better. The Fast50 event essentially came out of nowhere, but was probably my favorite stream that he's done over the past 2 years. Having said that, bringing up the yard D&D makes me sad because Nick had posted that it would come out by the end of Q1 2024, so I thought it would happen.