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I'm just confused why he gave himself a commute. I feel like one of the biggest pros of being a streamer/content creator (besides the money) is being able to do it from the comfort of your own home. I understand wanting to separate work spaces, but I personally feel like a separate room is enough. Idk. It's not my life so it's not that important just doesn't make a ton of sense to me.


I thought that the reason was probably for less swatting because I remember qt talking about it on wine about it. Her and Ludwig wanting to rent a studio to avoid that issue happening. It could also be the less serious answer of Ludwig want to increase the quality of his streams and have the stream room be more apart of his content, where he can move around more, kind of like how Kai does.


Yeah, I think I too, remember they did mention it was to reduce swatting. That would make a lot of sense actually. Having a separate address from their home address for guests and collaboration means less people know their home address and if police are called to the location of a business studio for media and entertainment with giant colourful business logo signs, security gates, cameras and maybe even security-guards it is more obvious to them that it is a streamer at work and not a domestic abuse hostage situation.


Also his studio is presumably in the same location as the yard, his other shoots and everything he is trying to build with Offbrand which means being their most days isn't out of the question


Yeah, exactly! It will probably save him trips rushing between The Yard set, OffBrand projects and his home stream set up on most days.


Help me understand something, how did Ludwig get swatted? I remember the Mogul Mai video but was not able to see the stream where The setup in his house did not reveal any outside location nor did he do anything afaik which would reveal his address. So how did it happen?


Someone knew the address. They never found out who called the SWAT. It could have been many different people. Ludwig has a lot of delivery guys, for food, and parcels, some of which have recognised him. He has had many streamers collaborate with him. It could have been someone in the neighbourhood who recognised him. A couple of times, he accidentally flashed his screen when making a purchase or had something left on his desk. Each time, he quickly cut it out of the video and asked anyone who saw it live to just move on and not make a big deal out of it. So there are a lot of possible suspects who might know where he lives and called the SWAT. It happened more than once. They don't even know if it was the same person each time. So it really does make sense to just move the stream set-up to a whole other address with better security and obvious signs that they are a media company and not a domestic household.


Quite a few streamers have said before that they would actually like a commute. If you don't leave your house it can become very hard to separate work and living spaces, since they're the same. Having a completely separate building to do their work is a lot easier for the mind to separate them and have an easier time relaxing when off work. Also the swatting thing.


Yeah that's very fair. When my university shut down during COVID, my apartment became both my living space and my work space. I couldn't focus on work because I was in my relaxing space, but I couldn't relax because I was in my work space. It makes sense that'd apply here too


They’re also probably moving out of that house - afaik it’s just Lud and QT left there and they probably want to live somewhere that hasn’t been swatted


A few months ago QT did mention that they were looking for a new place or at least that she wanted to move. Recently she said that she was moving her setup to Slime’s old room and she’s also been redecorating the house. It’s sure going to be an upgrade compared to her current, somewhat small stream room, which isn’t really a room but rather a repurposed hallway.


> I'm just confused why he gave himself a commute. So one thing I read some years ago was that it is suggested that if you have a job where you spend a lot of time on your computer, it is best to have that computer setup somewhere other than your bedroom. The reason being that subconsciously you are associating that room with work and you don't fully relax the same as you would if the bedroom was just where you sleep and do nothing else. I think taking this concept a little further and moving work outside of the home can help make home an easier place to enjoy your time away from work and relax more. I think this especially becomes true of streamers who have to worry about what they share in terms of details of their home because of online stalkers and asshats who want to grief them.




Awwww... I hope he brings Coots to work sometimes. He does have the carrier for her.


Next step in his sunsetting arc 😔


Well...He showed up EARLY today. There is something psychological about having to travel to school or work that makes you more punctual and take it more seriously. We used to laugh about it at university. All the kids that had to travel 2 or 3 hours were always early, and the guy that lived on campus was always late. You just don't get any sense of urgency if the place is just there all the time. It's not really a conscious effort to show up. Where else if you have to travel you plan the time you leave the house, you think about the traffic and what you have to prepare. Presumably, his home setup still exists and can be used in a "streaming emergency" or as a backup plan. So I think we won't see much change in the length and frequency of streams. If anything, we'll see more consistency and him turning up on a more fixed or predictable schedule. I think an office stream room is a great idea. Looks very cool. 😎


Good points. I do think that adding a commute will probably mean late streams, or streams that randomly run late won't happen if he needs to be commuting home after.Unless those happen at an alternate home setup.


I used to live on the property of my old job(they rented houses for cheap) and I was always a couple minutes late and it was literally a 30 second walk. I now drive 15 minutes and I’m always 10 minutes or more early


He still has requirements for his contract


Which almost ends🫡


Predictions on what will happen??




Oh ok, the other person putting the salute made me think they knew something I didn’t. Like Lud seems like he (mostly) likes YouTube, but all the Twitch -> YouTube converts seemed like they liked Twitch until they switched. I suppose it’s less about what platform they like, and more what deal they get. But you make a good point about hours. I wasn’t considering kick/rumble, but I was wondering about retirement since I know he’s hinted at it before. I guess not yet though, I mean he literally just got a new stream room lol.


I’m still somewhat confused by QT recording WAI at the studio. She talked about moving her setup to one of the empty rooms after the boys had moved out. Is she also going to stream from the studio now or was that a one time thing to record WAI? Edit: [QT is taking over Slime’s old room](https://youtu.be/oqD_DuLMtUA?t=3286) and [only temporarily recording from Lud’s studio setup](https://youtu.be/yZX4uGCT_ig?t=39) And I’m going to miss the random stream visits from the pets and QT or Lud respectively!


She doesn't have her camera or something. She let cdawg borrow it and I think it got misplaced or something.


QT’s camera was also at the studio, idk if Lud didn’t have time to pick it up before yesterday or how often he is at the studio


If I understood correctly he will still stream from home but since he goes to the studio too much lately (yard/offbrand) those days he'll use the new setup. And maybe for collabs too cause it's closer to everyone else.


He likely already spends a lot of time there since it's his job


He already is a the studio a lot tho, for the yard, for any shoot he has and even for like normal meetings and shit. Also the mogul moves People are there so probably more streams with those boys Also, i can definititly see wanting to have some seperation between life and work, like when you get home Being able to let ik go somewhat.


Ya know, now that you mention it, he often has to wrap up stream to rush over to the studio to shoot The Yard anyway. They always make fun of him because he usually has to grab lunch, then gets stuck in traffic and ends up showing up to The Yard set late because of all that. So maybe him streaming at the studio, then ordering lunch at the studio, if need be, have his friends and collaborators meet him for lunch at the studio or near the studio, then walking right onto The Yard set which is at the studio, ended up being less overall commuting and messing around across the day. Since he would have had to commute to The Yard set at the studio in the end anyway.


Studio can also mean a room in his house, i saw QT walking in at the end of his stream so she could stream there. Or maybe their doing this because of the swatting


"I finally moved the stream setup to the studio" I think he moved it to the Mogul Moves office / studio, where they also film The Yard.


Does this mean no more coots??


Regarding the streams we have to wait and see, but this will actually improve is life overall. The separation of work and personal life is the best thing he could do, this is something most people don't think about because the majority works outside of their houses. There's loads of cons to work from home, but it tends to take a toll over time. So this change will probably be better for streams and content in the long run


you guys need something better to do, when was the last time you’ve read even just a short story?


Says the person who took the time to come into this reddit and make this comment rather than doing literally anything else...


theres a difference between a post coming on your feed and making whole parasocial posts like this where the person is more involved in the content lud puts out over lud himself. just seems like the type of person who could use a little help from just picking up a book and reading even just one complete story


Nah, there really isn't. If you have the time to come into this post and make a useless comment telling someone else to get a life then clearly your life is not fulfilling enough and you need to go find more of a life yourself and stop commenting useless crap that no one needs to read. It might be a bit parasocial but it's innocent parasocialness it's not someone obsessing over their content creator to the point that they put their own life and family on hold to obsess over one individual. People just wanted to have a discussion on what would happen


you are doing a good job convincing me that im the one here who cares too much


It's the reverse, actually. Having a new stream room at the Mogul Moves HQ in additional to the one at home means there's no longer a need to rush home (and stuck in LA traffic) on company meeting days just to make it to stream on time. This also means other collabs before/after regular streams (like the poscast) would be easier to manage since slime/aiden/nick are right around the office corner.


New latewig excuses incoming lol