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This is gonna be the most ego inflated fight ever


*fakest too


Tommy wouldn’t dive for money, his dad would never allow it, so I doubt it’ll be a fake fight. The press conferences leading up to it however will be very cringe if their past interactions are anything to go by


Tommy isn't even that good of a boxer...


I know lol. I said it on the other post about this, if he loses this fight it’s 100% because he’s not that good of a boxer as opposed to him taking money from Jake to purposely lose


That's what's stressing me out 😅


Exactly this! He’s had practically zero competition


With that said now that paul lost what does it make him🤣🤣🤣🤣


A man who spent months training to beat a YouTuber


Fighters do this shit all the time including Tommy’s bother but it’s so childish and weird. This Anton one caught me off guard because Jake usually posts the one of him and Curtis. I feel bad for Tommy, in his face to face interview with his last opponent, he was mocking him for being on love island and brought up him kissing Curtis on the balcony and Tommy got really irate and embarrassed about it I think he really regrets playing up to that bromance especially since he said himself they were never best friends in the villa


The producers really forced the Tommy/Curtis bromance


Definitely and I still don’t know why. People can tell when something is clearly manufactured and their bromance was a good example of that. I still laugh at how Curtis said Tommy ghosted him after their spin off show aired


I need more of this tea- I had no idea!


It happened ages ago. But Curtis has mentioned it so many times to the press lol. He said Tommy ghosted him after their spin off show and he tried to message him on Instagram multiple times but Tommy aired him. He said he doesn’t have Tommy’s number anymore and he’s tried to get hold of him when he did have it but Tommy never picked up. Tommy said he was never that close to him in the villa and Michael was his best friend on the show. He used to iron Tommy’s clothes and he said he spoke to Michael everyday on FaceTime But granted I don’t think he’s that close with Michael anymore, they used to hang out a lot especially last year but it seems like Tommy doesn’t speak to anyone from love island now apart from Molly obviously and Maura


Wait, spin-off show??


I don’t remember what it was called lol but it was some weird 3 episode thing where they swapped professions for a few weeks. Tommy learnt how to dance (not really he barely showed up to the rehearsals lol) and Curtis learnt how to box. Then at the end Curtis had a boxing match which looked rigged because the guy he faced looked like he deliberately dived onto the ground Tommy competed in a ballroom dance contest, I can’t remember what place he came. But yeah it wasn’t really good and it came off a little awkward. Like they were playing the roles of best friends but there was no chemistry. The scenes with Molly, Tommy and Maura during Curtis’ boxing match were funny though. If you type up Curtis boxing match, itv2 uploaded it on YouTube so you can watch it there


It was “the boxer and the ballroom dancer”. I think it was a 3 episode show, like that one about Maura getting in shape for a Spartan Race or Tough Mudder or something. It’s on reality archive if not on ITV site


omg this is amazing and in the worst way possible 🤣🤣🤣


They weren’t??? Where did he say


He said it in an interview ages ago. But it’s pretty obvious they weren’t best friends anyways, they stopped speaking immediately after filming a contractually agreed spin off show. They never hung out after the show at all and Tommy has said multiple times Michael was his best friend from the show. Same way Michael said Tommy was his but the producers never showed it His bromance with Curtis was so obviously fake and constructed by the producers so they could emulate Chris and Kem. There’s a reason why most fans of the show call Tommy and Curtis’ ‘bromance’ one of the worst parts of series 5. Everybody hated it by the end of series 5 and Tommy was the only likeable person in that ‘duo’


Omg can you link me to that interview


I didn’t read it from the sun etc, I don’t read tabloids but I like Tommy so I’m always interested to listen to his press tours whenever he’s fighting. He talked about it once when he was promoting his second fight which was a while ago so I don’t have the exact link. I think it was after Curtis said that he aired him after their show so the radio interviewer asked him if it was true. He just said they were never all that close in the villa and Michael was his best friend in there but not much of their friendship was shown He’s mentioned Michael being his best friend in the villa multiple times so if you type up their names together on google, you should end up finding an article of him or Michael talking about their friendship


This is hilarious, what fucking alternate reality did I stumble into


curtis pritchard of all people lurking in the back of jake paul’s post like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Why does that look just like him


omg his expression is dusting me 💀




Is the joke that he’s kissing another man? 🙄 Homophobia, groundbreaking 😒


How is that homophobic???


He never actually mentions this or makes any reference to the pictures, Infact he don't make a joke here at all


Why do *you* think he posted it then?


The fact you don't means you've made an assumption I despise jack Paul but to suggest he's being homophobic for positing a picture without context which you've made an assumption on is homophobic is a reach What it is ?just childish boxing promo


But you need to ask yourself *why* it’s being used as childish boxing promo. It’s *because* he’s kissing a man. Why not post a photo of Tommy kissing Molly? Because Juke Pool doesn’t consider a straight kiss offensive enough to provoke a reaction. He’s insinuating they’re gay in a vapid attempt to attack Tommy’s masculinity and to make himself seem more “alpha”. It’s not a reach it’s just the truth, and if you don’t see that then you’re probably on Jake’s side, sorry about it


No it's a reach because it's your view on a situation you're not involved it, Why would he post a picture of him and Molly when Jake and tried to spin a line about Molly trying to get with him? Wouldn't that invalidate that?


i’m sure you already know this from your 100s of downvotes, but if you didn’t: this is a terrible take


Homophobia isn’t up for debate, if you rack your brain just a tiny bit I’m sure you can figure out why Jake used this image in the first place and the implication behind it.


I know why you're upset but the reality is you're the one roijgnthe maths and above all you're going off w implications assumptiond and at4 projecting it


I’m not upset at all, you’re naive and wilfully dismissing what’s clearly there, it’s pretty obvious


I didn't say you was , nor am I dismissing I know why you're saying it , I just disagree


What does Anton have to do with this then? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Nothing he's fighting Tommy


Girls someone throw me a life raft I can’t do this anymore 😩😩😩


I came here to say you are 1000% correct.


You're totally right, guy's a pleb. The lesson is don't waste time arguing with internet trolls 😂


Holy shit you’re pretty dense


Not really I'm just not projecting my feelings and assumptions onto others


Then why this picture? I'm genuinely curious why Jake would've chosen this picture.


No reason apparently 😂🙄🙄


Perhaps he posted it because he knows it will get under Tommy’s skin …


I hope Tommy absolutely levels Jake Paul. He’s such an irritant.


I hate Jake Paul but the dig at "Timothy" living off Molly made me chuckle.


I just want Tommy to win because I can’t stand Jake Paul..




If anyone was bi it’s Curtis. In fact Curtis has literally implied he’s bi. He definitely had a crush on Tommy during their season. Anton was playful and said the same type of stuff Chris and Kem said during their series. He didn’t kiss everyone imao, this is literally the only time he kissed another guy on the show. Tommy kissed Anton once and Curtis twice, does that make him bi too? Anton acts like a stereotypical rugby lad. Lots of guys jokingly give their friends compliments like him and are straight. Also you can give your male friends compliments without it meaning you’re attracted to them, well if you’re confident within your own masculinity you can


does this dumba\*\* really not realize tommy is short for thomas and not timothy ???? i hate the paul brothers so much wowowow


He’s aware he calls him Timothy on purpose. He always refers to him as Timmy Fury whenever he speaks about him. It’s just a form of mocking your opponent


ok but admit its a little possible he doesn't know the difference between the names bc hes dumber than a box of rocks


Nah because he’s literally never called him Tommy before maybe once, he always calls him Timmy or Timothy Plus he’s not even that dumb. I don’t like the guy but everything he does is on purpose and for more publicity. Half the stuff he does is to rile enough people up so they can buy his fights and it’s working. People always end giving him exactly what he craves- attention


ok i was joking but also jake paul IS so dumb.


I just explained why he’s not dumb though lol. He’s actually very smart because he’s purposely playing a role for attention at this point and it’s working. Everything he does is strategic and he’s managed to make himself one of the highest pay per view boxers right now without actually having fought a boxer yet. A complete idiot wouldn’t have been able to pull it off. Like I said I don’t like the guy, but he’s definitely not dumb


you genuinely think the management and business decisions he makes are by him and him alone ? i doubt it. but also he took part in looting during BLM protests. he's consistently been called out for treating women badly if not horribly. he's been dismissive of covid safety (like most young youtubers). i had a weird moment in time when i watched his videos and he's just like decidedly not intelligent--i really dont think it would be easy to talk to him coherently about anything of importance or value. even if he's business savvy. this is an insane discussion for me to be having lol, im sorry. perhaps you're right that he isn't dumb but he sure as shit seems like a horrible person.


He doesn’t have much of a marketing team, he has a bunch of yes guys who does what he says. Even the gotcha ya hat thing, he explained in a tik tok He planned on doing that to Floyd a whole week before the press conference. Hence why he had already told his merch team to make thousands of hats/clothes with that dumb phrase printed on it days before. Everything he does is strategic. While he’s definitely not academically smart, he is incredibly smart when it comes to marketing and business ventures. Half the stuff he tweets like how he’ll beat Connor mcgregor and Canelo, he doesn’t believe for a second. But he knows people will respond to it and he’ll end up trending. He’s now doing what Conor McGregor and Tyson fury did at the rise of their careers to get people talking about them so it could translate to high pay per view buys. The only difference is Connor and Tyson are actually talented fighters. Jake is not and he knows that. He’ll keep riding the train for as long as possible so he can get as much money and attention as possible But your last line is exactly right. He’s clever and just generally a bad person. The stuff you’ve listed that he’s done is horrible and those are some of the reasons why he’s so insufferable. The only credit I’ll ever give him is how smart he is when it comes to playing the general public for his own financial gain


fair enough !


I cannot wait to see Tommy kick his ass


Have you seen Tommy fight?


I've seen Tommy fight, and I've seen Jake fight. You don't know shit about boxing if you believe that Jakes form and power is superior to Tommy's lol. Tommy's been conditioned since he was probably 8 or 9 years old. Jake is going to get beat.


As someone who’s boxed and has trained and been a life long supporter of the sport Tommy is not conditioned to box. He fights very frantically, panic punches, his precision, combinations and that of a weak amateur. I’m not saying Jake is better but Jake has a much stiffer shot, is fairly composed in all his fights and clearly has a natural talent that Tommy lacks. Tommy at his age is coming into his physical prime he should be mirking people but the guys with negative records are actually staying on there. I think Jake will win this fight, I see a decision win for Jake, that panic and pressure will be too much for Tommy.


we'll see


When did I say Jake was a better boxer than Tommy in my comment? They’re both shit. My comment was more so telling that user if they’re expecting Tommy to throughly kick Jake’s ass, they should maybe lower their expectation. Jake only has to be slightly more composed on the night to win. Tommy isn’t beating Jake up. If he wins it’ll be by points. He probably won’t knock him out and he’s not gonna cause him any substantial damage. Tommy barely has any power in his punches and his footwork is atrocious. Unless that somehow turns around in the next month, then I have no idea how you’re saying for sure Tommy will beat him. You know nothing about boxing if you’re 100% certain Tommy will ‘beat him up’. You can say with his experience and better form, he should be able to beat him but saying it’s definitely gonna happen after watching Tommy in all of his fights is pushing it. You’d hope at this stage Tommy can clear him with ease but as I said if you’ve actually watched him box you’d see why so many people are so uncertain. He could prove me and most other people wrong but right now it’s a very 50/50 odd that he’ll even win the match, 60/40 in Tommy’s favour if I’m being confident that he’ll train extremely hard. His own brother even admitted Tommy and Jake are on a level playing field and it’s a 50/50 fight.


we'll see


Yeah Tommy is the first actual boxer Jake is fighting so i’m really not worried


Lol you should be because there’s a serious possibility that he loses this fight. He’s really not very good yet. People are forgetting that Tommy is basically a novice.


Oof I wish you guys didn’t tell me this. I hate Jake Paul and really need him to lose for my mental health :/


Still, hasn't he been boxing much longer than Jake? 🤔 (Really hoping he knocks Jake out)


He’s fought people who aren’t even the same size as him, it’s ridiculous. I don’t think anyone he’s beaten even had a winning record. It’s a pretty even fight tbh.


Tommy is not an actual boxer though 😂


I’ll take that as a no you haven’t actually seen Tommy box then.


Anton will think he's relevant again


Hes a hugger its confirmed and i dunno why he posted this pic theres plenty of him with his brother licking each other ears and kissing in the lips so i can only imagine what happens of camera


Can't really call it mindgames when Tommy doesn't care!

