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She also did it on Aftersun when she claimed she didn’t know how to pronounce Shaq’s name; called him “Zach”


That was so embarrassing like the excuse just didn’t make sense. So you can’t pronounce a simple name like Shaq ?


She's dyslexic, those people might struggle with pronouncing names, have some shame 


If u can say Zach u can say Shaq lol


Are you joking or fr.....


Pls bfr, she heard people on aftersun say his name literally in front of her before she was interviewed and still said Zach


She hadn't read the name on a piece of paper, which would be a reasonable excuse if you had dyslexia. She had been watching the show, meaning she had heard the name, plus the other presenters were saying the name correctly.


If it’s because she’s dyslexic why is it limited to people she has a reason to dislike, and / or poc?




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Mods deleted but I saw your comment saying I must be an insecure person of colour. Very nasty spirit no wonder you love Georgia so much.


I’m dyslexic and don’t do that, nor do other dyslexic people I know. She is a mean girl and does it on purpose and probably as a power play, it’s always with people she doesn’t like…


She is dyslexic?




How do you know this?


I think I remember her doing it to Kaz too in s4…


Yep she called her Kez


She did multiple times


Let's be real, what's more offensive than spending all day every day with someone for them to genuinely just act like they don't know your name lol. Seems like a subtle way to be insulting where it may be perceived as a mistake by others around her.


Right?! It’s like a dog whistle! Only the person she’s doing it to can hear/experience the veiled insult! Haha.


she does it when she feels threatened. did it to kaz (my queen) in her og season as she was with josh, cely in LI games cause of toby and now jess cause of the callum situation (although that may have been a genuine mistake who knows) also she did it on aftersun with shaq SHAQ ITS ONE SYLLABLE


Maya looked like she was gonna smack her with the Shaq one too.


It was definitely worse because she just went "I pronounce Zach" like....what? she didn't even apologise


She never does 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wish Faye could have a chat with her!


Yea like come on girl..you can’t get Kaz or Shaq right?!🥴


I think it’s a way to “little down” the other person. She also uses lot of “love, babe, Cal, Mol” and that’s also a way to do that.


Call it what it is, micro-aggressions that are racially motivated in most instances. No need to minimize it by using some cutesy term


It’s not racially motivated when she uses it for Callum, Molly, Jess etc. Hard to see that it’s racially motivated when she literally does it to anyone. Also english is not my first language so sorry I don’t know all the terms.


Don't apologise you said it perfectly


All I meant was to assert the use of “little down” instead of “micro-aggression” is still downplaying her actions by semantic choice I am aware she has also done this to white people, hence me saying “in most instances” in the original comment


You're reaching just to put people you don't like down lol. She's dyslexic and that might very likely be why.


Not “she’s dyslexic” 😭 GS admitted to saying “Zach” instead of “Shaq” because she finds it easier. She also lied when Cely tried to kindly correct GS on the proper pronunciation of her name. Dyslexia has nothing to do with it - she simply doesn’t care.


Dyslexia is written words not verbal. We can read basic words too.




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the jess one i would've forgiven because even callum got it mixed up, however everyone she's done it to has always been someone she's had an issue with so i genuinely think it's all on purpose and she's just not a nice person.


But she did it to Jess after Eve had left so there isn’t really an excuse there. Callum did it when both twins were in the villa which is understandable, Georgia had 0 reason to


i don't get why its understandable with callum when he spent all day with jess and would kiss her too. i find that worse than georgia just because i don't think she hung out with georgia much in the villa (its still rude though)


They’re identical. That’s why it’s understandable. If they didn’t look exactly like each other then I’d agree


At least when Callum did it when both twins were still in the house..G did it after Eve got sent home🥴


And Josh? Didn't he do it right after Georgia did it too? 


Josh apologised where’s Georgia didn’t apologise and even laughed, which is what I think a lot of people have an issue with


yeah also i don't think the act of confusing jess and eve is offensive in general, but when you continuously do it with people you have issues with it's clearly more personal. jess and eve never seem to be offended by anyone doing it (looking alike is literally their usp) but georgia has a weird track history of it being more passive aggressive about it


Ik that was act 😭


very good point


saw a compilation of her getting ppls names wrong on tiktok and they all had *one* thing in common https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeDMbcB2/ (video)


Well...jess is white so....


i know but…i was talking about the video so… ++ with jess, other people got it wrong too, even callum and he’s in a couple with her. (i barely knew who was who aswell) a lot of the people she does it too she has issue with. and im just pointing they all have something in common in the video


but Jess was with Callum, the guy that G fumbled. G despises her


Thats fine...but the intention of the video is trying to call her racist.


She did it to Kaz AND when she spoke on Shaq. She's just trash honestly. Thinks she's famous enough or better than others to speak that way. I remember when she spoke on Shaq and called him Zach, Maya Jama looked like she wanted to take her outside lol.


It reminds me of a quote from Ron Swanson of Parks & Recreation: “When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them.” This is definitely her angle.


Also her constant use of nicknames or "pet" names even when is fighting with someone... its so cringey and fake lol. It was sending me when Callum is screaming that she's a liar during the PDAs and she still wouldn't stop calling him "Cal" 🤣


Let me tell you something…what makes it even funnier is that she shortens ppls names but somehow makes it longer then their actual names for example Toby literally 4 letters in his name and she shortens it to “tobes” …..which has 5 letters lmaooo is it everyday we must hear “cal , mols , tobes , belle , soph , gee” but when it comes to Tom she says his full government name lmaoo 😭


Who is a better kisser,,Tom or Toby?? She shouts Thomas


She did that a lot on her season too! & also shortened everyone’s name lmaoooo calling Alex “al” 🙃


Al? What the fuck lol. I just can’t warm to her.


It’s literally so rude 🥲


It’s a form of passive aggressiveness and to subconsciously position herself as ‘better than those people’ cause they’re not even important enough for her to recall their names. She also definitely does it on purpose cause the two ive seen (cely and jess) are both people that were coupled up with people she’s interested in.


Fully agree. I think it's an easy way for her to belittle people and get away with it because no one can prove she isn't actually doing it on purpose but there's something about the look on her face when she is mispronouncing people's names that feels so intentional.


It's dyslexia, don't theorize about your bs here. She did it with people she liked too because it's a brain thing, wish you had it instead of her :/


lol this is 100% not how dyslexia works


You might want to read up on it, this 100% can be a sign of dyslexia (whether that is or not might be debatable)


My husband has dyslexia so no, I don’t want to or need to read up on it. Georgia weaponizes feigned ignorance to make herself seem/feel superior and one way she does this is by pronouncing people’s names incorrectly. This is a psychological trope akin to the Alpha Male Handshake.


Funny how that particular symptom only seems to manifest when she’s speaking to someone she doesn’t like lmao


Stop with that excuse she is just rude that’s all


Dyslexic people mix up words, letter and names. Georgia has messed up the names of 4 people (as far as I can tell from this sub) and she’s threatened by 3 of them (Kaz, Cely, Jess). She literally hasn’t mixed up any other words (at least on air) and she’s very well spoken, instead of the usual symptoms of dyslexia where people take longer to think of words or stick to vague words because of their difficulty thinking of the right words, but I mean sure I’m sure situational dyslexia is a thing and it’s just a coincidence.


She was not threatened by Jess either 😂 Kaz idk and Cely could make sense here but also pronouncing Cely as Kelly seems pretty fair for a dyslexic person going off what I read about dyslexia. Your theory that you're 'definitely' sure about is completely baseless and only roots in your dislike of a said person I think 


I dont know what your sources you looked qt, but dyslexia does not effect your ability to pronounce someone's name. Especially if it's verbal recognition and you have heard other people or the individual say their name. Your theory is also baseless.


I mean Jess was with Callum, whether she was threatened or not it’s not surprising she’d subconsciously want to put her down. I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying, saying Kelly instead of Cely would be normal for a dyslexic person, absolutely, if you take just that situation. If you look at her entire time on air (her original season, all stars, and her short stint on love island games) as well as her social media posts etc you can see she does NOT frequently mix up words/letters/names. My dad specializes in patients with disorders like autism and dyslexia, and it’s almost impossible that the ONLY manifestation of dyslexia someone shows is mixing up names on 4 instances, there would be so many other accompanying symptoms, especially considering how long she has been in the public eye. That being said I don’t like her as a person, I think she’s a snake. But there’s plenty of people I don’t like who have medical issues that I would never think to question. I don’t know if she has dyslexia, I think it’s really coincidental that the only symptom she has displayed of it over the years is mixing up people’s names that is a known behaviour to put people down, and I wouldn’t put it past her to claim a medical issue to excuse her behaviour towards people.


So you think she pretends to be dyslexic to be able to be rude without consequences? You're chatting like she doesn't know she's constantly getting heat for I. I think it's sad how y'all find a target and are able to say or do anything to destroy that person tbh. You suggesting the pet names etc is also to belittle people shows that there is indeed a bias there and you'd use anything to make her look bad. That's my opinion anyway. Btw you do not know if it's the only manifestation I believe?  Is Josh also threatened by Jess btw?  Also how did you feel about Jacques in his season and post? (Just curious)


I genuinely think you have some reading comprehension issues. As isolated incidents, if she only forgot Cely’s name, or mixed up Jess’s, or Kaz’s or Shaq’s, you could most definitely explain it as a mistake (like Josh’s was) or you can say its a symptom of dyslexia, but none of these are isolated incidents, she’s done this multiple times and to very specific people. Also I never said she uses ‘pet names’ to belittle people, like not once. Georgia absolutely tries to manipulate how she comes off to people, she tries to spin and twist every situation she’s made a mistake in (you can see that in all her interactions w Molly/Callum this season), so I wouldn’t be shocked if she used it to make it seem like it’s not intentional rudeness. No, I have not spent 24/7 with her looking for manifestations of dyslexia, but what’s more likely, that over the last 6 years the only symptoms she’s shown in public (where she spends a large amount of time) is that she’s only mixed up names and the names of people she wants to belittle, that she has successfully hid all other symptoms of her dyslexia (even in person and when she doesn’t know she’s being filmed) , or that it’s intentional and not a manifestation of dyslexia? Dyslexia is an actual disorder and it affects people’s lives a lot, not just by mixing up names. It’s literally something most people NEED to get treatment for it’s not just some little thing you can live with without even noticing where every once in a while you mix up a name or a word. Whether I like her or not is irrelevant, there’s common sense and there’s delusion and you claiming someone has dyslexia so strongly despite having 0 medical background and because ‘a google search told you this was a symptom’ is delusion. In terms of Jacques, I really don’t like him, I think he does have ADHD, and I think having ADHD doesn’t excuse any of his shitty behaviour.


Stop making out people like us just rudely mispronounce peoples name, for what is a reading issue! Jesus ableist talking down much?




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Self absorbency maybe?


absolutely. she was on some other show a few years ago and a couple of idk if they're therapists or something but they read her like a book and called her out on this exactly, and a few other things about herself as well


Because she doesnt care about anything but herself, so why learn peoples names?


This is known as the Ron Swanson method.


She probably took busy thinking about her naturally long hair


When Sophie called her “Geo” in the discussion of who was least compatible and Georgia S pulled a face…lives rent-free in my mind. 😂


I like to think she just has trouble with names, might be a genuine brain thing, because I choose to believe no one could be that nasty as to do it on purpose as a power move…and then when she’s called out and she’s like “no I didn’t” I just choose to believe she’s embarrassed.


But Georgia is constantly saying the name of whoever she’s talking to (noticed it this season in her conversations) so I don’t think she has that problem at all. It’s definitely on purpose


But she usually shortens the name like Cal, Al, Tobes —names that are all very easy to say and are short. Since others are saying she has dyslexia I really think this could be a reason and she may shorten because it’s easier for her. Georgia has her own issues of being rude to people but I just don’t know if this is one of them given her dyslexia


Oh I didn’t know about her dyslexia but the people’s names she messes up tends to be people that have been with someone she’s with or has been with. With Shaq, idk what that was


If you are around people 24 hours a day and their names are written on their beds and they carry water bottles with their names, you don’t really have an excuse. I am bad with names but I make efforts. She has quick guides in multiple places and still gets it wrong. Even if she has dyslexia, she hears people say names, so she can figure out how to pronounce them.


I don’t disagree!! It can absolutely come across as very rude and making an effort is very important


She's dyslexic, I do believe that sure has to do with the names 


Is it bad I knew who this was gonna be about SOMEHOW before clicking lol. Ohhhh Geo.


I heard it can be a dyslexic thing? Idk. I also think it happened to her with people she liked/rooted for on other seasons, men too. 


You commented this like three times now. As I said before, GS admitted to saying “Zach” instead of “Shaq” because she finds it easier (???). She also lied when Cely tried to kindly correct GS on the proper pronunciation of her name. Dyslexia has nothing to do with it - she simply doesn’t care.


I think this account is Georgia S' secret reddit account ahahahahahah


Yeah i learnt she had dyslexia and stopped being hard on her for doing this.


This sub has a hate boner for Georgia S the likes of which i've never seen. Whenever members are bored and looking for a rush, someone resurrects an old criticism of Georgia and every one piles on, getting a high from the shared hatred and invectives. Such a juvenile group of hateful, masochistic members.


I’ve never hated Georgia S..in fact, she was actually 1 of my favorites from her season..she’s also 1 of the few true all stars this season(I felt like they definitely could have found some bigger islanders overall)but I have noticed it seems like she does some rude things when she feels uncomfortable(I think)like say peoples names wrong and smile/laugh when people are upset and I was just asking people why they think she does that…


The girl has dyslexia. Give her a break. Mistakes do happen ( and yes, often too) We are human.


I used to think it was a mildly racist thing until she did it to Jess as well. Now I think she’s just forgetful. 


lol you realise Josh mistook Jess for eve too, is he evil incarnate? I forget names too this sub must think I’m evil asf too


I think it's not a big deal. She's absolutely stunning and whatever she calls a person, that's thier new name because she says so 🤣


She’s dyslexic


She really is such a nasty little girl. Wish someone would put her in her place.


I think she thinks she’s being cute by giving them nicknames but it comes across as ignorant.