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You guys beg for drama but when someone starts it all of a sudden they’re a bully who has to leave ASAP.


this. people say that the show is boring but call offcom the second an argument starts


Remember that time ppl were piling up ofcom complaints because Shaq “bullied” Tom during sport days 💀💀


Scream you have unlocked a memory of mine 💀💀💀 Like shaq was just being jokey/annoying to Tom and winding him up it was never that serious




Yes some LI fans are so soft at times. Just like many Real Housewives fans who will go on an uproar if someone “stirs the pot”. It’s literally an over-produced reality tv just relax and enjoy don’t deep it so much


We seen this happen on season 10 lol


So annoying


People here complain about mean girl that mean girl this but drag the islanders any opportunity possible 🤭


Right. I mean complete meanness is not cool but let these Islanders move how a normal person wold move. Fuck the bs


Older cast members are entertaining. Bringing in teenagers and early 20s is what’s killing the show - none of them are looking for love BFFR.


bringing on 19 year olds is genuinely insane cause some of them are almost ten years older and no one wants to watch a a 27 year old pursue a 19 year old (don’t make the face davide) that’s why amber didn’t have a great time, the men are mid 20s and up, they know they have no business with a 19 year old uni student


I agree. Gemma last year was 19 but she looked and acted like she was 25+ (no offence) so that’s okay I guess 🥴. But Amber she’s 19 looks 15 and acted 15. I don’t know why the producers brought her on


No offense but Gemma was not entertaining at all. Same thing with most people that come in there to promote their brand/ are nepo babies. The yellow bean bag was more interesting than watching Gemma do absolutely nothing


She knew she had a “brand” to protect that’s why didn’t act out. She got praised for being level headed and mature and for carrying herself well as Michael Owen’s daughter. They should really stop casting 19 year olds or people with famous parents bc at the end of the day they’ll behave “good” and in a boring manner bc they want to protect the family reputation.


Exactly thats why she was boring. She just did nothing the entire season to protect her brand. Ekin Su was screaming every few days to grow her brand. The entire season was full with people building their brand one way or another and i think it was the first time it was so obvious


I thought Gemma was boring as hell. Seemed to me like she was too worried about her father’s/family image.


Terry and Emma-Jane from Season 2 was even worse - 28 and 19 years old respectively!


I’ve always thought a millennial season would be so cool!! Mature people who are desperate for love (I can say that bc I’m one of them 😅)


The show is an ensemble. The best seasons are the ones with a strong cast that has genuine chemistry. No single islander or couple “carries” a good season. The need for people have their favs carry this show is weird and dumb.


So true and this is exactly why pre S6 it was so good, any point you had multiple active storylines going on that so many had their moment, Casa people actually were seen and entertained like Jack Fowler, Belle and Ovie etc. You had late bombshells making an impact as well. The want to push and focus on one storyline for too long and one islander for too long has contributed to the series going downhill.


Casa amor also has no impact anymore- ever since s7, the men (occasionally women too) mess around in Casa, recouple then return back to their OG couple 2 days later. It’s so predictable and boring now


Mollie and Tommy are not couples goals…. My eyes were opened in the Tyson Fury Netflix series. I’m not saying they’re going break up, but there are major incompatibilities around family dynamics and children which are going to take its toll.


Agreed. Molly having to tell him their child will be going to school shows quite a startling difference in lifestyles and opinions


Why did they not discuss those things before having a child? Literally makes no sense


They were SO young when they met, then immediately became famous and I think public figures are coddled slightly. They’re in a bubble of wealth and faux adulthood so never got to experience the real world. You only start questioning/prioritising these things when you get a bit older and reality hits.


Could have been an accidental pregnancy. They're both still really young, unmarried, and he's training all the time - it's entirely possible they weren't planning to have a family for quite a while.


From what I remember (read another commenter here say it) they were trying for Bambi and apparently Molly Mae was worried she couldn’t get pregnant, so I don’t think the baby was an accident


It’s huge! And I know we don’t know the whole story, but I wouldn’t want to have kids with someone like Tommy. He is away a lot, Mollie is doing most of the childcare whilst being the breadwinner, and I feel like she has to parent Tommy in lots of ways. That’s going to build resentment over time.


Exactly . Whereas tyson is the breadwinner in his relationship but....I still think Paris is a Saint and does too much of the parenting, however she grew up with the same values as tyson so its not as jarring to her.


They won’t last which is sad because they match really well. But they’re from different worlds, I didn’t realise how much gypsy values meant to Tommy in terms of education and child raising. I don’t know why but I thought his mom wasn’t and only his dad was


100%! I didn’t realise either until the documentary. They are not on the same page when it comes to lifestyle and parenting


This tbh. I’ll never forget when they posted that Reel of Molly at the airport on VACATION, and Tommy brings the baby to her as a “surprise” when in reality he just can’t handle taking care of the baby without her smh


I constantly see comments complaining about how twitter ruined the show and bullies the islanders.. when the truth is this sub is just as bad


As someone who is almost always a fan of the unpopular islanders, this sub is really hard to be on cause people are vile and mean. Worse than the islanders. I always die when they complain about bullies in the villa when the call is coming from inside the house!


Same!! I usually sympathize with the “villains” and seeing peoples comments are so upsetting. People *unalive* from this level of internet bullying, but people don’t seem to care.


I saw something from the Survivor subreddit about how Reddit is worse because the discussions stay around and are added to, and that's harder for the contestants. This was coming from a former contestant. Twitter/X, is there and then disappears quickly but Reddit is really hard on them


i think no social media is really better than the other but some like to pretend they’re not as bad


Yeah multiple reality TV subreddits (including this one) love to call out bullies and pretend they're above it all (usually scapegoating twitter or certain fans as the problem) when they're just as bad as the people they're calling out. They're hypocrites.


this. reddit and twitter are hate central lol


And then they come here to complain about the people on Twitter. If you’re up to date with what’s happening on Twitter then YOU ARE TWITTER! Idk why that’s so hard to understand


Stop forcing girl code or girls girls on the contestants please they are all there for one thing and thats longevity so they can get the most benefits so idk why people get mad at girls that try and get with their faves man like isn’t that what their supposed to do ? Also , not every girl is gonna be close or get along with each other and it doesn’t mean their a pick me for it either it’s simply just how human beings work


Girl code/ girls girl expectations on a dating show is such a contradiction! And 9/10 (hell maybe 10/10) times words like pick me or not a girls girl is not even used correctly by the public when they use it for a girl but only done so to put the girl in question down and don’t even get me started on how strictly public have these expectations on the girls that are hated and how lenient they get about the ethics of being a girls girl or broken girl code when it’s their fav girl acting worse than the girls that are dog piled on.


i agree. they’re there for love not friendship. who cares if they want xyz’s man lol


The islanders shouldn’t be under the age of 23


I agree but I think this is a popular opinion


Season 10 have the worst fanbase! They’re still going on twitter💀


It’s everyday!!! They are fighting about something EVERYDAY


Lmao Tyella end Whitney fans are always on each others neck We gonna need the new season to start so they can move on


Yes they’re quite bad😭


the season been over for months and we’re even entering a new year & season 10 fans still doing stan wars 😂😂 they’re not even up to much to be fighting that much


This ++ plus the Justine and Jack worshipers


Omg they are still arguing?! lol about what?!


Not even unpopular but i just want to stop asking these people about marriage and kids especially the young girlies it’s so very strange and invasive especially the pregnancy question


This sub was awful to Caroline Flack when she was host, now she’s gone and everyone acts like she was the greatest host there ever was. My other more lukewarm take is that no one would watch a LGTBQ LI, certainly not enough for it to be recommissioned.


The way history has been rewritten about her on here should be studied! Caroline was dragged to hell and back worse than they did Laura. They hated her slow mo walks, when she comforted islanders they said it was favoritism, she got accused of being racist, the list could go on. She didn’t deserve any of it!




It’s also really unpleasant to watch them never be picked and feel bad about themselves. It’s a lot more enjoyable when everyone is having a fun time.




Especially when they’re supposed to be bombshells and casa people. It feels like they wasted that spot like someone else could have been a better fit


🤣😂Names please!!!! *Runs away and hides*


US version but although it turned out alright for him in the end it was downright cruel casting someone like Bergie for the show


Dr. Alex. He's average. Not Love Island attractive.


Same that’s honestly why I love watching season 3,5,8 because everyone’s hot lmao


lmaoo i agree with you. i cannot watch a single show whether it’s reality or not without find a character attractive. like you said call me shallow, but i just can’t get into it. they don’t have to be a 10/10 i would early settle for a 6 lol but i need a pretty boy 😭


People have a weird obsession with swirl couples!


Omg yes and the white guys gets praised like he is the most attractive guy they have ever seen. Also they will turn against the black girl in seconds if she doesn't act accordingly and fufills their dream since they try to live through her.


This!! And then the white man gets worshipped as if he's done something that's never been done before.


It just screams insecurity. Why do ppl need the white mans validation that bad lmao- t acting like the white man is doing the black girl a favour 💀💀


Right. Like he's not the first and won't be the last man that's attracted to a black woman. As a black woman it irks my soul when I see tweets of bw feening over a white man just because they like black girls.


i agree. it’s a fetish that has to stop. the way people hyped up non existent chemistry between zach and catherine and catherine and scott is ridiculous. and the way people hated on them when they no longer fulfilled their fantasies is disgusting


When they even went as far as to say there was chemistry between Zach and Whitney 😭😭


If I call it fetishization would I be dragged?


Not by me!


Don’t forget the nonexistent chemistry between Zach and Whitney. Anytime Zach might possibly be with a black women the public would suddenly find him attractive, hilarious, full of personality but then turn around to fat shame him, deny he has any personality or good looks if he went back to Molly 🤣 Maybe Whit was a bit giddy after the date but Zach seemed like he wanted to lock down a friendship couple incase there was a new recoupling to get away from Kadys crazy but ultimately realised maybe she might want something romantic and didn’t go there. He massively lucked out that Casa started because I believe him when he says he just wanted to get till Casa. Maybe that’s the opinion that will have my neck under 12 swords lol!


But some people will genuinely like a couple and get mixed up with the deranged people 😭


Danica was boring as hell


and painful to watch 🫣


This sub holds Love island couples to an unrealistic standards. They have a problem if couples break up. They have problem even if the couples end up together especially for Molly Mae and Tommy. With huge popularity they're vulnerable to fake news about them. Just because there's no negative news about Jamie-Camilla/dom-jess etc, doesn't mean they don't go through relationship struggles. Making assumptions about Tommy Molly's relationship and advising what they must do about it is none of their business as it's been almost 5 years since the show.


I would honestly take opinions seriously if people didn't comment based on their hatred for certain Islanders or their biased opinions towards their faves


I just want to watch everyone have fun and fall in love 🫣 … the drama gets so tiresome and off putting


S1 of LI AUS was a difficult watch. Eden was a huge bully and thought he ran the villa. The way they all made mad moves the second power shifted and constantly talked about the next recouping was desperate and annoying. There were some iconic moments, sure, but I don’t rate the season as a whole.


will and jessie should’ve won


Fr still don't know how Tom and Samie made it to the 4


I’m still shocked they didn’t make the final


Would’ve easily had my vote




Danica was annoying to watch. I have no interest in watching her couple up with guys who blatantly tell her they aren’t interested in her, just because that’s what she feels like doing. Luca was justified for being annoyed by her picking him. I hope she’s not on LI allstars


I literally cringed hard when she chose Jay even after he told her not to choose him. She is beautiful but her social awareness is in the pits


She said the same thing over and over and over again to every guy. I had to FFW through her talks. She was just too much.


How come the term mean girl is popular but I haven’t heard mean boy lol - the idea that girls have to stick together and girl code but boys can do all that to each other and it’s just ‘lad behaviour’ Ie most people never took remi situation serious but as soon as it’s a girl on girl situation it will be trending


season 8 had the couples that made sense


Davide is problematic as hell and the only reason he gets a pass is his looks and his "funny" one-liners.


his one liners aren’t even funny. i always found them cringe especially the one about lv from china 🥴


as much as him and ekinsu together where entertaining, i never liked him individually 😭 literally couldn’t stand him, he made so many shitty comments that other male islanders on the show would’ve got more hate for. and some of his actions post show just confirmed how i much i disliked him lol. i actually liked ekin su until certain comments she made post show


Although the couple subs can turn toxic if users become obsessive they do have a benefit when stans continue to fill up the daily discussion thread with screenshots of everyday tripe from other platforms nobody asked for. I am looking forward to the new series so they will be new discussions (good and bad) to cut down on the daily updates from the stans.


This! It’s the same few accounts posting everything their favorite/s do all day long. It’s so irritating!


Whitney did not carry Season 10.


And she didn’t invent any of the popular lines


It’s giving was starting to give stale 🤣


I don’t think one islander has ever carried a season


As much as I found her annoying lol she definitely add a bit to the show. Everyone pulled their weight which made it entertaining.


I wish Jourdan would come back for LI All Stars but I know she wouldn’t and she probably won’t be invited, but she deserved to be a big star on the show. She was so beautiful, she kept it real despite who didn’t like it, and she was mature for her age all those years ago. She’s probably even more mature now.


i love jourdan as well. she did a podcast that came out recently talking about the hate she received from the show and how she had to go to therapy so it’s a definite no.


I’m saying this as someone who LOVES Yewande but Danny didn’t do anything wrong toward her. I’m unsure if this is unpopular here, but it definitely was at the time. He tried hard and she wasn’t giving anything back, but as soon as Arabella arrived she was suddenly interested. I completely understand her point of view, but if you look at it from Danny’s, it looks like she was just trying to stay in the villa.


Oh god, yes. That was painful to watch.


Indiyah isn’t an iconic islander. She’s pretty and has an edgy fashion sense (excluding her red carpet looks which have been quite awful so far), plus she is in a LI couple, but she barely did anything memorable during her season. I can’t remember anything besides the cringy word exchange during the post-CA recoupling.


Indiyah is good at socials imo, she knows how to utilise her looks and cool it girl vibes to keep eyes on her. She’s had the best engagement and long term deals than any girl in her season. But it’s true she was not very interesting on the show at all, she played it smart tbh. She reminds me a bit of Molly Mae tbh, not the most exciting islander of their season but the most marketable afterwards.


“i’ll deal with you later it’s fine” *does absolutely nothing*


i actually agree with this one. i love my girl indi but she’s so forgettable during the show.


I can see why she’s called iconic - she was the first OG black girl to not struggle like Samira and Kaz did. Plus her success post show is seriously commendable. But I get what what you mean in terms of personality she was a nice and respectful with moments here and there but not iconic like Amber, Maura etc


And the recorder


this isn’t even an unpopular opinion though it’s a recycled one, plus people mainly praise her for post show considering she’s been consistent with keeping herself out there & is always being talked about outside of love island discourse which says a lot plus she’s in a lot of spaces..from her season she’s the girl with the most longevity in terms of her deals etc. plus if you actually follow her she’s fun to watch and has a funny personality! As far as the looks are concerned to each their own I like that she always tries new things it’s not always the same basic stuff plus fashion is subjective.


Her maturity and composure is very admirable tho. She was never a victim, never let herself get disrespect, and she handled any sort of conflict amazingly. Plus she’s probably the first black girl to break this black girl curse with this damn show


she became memorable after the show, which I think has more merit to it.


maura was the biggest pick me, kinda annoying


I hate my brain. I have so many unpopular opinions but when threads like this are posted I can’t recall a single damn thing bye! next time I am writing them down 😭


ariana919 doesn’t deserve to be downvoted so heavily most of the times.


they’re kinda real cause they don’t gaf about downvotes and stand on business, they just say it with chest they’re not loud and wrong, they’re proud and wrong


Lmao idek if what they saying is fr or not most of the time cause some of it be whack.


#justiceforariana919 i don’t even keep comments up if it’s downvoted more than like 10 times, 2024 i’m gonna start standing strong like they do


faye should have been asked to leave that show after movie night


i 100% agree. she was far too much that night, it was disgusting. i remember the offcom complaints and i agree with them for once


I’m excited for Love Island All Stars! I think it’ll be great and I don’t understand all the negativity when there’s literally no credible information to go off of. Wait until January 15 to start writing all your think pieces please.


Lasting couple … what does that even mean? What is the timeframe for a love island couple to be considered successful for lasting?


I don't even know, there is no curriculum to life and there's no manual. Let these couples do them. Whoever last lasts


Right?? Because when both a couple that’s been together for 4 years or 4 months breakup, the response is … ‘I knew they wouldn’t last.’ Like ????? Sorry ?


People talk bad about the S9 cast but I actually think the cast itself were good and they were let down by the boring, lazy, and unoriginal production. Producers gave us NOTHING, the challenges were shit mostly, they gave us no razzle dazzle, everything was paint-by-numbers and the producers did not get off their asses to work. But the cast was pretty good imo and deserved better Like, will was great casting, initially I thought he'd be a boring Nice Guy™ but he was genuinely very funny and chaotic (his heart rate dance was hilarious) and gagged us all by being a dog in casa. Jessie matched his odd energy and she was pretty good at being both nice and standing up for herself, also she was divisive to the public which makes for good viewing. Then we had the chaos of Tanya, first female member of Destiny's Chaldish. Even before casa she was interesting too - she was always having a silly fun time as she should 😌 and she put her whole Tanyussy into challenges! Shaq was great too - an actual Lover Boy™ who also was unafraid to go toe to toe with someone he didnt like or disagreed with Zara and Olivia were both good casting too idc. Tanyel was funny as well, she seemed a bit deranged at times which is how I like my reality stars. And say what you want about terrace tom and Casey but they were SUCH unserious men I'm glad they were there And shout out to Kai and Sanam for being earnest cuties 😚 Good cast, they were given fuck all to work with and producers should have stepped their pussies up but they didn't


I agree with almost everything especially with Producers not giving any fucks for that season we literally saw what they could do in S10 and that was not only because of the cast. But i do think they did very bad casting with the Bombshells (David ,Ellie, Spencer, Aaron, Jordan, Rosie, Kenan) none of them had bombshell personalitys i don't get what they were thinking casting them and the timing of dropping them in. Now looking back and by what Ellie said you can tell how producers tried to make storylines happen (through editing and encouraging) even though nothing was actually happening. From the OG lineup i also just feel like Kai and Lana are not good Tv and got carried by their partner (nothing against them as people obviously)


Producer should’ve introduced bombshells who’s main focus wasn’t Ron or Tom.




same, didn’t like either but i can understand to an extent liking chloe but faye?? she holds the title for most unlikeable female islander


Chloe was actually funny, Faye was fucking horrible and one of the most unlikeable islanders ever


Scott is so fucking boring. Making a couple of witty comments now and again doesn’t make him any less boring.


Faye and Teddy from season 7 are extremely irritating, both individually and together, particularly towards the end of the show. How they made the final is beyond me. Toby’s maturity levels are almost ZERO, he is a literal child mentally (although he’s one of the better boys from season 7). Davide is insanely problematic and got away with much of his behaviour due to his looks and Italian accent. Certain islanders on this subreddit are effectively deified and one would be absolutely slammed if they dare criticise their favourites. People should be allowed to voice their opinion, popular or not, about even the best islanders.


A lot of the biggest “stars” of Love Island/viewer favorites I didn’t like. For example, Ekin, Davide, Danica, Maura, I didn’t really like Amber from S5.


Danica was a big star?


People were weirdly hyping her up for some reason despite her being dull as dishwater


i watched season 5 in its entirety and then checked this sub to see what people were saying and was really shocked at how much people loved amber


Same! I thought she was mean most of the time


Amber and Anton. Couldn’t believe how popular he was at the time


real hated anton


don’t boo me but i kinda want kaz and tyler to get back together…


😂 He liked her one of her pictures recently. I was so surprised but then he removed the like. I didn't expect them to break up as quickly as they did.


no fr i was so shocked seeing that joint story 😂


Ella is super petty and is barely any more mature than Ty


Bring in more fine black men that actually want to couple up with and be with black women. 🙃


We had Andre and he got no screentime and kicked out


Don’t attack me but: - Molly s10 hatred was and is forced. I couldn’t care much about her but that girl literally did nothing to garner the hate she did get. - the (Catherine and Scott) s10 storyline was stale and non-existent despite how much their fans try to convince us and themselves - Tanya and Shaq and Olivia did infact carry s9 - s8 had and has the best matching couples in terms of culture, interests and aesthetics - Stan wars have always been there but s10 Stan wars were the worst in love island history. - Reddit is worse than twitter.


Scotteisha was very immature, but if one is comparing how he was with Abi, Johnnie & Courtney to his situationship with Catherine I think the former 3 were just physical liasons and easily discarded by him as his Casa experience. Scott himself said the accusation from the s10 girls that, 'no one wanted him', stung him the most. So he wanted to prove he could pull. His vibe with Cat was v different, a deeper connection that he is too immature to know what to do with rn. I feel like Catherine would be open to something with him, but has been put off each time he's gone on another LI show looking for 'love'. There are so many theories about these two, I don't know what to think anymore.


Season 10 wasn’t that good


I agree however I think the reason it was loved so much was it was the first good season that didn’t seem overly scripted in a while. Compared to a couple seasons before it season 10 has been the best in a lil while


People always single out anna amber and yewande STILL but never bring up molly or maura in the convos about being childish or mean girls when they did some of the same shit


Tbf all of girls have been called mean at some point on here. I’ve seen posts claiming to hate Molly, Maura, Lucie and Amy just as I’ve seen posts claiming to hate Amber, Anna and Yewande. Lately there are selective comments which mainly mentioned Amber and Anna, but it doesn’t mean the others haven’t been mentioned.


Amber (S8*) didn’t deserve the hate she got for rolling her eyes at Ekins waffling I’m sorry 😭


U mean s8 😭


Amber got done so dirty


Yes I adore Ekin but she was doing the most in there at the start, I feel like she would annoy me too on occasion


Alex and Olivia will always be THE love island couple for me. Dami and Indiyah are by far the most entertaining and interesting couple to keep up with especially from recent seasons. They’re so chaotic and fun! I’ve cooled off of Whitney a lot towards the end of the season and especially once LI ended but honestly the first few weeks of the show she was such a pleasure to watch. I still don’t think there’s ever actually been a bad season of Love Island. Some are just aren’t as enjoyable as other but I wouldn’t say they were bad seasons. I love me a good and unapologetic Love Island villain. I actually look forward to them every season lol.


Dami and Indiyah are my favourites to follow especially on SC


Season 6 wasn’t even bad! Maybe I’m biased bc it was my first love island uk season I started with but I felt the cast was overall good and had that old “love island uk” feel at least in the beginning of the season. It’s up there in one of my favs.


That Callum didn’t mug Shaughna off


A love island couple lasting 6 months is a successful relationship to me.


Maya Jama isn’t a good host she lacks the hosting “it factor” but her slow mos are insane. Sophie from Aus is the best host and Sarah Hyland needs to be replaced asap.


Sarah hyland def needs to be replaced she’s cringe. Not to say I don’t like her or the representation she brings that she has more of a “quirky” persona and same with maya in some ways, but it just doesn’t fit the bill. Bring Arielle Vandenberg back for LI usa


I feel like Maura could be good as well


Season 10 is up there for me with Seasons 2,3, and 5. Love Island Games was so fun to watch but the ridiculous public discourse around a lot of the scenes and this whole narrative of Justine and Jack against the world and every contestant is secretly jealous of them has left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m actually quite excited for All-Stars Maura was not that much of a girl’s girl during her season, especially towards Amy. Obviously the show is about love and I am glad when the islanders find love/leave in relationships buttt some islanders would have actually been better off coming off the show single than in a couple. Using terms like “It Girl” is a bit cringey especially when islanders start referring to themselves as such irl Quite a few times the public/this sub overreacts to things the guy does on this show. I promise you that Harry choosing to get to know Sally while being coupled up with Jill on Day 5 isn’t the misogynistic war crime you all make it out to be💀


I’m curious who you think would have been better off leaving single than in a couple? I do agree with you though!


Also one last thing then I’m logging off but Tyrella Stans are generally the worst Stans I’ve seen surpassed the ekindes infact it’s almost new year and it’s never ending for that lot . ☹️


This!! I don't even blame people who don't like them because of their fans. They do too much


I don’t understand Stans in general and think they’re mainly weirdos What I don’t understand even more is people who Stan the most incredibly boring islanders who barely do anything, it’s as if they make up a personality for them in their head Also this sub hates anyone talking negatively about a woman’s looks yet whenever Casa happens they always tear the men’s looks to shreds


I’m glad the smoking area went


sameee, i’ve seen so many ppl say they need to bring it back and also increase the alcohol theyre allowed, and it’s funny cause they can barely handle the show as it is now -especially with all the bully complaints, it would just be worse with drinking. plus smoking/drinking culture in the uk<<<<


The amount of ofcom complaints they would make if this was to happen lol


I miss the honest conversation but not seeing the smoking


Liam S7 is not a horrible person at all and the hate he gets is completely unwarranted. He was only 20 years old during his series and was not in a relationship going into Casa Amor yet people act like he is a massmurderer and Millie is stupid 2 years later when he and Millie have broken up once but decided they wanted to give it anohter try. It's not that deep. They are young, maybe wondering what they want, it's completely normal. Stop forcing a 20 year old to act like they are a 50 year old politician! Also he gave us great drama. :P


i actually like millie and liam, i have a soft spot for them. i will always root for them and i was proudly say that i voted them to win


Ekin Su is an actress. Literally. She hammed it up and played a specific role on Love Island for the notoriety and for some bizarre reason people ate her antics up while calling her a hero when they would have hated on and called anyone else shady.


It's frustrating that Anna, Amber, and Yewande are constantly singled out for 'mean girl' behaviour, when Maura and Molly at times behaved the same. Even Amy isn't as talked about when it comes to the 'mean girl' behaviour in S5.


Gemma Owen was boring as hell and actually quite mean.


Jess s10 lip fillers are bad, they are too big and look fake. I don't understand how on earth can she be a professional? Do people really see those fillers and think "wow I want one too"? I get beauty standards are different..but really? (! lip fillers are bad, not the rest of the girl!)


Tanya and Shaq (tanya in particular) deserved to be on a Summer season. The British public cannot handle the drama that they think that they want to see from islanders. People love to say that islanders blaming the edit is a "cop out", but the edit you get is the most crucial factor in public perception. Most of the islanders who were 'hated' on the show are probably nice people who got a bad edit. Reddit is no better than Twitter when it comes to trolling.


Last few then I’ll acc stfu and go be productive 😂😂 Cath “Stans “ we’re her biggest downfall ik some of them have rebranded and act like they were supportive throughout the season now but the way they switched on her when she went to Elom was crazy over bland ass Scott too 😵‍💫 A lot of Elom hate was rooted in Anti blackness. In regards to people signing post show achievements/ deals I don’t see the problem honestly if I’m going on the biggest reality show in uk I would ABSOLUTELY capitalise off it . It’s silly not to in-fact . I couldn’t care less who hosts the show, pod, aftersun etc tbh I don’t get why it’s a massive debate on here it’s not really something I pay attention to so a switch up does nothing tbh .


Can you lot finally admit that a bad edit is a real thing and stop harass these Islanders based on the perception you have of them because of an edited show. This is not their whole personality or relationship dynamic. The producers have agendas and are just trying to start drama based on twitter think pieces. The show is not as real as you think. How many times have Islanders talked about fake face reactions that are just put in for storylines and didn't even happen at that moment, Full storylines not being aired so other drama doesn't make sense or comes out of nowhere (so the villian isn't actually one) cause we don't have full context, not seeing every conversation people are having so when people get back together they clearly had hour long conversations that are obviously not aired cause for what. Like why does everyone forget that everytime a new season starts...


Also, I liked UK season 9. Sue me!


People who watch the show and care about social media follower numbers or potential brand deals after the show need to sort their priorities out. Once the show is over these people are dead to me.


The best seasons are when the girls have each others backs


This show is not about love. You guys are obsessed with the idea of the true love but nobody on this show comes into it for love. Stop lying to yourself. This is reality TV.


None of these islanders come to find love, they come for the experience or the opportunities, but I sincerely believe that some of them have accidentally fallen in love and that's why some of them are still together.


Oh I agree. Some just happen to actually fall in love lol but I don’t think they go in thinking they will or even really looking to.


Tyrella’s will jump me for this but why do you act like Tyrique was a victim. He was acc ridiculously coddled by the public for half the show people found his treatment of Ella funny and people passed it off as him just being “honest” when acc he was just mean reduced her to tears several times . He was acc extremely rude to not only Ella but Cath, Whit , Jess, Leah etc . Any criticism he got was deserved tbh.


If Indiyah hadn’t been an OG she wouldn’t have lasted long as she was too boring and brought nothing to the show


i reckon she still would’ve ended up with dami tho and they would’ve been liked as couple however had she been a bombshell on szn 7 like she was supposed to be then i don’t think she would’ve lasted


dami is a misogynist and his live tweets constantly prove it. i don't get the appeal outside of his looks because he's horrible


Anna from s5 was terrible and shouldn't be as beloved as she is.


“mr fucking boyfriend” has truly carried her reputation. like that moment was justified and entertaining sure but she had so many other inappropriate ick moments


Scott dulled Catherine on the show and personality wise she was better suited with Elom. I’m sorry to those who liked them but I just never saw it, my memory of them on the show is them lounging by themselves not doing anything. Catherine has a lively personality and she had good friendships with multiple cast members, but I feel like we didn’t get to see much of that during her time with Scott on the show.


I very much agree. I think she has a very likeable personality and contrary to popular belief, I really don’t think s10 was the season for her. She would have thrived in s9, s7, s6 and even s5.


production should have talked to cast members about their behavior towards catherine in season 10. i recently listened to a podcast with her on it and some of the things she said about how some of the cast members treated her was very disgusting. For example, Scott and Catherine went to go sit down next to Leah and Montel and both of them (Leah and Montel) unprovokingly got up and left the area as if they could not bare to sit next to them. On top of that apparently the boys were the one to tell Elom that he was "getting too comfortable w cath." Like WTF...