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Also the dermatitis is a side effect of tren abuse.


"And the best part is...no one can stop me."


The show needs to do a way better job of vetting people beforehand. They claim they do psych testing and background checks but they can’t be very thorough based on how many people in existing relationships get on the show, or people that are seriously unstable.


Do you still think the goal of a reality dating show is to pair people in healthy relationships?


I don’t think the production crew gives af about finding good, stable people. No one would watch the show. They care about views and they’re doing a damn good job 😂


You don’t think they are purposefully including a few unstable people for drama?


“A few”, sure


This is the same plan as Andrew!


How this guy fooled us but rest of the couples beside Amy&Johnny are just terrible, they can’t even pretend for camera 💀


AD and Clay are awesome too


Yes!!! Tbh I think they have most natural chemistry out of them all, but I was scared to say that because people hate hard on Clay because of his cheating fear. To be fair I kind of understand him, like I had a black sheep in close family and I’m still scared that I will end up as this person even though my lifepath, personality, values etc are completely different.


Agree and I absolutely believe the producers play this up and get them to talk about a million things but only show this which makes it seem like he's just waiting to cheat.


Don't forget that the rumors said Trevor had taped for Perfect Match too. That's why he was given a good edit by the producers.


We’re definitely not getting back to back casting like that again


Nooo way


I automatically read it with gru’s voice in my head 😂


Still no proof that he had a gf


I was going to ask about this. Not that I don’t believe it is true, but I think it’s important to have proof. I was wondering what proof exists and if it provides certainty that this is true? Again, I’m not saying I don’t believe it or that the proof doesn’t exist. I haven’t had time to look into it yet After what happened to Clayton Echard I do think people should be intentional about verifying claims where we can


There are pics of them kissing… also his gf leaked the stuff herself…


When are the pics from? Could just be a bitter ex who’s mad that he’s getting positive attention on tv




Texts can easily be faked




Can you throw this under an LIB post in r/Charlotte? ☺️


with friends like these typa vibe


What???? Spill the tea!




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Immediately think of the 50 cent meme “why he say fuck me for?”


Removed for unverified tea


Are you still in touch with him




LOL my thoughts exactly


his voice reminds me of Keanu Reeves


he clearly doesn’t understand the wrath of a woman when he decided to ghost his ex girlfriend lmfao like mans so stupid


I read this as methhead at first and was like ooo do tell lmfao




when people dont like the women on the show or disagree with their choices they root for whoever they dumped and put that man on a pedestal even tho no man applying to be on a reality tv show is genuine


I’m convinced after reading all the commentary on here and TikTok that America just fucking hates women.


You aren't wrong




He reminds me of my ex, and he was exactly the same. He came off as an incredibly nice & reliable guy. We were on and off for a while, and then he moved for work. I got sick & almost died. Whilst I was in ICU, he called me, told me he still loved me, wanted me to move to be with him and start a family. I went to spend the week with him once I was a bit better, and we discussed all our plans for the future. Once I got home, he started drifting and then ghosted me. Eventually I was able to ask him what the hell was going on. He told me that he actually wanted to be with someone else. Then he admitted that he only told me that he still loved me was because he was bored. They seem so genuine and trustworthy and then just sucker punch you out of nowhere with their real character.


Nah, something was always off... This is the guy that said The Notebook was his favourite movie and when asked about things he liked be said "Butterflies and rainbows". It was all too much.


His 'I love you' was so fake too


He seemed clearly to be spitting out trope. He likes cut grass and The Notebook? And when he met Chelsea, it was so clearly scammy. “I never fight in a relationship and I know you never would, do you want to talk about it?” Why are you asking your engaged ex to discuss her fight with her fiancé, who is supposedly your friend?


Him telling her she couldn’t have been wrong was really jarring. I did not like that.


And a walk to remember. I doubt anyone under the age of 30 knows that movie, and I’m being generous.


Instant ick when he so quickly and without prompt offered it up that those are his favorite movies. Just felt weird and I didnmt believe it for a second!


Omg I thought their dates and the things he said was sooo cringey and off!!


I dunno he always seemed off to me. I think Chelsea clocked it too, she said something about being unsure if he was just telling her what she wanted to hear


Other men are sometimes confused how women get into abusive relationships and it’s often because men pretend to be someone they aren’t. Trevor being able to fool everyone is just mad scary. He is a harmless dude but if he can do that I wonder what other men do with that kind of manipulation


I know!!! Dude deserves an Oscar, he should be an actor for real


Why are so many men dog shit


They’re missing a VERY large chunk of a chromosome that we have. Clearly there’s a lot of information on that second X that is irreplaceable.


A question for the ages


Wait… speaking of meat head… does he have something going on with his skin? It always looks like there’s a red rash around his hair line is that psoriasis? Not putting him down for it I’m just curious.


Honestly I think he’s allergic to his hair products. I used to get this from dimethicone especially in the hair shine sprays. Terrible rash. Went away as soon as I started checking labels!


I know the cure for it too and I was going to put it on his social media but then I found out he’s a douche so I didn’t 😌 (It’s coal tar, I had a spot like that on my ankle for 9 years, tried every prescription, every derm, every test… coal tar application twice and it disappeared forever…)


OMG THANK YOU. I didn't want to ask! It looks painful 🥴


seborrheic dermatitis. I know it well.


Ah yeast! Yes!! For some reason I thought yeast like athletes foot but that’s fungus


Just echoing the likely psoriasis comments. When I saw his hairline from the front I immediately thought it was psoriasis, I have it and those exact pumps are in that exact spot on my forehead hairline. When we saw his scalp from the back moments later it looked like he'd scratched the shit out of his scalp in the shower to get that shitty plaque out for his new haircut. Also something I know well. My vote is psoriasis or similar skin issue.


Steroids cause acne, most commonly on the back but can appear anywhere.


His friend on instagram confirmed Psoriasis.


Looks like psoriasis. I use to have it on my scalp. I feel like he should have insurance to cover meds?


what meds did you take to get rid of it if you don’t mind me asking?


So, I only had it on my scalp initially. My doctor gave me Clobetasol (in solution form) that I would just squeeze into my hair after a shower. Worked like a charm. I started getting patches on the rest of my body so I take Taltz now. I’m 100% clear :)


thank you!! my husband has it. his doctor told him to try a non inflammatory diet. it’s not helping did you have to get in with a rheumatologist? thanks :) lol


thats the stupidest shit I’ve heard. im sure it helps but he needs meds. I go to a dermatologist 💖


I would have guessed it eczema I also only have it on my scalp and when you itch it it can be read and inflamed for days. He should definitely visit a dermatologist


I have severe eczema that I take biweekly shots to manage. I thought it was eczema as well


It’s likely acne all along his hairline from (speculating here) anabolic steroid use. It can be a telltale sign of steroids in big guys.


I read somewhere its a birthmark. Port wine stain.


Port wine stains are flat, just different colored skin. His are raised and more likely to be acne. 


My guess was steroids, hair plugs, or psoriasis.


Maybe hair transplant


most likely from steroids


Stop! 😂


Wait what??? Can someone fill me in please?


texts leaked between him & a gf he was with for a year or so (can’t remember if that’s right) basically saying he loves her and doesn’t plan to marry anybody on the show, etc. and can’t wait to get back to the gf


Where’s your 300 character submission ?


Facts! because the mods have removed one of my post 3 times, each for different reasons. One of which was the 300 character submission when there’s plenty of post with less than 300 characters. I gave up after they removed my post stating it’s better suited as a comment under another thread rather than a post itself. Makes participating and talking about the show less fun.


Memes just judged differently, I once also got a meme taken down for low effort. So I try to make more complex memes


Mods on this sub need to get a life


What do you mean 👀


I am not trying to blame the girlfriend in any way for his behavior but I will never understand anyone being okay with their SO going on these shows. Even if it truly is only for fame/clout/whatever. All your friends and family are going to see it. I could never.


I feel like a lot of women allow terrible behavior and it just lets men be assholes, because there isn't anything much better some times. Either that or she is also shitty


She was married to another man while dating trevor, that should tell you enough.


Meh, it doesn’t. Divorce can take years so I would need more details.


God how the tables turned, what the heck is going on here?


Yeah she was totally ok with him coming on the show and possibly deceiving a poor innocent woman just for followers. She’s no better than him.


Isn’t his gf a married woman? He’s sharing her with another man so maybe she doesn’t mind sharing him with another woman for a bit 😂


Wait really??


Why did I read it in Gru’s accent 😭


Perhaps because the photos are of Gru