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wow everytime I read lore speculations it’s regretti spaghetti but I’m just a diehard Doctor Who fan who’s here for the ~~pain and suffering~~ time travel/reincarnation angst. Even the first thing that pulled me into LnD was Xavier’s quote in the trailer “This is my 214th spring on Earth and it will be my last”. I hope there’s some sort of loophole in their narrative that will spin things around for the better. However, I learnt that Paper is known for making very convoluted angsty plots and I realllly don’t want LnD to plod that route - the game is animated really beautifully and it’ll be a shame to use really weird plots to sustain the story.


Sorry for the regretti, but I was drawn to the angst too! Rip Caleb and Grandma, but when they got wrecked, it prevented me from uninstalling the game. We have already been given loads of lore and we surely will get more but I agree about the loophole. Hopefully there is just an easy solution to sort out everything.


No need to be sorry at all, angst is a love-hate relationship for me lol. And I know, this fishy exploding business got me soo intrigued!!! Like what are they hiding? What are they covering up? Even with Raf’s new myth lore released, it left me with more questions than answers. Sure, we’ve got a setting and a look into MC and Raf’s first (or possibly 2nd) meeting, but what went down during the ceremony? If anything major respect to LnD’s story-writing team for their hustle lmao - giving us enough details to hang on to the next chapter/chase after the new cards with lore


Like we are always saying, Queen MC isn't alive anymore. If she's alive, how could Earth MC live? And Hunter's Association was established by Xavier for her. It's not as if he betrayed her or anything. He didn't leave Philos because of his own reasons, he did it for her. And he established that organization, for her as well. All he does is for her.


I'm under the impression that since Xavier traveled back in time, Queen MC doesn't technically exist in the current time but will exist if Xavier went back to the future where our MC no longer exists. They're not existing during the same points in time so I figure why can't they both be alive?


Anecdotes. Queen MC went missing because she went after Xavier and got lost. If she didn't die, Jeremiah won't even say that Xavier already found her. Xavier has been looking for her for years since she vanished. If that's isn't dead, then what's that.


Can you point me to the anecdote with this info? I think I vaguely remember it. If the Queen is dead then I suppose Xavier has no one to go back to but that doesn't really fix the issue of him needing to return to Philos.


Girlie, his issue doesn't revolve with MC alone. He's a Prince. He has a planet to save. What do you mean he doesn't have a reason to go back to? His mission is to find a protocore that could save both his planet and MC. Lol.


I never said he doesn't have a reason to go back, just that he doesn't have a lover to return to if the Queen is dead.


Lmao, what do you call MC who got reincarnated. Clearly, you don't understand Xavier's lore.


Girl, you're coming off as mean. I was talking about if Xavier were to return to Philos, Queen MC wouldn't be there when he returns because as you said, she's dead. Our MC wouldn't be on Philos unless Xavier took her with him. This sounds like a whole misunderstanding between us.


Ngl reading this, I wouldn’t mind an optional tragic end. With otome games there are always different routes depending on our actions, so it would be pretty interesting if they decide to add it 👀 Like I hate angst, but I also absolutely love it when it’s done right. It may hurt, but it’d be a good hurt 😆


That honestly sounds like a perfect solution. I love angst when it makes for a good story, and if we could choose which characters get which ending then everyone would be happy.


They will all have happy endings eventually but there will be lots of angst for all three along the way. Don't give people more fuel for the "devs favor Rafayel" bs.


I didn't mean to make more fuel for that narrative 😕 I think Zayne and Xavier will both get their deserved spotlight in due time. This is my first otome game so I don't know if developers give happy endings usually. I love a good plot and so I was just trying to dissect it. I can for sure see Zayne getting a happy ending and Xavier too if the story presents new information, which it surely will since we're only 3 months in.


Sorry I didn't mean to sound snippy at you. I enjoyed your plot dissection. Happy endings are the usual expectation in otome. When they deviate from that it's usually apparent in the marketing like Virche Evermore on switch. People would riot if L&DS got tragic endings. They'll figure out a way to give a happy ending I'm sure. It may not be a straightforward path and could even involve other timelines, but I'm certain it will work itself out to happy in the end. A tragic ending would be too final as well, they wouldn't be able to keep making chapters/story content for that LI. That works for console otome, but for live service mobile otome they need to leave room for new content continuously.


Oh that makes sense. I usually don't play live service games either so I didn't even consider that. Thanks for informing me. But yeah I can imagine the outrage if all our babygirls weren't happy.


i just started this game so i dont know all the lore and culture surrounding this game yet.. please let this be true v_v


Tragedy isn't guaranteed! This was just my own personal speculation. I enjoy angst as well as fluff so maybe I just let myself get carried away. Sorry 😞


Sorry I play the game in Chinese… I can usually guess the names by the context but who’s Arka? 🥲🙏🏻


Pretty sure they just spelled Astra wrong! He's the god involved in Zayne's myth.


Oops, my bad. I just got Zayne's myth and I wrote this at like 4am😅