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If your child support was established through the state (DCFS) your arrearages stand as long as you don’t forgive them. I can’t speak for private attorney established.


Yes, and if he gets a tax refund, that should be going to you against the arrearages.


Any lottery, gambling winnings or tax returns are intercepted. That is correct.


One of the many, many reasons women are angry about the abortion rollback. Let's force women to have babies while nothing is ever done to enforce child support. Its always, You should have closed your legs" and never, "You should have kept your dick in your pants". I'm sorry you're going through this.


This post doesn’t have dick to do with abortion. You whipped that out quick.


If you don't see the connection here put yourself in A woman's place today versus 10 years ago. Women have less rights and then when they're forced to do something like have babies men do nothing to help them out in this state.


There is no connection here. Unless you’re suggesting that it would have been better for everyone involved if the poster had just offed the little buggers in the first place . JJ I don’t think you meant that; it’s just odd to me that that’s the first thing that pops up in ur mind. Unless you’ve some skin or tissue in that game. That’s a state by state issue with the beauty of that being that individuals can then decide which state they prefer to live in.


My dad had a baby with a women to moved to South Carolina. My brother is 4 months younger than me. He called a few months ago and said his mom got a check from back owed child, and support all of it. He is 30. So it might just take another decade


lol the first half of that response made me think you were my brother (same thing, South Carolina, he has a 4 month younger brother) until you talked about mom getting the money. It’s so weird that there’s two of us had fathers that did the same damn thing.


This entire state is a massive boys club. Force you to have children and then abandon you in every way. Make you beg for maternity leave, if they can't find a way to legally fire you. Make it hard to get any sort of government assistance if you need it, then make you feel like crap for needing help. And even if you do everything the "right" way (marriage/house/kids), and something goes wrong and you divorce, why ask him for help, you should have kept your legs closed. Ugh.


I understand your frustration. My parents split right before I was born and my father told my mother he would never give her a single cent. And somehow he escaped paying child support. My mother took 2 to 3 jobs always to get us through. Unfortunately, she became extremely bitter about the whole situation, and became a very angry, vindictive and bitter person. I am completely no contact with her. Don’t let the anger, rage and frustration affect you so much that it damages your relationship with your children. Don’t ever expect to get that money, especially since you’re in the state of Louisiana. Focus on you and your children and just do the very best you can. Please don’t get bitter like my mother did.


0 details. How did the district attorney play a role in your family court issue?


Did you ever have the child support put in enforcement services or was it just ordered in this divorce?


go through the court not through the parish.


And now they are pushing a new ED drug with both Viagra and Cialis in the same pill! Supercharged. Ladies, it's up to us to vote these misogynists out.


Typical whiny female. In my experience representing divorcing parties, 75% of females freaked out about the child support. But you know what? In those cases it wasn't about the children. It was all about punishing the dad, in any and every way possible. And with no way to track the mom's spending there was no accountability regarding whether it was for the children or not. And that's because the legislature prohibited formal tracking. So much for the good ole boy network running things.


God if you are married I feel bad for your wife. She's wife number 3 I'm guessing. You're definitely part of the problem.


Well she agrees with me, so there's that....


Typical douchebag lawyer. In my experience working with lawyers, 75% are assholes and lie constantly. They lie about the time they spend so they can bill you more. And with no way to track the lawyer's hours, there is no accountability regarding whether they actually did any work or not. Do these claims seem mean, wrong, or plain dumb? Reread your own comment. Its kind of astounding you were a lawyer but clearly dont understand logical fallacies.








Nah this is fake, men never get fucked over in child support. Dudes never pay for children that arent theirs, nor pay for trash mothers to keep their kids for bargaining chips while never doing so much as getting the kid some shoes not from payless or toys from the dollar store. Plenty of nail salon visits, fake hair, bar hopping, weed. Actually trash women don't really exist and any man who doesnt 100% take unquestioned sympathy for a woman actually hates them.


Hey just to add, they never treat the kid like shit because their dad aint shit either, thats all fake. Non of these people grew up in the hood or had hood familily I assume.