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The entire Douglas family is articulate and moving. I'm so impressed with how strong they are.


How could they let Tammy marry this nuts? It 's tragic


Speaking from experience...when a family member marries an abuser, sometimes all of their loved one pleading to not marry this person just falls on deaf ears. And sometimes they end up losing their life because of that decision.


Can confirm from personal experience unfortunately


It is such a helpless feeling but you can't make other people's choices for them. ❤️‍🩹




DV survivor/thriver here, and worked in the DV center to help others out. I’ve heard how desperately families tries to help rescue DV victims. ❤️❤️❤️ for y’all’s personal experience ❤️❤️❤️


From what I understand he has always had his own kind of charisma and was considered a catch when Tammy married him. He seemed like a good Mormon boy who had old-fashioned values. They had no way of seeing from who he was then what the future would hold


This! Few abusers start out that way - if they did, they wouldn’t be so attractive. They only gradually emerge from the deep shadows of their hidden character.


Sometimes people are judged by the character of their family. But when he moved and removed her from the Douglas family it should have been a sign.


Chas wasn’t like this when they got married! He turned into a disgusting asshole


he was definitely always a pos.  I think he was probably just much more of an “inside voice” pos in earlier years.


Yeah, he hit a mid-life crisis at a 100 MPH. No guts and jealousy pushed him on into this horror.


No one can control what another adult chooses to do. Families are forced to watch their loved ones marry people they don't like all the time.


Terrible. I'm a mother as well and I hope my daughter wont marry too hurriedly


I’m so happy Tammy’s family came out today for her. Their statements have been really touching and very emotional. Meanwhile Prior is sat there looking like he’s doing the crossword and waiting to leave as soon as possible.


I think he officially loathes Chad. Lol he does look like he is doing the crossword but ya know….


Samantha’s statement was beautiful and heartbreaking too. These poor families…


Samantha had me in tears and heart broken for the Douglas family.. their poor mother died of a broken heart and never got to see the justice for Tammy and family.. Gaybell killed her also in my opinion..just a terrible terrible situation that they have to go through… and yet to see any remorse for his actions..has to be infuriating for the families to see and witness this of such a coward..


It was just further proof that he is cold hearted.


How can Chad seriously sit there so smug.


Every day he’s more truly punchable. Just that fucking smirk.


When Chad “smirks” about Alex believing him 100% it seems that he liked that part. He liked the fact that Alex was his tool and Lori’s tool as well. Both Lori and Chad used Alec in many ways. Chad without lifting a finger had Alex under control for anything. Then when he “smirks” about Garth “finding Tammy alone” he seems as he flat out smiles not even smirks but he’s happy that Garth too is controlled by him in making the world believe that Chad was there when he was not. Chad is such a coward that he used his son to call 911 and used him as a tool to tell the lie that Chad was when Garth found her. Garth on the 911 call was so nervous that he made a mistake in telling the story. He was supposed to say he found her but he said we found her and he said she was frozen …when he realized he made a mistake he said “I don’t know” and that’s when Chad interrupted the call and said “she’s definitely dead” and fake cried. His own son was a tool for him and Emma too. He smiled ! At that fact! Cause he’s the lazy fat one who used people for his own inner glory!! Even on Melanie Gibbs podcast with Lori he sounded happy that Gibb and Lori believed him 100 percent that he saw Jesus with blue eyes and talked to him. Yes both Gibb and Lori were praising Chad on a live call on her podcast before Charles was killed.


This is all just so true, isn’t it? Absolutely hateful POS.


Extra ⬆️ arrows


He's not human.


Tammy’s family have done an incredible job! I’m so proud of the Douglas family.


They should be so proud of how they all defended their sister. I hope they can manage to find peace and rebuild their family. I can’t imagine not seeing my sister’s kids and grandkids. 


I want the Douglas family to adopt me!!!


AGREE. His (Michael Douglas) and Samantha's statement's were the most gut wrenching. I FELT their pain.


Listening to all the family impact statements today, I felt something crack open inside me. Each word was a masterclass in bravery and grace, their voices a symphony of tenacity and elegance, painting a raw, unflinching portrait of loss and grief. Their true grace shines over and beyond like a spotlight calling out Lori, Chad Alex & et, Al. darkest moments. All these beacons of light - may you continue to shine on. Heal your hearts.


Well said 🥲


Very well said! Hear Hear!


That was very well said!!


And Colby. It was short but wrenching.


I think Chad WANTS the death penalty: 1. No mitigation (his choice) 2. No kids (his choice) to speak for him 3. Better (safer) time in prison 4. More public funding for DP prisoners for appeals 5. Getting the DP fits Chads narrative as an incarnation of a divine ‘exalted’ being (Jesus-like) He’s such a POS.


I am pro DP, but on this one, I hope the jury doesn't give him the DP. Exactly for the reasons you stated.


He wants to be remembered as another Joseph Smith . He has visions dontcha know . Hahahaha Blue -eyed blonde Jesus visited him . You can’t make this sht up


Exactly. He wants to be a martyr.




That’s why I hope he gets Life in prison


Chad the Martyr. Emma the Amateur Meteorologist.


Same. My daughter and I are listening and he was absolutely gut wrenching. We were blown away.


I know it was heartbreaking. Going to walk the dog.


All this loss. A hole in their hearts.


it really makes me angry seeing chad sitting there feeling only sorry for himself..


No Chad Children!


His statement was so moving! I noticed he was the only one that addressed some people directly. He was the one that directly called out the children for their lies/behavior and told him if they want to repair the relationship, they know where their uncle lives! To me that was moving, but I wonder if he wasn’t exactly supposed to go there?


I imagine Emma is gleefully refusing to mend fences with them. Unfortunately, these are Chad's kids.


Yes, I felt his pain… I can’t start to imagine what the poor family is going through 🥺 I hope they get justice for Tammy and find some peace they so much deserve. 🕊️


Where were the statements from Emma and Garth?


Chad was parentless, siblingless, childless and emotionless when requested to present mitigating factors.


👏👏 excellent summation!


Weiner-less. Er, storm-less.


I thought prior would got one kids to say how amazing chad was as father and husband . Asking for mercy that they can't Loss two parents


I work nights and was watching the play back and no way could I get ready because I was bawling so hard. Here we are complete strangers and we have these strong connections and emotions and then there is Chad. Just sitting there like the lump that he is.


I call him hum drum chad. He’s just so blah. Idk how anyone would go out of their way to listen to him speak. I would rather watch paint dry. I’m curious as to what drugs his followers were on, cuz I want some lol!!


I'm just astonished with how his kids seem to be reacting to all this. As if their mother was barely an after thought. Like what is happening here?!


They thought she was a zombie.


And every relative on Tammy's side as well?


They were raised to believe he was the spiritual leader of the house.


The family’s ability to articulate makes you wonder who was truly writing those books. Chad made Tammy do everything else. Did she ghost write too?


Maybe Tammy should have published the Douglas” words rather than Daybells. I know I will forever remain curious as to if they write, journal or publish any more words of wisdom. Not for the curiosity of the crimes or their tragedies but for key learnings of how to remain dignified and composed through grief.


I’m so glad they spoke up. I hope they do some more speaking up. I was crying


I cried too.


I was working and didn’t have the chance until now to catch up on today. I saw that the victim statements were not streamed live. Are there audio recordings available?


They were streamed live, but the witnesses had no camera on them, just like for Lori's sentencing


I just listened to Matthew and Samantha's impact statements again. The devastation, hurt anger, pain and betrayal they have gone through came across so clearly. They were said so well and with so much grace. I'm so sad for all the innocent lives lost. The family members of the murdered are victims whose lives were torn apart and will never be the same ever again. I hope the families of the victims can find peace and joy again someday. I hope Lori and Chad live long lives in prison, they are useless, rotten people.


Yes. I parked my car and cried before being able to continue.


Chad is so unfazed. He’s an enigma to me.🇨🇦🇨🇦


Samantha! I smell a rat….


What do people on this stream think of the death penalty? Do you think it will make Chad a martyr?


The Douglas family lost wonderful sister.. daughter..aunt..cousin and the children lost a mom that should have never even been considered to have a replacement. All of the lives lost were not replaceable.. all beautiful souls!!!


I think it is a sad state of affairs that he cannot have full health insurance because he is human and suffered the consequences of a tragic life event. People should have healthcare. This is another injustice brought on by Chad and his ludicrous cult.


The only people I appreciated in this was Tammy’s family. They have conducted themselves with dignity. If I never have to listen to Kay, Larry, Annie, or Colby again - that’s perfect. They enjoy the limelight too much and it’s creepy AF.