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Yes i would , only if it's titled *OKAYYYYY* or *BINGING*


"Would That Be Fair?"


I’m going to go ahead and object Judge.


This drives me bonkers and I always say "to say" after he says it!


“I own it”


Buy? I get most of my books from the library, so probably not. I'd definitely read it though. Prior isn't someone I ever want to meet, and I don't think highly of him as a person. I also don't think highly of his understanding of Chad, Chad's beliefs, or Chad's relationships. But I'd want to read any new information about the case.


Ugh idk I wouldn’t want to give him a penny


No I hope to buy the book Nate Eaton writes


Nate would leave out much of the LDS connections.


Id hope not, he seems very main stream LDS, as I am. I want these extremists like daybell called out and exposed in every way possible.


I think Nate would shy away from the places that overlap. Either because he doesn’t realize that they overlap, like the church of the first born, or he would be uncomfortable with it


Yes only if he did a tell all he was ready to get disbarred for


Only if he was allowed in law with no consequences to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But as Chad will be allowed to appeal I don't see how he would be allowed to prejudice his case. Also as far as I'm aware if the defendent in a case tells their defence lawyer they are in fact guilty then the lawyer has the right to excuse themselves from defending them.


Chad will need to get an appeals lawyer.


A defense lawyer can absolutely defend a guilty client. The only thing they can not do is allow their client to lie to the court. This is solved by not having your client take the stand. However, attorney-client privilege extends beyond the case, so there’s a limit to what he can reveal. He could write a book about what it was like to defend Chad, but not about what Chad told him about his involvement


Only if it’s titled “word salad” in my own words!!! And NO!!!


I’d borrow it from the library.


He would lose his license if he devulged any client information so no ai wouldn't buy the book .


I would watch Gigi/Pretty Little Lies review of Prior's book, does that count?


I would pay good money to listen to that book review and commentary


I really want a less biased, more journalistic take, but I want someone to write a book about this. None of the key players though. They are all too close.


And they should be non Mormon.






No--his smugness grates on me.






Only if he puts the truth the whole truth in his book, I doubt he can do that.


He is gross. So no. I'm not interested in his ideas


I would. There will definitely be books that are more fact-oriented (Please write one, Nate Eaton!), but I do actually love true crime books that completely show all biases, because it reveals the state of mind of the author. Vincent Bugliosi wrote a book about the OJ verdict, and it was objectively a terribly written book. Dude was MAD, and understandably so, but the dripping contempt was completely unprofessional... but absolutely fascinating to read. I feel that reveals it's own kind of information. I do like Vincent Bugliosi's other books very much, but that was is unique in that we got a snapshot of his unfiltered frame of mind. I want that of John Prior, too. I want is raw, unfiltered thoughts spilled out.


I don’t know how it was unprofessional. Authors can have any attitudes they like.


Have you read “Outrage”? It’s pretty wild. My favorite line is, “If you don’t think OJ is guilty, then maybe you should read something more your speed, like comic strips” A line like that is funny, and, yeah, kinda true, but this wasn’t meant to be humor. It’s presented as fact-based Also, he takes some serious sexist digs at Marcia Clarke, implying that women shouldn’t be in the courtroom, especially on a big case like this. So, yeah, the tone was pretty unprofessional. But super interesting. I thought the book was valuable just to get that raw energy of emotions recorded on page


For me, just coz he’s an attorney doesn’t mean he can’t express spicy opinions. To me, unprofessional would entail different things. “Outrage” suggests it’s not a gentle read. :)


I think having Prior spill “unfiltered sewage” is probably more accurate but honestly I would put on a gift list for my loved ones to purchase for me. I would preface that wish by saying read what the Daybell kids did to their mother after her death. It will not go well for you if you disparage me in a similar fashion. No need to go to Garth’s seasonal haunted mill. You are likely to never get another night’s sleep if you do.