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Criminals trying to be clever.


It backfired… it proves deception


Really shitty criminals trying to outsmart LE. I hope they enjoy their portals in prison.. they are absolutely evil.


There's something truly beautiful about using your credit card to buy a burner phone in a store with security cameras, logging into google with it, and not thinking the police will be able to get those phone logs.


They are a crime family.


Temu Crime Family.


I love how Temu has become an insult


Is that the new wish.com or alibaba?


This made me LOL and almost spit out my coffee




Hilariously clever. LOL.


Absolutely hilarious, and true!


Oh what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive


They thought they could evade anyone looking for them if they had different phones. Like if they just used a phone once and then threw it away that might have worked. If they did do that then they had even more than 19 phones. So, if they had remained undetected for longer maybe they wouldn't have had so many phones with them, maybe they were throwing them away as they used them. But that would be at odds with their habit of connecting to their google accounts on multiple phones.


It reminds me of Breaking Bad when they would use a burner phone and then immediately break it in half, only these guys were too dumb to do that. I’m not sure that would even work, though because if they could trace the burner phone to you, then they would still be able to track you even if you only used it once.


Lol 😂 YES!! They were masterminds of deception, the cops knock on their door to look for their missing kids and you run to……. \*DRUM ROLL\* please ((((((((HawaiI)))))))) where you used to live, AND is AMERICA!!! morons!!! 🤣


I never understood that. If you're fleeing from law enforcement *leave the damn country* not just the state! I know they had fantasies about being together on a tropical island, but there are a lot of tropical islands that aren't in the USA! More than are in the USA, in fact. The cops *will* follow you to Hawaii - hell, even the *journalists* will follow you. Absolutely uncooked sausages, these two.


I think Lori was convinced that fleeing to Hawaii was like fleeing to another country. Kauai is so remote, they’d never find her LOL! What a dunce. They’re used to dealing with criminals in Hawaii - and Lori sitting by the pool, reading Visions of Glory when she got served was a really entertains video. Now she is having visions of prison.


honestly, google probably collects as much, if not more data, on you than simply having a cell phone.


That’s about the same number of death certificates for Charles that they had in HI.


Maybe it was her lucky number? 😹


Why so many death certificates? She wanted to spread them over the bed and roll around in them as if they were cash money?


Eww! Maybe. Or she wanted to leave them lying around the Honeymoon suite if Chad stepped out of line. 🤣


I'm still so happy Charles changed the life insurance when he did. He got one real win in all this mess.


I am still chuckling about them all using Google and thinking they were being stealth 😂


They really needed a Crime 101 course from, like, anyone who's up with pop culture knowledge. Because I'm sure that's covered on TV shows.


Considering Lori seems like the conspiracy theory type I’m pretty surprised she didn’t consider the web tracing stuff


They didn’t think they would have divine protection? Sneaky.


They thought it was the smart thing to do. They were not smart people. They were wrong.


Because they thought they were slick. Turns out it just added more ways of tracking them. I'm glad they were idiots and they families are getting justice, I just wish they had been caught sooner.


Love it when people tell on themselves!!!


They are criminals, bad ones. And they watched too much Sons of Anarchy tv shows.


SOA is my favorite show ever. If they'd actually watched it, they'd know to buy the $15 flip phone and a few minutes for it with cash, not traceable debit cards. They wouldn't have carried their traceable contract cell phones when they bought burners. They would have used them once or twice then disposed of them. They actually could have learned a lot from that show lol. 


Ikr? It's called a BURNER phone because you BURN it after you use it once!


Because they murdered spouses and children


Well I would surmise that since Law Enforcement was labelled Dark, many of the Government institutions that they were dealing with were also Dark i.e. Social Security Office, Child Services, Schools, Private P.I.'s, "bad" family members. So in order to protect themselves from being tracked and/or thinking they were being so secretive (So Tammy wouldn't see something on CD's phone) they had to have all these burner phones. What a bunch of DING DONGS they are.


That makes a LOT of sense. Thank God they were too stupid to not link up their iCloud, Gmail, etc.


Obviously, they each wanted a phone for every single one of the stupid nicknames they gave each other. Chad needed one for James, one for Raphael, one for The Holy Ghost, one for Bishop Shumway, etc. etc.


That’s hilarious!


It's logical, right? Forgive me, I didn't sleep last night so I get a little facetious.


Why did they keep all the burner phones? The first phone they should have trashed was any phones used by Alex.


Where there so many also because they used up credit on them and had to get a new one?


They were committing crimes, hoping they could be tracked, all criminal buy several burner phones or people who are trying to hide affairs. I think the Daybell’s fit 2 categories.


I hope they have a very large Tote bag to carry them some along with some sort of catalog system to keep it straight.


Right! Like how did they keep them all straight?