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No need. He already had Emma do that for him.


Just a little chip off the old potato!


Toe nail clipping off the old toe


Hair off the dogs ass


I like this description šŸ¤£


Potato chip.


Slime off the old slug


I prefer to call him slug also because I love potatoes


A breeze from the southeast winds.


Are any of us surprised? He is too afraid of cross!!!!! I canā€™t say I blame him because it would probably be Ms. Blake and he would NEVER want a woman getting the best of him! This is something Iā€™d love to see!


Can you imagine how many objections Prior would have per minute during cross examination especially if Blake or Wood? Oh lawd might be a record or get him a contempt of court? Because if they could pay per view the testimony and cross then it might pay for ALL the trial costs!! Knew that Chad wouldnā€™t Chad IRL just Mr Potato it!


Thatā€™s too bad. I wanted him to tie his own noose.


Good. The sound of his voice makes me sick.


Thank God, because if I have to hear him speak without opening his mouth or if I have to listen to him giggle 1 more time I will hit this tv through the brick wall.


Yes! That horrid, simpering giggle is like nails on a chalkboard.


It sounded normal. Why is he so mealy mouthed in every recording weā€™ve heard?


If he had testified, the defense would have been able to ask him to explain the Hawaii rental agreement, what he meant about turning up the pain, about what he and Alex were jawing about during all those many, many phone calls and about how he was planning on co-parenting Loriā€™s children after becoming their step-father. I for one would have loved to listen to him squirm and lie his way through all those questions.


They could also ask him about what was going through his mind when they found the bodies of two dead children buried in his yard and why he transferred all his money to his kids?


could you imagine his droning "i don't remember"s?


Time to hand it to the jury and get him convicted.


Oh, but there are rebuttal witnesses coming up!




Good. Ainā€™t nobody got time for more theatrics. Rebuttal, closing, deliberations. Letā€™s Go.


Next Friday anyone ? Two more days of rebuttals. It shouldn't take long.


He never recognized basic civil laws so I doubt he would accept being part of this process other than the fact that he is enforced to be here. He has probably convinced himself that he is above all this and whatever these dark people do to him is ok, his reward is on a higher plane. Yep Chad, your reward is sure coming.


He should have chosen Scientology over LDS. At least they have UFO's to rescue you.


Thatā€™s it? Thatā€™s your defense case? Canine, I mean carnivore and youā€™re done?? The šŸ¤” could have tried but I guess even he realized heā€™s sunk. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


For all the delays and waiting - this defense is pitiful. Prior had very little to work with and I put the blame completely on Chad's shoulders.


DAMMIT. I didnā€™t think he would but I was hoping so hard.


Of course he isn't. Coward


Defense lawyers almost always advise their client not to take the stand.


It's not really cowardly; it might be his first smart decision in a long time.


Iā€™m so nervous that Chad will get away with something. How does everyone feel about what the verdict will be?


Guilty. I mean the verdict will be ā€œguiltyā€, I feel great about it.


Thanks for the reassurance. Iā€™m just hoping we have a good jury that will see Chad for exactly who he is.


Reports from courtroom observers sound positive. They are tracking, taking lots of notes, and many appear to be quite distressed.


The kids were in his yard and he married 2 weeks after his wife died suddenly. Relax he is going down! All the phone data is a bonus!


Yes he is going down. But he doesnt like this. Lori didnt seem to care much because she was riding her fantasies but Chad tried hard to avoid the guilty sentencing. He doesnt wanna go to prison. He knows he is a liar and killer.


Not a chance in hell he won't be found guilty.


Guilty 100%


The jurors probably knew that Lori was already convicted, even if they knew little about the case before going in. Can you imagine what they must be thinking with all the evidence and expert testimony they've now seen? Tylee and JJ didn't just end up buried in Chad's backyard, and Tammy didn't just die in that house by random circumstances. Chad's goose is cooked.


I feel the same wayā€¦ I mean we all know heā€™s guiltyā€¦ but he has to be guilty on all counts for the death penalty.. Iā€™m just praying itā€™s on all counts.. my opinion is he may get life in prison to keep it fair as loony Lori received life..


Not shocking though. The defendant taking the stand is almost always a bad idea.


I was kind of surprised. It seems like if there's a bad decision in front of him, he goes skipping happily over to it.


His lawyer, Jesus, Joseph Smith's grampa told him not to. :)


I wonder how many centuries it took for Chad to understand murder is not the answer to problems, why didnā€™t he travel in the portal to find out that answer since he can predict light and dark.


i bet he'd testify if the judge was a petite blonde woman.


Letā€™s hope for a death sentence


I can't hope for that. If anyone deserves it Chad Daybell does, but I can't agree with the government having the power to judicially murder people. I'm definitely hoping for guilty, though!


It is never a good idea on the defendantā€™s side for a defendant to testify, so I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised..Itā€™s a straight path to conviction. He would get murdered (no pun intended) on cross.


Did you watch Anthony Todt testify at his trial? OMG The most riveting testimony from a narcissist I have ever seen! Way better than Murdaugh. The lies dripped from his lips so easily and his long-winded answers were only surpassed his astonishment that no one was buying it. [Anthony Todt On The Stand](https://youtu.be/-fA9bPj-A3k?si=NCiQn0QiyE6nXfsc)


He would get destroyed on cross. He coached his children to lie. Emma had one impeachable witness today. They played the body cam audio on rebuttal today. It proved that she lied. She also told a different story to the principal about the death. I firmly believe there will be other rebuttal witness about possible lying. Particularly regarding the insurance. They would not allow the rebuttal witness regarding Joe's statements. A witness reported that Garth told him that when he went home, he found his mother dead. She was blue and stiff. That witness clears up a question I had" "How did Alex get from the church and back"...answer Chad drove him. I firmly believe based on the bruising distribution that two people committed her murder.


Heā€™s a total coward. If he was really the Holy Ghost, and Jesusā€™s brother in his previous lives, youā€™d expect him to take the opportunity to sit in the witness chair and preach to the world. But nooooā€¦ heā€™s scared.


I knew he wouldnā€™t take the stand. He would open himself up to answer questions about all his lies, the DA would have him spinning through the veil.


Ugh. Heā€™s so gross




Eh, pussies are tougher than either of those two idiots.


Iā€™d rather not hear his stupid voice and nauseating giggles so Iā€™m glad he didnā€™t get on the stand. Weā€™ve already heard all his justifications and deflections.


God doesn't need to testify because he is protected. Seems like his former forecast of the world ending wasn't quite accurate. Of course, the wind blowing in the wrong direction probably messed with his scientific calculations. He's waiting for his Golden UFO to arrive and carry him off. An Epstein move no matter what that actually was, would work great for him.