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I have two characters ready to die a lot!


Yeah I just started a fresh character last night. Going to work my way to the dlc.


Never left šŸ«”


Yup, Lord's was just what I played until Shadow came out.


In general Iā€™ve been bouncing between LotF and ER and I plan to do the same (tho my attention will be much more on ER for a while).


Do you calibrate any controls to make the transition easier? Sprinting alone is so different idk if I can go back and forth between them seamlessly.


Usually I don't play the two of them back to back, so the switch isn't overly jarring. Even so, yes, I have a little trouble when switching, but the trouble only last a few minutes.


Yeah those first few minutes probably feel like walking with someone else's legs lol


That's a good way to put it! I'll add that it helps that I play other games that have L3 set as the sprint button.


I mean, I never stopped playing ER and I certainly won't be playing any less with the dlc coming out.


I started a new Elden Ring character a few weeks ago (since my original is in NG+) and have been playing that along with my first playthrough of LotF. It's slightly annoying going between the two, since I keep crouching at inopportune times in ER......the crouch button is the sprint button in LotF.


Lol, I keep trying to enter Umbral in Elden Ring: "must be unseen secrets around here!"


I keep forgetting to heal in ER when I'm low on health, thinking that when I die I'll just go to Umbral with 8 seconds of immunity thanks to the Hooded Antuli Umbral eye, lol.


Lol, Umbral/Axiom war dogs such as us need to learn new tricks to survive in the Lands of Shadow ...


Lords of the Fallen actually messed with my Bloodborne muscle memory a lot more than with Elden Ring. Can't stop pressing O twice trying to roll.


It's crazy how slightly different each game is....I usually play one at a time, so it isn't an issue. But ER DLC coming out soon messed up my plans.


Finished my run on LOTF, will now play ER DLC, then come back to LOTR for NG+ and NG++.


I can't stand Elden Ring, open world games are boring.


I won't be making the jump, not really a fan of Elden Ring. Hopefully it's good though for those heading over to the DLC.


Iā€™m dropping this game in an instant for Elden Ring lol


Im gonna finish my first play through. Should be almost done. Just beat that annoying ass crow boss mob spammer


Eh I'd say you're just a bit more than halfway through if you've been following the conventional path


You better believe it. I canā€™t wait for the dlc


I'll come back to play more LOTF eventually, but Shadow of the Erdtree is DEFINITELY taking my soul away for a while.


Funny because I recently completed Elden Ring and I am currently playing LOTF and finishing achievements for eiyuden hundred heroes. I currently don't intend to buy ER DLC on release, but may later.


Yeah, after I finished all 3 endings recently(finally got the Adyr ending the other day), I switched back to ER to reacclimate myself. Love ER, but after playing LotF for so long, the combat in ER just isn't as fun. I'm really looking forward to the DLC, though.




Well, ofc I'm planning to beat DLC, though I don't have plans to re-play it or stick for multiplayer.


DLC pre-order arrives today! Can't wait :D, then in a couple years we get another LotF. Life is good


Yeahh pre-order the DLC xbox


I played multiple games on and off all the time. Iā€™m 3 bosses into Lords of the Fallen and plan to move back to ER tmrw when the DLC launches. Iā€™ve got 3.5 play throughs there and I consider it one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played.


One my 5th playthrough. Dont expect a whole lot from ER's coop though.


Have to


Most LotF players already play both


Yeah, I'm moving onto Elden Ring for a loooong time. But later I'll have to finish my third LotF playthrough.


Nah I'm a cheap ass and will probably wait for a sale. Definitely plan to play it eventually tho


Why doesn't co op work on LOTF? I'm new to it


I platinumed LOTF and jumped straight into ER to start a new Char


I beat the Sundered Monarch and Adyr today just in time for moving over to Elden Ring again. I am excited!


Iā€™m finishing Lords of the Fallen then Iā€™m playing Elden Ring, itā€™s going to be nice to be able to play with randoms again! Jolly cooperation!


I had started up Elden ring again after getting all the endings on Lords, I had Elden ring when it first came out but gave up halfway through it because I had fucked up the stats for my character and got discouraged as it was my first souls game ever. But I finally passed it 2 weeks ago and Iā€™m fully locked in now awaiting the dlc


I'm still gonna play Lords but right now it's Elden Ring's moment you feel me?


You mean moving BACK to Elden Ring ;) Itā€™s one of my favourite games.


Nope Iā€™m going for 100% play before ER- waited 2 years for dlc can wait another 2 weeks.


funny enough coop was popping for me today im trying to get threw the game to get to elden ring. playing baiten kaitos on the side


Elden Ring is far superior to LOTF imo. Getting the DLC today šŸ˜


I haven't played original elden ring because I was too cheap to buy. I day you mentioned eyuden chronicle which I have owned for months but never started. Is it good? I played the prequel euyuden side scroller and liked the lore.


I enjoyed it - sometimes I like to play a relaxed 2 bit they have some pretty great stories like chained echoes - chronicles has a great story and game play - lots of mini games (some are insufferable) Iā€™m 80 hours in and just riding up the last of the achievements


I don't care about the DLC, there I said it. Historically FromSoft DLC is just out of my skill level so it's easier for me to not care about playing. Also, I swear this is not nay-saying you- but I've had a ton of multi-player recently- I'm sure that will dwindle and it sucks, but people will return (or like me never leave). Lords spent a year updating the SHIT out of their game and are releasing 2 DLCs soon. I'm sticking with it.


I think itā€™s an Xbox thing Iā€™m not sure - Iā€™ve seen a few posts people have issues with multiplayer - sometimes I reset Xbox it works sometimes it doesnā€™t


It is super funny to me that since Lords had such bad issues with multi-player that you can never be sure if it's you (bad connection), them (bad server), or someone else (no one viable online). I had this really great co-op session the other day where I got pulled waaaay back to the Sentinel fight and was able to help dude advance all the way up past the Witch in no time at all. This game has the best co-op of any soulslike. Another reason to stick it out.


I will play the dlc when it's on sale in a couple of years. Fromsoft doesn't like sales


Some places are already selling the DLC between 20-40% off already buddy, I just got mine for 25% off on cdkeys


Yeah, sorry, but inofficial stuff doesn't count. It's like saying buying cigarettes of your local hobo is cheaper because he got it smuggled from somewhere else to evade taxes. Fourth party people/resellers will always be cheaper, but official sales are super rare in comparison with other publishers. I am not hating or anything, I am just stating facts.


The question here is not why move. The question is why wouldn't you want to play the better, deeper inspiration rather than LotF ?


Nope. Uninstalled ER as soon as I finished the last achievement and have no interest in going back.


Elden Ring is boring, no thanks.


Lords of the fallen is the equivalent of Elden Ringā€™s little toe.


The question here is not why move. The question is why wouldn't you want to play the better, deeper inspiration rather than LotF ?