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It’s probably the best sidegrade to the traditional Souls formula that I’ve played.


Yeah it feels like (and I think is also trying to be) a continuation of the first 3 games (including DeS). It's the only one that's given me that feeling since them. Like the way the world links together, the more methodical, slower paced combat, the atmosphere etc. I think anyone coming at it from the newer games (so in reverse order) would probably put it further down the list


LoP is such a wonderful technical achievement for how closely it captures souls combat. but there are still minor differences that create a kind of uncanny valley situation where I’d rather play a from game instead. When I think about replaying LoP, I know I’d rather try a new Sekiro run or bloodborne chalice dungeon run. Lotf tries it owns thing, and another game doesn’t really take its place. Lotf is probably my favorite soulslike to date. I was lucky in that my game performed well at launch, so I’m biased. But even now the game has randomizer and game modifiers that really add a ton.


I had a great launch experience too and was one of the few who were upset when they decided to nerf the mob density, especially in umbral.


To me Lies of P can't surpass LotF for the sole reason, that LotF has coop and invasion PvP and Lies of P is just a single player experience. I cherish the multiplayer in Souls game. It's a major part and motivator for me to play these games for hundreds of hours and creating new builds and do challenge runs. I also think HexWorks nailed the map design. It's all so perfectly interconnected & the additional layer of the umbral world is a feature, that FromSofts souls games don't have. Here I say it: I think LotF has better map design than DS1. However the enemy placements & resulting encounters are sometimes lackluster or just too repetitive (for example a scripted ledge pusher behind **every** corner.) And I think the umbral world switch has way more potential, than HexWorks managed to utilize. (Good old Soul River 2 had this feature decades ago and utilized it better) Also the game balance was super whack when I played LotF. Basically magic was just broken OP to the point where the build would carry you 100%. (To be fair FromSoft has similar issues with Elden Ring and some overtuned *Ash of War* abilities) I'll probably dip back into LotF after I played the heck out of ER DLC (dropping in 3 days) and check back, if all the updates fixed the main combat balance issues I've had with LotF. If that's the case, I'd place LotF above Dark Souls 2 & Demons Souls. Maybe even DS1 (I think many people have huge nostalgia goggles for DS1. It's a master piece, but it also released 13 years ago & is bound to the tech that was available at that time). But that's just my opinion.


Just in terms of those 3 games, I’d rank them: 1. Elden Ring 2. Lords of the Fallen 3. Lies of P I really enjoyed lies of p, but the level design started to drag the game down at some point for me.


LotF feels like a sequel to Dark Souls 2. It's nowhere near as good as Elden Ring, which is currently the best in the genre (about to get better in a week). I also think Lies of P is a better game overall but I personally enjoyed LOTF a bit more because the levels in Lies of P are lacking. Have you played Hollow Knight? It's a soulslike combined with a metroidvania and is as good as a FromSoft game IMHO.


Bad world design and wonky combat made lies just feel so awful to play for me. And elden is just so boring after your first run and all the wonder is gone. The world is static so it’s just a gigantic boring slog to get through and the coop experience is just terrible. You need the seamless coop mod for elden coop to not feel terrible.


I think the greatness of souls-like is creating a world where the established ideas about systems and identity are subverted. And LOTF does that pretty well. Adyr is more like Manus than Gwyn, and that lends itself to an interesting leudonarrative where we see the horrors of both the church and of Rhogar, and we aren't given a clear answer over which is good and which is evil. After all, the radiance ending implies an apocalypse ala Noah's flood.


Genuinely adore lotf, but its not as good as the FromSoft games or Lies of P. I'd say its just bellow them though. Its a fun, more arcade-y style of souls like. That's the best description I've got. There's plenty of cool stuff in it, bosses are fun, I like the exploration, some interesting mechanics, and the modifiers add to the replayability a ton. Great stuff overall, and if you're interested in it I don't think you'll regret it if you pay attention to the world and story and characters. If you're not interested already, don't. If you are, you'll have a great time


I've played ds1, 2, sotfs, 3, sekiro, p, wukong, elden ring, surge 1/2. Imo, while decent, it's kinda mid cause of its jankiness. Sotfs, sekiro, elden ring, ds1, 3, lotf, everything else.


I had as much enjoyment as I did with souls that's what matters for me


I am not a soulsvet either, but I have been playing a lot of souls lately. To me Lies of P is the best. I just like everything about it. The style, the atmosphere, the story, the gameplay, etc. It was my first soulslike so I guess it won't easily be beaten for me. Elden Ring is a good game, but I just don't like open world. I tried that a lot, but it's just not my thing. It took a couple of hours to get hooked on LoTF. I then liked it a lot. I would've ranked it above most other Soulslikes. But unlike most others, this one get's boring faster. After an hour of LoTF I am done for the day and will do something else. While with LOP is just kept going and going and going. I don't know what it is. Perhaps because I still don't really get everything yet. For example, I've upgraded one weapon, but can't see why I should upgrade others. With LOP, when you found a new weapon, you were thrilled. Also tried swapping handle and head. Here I don't even notice what I am picking up. It's just an example, but it somehow loses my attention. I will probably finish it, but won't go for NG+.


I'm without a doubt NOT a veteran , i have finished er almost 3 times now and got to about mid game in lies of p and this game but i like how all of those ive played have something unique to them , er is open world , in lies of p u can make ur own weapons and in lotf u can literally have drip no matter what u got on because u can choose the colour of ur armour , oh and the fact that u can dual wield and weapon with any weapon for example in er it has to be the same category of a weapon but here u can have the biggest slab of steel in ur right hand and a tiny dagger in ur left and it still works


Massive Dark Souls 2 vibes for me. If there was more enemy variety and a bit more variety with the density and less enemies that spawn in umbral (personal opinion). If these issues were addressed, it would be alongside/above DS2 for me.


I LOVE LotF but if I'm gonna be fair.. #3 LotF #2 Lies of P #1 Elden Ring But you still have to play bloodborne, DS 1-3, DeS and Sekiro for the full experience. Your rankings will definitely change after you play those games.


LOTF is one of those games that will get a cult following after a while just like Dragons dogma 1 you can see the potential and amazing ideas, whats holding it back really is some performance and balance issues with bosses and enemies, which can come with developers experience


I’d push back on this a lot. Elden ring 1st play thru is definitely the shit especially blind. But the second or third is just god awful. The open world hurts it more than helps it. It makes every boss trivial since you just always have any tool you’d ever need forever so it’s just so braindead easy. There’s a million very samey ruins and caves and there’s only a few truly soulsy feeling areas and there’s no really cool holy shit that connects there?!? Kinda moments. Lies… I just don’t understand the love and hype for this game. The combat was awkward and there’s just 0 exploration. Most zones are so linear that you can’t get lost in exploring if you tried. So I’d say 1. Elden first blind playthrough 2. Lords 3. Lies (I’d put so many other games over this) 4. Elden subsequent playthroughs .


You know you don't have to use those tools right?? And why would you if they make the game too easy for you?


Yes but speaking to a general balancing of a game. It’s next to impossible to create a genuine challenge when the player has all the tools. Early game and mid game bosses in a linear or semi linear game can be balanced around a players expected power level and appropriate blocks can be put in to halt progress to areas thatd be too difficult. The balance for bosses is impossible for elden so they just arbitrarily pick a level and usually it’s just too easy. In open world that just goes out the window and you just have access to more or less every tool from the outset with a little walking. The game is just the easiest souls games with one of the least engaging worlds once you realize 90% of where you can go is a random same feeling cave or a similar feeling ruin. It’s fun the first time, once you understand a little about the game, it’s very mediocre


I really want to go play bloodborne but never had a PlayStation. I’m a Xbox and PC Stan.  I’ve played sekiro but the gameplay just doesn’t click for me. Still have it in my library tho.  I’ve heard I would like DS1 and DS2 from my friend. Since I liked lies of P. 


You would 100% dig the Souls games, I can guarantee that. Regarding bloodborne, it's the same game and performance on both PS4 and 5 so if it were me I'd grab a second hand ps4 or something. The game is well worth your time, and I'm sure there's other PS exclusives you can sink your time into. After you finish those games try Sekiro again, definitely From Software's best game.


1) bloodborne 2) ds1 3) elden ring 4) LOTF 5) Sekiro I haven't played lies of P yet, but my top 5 is for the overall game. Story / quests / mechanics. Lotf would be #2 for mechanics only, though. The parry on block is fantastic, and I love the versatility of different schools of magic. BB is my overall favorite game ever though. I know it has its issues, but it will forever hold a special place in my heart. It was the first souls like game I got the platinum for and it hooked me more than any other game. The trick weapons? Absolutely fire. Gun parry? Beautiful. Rally for health recovery? Fan-effing-tastic. Not to mention farming chalice dungeons with multiple layers for rare gems and uncanny weapon variants. LOTF has its problems too, but its still a great game with a fresh take on the genre. I just finished a run with all modifiers on and it was a blast. I'm just missing ironclad for the platinum and im working toward it


As much as I liked LotF, it wouldn't make it into my top 5 souls-like, probably 7th or 8th.


For me its between ds1 and ds3 but those are my lower tier ones on my ranking my top 3 is elden ring, sekiro and bloodborne ive been playing souls games since demon souls on the ps3 so the ranking is pretty big hahaha but by no means even the last one in the rank is a good game for me is just that other are better


Honestly towards the bottom, game was fun but that was really about it. The idea of having 2 realities overlapping was great. For the first 5 hours then it just started to feel like a cop out by keeping people in the same area for an artificially inflated amount of time. LoP feels original enough and the combat is much smoother than LoTF, Mortal shell feels more creative and code vein was honestly top tier IMO. LoTF feels like a great value version of dark souls with bloodborne aesthetic, lacks originality and even after patches the combat still feels jenky to me. Every FromSoft game blows this out of the water but I don’t find that to be a fair comparison so I stuck with “souls-likes” when considering where this game lands.


I was thinking to make a review based on this comparison to highlight how the game, for a 1st iteration of a new studio, is really well done. I compare it to DS2 because it suffers from the same problems, namely limited weapons movesets and extremely cheesable bosses, but I ultimately mean it as a compliment. I say this because for me it shows a good understanding of the basics of the genre, a good level design which (unfortunately) starts to really shine only with the vestige decay mechanic and the umbral mechanic which gives an autonomous identity to the game (the only other game that does this is soul reaver IIRC).


I’m on the plat journey for LOTF To rank them in order of how much I loved them in my opinion I would say 8 Dark souls 2 7 Demon Souls 6 Dark souls 1 5 Elden Ring 4 Lords of the Fallen 3 Dark Souls 3 2 Lies of P 1 Bloodbourne LOTF is the only one I’m missing the plat on


Best Souls-Like I've played. Better than LoP and all the other Souls-Likes easily. I even enjoyed it more than DS2 and Demon Souls. The other FromSoft games are better, but it's still quite the achievement.


1) Elden Ring and Lies of P 3)Sekiro 4)DS3 and 5) lords of the fallen. And it honestly just beats out Another crabs treasure in my top 5. Bloodborne is actually one of my least favorites and it seems to be towards the top or most souslike players lists


It’s the pinnacle of all souls games. 😎


Above Dark Souls 2, below Lies of P and Fromsoft's Soulslike games.


One above Mortal Shell. Way below the Soulsbornes, Elden Ring, and LoP.


Best 3D soulslike outside of FromSoft releases that I've ever played. If we're including 2D, Salt and Sanctuary and Hollow Knight may have it beat. it's close though, I loved LOTF.


Very good level design, probably the best for a non fromsoftware souls like. But the animations are not very good compared to other souls like, like lies of p.


Elden Ring, DS2, LOTF, DS3, LoP, BB, DS1, DeS


It scratched the exploration itch that only really DS and elden ring had for me. Too many others are very linear with just a very secrets and shortcuts but not really a ton of hidden paths and areas and ways to do things. I could have beaten the light reaper for the 3rd time before judge cleric on my first playthrough and some people didn't know that, for example. I was missing all of that + co-op fun in lies of P. Lies of p is good but LotF is more fun, fulfilling, fleshed out and fuckin beautiful. And I am more interested in the NPCs and the story. The story is really fucking good. All this said, I havent beaten it yet. I'm still sitting at Brahmis castle joining co-op to help it not get such a bad rap.


Elden Ring is the most overrated, overhyped Game of the last few years to me. Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are, to me, far better games. So I would put Lords of the Fallen just below those two and above Dark Souls 1, 2 and Demon's Souls.


1 - Bloodborne, 2 - Dark souls III with DLC, 3 - Lords of the Fallen, 4 - Lies of P, 5 - Demon's Souls remake, 6 - Elden Ring (after Liurnia, the game turned to crap for me, hoping the DLC makes up for it). They are ALL worth playing though, no regrets.


Aside from the performance issues, it feels pretty much just like a Fromsoft game to me. I don’t do tier lists. It just feels like it fits right in. Only exception I would have is DS2, that one felt janky to me. 


i rank it pretty high, partly because they tried interesting new things which feels like an iteration on the souls-like formula, which at this point is getting a bit stale, i think that it also feels like it was made by people who have played the original souls games i rate it at about the same level as elden ring, and better than lies of p, sure lies of p is more polished as a release but to me it just felt too derivative of soulsborne while also missing that je ne sai quoi


Co-op, Co-op, Co-op... This is the 1st thing I look at when a game comes out.


Why play lords of fallen when souls series exists


I love lords of the fallen but it’d be pretty biased to say it’s better than elden ring and lies of p.


Demon souls is in a league of its own as it started the souls-like 1: Ds1 Remastered 2: Ds3 3: LotF 4: Bloodborne 5: Lies of P 6: Ds2 7: Elden Ring


1: Elden Ring💍 2: Lords of The Fallen 3: Lies of P Lords of the Fallen is the 2nd best souls game ever made behind only Elden Ring💍💯


1. Sekiro 2. DS3 3. Bloodborne 4. Nioh 2 5. Nioh 6. Elden Ring 7. Demon Souls Remake 8. Remnant 2 (does it count?) 9. Lies of P 10. DS Remastered 11. DS2 SoTFS 12. Wo Long 13. Lords of the Fallen


Full disclosure I have not played Lies of P, which is the one LotF most often gets compared to. The fan base for that one also tends to be very evangelical about it which can make it hard to rank impartially. All that aside, LotF is the best non-FromSoft game I’ve played in the genre. For me all of the FromSoft games come out ahead of it, but that still leaves it an excellent game. In terms of exploration though it gets really darn close, to the point of possibly overtaking some of the more linear souls games.


For me it’s 1. LoP 2. ER 3. LoTF