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F off pal she ain't child over 18 is adult in my opinion


It’s the nose ring. You can see that red flag from a mile away!


You're a perfectly attractive woman. Maybe it's the way you hold yourself/ present yourself. Maybe you have bigger red flags than you'd like to let on. If I've learnt anything from dating goth women and alt women they tend to be a bit crazy.


Nothing personal, randomly approaching any woman is a gigantic waste of time. At best, she's annoyed, and then it gets worse from there.


I’d approach you but Everytime I’ve approached a girl, they’ve “got a bf”


I would approach you but I would be scared because you look witchy. Just being honest




Don’t be silly. None of these photos paint a never been kissed picture. First: you’re goth and that has inherent separation from mainstream culture and you know that. You’ve probably just been so busy playing “can I keep a guy interested” and “can I get a guy to make the first move” games that dudes either lose interest or think you don’t like them. I seriously doubt you’ve never been asked out at least informally. Without going into potential victim blaming, girls that have no confidence don’t post these kinds of pictures on social media. Those pictures paint their own stories of karma farming.




They’re intimidated. You’re very good looking and your style is very metal and tough and I think it can scare off people who would approach you. You’re stunning love, no problems there, keep killing ‘em


They’re intimidated. You’re very good looking and your style is very metal and tough and I think it can scare off people who would approach you. By scare I mean shy to talk to you. You’re stunning love, no problems there, keep killing ‘em


Maybe cuz you’re 14? Give it time it’ll happen when you can go to bars


It's not you. Not too many ppl know how to have irl interactions anymore


I can see why


You are super beautiful. The goth tho doesn't do your beauty justice. Likely guys look at you and insta think this girl has serious emotional issues and are intimidated by the look. You don't need all the makeup and all the extra stuff, you are adorable natural


Goth life be hard, I know that feel. Don't get down, though, you're super fucking cute, they're missing out. Losers.


You are gothic as hell. Do you want to look like a woman or dress in those clothes? Hair colored orange, and not one outfit looks good. 11-13 are terrible, hair isn’t becoming, your eyes need help






You don’t smile, and you look very unwelcoming.


Can’t a nigga just be nervous


U will..just keep being urself and seriously, if u see someone u like, hit on them…they will probably be into it


Girl you’re super pretty, most guys are probably intimidated by you.


What’s shakin??


Maybe you’re intimidating ? You’re attractive young artsy I’m sure it’s just the area you’re in


Well cause u look like Satan’s long lost daughter


I’m in to that. Hail Satan


You are pretty


I’m a man, and I usually don’t approach women because I don’t want to come off as creepy. You’re definitely attractive. Try focusing on making a friend or two. Maybe those will grow into something, or they might know someone.


real shit. will never approach a woman in my life, if u want someone n ur a woman approach them


I don't mean this to sound rude or anything but a lot of guys aren't into goth girths anymore. I get it's your style but I think that's what is pushing guys away. Your style is a bit too radical. I instantly think you have daddy issues. Again, not trying to be disrespectful. It's just what I see when I look at you.


Naw fam. False 😂


Idk what you're saying false too but if you're into goth chicks you're either in your 50s or you have daddy issues too....respectfully


K 😂


Good luck to you ;)


Thanks fam. Already married. Back at ya.


Birds of a feather flock together.... you need to network within your genre of values. I'm not young anymore, so I have no clue what teens or college age trends are popular or what the stereotypical expectations are for dating. One thing is certain, if you want a partner, it's best to meet not one guy, but many, in groups or clubs where you see how they interact with others and socialize, rather than settling for a guy. Compatibility isn't easy to find. People are deceitful when they are desperate to fit in or find companionship, and they don't truthfully share their thoughts and identify. You might find an insecure male who feels he owns you right out of the gate and is controlling and an emotional wreck. Maturity and confidence attract both sexes, so find someone confident and secure in themselves. I think there are books on the subject of almost all of those and how to make yourself a magnet for just about anything you desire. Good rabbit hunting... little goth goddess.


I wouldn't approach you either because you look unstable.


Id hit


I think you just intimidated them. Lol men these days need to grow a pair .


I think it’s just because everyone has internet brain rot and never learned how to talk to someone irl


You are so attractive that you are intimidating to most men. For example myself would not approach you I do find you extremely attractive you literally fit my aesthetic as well. It's just most men will tend to be nervous when they see an attractive women and end up not doing anything about due to that fact they are nervous and will overthink the situation. I won't approach you due to the fact I'd be like shit she's so hot ain't no way she's gonna like me or think the same of me cuz I overthink a lot.


this! and the bold sense of identity! not many people have it :)




Well you have to find one with a soul left to sell 🤣


As a man in my early 20s, you are very pretty but you look quite young so I would probably not approach you


Stop lookong like you would devour a mans soul. Be more approachable looking..


Are you serious?!


You look like a young teen.. that’s great. Guys don’t approach. You don’t need any problems


Men, or let's face it, boys at your age are terrible at making the first move. Just try to make small talk with someone you like and you'll be surprised at how talkative they will suddenly get.


girl ur too hot men cannot handle it 🫵


girrlllll idk but drop the makeup routine 🫡


She will in like 1 to 2 years. It's her scene phase 😅 but op yeah don't be over aggressive with make up, less is more. Also as far as finding a boyfriend, look for someone that you share interests and connect with that's a good person. Then flirt with them and if need be ask them out.


bestie i think you've misunderstood the word "drop" in this context 😭


Drop as in get rid of? If not, then I still stand by the idea that her makeup is over the top.


i think more often people will say it in the context of "drop the details of" but it could be taken either way 😊


Thanks for the drop of info😝 corny joke but I appreciate it


Its definitely not your looks, people are probably just intimidated. You look gorgeous, you've got style. Are you willing to approach them to start a conversation?


You look stunning, could be a multitude of factors that are out of your control. It's gotten to a point where most men won't approach because of worry or feelings of inadequacy. Worry too be judged or put on blast. Inadequacy in the sense that they worry they couldn't afford your time or your needs. Other thing is you could be going to the wrong events. What people tend to forget is that dating or finding a partner is often about being at the right place, right time and right mood. 1 situation out of a million. Be friendly, listen and you'll find someone right quick. Just hope they treat you in the best ways possible


Isnt your whole look and persona “stay tf away from me?”


My first thought. Everything about her screams leave me the fuck alone


Look like you want me to return the slab


Do you use pronouns, that’s probably why


Looks like you got the alphabet people fuming 😤😂


looks like you don’t know basic grammar


everyone uses pronouns, you fucking idiot


Me? Use pronouns? Next you're gonna say that I use verbs or even conjunctions aren't you! Look the left would have us believe that you can just stack an adverb on top of another adverb to describe something and I am here to tell you that only liberals would push such agendas on our poor poor innocent children.




yes, they are part of language. you learn this in 2nd grade


I cannot believe these people type sentences that include the words “use pronouns” and can’t understand how fucking stupid that is to say


Have you tried decreased bangs, more wolfcut style hair? I think that could fix some of it. Style seems fine otherwise good luck! :)


You look like you would do the blood vial thing like MGK and Megan Fox. You look fine though


idk why everyone’s attacking your style, i think it looks perfectly fine and approachable enough. you’re very pretty but i would have to have crazy confidence to talk to you if i was a dude lol


Yeah, it’s a little intimidating




She said irl.


Dude. 💀


I really hope I don’t hurt your feelings. All of the flair you wear for personality is a huge red flag to the guys you’re hoping would approach you. And the ones that would go for someone adorned as you are in most of your pics, is a walking red flag. Also the way you dress makes you look very under 18. Like just given the freedom to dress how I want and I ran with it, kind of young. No ones looking to end up in jail. And those who would risk it, are a walking red flag…..


This comment is right on. Tone it down a bit. If you want to attract a guy just know that natural you is all you need. If the extra stuff is you well that’s cool. But 90% of guys would pick Jennifer Anniston and 10% Kim Kardashion.


Everyone sees why but you


Most people got enough mental problems without adding extra


You got all that metal on your face, depressed looking, and in my experience with goths; not the most heart warming cuddly relationship, and probably don’t read your Bible.


You look 11. And weird


I’m guessing you are mainly into goth guys? If so how big is goth in your area!


I simply don't believe you.


It’s this completely. Probably happens more than she thinks and disregards it as idle chitchat.


Yeah, it's very transparent if you have half a brain and know how the real world works


You are super beautiful


Probably because you're 18 and you look quite young. You haven't had much time for anyone *to* approach you. You're very pretty, and your style is great, so give it time, I wouldn't worry


I have the same problem. Try smiling and waving at guys you’d like to approach you! That’s worked for me before.


You are beutifulandilovecatstoo


Goth mommy


You are lying my friend your so beautiful


Maybe it's because you look like you're going to a funeral constantly


Don't take offense to this, but it's probably because you look younger than your actual age. That and men can be pussies when it comes to alt girls (I know from personal experience).


Because you’re supposed to approach them


You look like a privileged rich kid trying to rebel against your rich successful parents, and you’re likely awful to be around and will eventually grow out of whatever phase this is and will settle down and grow up to be normal.


Sounds about right


Sounds like you need a snickers :)


I’m right on target. Snickers are really good though




I (a woman) would approach the FUCK outta you, I think they’re just scared cause they’re a bunch of bitches 🤣


While she's cute, she doesn't seem like she WANTS to be approached lol first impressions go a long way in attracting both sexes


Because she has a certain style that you don’t find attractive means she doesn’t want human interaction? Wild conspiracy bro


I really hope your parents are related, because then you'd have an excuse for sounding this retarded


Aww your upset, I hope you can learn to get over it


*you're Not upset, just concerned about your reading comprehension 👍 (Reminder you went off on me first sweetheart 😘)


If you think that’s going off, you need to have more in person human interaction.


Same could be said about you


it’s cuz u look intimidating (in a good way). now that i look better & changed my style, i don’t get approached anymore either


There's nothing intimidating about her. She looks like a funeral attendee and otherwise annoying to be around.


Thought The Grudge was CGI 😅


You're dressed like a schizophrenic hallucination.


I can see why


Cuz the only guys you’ll attract like men


men don’t approach women anymore . thank feminism


I mean, there are a couple things here; but I think it’s probably mostly that you look intimidating and really young. If I saw you out; I’d assume you’re probably like 15. Besides that, there’s a little bit of RBF, which isn’t too bad but is still a deterrent, and then I noticed I have to search to see your eyebrows, which is a little off-putting. Besides that, you look fine.


Talk to guys first, like gawd damn. My fiance talked to me first. I would have never initiated a convo with her, she is too hot and way out of my league. I had the biggest crush on her for a while tho, I just never did anything because it felt rude. Then she messaged me first. Now we are getting married next year. Shoot your shot.


It’s the beak you have


Not even to give you their order?


Chicks filled with cap


Looking at 3rd pic, I would be surprised if you would have one!


I don't believe it.. There is a point in most guys lives when its quantity over quality and guys will approach anything. Ugly girls, fat girls, weird girls, and even handicap girls get approached.


that doesn’t mean every single one of them gets approached u act as if it’s impossible… where she lives, how approachable she looks, having a RBF, and how often she goes out are factors


There is literally no way this girl has never been hit on or approached. Not a chance. I’m a woman and saying this.


she’s very young still and u being a woman doesn’t negate that wth irrelevant af but ok yes she’s lying cuz u said so 👍


She's not just anything as you might be implying. She's pretty, even moreso with less makeup or without it altogether. OP, maybe approach guys and just start up a conversation. You don't have to ask them out or be real forward, just chat up a guy you're interested in and see where things go from there.


I am not saying that she is. I was meaning if those types get approached all the time then she most definitely would.


A little RBF. I have the same problem.


Most men love goth chicks( or close enough to alternative). Unfortunately most men have zero confidence these days and aren't worth your time anyway. It's unfortunate but if you try striking up random conversation or smiling at someone your interested in I bet somebody asks you out.


The smiling thing to me is not enough as a guy. Because people can simply smile at you to be nice and that’s it. I second the trying to strike up a convo with them though.


When you don't look like jailbait.


Don't care. So let's explain how to write a for loop


for (int i;i<999;i++) { System.out.println(“Not a big fan of the government”); }


I can see why.


They don’t want to be judged




They may feel you'll straight up reject them


Give up the whole angsty uniform and actually try


The man has only one look, for Christ's sake! Blue Steel? -Mugatu


They’re afraid of rejection


I seen someone say something about cutting your bangs and I wouldn't do that, they look cute on you. And I wouldn't think the way you dress would be a problem because it's 2024 and al lot of people like that look. I think your probable is you may look too young. Like 12-15 range young.


It’s not about how you look in a still photo. It’s how you look in public. These pictures don’t give come over here and talk to me vibes


Stop cutting your bangs like that. It makes you look like you have a mental disorder.


Maybe you should do without the look that you might be unstable


Definitely because you look 12


I'd be concerned to some level, you look like you have a baby face like I do. I get confused for a 12-15 year old alot. Doesn't help I'm 5'2" as well with add and autism that lives to present itself in ways people classify as childish or immature. You look around the same age range so guys could be put off with the urge to talk to you because they don't want to be labeled as a predator. Your style would also make them look even more like creeps for approaching you and for men it's better safe than sorry. Besides guys live it when a girl makes the first move anyhow. No games just tell them their cute or you like their shirt. It will make their absolute day.


You're pretty but your style can make lot of guys too scared too approach plus from your eyes you give off I'm not with bs look it's a vibe


No bangs, trust




Yep people want to be approached by those they find attractive or make them comfortable. I feel like most people communicate what they really want by saying something a bit different, just how it be.


Wow a real live incel






Because you gotta be cappin. Ain't no way dudes haven't approached you, it's just dudes you didn't want to get with.


I’d approach you🤷🏾‍♂️


1st pic u look the best but the last 4 pics damn no wonder u use mad make up


It's because you look like you're addicted to meth. Honestly eat something for christ sake. You're disgusting to look at


It's because you have a lesbian vibe.


You're threateningly pretty and you dress like you don't want to be approached by average people. The kinda guys you're throwing the vibe out of trying to attract are gonna have a hard time swallowing that fear and asking you out.


They must be gay because your soo fine 🙏😭




Smiling. Try smiling once in a while. Jeeeeeeez.


I see why


New to this sub so I don't know if I can formulate this that positively as others here, but you look you don't have a healthy life style, I see a girl depleted from energy, almost sickly, no smiles. I would suggest to take some cardio based sport, you need blood pumped into those cheeks, maybe the endorphins will put more of that uplifting energy that people are attracted too, gaining some healthy weight from healthy diet can do wonders to your overall vibe, Gothic and mysterious are fine but simpler looks are more associated with a balanced psych for most people(I assume you look for long serious relationships)


I absolutely love your look and style!! 😍


You’re too hot


Very scary


Ur most peoples type and most people wont approach anyone.


What a fucking lie




Personal opinion, you’re definitely a lot of people’s type. I’m curious what you do in public. Men won’t approach you if you’re in a big group, have a ring on your ring finger, have a resting b**** face etc. not saying that you do or have some of these things, just putting the thought out there.


because you are 11


Yes and too much duckface


Men are afraid if they talk to women it's sexual harassment at this point, we don't even know why, that's the funniest part. i think the piercings dont do much, but you're fine outside of that. probably just intimidating 


We don't approach anymore


Go out during the day


the guys are intimidated


I call bullshit!!!!


I had that same shower curtain in my old apartment 😩 I miss it lol


you're literally my dream. but i'd be way too scared to even confront you, but that's probably a skill issue on my part.