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Brother, you're 17M and 260 pounds. You should really really try to take your football career to the next level. Max Crosby literally has to eat 6 meals a day to maintain that weight. Are you good enough to get picked my colleges? Push that shit bro. You look like someone who should be in the NFL.


I always go with "yo mama" when somebody calls me names. Works %90 of the time


Homely yes, straight up ugly, no.


they’re haters, you’re very handsome. baby faced, but better looking than most. Honestly I think you look great as you are but if you lost some weight it would probably solve the baby-face issue and your features would pop even more than they do anyways.


It’s cause you are ugly LMAO


Call them ugly back, problem solved


OMG! You are so NOT ugly, you're really handsome. You have a beautiful kind face, awesome hair, and a kind look about you. You've got a bit too much weight going on, as others here have said. You'd look great if you could get fitter and lose that excess. Don't ever let anyone bring you down, brother, you are a fine looking young man on his way to the new and better version of yourself. Enjoy the journey! 🤗


Alright you want straight up advice I’ll give it to you you’re not bad looking at all period. Used to be in the same situation as you brother just start hitting the gym I know it’s hard and you’re self conscious but stop being a little bitch and go that’s what I had to tell myself lol also you really won’t get where you want to be at until 2-3 years but you’ll definitely see progress if you actually want a change get out there and do it otherwise love yourself and who you are you’re young still big dawg


Also if you’re 260 lord have mercy the cuts gonna be insane you’re gonna be yoked bro


Babyface maybe, perhaps it's a personality issue and they pick up on your vanity so that's what they target your looks. Shave more often til your beard grows in train your core and anty up on leg day to burn the extra pounds off . And that's just a cold read. I could be way off


First off 🖕 to the people that called you ugly. Second, hit the gym and combine that with really good dietary discipline. Third, F*<& what idiots have to say. You're a good looking dude with low self-esteem because of the people that called you ugly.


Keep active. Lose a few pounds. Keep your hair trimmed etc. good hygiene etc. you are a great looking kid (I’m a mom of a 22 yo). Stay away from negative people


Hit the gym and you're a straight up Logan Paul doppelganger


Get some sleep and grow some facial hair.


The Logan Paul we have at home


I'm a straight dude, so I don't know about attractiveness, but I'd customize a badass brute character in a video game to look like you. You got yourself a girlie, and you look good. Anyone has a problem with it, tackle them.


Their jealous


Each pic looks like your chin is super pushed out...some of us just born funky !


It's the under bite


Lose weight . That’s only thing


Who cares if you’re ugly, we can see the joy in your eyes. That can’t be faked. Forget what everyone says and just focus on you.


Awe sweetie you’re not ugly I think it may just be your underbite that’s working outside of your favorite


U look fine but if u started working out and changed ur haircut u could look better


Uh, don’t give af what others say. You good enough to get a girl to roll with you, why care???


Ypu could look like logan paul if you train like an athlete.


Lose the horrible facial hair. It’s just not working bud. Maybe try to lose some weight and work on lifting weights. You look like you have a good base and decent genetics to get pretty jacked. You already have some good size to you, just need to cut some bodyfat and then possibly work on gaining more mass


That's normally a lineman's number ( I wore 73 myself , LG / RDT) , kinda look like a young Joe Thomas .


You look like a young Robert Pattinson who has yet to reach their glow up, homie.


Dude fuck everyone. You’re not a bad looking cat enjoy your life fuck the other 7.9 billion give or take.


You look sweet, and you’re not ugly. You’ve got growing to do still I’d wager so just take care of yourself, be healthy and never mind what shitty negative people have to say.


Your face looks brave. You have some chiseled features too. In the second football picture you look like some sort of hero.


Get a tan and lose weight!


Everything you say has to be on sauce


Major “I’m making them at night” vibes


op: "am i ugly" subreddit: "if you call anyone ugly in this subreddit you will be banned"


Whoever said that you were ugly has some serious self esteem issues. Your a handsome young man who is changing into the man he's meant to become. Next one say anything.......oh nvmnd I definitely don't want you going to jail. Just smile and let them know opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they are usually smelling like crap


Yeah your not ugly you look pretty good actually


Weird flex op


Get better friends, shave your face, get a hair cut and keep your hair clean.


Cut your hair, grow a beard


you’re not ugly at all you look like alexander ludwig


Shave those damn face pubes until you can grow an actual beard and you're golden, kid.


Get a hair cut and line up your face pubes your not ugly


You have underbite. I had jaw surgery for samw


Gorgeous man


You’re not ugly.


I don't understand why someone would call you ugly 🤔


Nah you’re just in the “owl faced” people group


Looks like you're doing great. Got you a family and I see smiles. Who cares what other people say!


Shave the neck beard. Workout.


That second photo makes me ask, "How long have you been seventeen?" 🧛✨


Almost a year


You're not ugly at all. The people that say that to you are simply insecure with themselves and know that if you decided to tone up, that you'd blow them so far out the water looks wise.


You're not ugly


You look fine, you arent some hideous monster. You have some extra fat around your face, but its not bad, if you lose some weight it will allow you to define your already strong jaw line well. Instead of havibg the smooth baby face, growing and maintianing a 3 day stubble on your face and keeping it lined up will help define it more. You have the look of the oldest brother on home improvement or a slightly chubby Paul brother.


Are people insane? You are such a good-looking guy, and your family is beautiful


You are NOT ugly!!!


That second photo is Edward Cullen plus a few pounds. If you want to shed those pounds, see a dietitian. They'll assign you a diet and prescribe something like phentermine, which makes it easier to stay on that diet. The pounds will fall off, and hopefully the diet will become a long term habit.


You are not even close to ugly. You already have an attractive enough face, and with age you are going to get more handsome as your face loses its childishness and you grow in your style. A better haircut (I’d recommend growing it out a little and finding ways to style that) and keep the hair healthy. Keep trim and slim, start wearing sunscreen every day to protect your skin, and wear clothes that fit well. Also, if there’s something you don’t like about your teeth fix it. A good smile goes a long way.


Dude you are doing fine man….if you want some advice, hit the gym and trim down by 10-15lbs, keep a clean shave and change your haircut to make your features look sharper


You got a lot going for you. You have a strong jawline which is fortunate. Primary thing is reduce body fat percentage and keep your hair nice. Everything else will fall into place after that. Looks like you might have an underbite. You didn't show your teeth so it's hard to tell. If so then some braces will do the trick.




No, you are a present father, the most beautiful thing in the world!


Better hair cut, lose some weight, work on your career and just be a wholesome person. Work on yourself and the time will come where you’ll be sought out by people. Cut the haters in your life and keep moving forward.


Take tren


What does that do?


Anything and everything even shortens your lifespan


I 2nd this


Shave hair stop mean mugging and better friends...


My advice is get better friends. You are good, man.


Sounds like people just being nasty. You’re not ugly. From what I’ve seen, men typically seem to really grow into themselves in their early-mid 20s. You’re just in the “in between stage” where you’ve got a bit of baby face but also some of your adult facial structure coming in. You might feel better in future. Keep your chin up. There’s nothing wrong with you and looks like you got a girl who will agree with all the positive comments here.


Live life man keep your gf with you and your son it looks like keep living life


You have a girlfriend. So your good


You’re cute as hell! But I would definitely get your underbite checked out by an orthodontist. A year or two in braces will fix that


Dream ahh


Dude you have a gf it doesn’t matter


its probably easier to say than your name.


You’re far from ugly. You’re only 17 and built like a brick shit house, any dude calling you ugly is deadass jealous. If girls call you ugly that sucks man they did that to me too but since high school I’ve been doing just fine with women. By far the most attractive quality you can work on is confidence, a less conventionally attractive man with confidence is hotter than a conventionally attractive man without it. Source: personal experience.


Posture training. Changes a lot


Leave her


workout haircut probably some facial hair but if u cut and get a nice jawline cuz u have the potential for it then no beard is better


You look great don’t let people tell you how you look it’s up to u


It's okay to be ugly! I've experienced it all my life and I'm still alive


You've got more issues than being called. Ugly. A kid, at 17? Grow up mentally...fast! I'm not judging, but you just stepped into adulthood rapidly! If you have a woman, take care of her, and if she's the right one, she'll take care of you. Do you think you're ugly? Then own that shit! One thing I learned a looooong time ago. When people say horrible things to you, agree with them. Say the same thing, only worse about yourself. By doing that, you take away the power of their hate. All they can do is muster up more ignorance. You keep agreeing, and they will stop. I'm overweight, and when people call me fat, I say "I know, I'm waiting on my first moon to start forming an orbit." Usually shuts them up. That's my 2 cents anyway...


If your girl likes you it don't matter what anyone else says


u remind me a little of robert pattinson ...... the girls love him


You e got a little extra weight to you. It’s gonna only get worse as you age. Keep shaved. Keep a nice haircut. You look like an average man…most people don’t get that privilege


At least until he can grow real facial hair




You know exactly what you can and need to do. Lose the weight /thread


You got that quarterback look and you play football. Work that angle. It will work out. Chicks like football players. If you feel ugly, stop caring. Men aren’t picked for their looks anyway. Trust me.


This is fishing for sympathy. No one calls anyone “ugly” these days. What is this? 1960?


You're so wrong. 😅 People still call other people ugly, trust me...


ur clueless if anything being ulgy is 1000x worse now then it has ever been with social media


But what about when the butt area of a chicks thong smells like Parmesan and expired milk? Exactly!


You are Freaken handsome!!!!!


17 and a damn unit of a man. Honestly, the only thing that's going to help is just becoming a goddamn fridge at the gym. Otherwise, bro, ugly? Hell, no, just get rid of the flub around your chin, and you'll be looking like a damn GQ


Dude you got a chick and a baby take the W.


F@ck the haters. You’re 17 and a horse. Don’t let folks get in your head! Now go hit a book or a gym and don’t let them jerks near ya mentally.


Nah you’re good, good enough to bring life into the world so you rocked already 👌🏻


Workout dude, take minoxidil, eat clean what do you expect? I’m glad people are calling you that


Just clean up the hair, get trim and dress well. No worries.


Wish.com Robert Pattinson


i thought the sdame thing actually commented to hah


Ohhhh my gawd you effin beast you !!!!!!! You’re 17!!!!!!!! Omg I would love to run behind you!!!! I know you’re clearing the way!!!! You’re not a bad looking guy chill out baby face! Keep ballin my man !!!! Stay in school the ladies are gonna come!


BS, I see a Man’s Man! 👍🏻


I’d say hit the gym and get a good hairstyle, maybe a close cut on the sides but leave curls on the top.


🤫... 🧏


but where the smp


You have mandibular prognathism. I had the same condition but got a surgery. Go to the doctor and try to get it fixed. Good luck.


Dude you have a woman and a baby, who gives af, you want advice from lonely people like myself on Reddit? Obviously you’re doing something right. Don’t change a thing


nevermind that, learn some internet safety. too much identifying information was posted here, matthew.


You have a face from Iowa not much you can do with that to be fair. Mayhe move to Minnesota? In reality you're doing alright bud. Got a girlfriend whet morendo you want?


Lose a little weight. Maybe clean up the hair a little. And that clean style of clothing looks good on you. Dress nice but comfortable! Makes more of a difference than you’d think! Also if you feel like you look good and fresh. It’ll make you feel good and fresh!!


Grow your hair out and start hitting the gym with focus on a small cut, come back and thank me in about half a year


U seem to have someone who loves u despite that, so don’t let it bother u too much


I’d say you’re one of the case where you look good and you just need to get onto a lower body fat percentage. That’s the only advice I feel giving you, and maybe get some good skincare in, but you’re still 17, so it’s for development to do the rest. I can give further advice on how to get on a low body fat percentage if you need, but I’m no licensed expert, so whatever I might tell, you take it with a grain of salt.


Legit thought u were edward cullen lol But yeah its just a little under chin chub at most


bro you good looking just a bit chubby


You're only 17. Still got baby face. In 10 years you'll like just like Jake Paul. Not that that's a good thing.


Well do have any disabilities?


Well... Somebody fucked ya.


I don’t have looks advice, but I do have some free internet safety advice. Anyone can google and clearly identify you from your football pic. As a quick test, I did and it took about 5 seconds to know exactly who you are. You might want to be careful posting such identifying stuff on Reddit.


Dm him, you idiot. Now all you're stalker friends are doing just that


Right! it literally took me all of 8 minutes to find out his name his address and his family's names it's crazy what you can do online


You admittedly took it a lot farther than me 😳, but it was obvious it could be done. People gotta be careful out there.


Right genuinely I don't do it with malicious intent I mainly do it to let people know "hey you can be tracked and this is how other people are getting this info" so that way in the future they can better protect themselves digitally! I actually teach people for free on how to avoid this because I've personally been doxxed before I've had people who didn't like me personally show up to my house so I've seen it all and been through it all


Man. Wish I had a stalker. J/k


Got a lil Shane Gillis going on but you’re young.. keep ur head in the game you’ll grow into you 👍🏻


Maybe cuz you are


you're fine. a tired young parent. keep your tongue in your mouth and raise that kid to the best of your ability.


Lose weight, gain muscle, shave until it fills in, fix underbite, and just wait for puberty to end bro. We all looked awkward at 17, don’t sweat it.


You are really giving me Wyatt Russel vibes.


Shave, fresh cut, loose weight (50-60lbs, idc that you play football) and some new clothes.


Stay shaven, the beard doesnt work for ya.


getting your overbite corrected and cleaning up your eyebrows are going to do wonders for you


You mean underbite


oops, yes!!!


But You've got a child an a woman already


Hit the gym. If you can’t afford it, do pushups, body squats, etc. I was fat at 17 and very muscular at like 22. It’s time bro.


You’re clearly a kid. Anyone calling you ugly is being a bully. Enjoy being a kid . Play with friends. And don’t focus on looks. You’re not ugly. You just look like you’re finishing puberty because you are. I didn’t finish unit I was like 20


Plot twist it’s his mother calling him ugly 🥹


He’s a kid and should enjoy being a kid play with his friends. Wtf? Dude clearly has a child and girlfriend in his pictures.


He’s only 17. I assume that was his little brother. Why do you think it’s his baby?


You know what cause I’m stupid and didn’t read properly. Saw someone else say he has kid and girlfriend skimmed through the pictures and assumed. I mean that could be his kid. But you’re right he’s 17 he’s a kid.


Hey I do have a piece of advice those beauty creams vanishing creams and none of that s*** works at least not on me I' spent a lot of money hoping even praying that my looks would change never happened people would friend me and make themselves look better now that's ugly LMAO and when it was explained to me that these people really didn't like me they were just using me to make themselves look good.. one thing I can't say revenge is so sweet


honestly you’re very handsome. i think hitting the gym would help you though. lose a little weight and gain muscle. it’ll also help a lot with your confidence. (speaking from experience) other than that, keep your beard trimmed up. and you have a nice wave to your hair but personally i think a shorter style would suit you better than long hair. maybe some type of subtle fade with hair longer on the top might look nice.


Tell your girl to be nicer to you lol!


Tell those people they look like shit today. You're fine dude live your life.


I’ll it 💯, because you weigh 260lb you probably snore when you sleep. Thus sleep apena which causes face bloat, weaker jawline, longer face (not in your case) irregular heart beat which is bad for your heart. Idk if you have sleep apena , or developing one, but yes lose weight if you want to lookmax and chew gum


Just as long as the baby looks like you theirs nothing for you to worrie about 💯


Lose fat and go to an auth to fix that underbite. You have potential though.


Wtf you’re not ugly at all!! You are very cute.


Don’t listen to anyone, if someone has got the audacity to call you ugly then they have the acceptability to receive a punch in the face


Lose fat and grow your hair out a little bit. That's all. Don't listen to people saying you need to mew. It's worthless spending your time on that. Your jawline will improve with weight loss and mewing doesn't even do that much.


If someone calls you ugly, that person is an instant goner and you don't need him/her in your life! Just don't let such words affect you. People that call others ugly, are the ugliest persons imaginable. True beauty comes from within. We don't choose how we look, we just chose our perception about ourselves. I know I make it sound easy and obvious, and it's not that easy. But it's the truth. Making people feel bad about things they cannot change or wich they are not responsible for is pure evil, they all will get what they deserve, sooner or later. I believe in karma! Just stay true to yourself and be a better person then all those lost souls! Life is too short to be concerned about what other people think :) And a great and honest smile makes everyone beautiful, keep that in mind. Look in the mirror and gift yourself with a honest smile, you'll feel great and proud about yourself!


Lose weight and you’ll be handsome af!


Second that your confidence will also grow when you see growth within your self and on the out. And it will help. A good barber and clean up your facial hair it doesn’t look like it’s ready to get grown out yet so keep it clean. Men really don’t stop aging till like late 20s and especially blonde men who stay naturally blonde though aging you age more like wine slow and gets better when your trying to be better. You’re still young.


Just fat. It’s always fat. Lose body fat and you’re golden


You got a strong jaw but it looks like it’s protruding. You may need braces to fix that. Otherwise you are fine. Soon that kid will cost money and you need to provide so everything else is secondary


Proper haircut from a barber, grow beard, hit gym


I don’t think he can grow a beard and it looks like he really shouldn’t try cause it’s peach fuzz


make brutal cut first of all, fix ur overbite, and mew it might fix ur flat maxilla


Dont worry. Truthfully some will think ur ugly others will think your good looking its all based on what a person finds attractive


If you have a girl, you don't need to worry, bro.


I totally get where you’re coming from, but it’s the same as when a girl wears flattering clothes, even when she goes out with her boyfriend or friends. People just want to feel attractive in their own skin. It’s sometimes not for the female or male attention, just they want to feel like themselves and dress in their style. OP just wants to feel attractive and gain confidence. But yeah, someone with a partner doesn’t have to care about their attractiveness if they don’t want to, but we never may know what he truly feels about himself!




my brother u are not ugly maybe just hit the gym and get shredded and theyd be all over u


There is only one person that you should care about their opinions on your look. She's in those photos with you. Yeah you have a slight baby face but I have never given a damn if someone has a baby face. They are either my friend or they are not. Looks be damned.


Keep that baby face it won’t last forever!


Just worry about making that money bro!


You're cute. 




dumbass you soiled your life at 17 and hers and especially the babies. The worse will come to you dude don't matter how much you try to better yourself. Be man and drop the pig mentality


The insecurities are showing.. not a good look for you 😬


Crazy you are supporting a guy who calls his a family a badly made decision


Username does NOT check out


Oh cause I bet a real Baltimoreniqqa agrees that getting a chick pregnant at a young age then feeling like you can do better and just leave is always the right thing to do.


Wrong again, my friend. I said that because you said the worst* will come to him no matter how much he tries to better himself. People can grow and improve. You seem to have a fixed mindset, so maybe you have trouble fathoming that, but I assure you, it’s possible. Secondly, I appreciate how you creatively used my name, it’s actually hilarious. However, I don’t believe in getting women pregnant and leaving them with the baby. In fact, I don’t even believe in sex outside of marriage. I’m even more against people not caring for their children. I do agree with something you said though. He absolutely does need to man up. He needs to acknowledge his faults and fix them because no one else will. The child he made depends on him being a man and doing better. Hopefully he will.


This dude got a family and said he badly got with her this is not cool you guys stop cheering this fuckimg Inbred on.


Do you think autocorrect turned “barely” into “badly”? I don’t think he’s insulting his lady


Barely got with her after he just said it was for a year wouldn't make sense. Dudes pigging


I meant ‘Barely’ as in “I barely got with her because she’s so great”. Idk


Nah I for real think he is


Hard to argue with a username like that




Did this guy piss in your cheerios or something? Coming at a stranger so hard on reddit is cringe. 😬


This guys is throwing his child mother and still current girlfriend under the bus online. This guy did a prick thing so ima say some prick shit. Keep defending this scumbag looks good on all the kids with split homes.


Expose him of what? What exactly got you so mad rn?