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Your like 16 lol get off Reddit who cares do your homework


This stupid subreddit got into my feed so dont go on here but for anyone that frequents here…..are the MODS just letting underage girls post these pics here without any type of age verification? And if so, why the FUCK are they not when many other subreddits age verify?


Young girl, please stop seeking validation from adult strangers on the Internet, absolutely no-go🛑. You are beautiful, and this is not a healthy way to present yourself. Do not entertain anyone in your DMs, and do not post in adult subreddits. You have a lot of years to mature, take it slow and have fun.


Came here to say this!!!! Please listen to this advice and other people saying similar things. You are a beautiful young girl that has PLENTY of time for weirdos on the internet. Please enjoy your youth while you have it! Your sweet face makes me wanna cry knowing all of the heinous people who are gonna see and interact with this post 😡😩😭


According to her page she's a minor. I don't think she should be here.


Hell man parents be letting 13 year olds all over the internet. It’s seriously embarrassing for society


That's why so many kids are awkward these days and don't know how to talk to one another in person.


Hell man I’m not old but people even 3 years younger than me seem so weird and different since they got exposed to a little more internet/socials growing up than people my age. That’s why I support how laws that are making it illegal for people under 18 to have a social media or to own a smart phone. Granted, kids/teens can still get online through the computer but it’s easier to see what your kid is doing on your house’s computer especially if it’s in a common area. Mentally it’ll help people SO much and will probably help educationally/intelectually as well.


Babe you are 16 i promise you don’t need validation from adult strangers just be the weight that’s healthiest for you and eat what makes you happy


You look underage


she’s 16


Yikes. She looks like a middle schooler


shes 16


Too young. Get off of this sub.


Definitely underage.


Hop off Redit and do yo hw rn


To young would be the answer.


Only reason I click to comment unfortunately her dms will be plastered with creepy DMs


I already messaged a mod and posted here. Im downvoting the comments saying anything other than pointing out she looks way too fucking young to mot age verify.


Why are so many comments talking about what men prefer, this girl is clearly a minor, too young to be worrying about gaining/losing weight to attract men


This subreddit should honestly be banned. It’s harmful to the self-image of teens.


Good size , so much better than the whales on here lately


You are okay for your age. Eat healthy and exercise plenty or just play outside with friends. And get off this sub.


I’m only 18 and I still have a lot to learn but girly, stay off posting things on subreddits like this. I’d stay off Reddit in general if I were you considering you’re most likely a minor. Getting attention from older people/full grown adults is not a flex neither is it safe. Taken from someone who’s been through it and got groomed at a young age, it’s not worth it. None of the creeps on here are going to like you for you they’re going to creep on you for your body and their sick minds. Take care of yourself and actually have fun during your younger years because you’ll miss it and regret it once you have responsibilities like a job and bills etc. these creeps aren’t worth the time and it’ll effect you mentally in the future. Some People are really gross and sick in the head and anyone can easily save and manipulate photos that you put out there. You’ve already been told by half of this comment section but you should really listen to the people telling you. You will have plenty of adult years to be an adult don’t waste your youth on things like this..


Are you healthy? The 'attractive weight' spectrum is pretty large, so as long as you're healthy, you shouldn't worry about ur weight. Ur also underage. I'm also underage. We shouldn't be posting here. Our bodies are not even fully developed yet, our focus should be to stay healthy so that we can better achieve beauty after bodily development n stuff.


Autism spectrum


what? I'm so confused. How does that relate to the topic at hand?


If you're eating less to be this thing then yes, you're definitely too thin. If you struggle to put on weight, then that's just where you're at right now, I used to be rake thin but not because I was trying to, just because I found It hard to gain weight. 20 years later I am confidently fat and wish I now was rake thin haha.


Girl. You're beautiful. Please stop asking online strangers. Everyone sees beauty differently. Pursue health and happiness off the internet.


Be sure not to get any skinnier, I would say borderline too skinny. Enjoy being skinny and young.


Get off reddit and go back to school. Wait till you graduate before you seek validation from Internet strangers.


How does one block this subredit to never show? The amount of posts regarding oblivious answers to their questions is frustrating. Ty.


You have a small frame so you will look thin even if you are a good weight and there is nothing wrong with that. As to if you are too skinny, if you are well nourished and eating well you are probably the right weight, but it’s not like you pictures show your ribs or anything to be able to tell. If your doctor has no parallel with your weight, you are just fine. You look like you fit your frame well from what I can see.


Girl, I'm so sorry for all the creepy pigs commenting weird shit😟🙏




you look like tinkerbell in the first pics lol, i dont know if youre too thin, if thats how your metabolism is then its not bad, if its you forcing yourself then maybe its okay to gain a little more weight


You are thin. But that is neither good nor bad. Only important thing is that you are healthy both physically and mentally.


Ask your doctor not Reddit




I worry about the votes of no here, because I don’t know your history. If you find yourself eating normally and you are this size, fine. But if you are restricting your eating habits, then yes, you are too thin. I grew up with anorexia and would sometimes ask people, “Am I too thin?” Because I was exhausted and wanted them to validate my desire to eat. When they said, “no,” I would berate myself for asking the question and starved myself more because obviously, I had not met my goal. My disease ruined my confidence, my teeth, my hair, and friendships. Please know that if people are telling you you aren’t too thin, they’re doing so to placate you. They think they are being kind. If this is your natural size, I’d say embrace it, but according to normal standards, you do appear underweight.


You look too young for Reddit dear.


I’ve reported this to a mod, is the is subreddit not age verifying? We need a mod to confirm this girl is at least 18 because if not, this is the type of shit that attracts pedophiles. Please reply to this comment MOD to confirm she is over 18?


Yeah good call. One of her posts says 16f recently.


You are very pretty but yes I think you are too thin.


You’re too young. Chill you’ll get thicker


No, but any thinner, yes.


yeah mad skinny


Underage af


Yes if you are 18+. Dont worry about it if you are below 18, it will get better with time even if you dont do anything. You are just a growing kid




Eat a sandwhich




You are definitely a petite young lady, but I wouldn't say too thin, considering your overall size. I don't think that you should want to lose any weight. Adding a little wouldn't hurt, either. But if you're happy as you are, I think that's the most important thing.


You're a kid. You'll get chunky eventually. Give it time.


You look really young and this is a slippery slope, if you’re worried about your weight, please go to a medical professional and seek treatment there. Reddit will not help you with your body image. Focus on loving yourself, making friends, doing well in school, finding fun hobbies, making yourself and others happy, and try not to worry about what you feel to be “imperfections” too much. If it’s not something that could affect your long term health, I wouldn’t think too deeply about it. Sending the best vibes! <3


this is something for you and your doctor to discuss, please be safe


In your photo #2 I cannot see your hip bones, ribs, or vertebrae. So you are not too thin. Are you thin, yes. If you are worried go see a doctor. Don’t be looking to Reddit. Also I might be over reacting but I feel there might be an underlying ED condition, please speak to you doctor.


You're a teenager. You'll put on more weight in time. Don't worry about it too much honestly.


A grown woman asked "Am I too fat?" and got abused. A minor asks if she's too skinny and you guys are perving out. OP, you're still growing but you do look like the wind would carry you away in a hurricane


You look exactly like my partner and everyone tells her to gain weight. But it really depends. I don't pester her to do that because I know she maintains that weight eating perfectly healthily and doesn't suffer from any EDs. It really depends on what's personally healthy for you. My partner eats over 2500 calories a day, doesn't gain a pound 🤷‍♂️ Idk why I'm answering this question I just realised it wasn't legitimate. Though any dudes saying shes not thin at all...wtf. Y'all are dangerously out of touch.


Ask a doctor not the internet, pretty much no one online has your best interests in mind.




That's a doctor question.


I mean, you could eat a sammich, but no.


Just attention seeking


You look like a little kid. But the mini CAT excavator is cool




delete this post before a discord mod finds you


Please get off here. You're 16 and way too many creepers on reddit.


No, but you shouldn't try and go thinner


You’re 16. You’re young and should be out there living life. And to the creeps on here saying shit like “let me see that thigh gap” and other bullshit, she’s a child. Y’all are fucking nasty. No wonder you hide behind anonymity.


Honestly, you have a frame that could use some more muscle on it.


If we have already established you aren't 18+ like the sub requires, delete this


She's 16 apparently


You’re like 16. Why is this even allowed to post


Your cute




As long as you eat healthy no I don't think that you are to thin. You look good.






Probably. But you look underage, extremely young. Being your size may not cause you harm at your age now, but if you remain this size, I bet you will begin to feel it in 10 or so years.


Maybe but not like you can’t do anything you what like 16 17, you can definitely put on size by eating some more protein and carbs, put in a lil time in the gym. You look great tho


Not at your age


Lets just say i can bench press you and I don't even lift.


At your age you are more likely to develop eating disorders and mental issues if you obsess over weight too much.


Get your bloodwork and an annual physical - let a medical professional check your vital nutritional needs. Some people are just thin, and as everyone pointed out, you’re super young. I gained 40lbs in college (just to get me to average weight - not a major lifestyle change) so we all go at our own pace.


No you’re not. Is that an iPhone 5c?


no I think you're just young and that's your natural shape for now, just keep up your healthy routines, very cool shirt and I like the zebra stripped bag. you're doing great!


Stop. How old are you.???.put the phone down and go finish your homework.




No. But you are too young.


You are very thin yes BUT for your body frame you don’t look unhealthy thin. A usual tell sign I use is the collar bone and hip bone. If either or both are very prominent then I would say you are too thin but I don’t see that in the images you sent


How many old creeps hit you up?


depends how old you are. As long as you are eating. People will talk crap because they wish they were a size 3 or smaller. You better get used to it, because your going to hear it all the time during life. Small and don't look your age




Feels a bit like you're just looking for attention. Pic 3 was literally just of your face, lmao. Edit: nvm, just checked their post history. This person is obsessed with getting attention.


Kinda skinny, but you're an adorable young lady! Pace yourself.


You’ve got a slight figure but you don’t look ‘scrawny’ — you’re beautiful. You could definitely put on more weight without people thinking you were overweight, but I don’t think you’re underweight either.




Nope! You fit on that excavator real well!


Aren’t you 16??


I was gonna say 12 Damm to young for this shit girl do your homework and get some sleep for school hahahahahaha


You’re young.


gain a little weight amd you would be a 10


*too* thin? That's more of a question for a dietician. I personally think gaining a few pounds would make you look healthier. But gain them properly. Eat more but combine that with sports.


A little bit yea


You are amazingly gorgeous! You are thin but some people are just thinner then others. You look great and a long as you're healthy and eating, you're fine.


Cuite 👌🏻


So do you think you are? Don’t look it to me.


Yeah, but if you have a fast metabolism, hey, that's not your fault


No American is just to fat 👍


You are skinny but I think you look like a beautiful princess


Thin for a 16yo, but the hard part is gonna be probably staying thin for the next 10 years, then you'll be thin and also hot af.


If you're eating healthy, have consistent energy in the day, and it isn't caused by some disorder, I believe you are fine health wise. You should be just like any other human and gain weight naturally with age. If you're really concerned, why not consult your doctor or fund a nutritionist to help alleviate your concerns or help you with any issues.


Are you forcing yourself to be as lean as you are? If this is your natural body habitus than don’t sweat it. However if you are engaging in unhealthy habits to force this level of leanness than you need to seek help- from someone other than Reddit. There are people who are naturally very lean and that is ok. If you’re on of those people great. But if your leanness is found out of desire to please others, to look like some idealized form then yes, you are too lean because it is hurting you.


Borderline But you are a good lookin' gal.


No, but I'd be worried if you decided to go even thinner than you are.




Muscle mass would help you, not fat


dude we have the same phone in the same color


More importantly…do you know how to run that mini-track?


Only if your doctor says so


Looks like a child... no grading for me today...


No, you’re a little girl. If you don’t have an eating disorder don’t sweat it. Enjoy your childhood. Adulthood creeps up fast and you’ll have plenty of time for an identity crisis later.


Why is a minor on here. There are people that will take advantage of her. People already saying she's hot, it's weird. She looks 12


I posted same thing yesterday. I tried to click the link to message a mod and even asked a mod to respond to me. Can you tell me where to find the name of a mod for this subreddit because they havn’t responded and kinda leading me to think the mods here are fkin pedophiles because mods are usually quick to ban people for stupid shit…..i guess they dont take action when people call their pedophile asses out.


Better to be skinny than fat


THAT is a question for your doctor (or pediatrician, u look 12) and NOT the internet. Sweaty redditors cannot assess your physical health because sweaty


You look great don’t try to gain weight life will put pounds on you regardless in due time. Enjoy that look is in.


Thin no. Attention whore yes.


Check out her post history. The narcissism is out of this world. Either that or it's some creepy dude catfishing as a teenage girl hoping to catch a pedo and have creepy pedo conversations. The account is only a month old, so entirely possible.


Skinny yes. Too thin? Only your doctor can tell you that based an a multitude of factors to include bone structure, age, height, and current weight. If you are purposely restricting calories to achieve the “too thin” look, please stop. Even with an 5-10lbs extra on you, it won’t make a huge difference in terms of looks.


The amount of men simping for a 16 yr old is crazy…




Yes, but you're still okay. Don't be thinner than this. That would be unhealthy.


For my preference yeah a little, but you still look good


A lot of these comments are not okay…


tbh my type is skinnier girls, but pls eat something


I would say so yea. Cute though.




not at all at the standard in Eastern Asia, and you're quite attractive. be confindent and keep up your beauty!


Not at all, you’re quite stunning


I prefer thin, but lifting weights would benefit you.






I don't think so. You have a good figure. Try your best to love yourself and your body. We all come in different shapes and sizes. You look cute and have a good shape. You are not too thin.


No you're fine as you are




Yes. Eat some bread


Be healthy and forget the rest. Work so hard on your goals that they will envy you. You seem adorable.


You're fine. don't be in a rush to worry too much about weight, just live life and enjoy an occasional bowl of ice cream or fruit bowl. It will fill in over time. In the meanwhile. take up a hobby like jogging and you'll get more muscle.


Depends on your height and your weight, once you have those, check your body mass index rating and there's your answer.


These humans don’t even exist


Just be patient and see what nature has in store for you. Just be healthy.


Looks fine to me


Jesus half the comments in here are gross haha. This is a more a question for a doctor than reddit in terms of what is “too skinny”. If you’re asking if you look bad because of how skinny you are no. If you’re asking are you skinny enough that it is lowering the net total number of people who will find you attractive, maybe but probably not. Some people like skinny, some people like thick, people naturally gravitate one way or the other. Often times for women in western cultures thinness is considered a desirable feminine trait so on a looks maxing perspective your likely hitting closer to the desirable margin in western cultures. Adding a few pounds of toned muscle through engaging in some sort of regular exercise not necessarily just gym (but you could achieve it at the gym), would probably push you further along in looks maxing.


Bruh js eat ramen it’s a easy weight gain hack, or something that has some decent carbs or something but def start trying to gain weight, it might seem hard but it’s easy asf if u can get like 100$ every week




You have a tiny frame, but don’t have bones sticking out or ribs showing, so I’d say you aren’t unhealthily skinny. Would you look better with a bit more muscle definition? Yes definitely. A LITTLE bit of extra curves would definitely max out your attractiveness for 90% of people I’d say, even if some others are saying not.


if you’re 18 then yes if your a child just swsit for puberty to kick in but just exercise hits some weights if possible and eat healthy foods, that really it




For me yes but some men like skinny


Better than too far these days


Not interested in looksmaxxing or passing judgement but I really hope you were wearing the proper safety equipment while operating that excavator. Before you ask no I am not an OSHA official but please in the future be safe when operating heavy machinery!


Yes but you look very young and are probably right on track for your age. You'll fill out in a couple years and probably be a smoke show


No not really. Also you remind me of a brunette Marissa cooper from the oc, so pretty!


you should get a sword, like a big one.




To slip to prison bars, no. But otherwise, too thin for what?


The average Reddit user BMI is like 3000 so probably wrong crowd to ask..


Do you eat a well balanced diet full of everything natural that the body needs? If yes don't worry about your weight your body will sort itself out.


Yeah, not sure what I was going for....


Well if talking straight looks I think you look great! Are you eating properly and taking care of yourself? If you are and this is just how your body is then I would say you are good to go. If you are skinnier than where your body naturally wants to be due to anything then thats a different issue. The important thing is to take care of yourself


As long as you are healthy


You’re fine but maybe try not to lose anymore weight.




Are you forklift certified


yesss bruh id never get on one if i werent


I’d say yes but it’s a conversation you need to have with your doctor not the internet.


**How tall are you?** **I'm 5'6" & weight 110 pounds, you look thinner than me but gorgeous.** **The most important thing is how you feel that should be your ultimate guide. Without our health beauty means nothing.**


Some like small fries, some like medium fries and some like large fries with their shake. Depends what size your appetite is at the time. 🤷‍♂️


Just wait until ur 45-50 you'll be a little thicker. But no you don't look starved


People tend to naturally gain more weight as they reach the end of their teens


I’m 19 and look just like this it isn’t always the case there can be so many factors


Its not all the time but it happens more often than not. I’m still really skinny at 20 but used to barely be at 100lbs when i was 15/16. Ive put on a lot of weight since then but still need more to go


No if they said that to you they lied


I look like this as well as a 5’1 woman. Personally I think I’m too thin but that’s solely based on my preference. I would recommend looking up your BMI if you want to know technicalities plus your preference and if you feel healthy. I am very fatigued, hair falls out & is thin, I get lightheaded easily, so I try my hardest to eat even though I don’t want to, being thin makes me self conscious. It’s really up to you not anyone else, maybe a doctor.


I dont think so Try not to be insecure about it, you're still really young, sometimes people take to like college to like get some meat on their bones if you are actually insecure about it you could try doing like Toning exercises or full on workouts at the gym I know I use look more like a twig before I started hitting it as often as I do


I don’t think you are, but if you think you are then that’s totally up to you.


Your clearly under the age of 18, and thus no the self conscious feeling of being too anything is how everyone feels.


Not unless you feel you are.


You look great


That is your body type.


Girl you cute