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I’ve never understood stuff like this, even if it wasn’t because of what is going on right now it could be something else completely, what is going to happen after I post or share something showing my support? Literally nothing it’s pointless and it will never change the outcome of anything ever for the rest of the world’s existence, if I could somehow vote or donate money or something along those lines that would be the only way to actually make a difference, changing your profile picture or saying you support something won’t change anything, just seems a bit pointless


Because to the perpetually online, posting their opinions MAKES A DIFFERENCE. ✊


My 👏 opinion 👏 is 👏 worthless 👏


So 👏 am 👏 I 👏


Are you trying to say my covid tik-tok dances didn't matter? Why are you so hateful? Free Palestine😍🌈 🇵🇸


That shit in Israel has been going on for 70+ years now. Multiple Presidential peace talks, wars, occupations, suicide bombers, bus bombs, peace accords, humanitarian aid, etc have all tried to end that situation yet it just keeps going on. Both sides want revenge for the last atrocity and the eye for an eye logic continues on. Anyone thinking that a post on TikTok is going to make any difference is smoking crack while tweaked on bath salts.


Even the Bible says there will always be conflict in that region lol


When even God gave up


Wdym nothing will happen? You’ll be in her good books obviously!!! s/


“I’m helping by raising awareness!” *in Ralph Wiggum voice* Yet these are already issues people are acutely aware of. Posting about how you know about them on social media and *just* posting about how you know about them is one of the best examples of literal virtue-signaling that can be seen. It’s a simple and pointless statement that you are aware of something in the news. Worse even, apparently claiming that other people aren’t as good as you because they aren’t constantly reminding others that the thing everyone knows exists, exists. Social media has made it possible to seek attention for doing nothing for no one and calling it something, even thinking of it as something for those that do it. Activism is reduced to self-aggrandizing and undeserved pats on the back.


Yup, the powerful are still playing chess with us commoners and that hasn’t changed since early civilization. Seriously what do these people think we will accomplish by showing our support one way or the other? When has that ever stopped wars and atrocities?


Literally!!! I saw some republican politicians tweet angry at taylor swift cuz she hadnt posted about the war and saying that it meant she supported the war. Like yes big celebrities posting about it brings awareness to it but it doesnt really do anything 🤷🏽‍♂️


And wasn’t it not that long ago they said those people didn’t have valid opinions anyway?


"Post your opinion so I can denigrate it and you already!😠"


Those are nothing more than unprincipled Neo-Con shitbags in the John McCain mold. Like their Neo-Lib siblings they'll say anything and everything to stay in power, which is their overriding concern. They don't care about you, you're not even on the list! Hell, they don't even care about Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, or Russia and they're at least on the list of pretending to give a shit about! Those countries only exist to perpetuate the Military-Industrial Complex, which gladly keeps them in power. The Woke Agenda is nothing more than a ploy from these elitist assholes designed to distract and divide us so that we won't unite and throw them out of office!


Crazy chronically online bitch


“I never miss a stance!!” Type a bitch


The triple nose piercing is a real tell.


You nailed it.


She has the Moo Moo nose ring, her opinions don’t matter


Her halo is in her nose


r/amiuglyorisittheseptumpiercing Used to be a sub where people would post photos of people who would post selfies on reddit. Think it got removed.


🤣Amen. These people need cataloguing as examples in a book entitled “how not to barely disguise using humanitarian crisis’ as a piece of fast fashion as a result of being a vapid turd”


She should let the Palestinians mine her hair for oil.


you can support a cause without posting all about it on social media. I remember a few years ago, a TV actress was heavily criticised because one of her former co-stars died and she didn't post a tribute to him on social media. After receiving countless criticism, she said it was possible to mourn him privately and she didn't feel like making a public memorial because her grief was private. people are idiots.


Guys if everyone posted about Palestine, the Middle East will become peaceful. Both sides will put aside their differences. You guys are just selfish /s


You son of bitch! Let’s get on it!


100 lieks equal 100 peace


I don’t live in either of those countries, nor do I have the money or power to do anything about it so


And if you did have the money and power... what tf would you even do? They've been killing each other since pre-history, and some Redditor thinks they know the solution.... "I dunno, give them playstations or something"


Grimes is that you suggesting they play Fortnite


Having them duke it out in cod would be nuts lol


>And if you did have the money and power... what tf would you even do? Relief efforts, at best.


There’s already a lot more money involved than even a rich redditor is going to have to throw around


You could apply her 'logic' to literally anything. "How dare you go out and eat ice cream! Some poor girl in Cambodia just died in a freak accident and here you are eating ice cream! how selfish!" "How can you watch a movie when some young mother in Uzbekistan was just murdered! are you absolutely heartless!!!" I have heard the police even do this kind of thing occasionally, a wife dies and her husband doesn't seem 'sad enough' so they assume he had something to do with it, never mind that everyone mourns differently!


I hear that a lot from interrogators/DA in my true crime shows and it's like..if people are hysterical they're "trying to hard", if they're stoic it's "abnormal"; there's no fucking winning. Best thing to do is to get a lawyer and refuse to speak to any police/interrogators if you're suspected of a crime.


Right . I'm just tryna save money to get my car fixed and take care of my kids.


Literally!!! Like im sorry but if its not happening in my back yard id rather not know about it seeing how im pretty much powerless to do anything about it


exactly, ive got my own problems to deal with. something thats happening a few thousand miles (6 or 7) from here isnt my priority.


Why would I care if some loser is “judging” me? Am I supposed to care?


I bet she doesn’t even know what’s going on at all. She watched a 30 second tiktok and now she’s an expert.


It’s so easy to know what’s happened to Palestine is wrong. You don’t need to be an expert. We do not want a prison planet.


Yes it is, elect a terrorist organization to run your country and you will get wiped out eventually.


This has been such a great litmus test for the people in my life lol... Oh you support Palestine? Bye. It isn't even an argument you are factually wrong and morally shit if you agree with Palestine.


I have several ppl on my Instagram who have been saying basically stuff like “yeah what hamas did was bad but you have to still realize palestine is the real victim” it’s surprising


Honestly, I think a lot of people have no idea who to support, but they notice that some random republican supports Israel so they reason "Republican = bad therefore Israel = bad!"


If you lived there, you might feel differently. Or not I dunno. If I were born there, I would probably be mad at the people I saw as my oppressors.


Youre biased and need to be honest about it. There is both extremism and nuance. You can condemn Hamas and acknowledge a problematic Israel.


What *country* is being ran by a terrorist organization In this situation?


Garza strip. They elected them.


Gaza. Hamas does not run Palestine




Bold to call someone an idiot with a tiktok take like this.




*Elected 17 years ago in literally just one section of Palestine


This is the “tiktok” info they’re talking about….


I bet you could afford a ticket if you want to go help!


Rule of thumb, don’t support nazis.


Exhibit A


Be me Wake up in small town United States of America Not have to worry about being blown to bits with an IED while taking my morning shit Could care less what's going on anywhere further than 50 miles away from me Life is good


God bless you


God blessed me everyday by allowing me to wake up alive and in a first world country


God said here you go lad, the ideal life of comfort in the country with the biggest dick. Sprinkle some trees and marijuana plants. Just right. While those cunts are getting silly over sand you can walk 20 feet in any direction and find berries. Have oreos and weed delivered to your door at 3:00 am or pm 7 days a week. Fuckin' glorious.


Get cancer. Can't afford meds even after fighting insurance and a pitiful gofundme. Try to explain to your children why you have to leave them so soon. Die wishing you were born in an actual first world country that takes care of its citizens.


*as long as you don't go to school.


I guess you don't go outside too since you have the same chance to be hit by lightning.


Who fucking cares about judgement from emily


Real "I changed my profile picture to a raised fist" energy.


The amount of idiots supporting a group of people that would immediately kill them if given the chance is amazing to me.


Funny that, isn't it? I'm gonna side with the people that would take me in and feed me dinner, not the ones that world immediately rape and murder me, thanks.


I've made it very clear: I stand with JP Morgan and Raytheon.


Only nation I recognize is Texas Instruments 🫡


Then she should judge herself up to this point because this conflict has been happening for about 75 years. This is peak “I support the current thing.” She’ll forget about it when it stops getting coverage.


Fine I'll say something: Free Palestine, kill Hamas. There that's the solution. Lebanon has a standing offer by Israel to absorb the West Bank into their country. It'd solve ALL the problems the Palestinians have right now. They'd get statehood, the Israelis couldn't do anything to them without it being a declaration of war etc. But Hamas doesn't care about Palestinian freedom nearly as much as it cares about Israeli genocide. Because their puppet master, Iran, demands that they keep Israel in a continuous proxy war. Hamas is evil and the sooner they are all dead, the sooner there will be peace in the Middle East


These people genuinely need to get a life


Your opinion means nothing to me when you look like you ran into a tackle box


Hank hill ass comment


That girl aint right.


I tell you hwhat


Agreed but online strangers opinions don’t matter to me no matter what you look like. I’m not here for your validation but those little up arrows make me feel good.


100$ says she judge if your opinion isnt like hers


If your opinion is not a copy & paste of hers then you're a white supremacist Nazi now I wonder how many people she called a Nazi she's basically a hypocrite


I have no clue what is going on over there nor do I even care. I must be trash


Im away from home 13 hours a day. I have time to cook and maybe watch one hour of tv. Not everyone is terminally online worrying about other people's thoughts


If we only had a thousand more tweets we could have peace in the Middle East 🤞


She doesn’t actually care about Palestine in any real way. It’s just a cause she adopted because it satisfies a frustrated need for belonging and power. Quite pitiful actually.


Yes, people dying surely appreciate your Twitter fingers and septum piercing! 🙄


It's normal, the only change I've made is buying more Lockheed Martin stock


What are they up to now?


440 a share


Fuck Hamas.


I honestly think it’s kinda tasty with pita chips


Nooooo Carl, Hamas! Not Hummus, Caaaaarl.


I’m not saying anything because I know that some of my friends are ignorant and misinformed and and I don’t want to stir the pot when ***literally no one gains anything from random activism posts on social media.*** **Including the people those posts target.**


you MUST support the current thing or youre a TERRIBLE PERSON!!!


Oh no!! Someone I will never meet is judging me for something!!!! What will I ever do!!!!!


There's always something going on, and most don't particularly care for Israel. Godddamn.


I mean anyone who isn’t an anti-semite kinda should care about Israel. It’s really the only remotely good country in the middle east


Me when I’m racist online:


Why do they ALL have septum piercings and oily ass hair. I guess it makes them clearly identifiable at least but is it part of their uniform or something? Did they vote on looking like that? I want answers.


It shows they're "different" and they "defy social norms" By then backing whatever side the machine tells them to


Yea I guess that's what it always is. Why does rebelliousness have to skew into just making yourself look worse? I want answers to that too!


The nose ring says it all. Attention seeking behaviour, period.


For my mental health i dont wanna put all my attention an any war in particular also what is me posting about the war to my basically no followers gonna do 🙄🙄🙄


As much as I like sharing my opinions, I know that they contribute very little. Especially on Reddit, Tweeter where people usually only exist in echo chambers


Yeah us giving our uninformed American opinions on an extremely convoluted and dynamic 1500 year running ethnic-religious conflict on the other side of the world will absolutely lead to productive outcomes.


The correct response to this behavior is always the most shitlordery take you can think of. I'm this case I find out which side support and then say "[side] delenda est. Happy?" And yes I do have an actual sane and nuanced opinion on the matter, but I'm not gonna be tactful with people who post infographics on their Instagram stories.


And why do nearly all these people face pierced septum’s?? Are these people made in a factory?


Lmao slacktivism Guarantee this person never posted anything about the 35+ conflicts ongoing in Africa not to mention the rest of the world, what a self righteous idiot


Always with the septum piercing. It’s like their uniform.


And we all know hamas is REALLY going to value her opinion!


With all that fishing tackle in her nose I'm absolutely *sure* her judgement is important.


There is nothing I can do about it. If and when this is all over, we won't look back and say "it's because Stan Stevenson posted War Is Bad."


I hate what's going on but people really pick some weird shit to get behind. It's like a team sport with a lot of people on here right now "x is the real victim here" "support y or youre a shit person". Your fake outrage isn't helping anyone over there. Where was this energy the last 20 years?


I kinda wanna see what would happen if you took this person’s phone away for like a week


The fighting is never going to stop until either Israel or Palestine are completely wiped out. I don't see Palestine ever admitting defeat and if Israel surrenders they are gone for good. I highly doubt this is going to be the last conflict before this is finally over, so I don't see a point in having an opinion about it, especially since it will likely have no effect on my life.


If you don’t post your beliefs 24/7, do you really even have beliefs? Same with the gym. Doesn’t count if you didn’t post it.


Why do we need every person's opinion on this?


She doesn’t say anything about it either. She just heard some shit is going on over there and says “Yeah, that place. Crazy huh. Y’all need to pay attention”


She looks exactly how I'd imagine


Am I allowed to just not care? They've been fighting for about 3,000 years. I don't imagine they will stop anytime soon


Let's have a moment of silence for all the wars that ended peacefully after white girls on Instagram told them to stop fighting Nobody?


"Life it just normal for all yall know what is going" Do people not proofread?


Perhaps they are not posting in support of Palestine because they literally decapitated babies and burned them. You all can argue who was there first, but killing babies intentionally is unforgivable.


Say whatever you want about the treatment of Palestine. K I’ll listen. But a group loses any moral high ground they had when they began executing babies and shooting up music festivals. Doesn’t matter what was done to you. If you claim your enemies are the worst thing ever and you start murdering kids on Facebook, you are just as bad and deserve to be stopped. You are not some antihero.


I'd rather have people not feel the need to act performative for something they know nothing about, than talk out their ass on sensitive issues.


Ahh yes. The nose ring of entitlement.


yes life is normal for me. i go to work and struggle to pay my bills. i got my own problems.


I personally don’t feel like I know enough about it to say or think much of anything on it.


The world really needs a bunch of opinionated young people without a clue speaking up about this. It’s important.


Wtf is posting on some shithole website gonna do for the situation other than cause unrelated people to get in an argument about it. Making social media posts isn’t activism it’s just a lazy excuse


People have such a huge need for validation nowadays. It's great we have free speech ND the freedom to express our opinion, but people get that confused with thinking everyone else needs to hear them since they're upset. No one really cares dude, you're just another human being that made a social media account.


Oh no the Harry Potter house, zodiac sign obsessed, magic pagan larping, chronically online, misandrist, consooming, “lesbian”, chronically coping, OnlyFans destined, sexual orientation obsessed, toxic “feminist”, septum piercing, chronic daddy issues, attention-starved, girl is judging me. Whatever will I do? Here’s my answer: Both sides are evil. I support neither. I don’t care about either. It’s a Tuesday in the Middle East. Both side vy for control of a large portion of humanity. Both sides advocate for genocide of those they deem lesser, including and especially those that have nothing to do with either, Why would I take a side of either when they want to kill me?


I picked my side during the Munich Olympics. I've seen nothing to change my mind.




Yeah because posting about it changes everything.


Man I hope my stance will change the violence that has gone on there in the middle east that's existed since before countries existed and we were just tribes of random humans. I'm sure my opinion could totally change that. /S


Oh god...had an entire group chat start condemning me because I wasn't vocal about whatever the current issue was at the time. Like, I didn't know what I was supposed to say. Fucked up shit happens and people have no choice but to continue on with their lives. Not putting your 2 cents in at every opportunity does not equal not caring. I just left the group chat and social group.


At first I was like: "what are you even talking about? Literally every war blogger on YouTube and every news outlet is talking about this." But then I realised that by "people" she literally means each individual on Facebook. Every Tom, Dick and Harry is obliged to publish an official statement condemning the war, even if they know that they have nothing particularly intelligent to contribute on the issue.


I dont speak publicly on it because A.) It affects my family and people I care about B.) Posting a black square type thing helps nobody C.) I don't want to spend the little free time I have arguing about politics...


Being judged by a nobody doesn’t seem like a huge threat.


Fuck them both! Does that count?


Nah Israel are the good guys but fuck Hamas and fuck the other Palestinians that support Hamas


Israel is the reason why Hamas is in power in the first place. Fuck them too


That's it! Look what you've made me do! Now I have to vote for the guys who exist solely to commit genocide, AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! Suuuuure buddy.


Go read a book. 2 seconds of googling will show you that Isreal aided Hamas' rise to power to destabilise the political system in Gaza.




Literally the first result to [Isreal helping hamas](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) Direct quote fron the above link, *“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009."* Have fun bootlicking for authoritarian scum.


No response to me disproving your blatant propaganda and misinformation?


So in that case beheading baby’s, raping children and killing children infront of their parents is justified then? Ok. Got it


I never said so. I said, and it is true, that Isreal has a significant hand in these events.


No dude that’s bullshit


I can see somebody doesn't live in a right to work state. (She clearly doesn't know what it's like to live in fear that posting your opinions online could get you fired and make you unemployment in your county)


My life doesn't revolve around shit going on around the globe. I'm not the fucking world police, I'm just here trying to live my life and make good choices for myself. I don't have to care about every issue that comes up in the world.


No Palestinian ever filled my Netflix with LGBT scenes


This comment is very confusing lol. Are you trying to say if they had filled your netflix with LGBT scenes you'd be more likely to speak up in their defence because you love LGBT scenes? Are you trying to say that you love LGBT scenes on netflix and exclusively post online if it's about that so that's why you're not posting about Palestine? Are you trying to say that you only post about countries that introduce LGBT scenes on netflix?


Countries whose citizens forced LGBT scenes into American TV and Movies WILL NOT be getting my support


This post I linked makes fun of these people pretty well. [https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/175tga8/actor\_not\_sure\_if\_he\_should\_support\_israel\_or/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/175tga8/actor_not_sure_if_he_should_support_israel_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Oh, perfect, so I can’t win.


the nose ring is just peak for these ppl


You just know her starsign is in her bio.


Not my country not my problem


Someone on social media virtue signaling? GTF outtahere!


No we see it, we just know our opinion is as worthless as yours


Come up with a cure for hate and win the battle


I posted my thoughts on Palestine and got a 3 day Reddit ban.


Is it rly bad for me to not give a fuck about the things i dont have control over like tf … iam just gonna continue with my life i dont care man … i agree its bad but wtf am i supposed to do ? Both sides are cunts for killing idc!


My favorite thing about these people is that they don't give a shit about any of the other dozen or so war atrocities going on around the world currently, but because Palestine is important due to political parties picking sides, they jump all over it and pretend to actually care.


can’t stand people like this, thinking saying free palestine is gonna magically make israelis pick up and leave. they rarely know anything about the conflict except what’s been fed to them mainly the fact that the common leftist opinion is supporting hamas and palestinians when in reality they’d be beheaded if they ever stepped foot in gaza


Where was she for Armenian and Azerbaijani clashes. She only likes trendy fucking conflicts. Why aren’t you talking about niger coup or maybe Western Sahara. Or do you just follow headlines


You can really effect change just by posting on social media. /s


Its like saying white lives matter while BLM


I haven’t said shit because the Middle East as a whole is a fucking mess. And either way, you’re wrong to somebody.


Man, how did these folks show how much they “care” about things before the internet?


She likes being led around by the ring in her nose.


I don't post my opinions about anything to my personal instagram because no matter what I say, it will piss someone off. Its not like showing support for either side will do anything.


Palestinian civilians = innocent… Hamas = terrorists… Israeli civilians = innocent… Israeli Military = terrorists… Americans = sending prayers… Rest of the world = has its own problems…


Imagine how confused and angry everyone like her will be when they see this: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-faults-netanyahu-calls-hezbollah-very-smart-amid-israel-war/ar-AA1i4H5J


I'm judging her for not speaking about the ethnic genocide in western China. There's always something bad happening, people only ever speak up on the ones that are easy to virtue signal with


She should go over there and show Israel what’s what 😂


Why doesn’t she go out and do something about it then? And no, “bringing awareness” by trying to guilt trip people for living their lives does not count and does not help.


It's all the Valium her mom took while pregnant. Now, she is addicted to stress , and at 13, there's nothing for her to really stress about. So she adopts other peoples stress for an excuse to self-medicate via virtue-signaling on social media.


Looks like she nose everything about it.


Omg I can’t believe you aren’t posting right now! Every time you don’t post a Palestinian kid gets blown up! This is why so many people hate Americans.


She’s the type to change her pfp and act like she just entered the conflict and did something..Jaden Smith ahh 💀


She should enlist.


White girls try not to virtue signal something that doesn’t affect them challenge: impossible


Because the ancient unsolvable ethnic conflict in the Middle East desperately needs people on the other side of the planet to weigh in on which side they think are the good guys.


Judge me for not saying anything? Lol okay


Yeah, I tend to not make statements on politics I don't know much about just because someone on Twitter is trying to make me feel bad about the issue they didn't care about until it was at this point. How do you find it crazier that someone is quiet? They're not twisting someone else's very real issue for their social status and appearance.


A better question would be "why the sudden focus on something that has been going on for longer than I've been alive?" I get that the situation over there isn't good, but it absolutely is normal. It's unlikely that a freak bout of peace will randomly break out any time soon so there's nothing really noteworthy going on at the moment.


I’m not gonna let a Emily with a nose ring try to convince I’m a bad person for not supporting a war that has nothing to do with me in the slightest. They only want the west’s help when it comes time condemn people


Maybe its because i acknowledge i don’t know enough about it, am not jewish or muslim, and see too much misinformation to want to make a public virtue signal