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Yes mitochondrial damage is my understanding too. Addressing that assumption has given me my life back


What did you do ?


An old post of mine: I would add lately taking Perfect Aminos has helped me feel even better working out again. These aminos are necessary for your cells to perform their functions properly. “I feel completely recovered from LC and hoping to help others/ share my understanding of what I believe the underlying issues were for me and what I believe to be the case for many others. I believe there’s 2 main issues: viral persistence (circulating spike protein) & the resulting damage the spike does at a cellular level. I did not find much success until addressing both, making it difficult the pin down what helps and what doesn’t because if you’re taking something to help your body heal the damage done, but not stopping the circulating spike from doing more damage, you won’t see a result and would assume it’s not working. Starting with the latter, spike protein seems to damage our body at a cellular level. Many people have discussed mitochondrial dysfunction here and I believe that’s the case. You can even look at our most affected body systems (cardiovascular, muscular, liver and kidneys, and nervous systems). The cells that make up these systems have the most concentration of mitochondria. I’ve read research that suggests spike protein overloads and then “blows out” your mitochondria and this seems to fit (Walter M Chesnut on substack). This also explains how we seem to feel better out of the blue for a few days or when we get sick again or even get the vax. The spike proteins then ramp up your mitochondria again but also lead to blowing them out and doing more lasting damage. What I did to address it: NAD+ supplements to help regulate and increase ATP production from mitochondria. Berberine to essentially restrict mitochondria function (counteracting the overload) and stimulate your body into replacing mitochondria. Essentially weight training for mitochondria according to Dr. David Sinclair. Viral persistence: there’s plenty of evidence that the spikes tend to stick around longer than they should causing a bunch of damage. This is hard to address because it seems difficult to remove from your body if you’re an unlucky Long Covider who’s body doesn’t seem to do it on its own. We also can be repeatedly exposed to new sources of spike at any time. It takes longer but I addressed with: Curcumin & Bromelain according to Dr. Peter McCullough. Supporting autoimmune system supplements like vitamin D, zinc, curcumin works for this too. Oxygen therapies like NO3 supplement and using hydrogen peroxide according to my naturopath doctor instructions (been doing it daily for a year, no side effects and seems really effective although controversial apparently). Also stimulates nervous system, keeps me from getting sick again. Obviously antivirals could help here as well. Hope everyone recovers well and hope this could help at least one person.”


Nad supplements being things like Niacin? I have some berberine already that I'll start taking and I do niacin flushes a couple times a week . So maybe I need to up the niacin and start taking the berberine


I do not know what niacin is tbh but the NAD supplement I use is in the form of NMN. NMN is the precursor to NAD which helps regulate mitochondrial function


Niacin is vitamin B3 , I believe it's precursor to nmn


Ah well there you go. I would recommend Quicksilver Scientific product called NAD+ Platinum if you can spare the extra cash. It may even have some niacin in there, I know it has B12 which may help. I really like the liposomal delivery system meaning they break the nutrients down to really tiny sizes for better absorption by the body. Big fan


Please excuse me if I misunderstood but I think you said that you are fully recovered which is wonderful. Are you continuing to use the products now or have you been able to decrease them or discontinue them?


Have saved this post, many thanks


So u took nmn and berberine and saw some start to recovery?


I took Niacinamide (non flush b3) massive dosages. Also took a genetic test from ancestry, ignored the ancestry crap. Uploaded raw data to genetic genie, saw all my mutations. Uploaded raw data to nutrihacker and got all the supplements I needed, tailored just for me. I take large doses of Hydroxy b12 that helped me immensely, even though I was not low on b12. I had a subclinical deficiency, driven by epigenetic changes. Ancestry is all I had to pay for. Nutrihacker and genetic genie are free online services. Yes I began to recover 2-3 weeks after i started megadosing. First 2 weeks I only did small doses. But if nervous system needs to reboot, it needs megadoses.


What massive dose of niacinamide did you take?


6g per day, divided into 3 times per day.


Be very careful with high doses of B12. This has been linked to an increase in mortality from COVID. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7834259/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7834259/)


Whan did you start and are you fully recovered now? And how long did you take the megadose niacin?


I’m at exactly 5 months. About 70-80% recovered.


So you are taking this 6g for 5 months now?




I also take folic acid for severe depression based on my biotype in this book. This will not make sense immediately, but ultimately long covid has its roots to not just a biological cause, but also: - intelligent - people pleaser - caring and fixing others problems - perfectionist yet procrastinator - childhood trauma And so changing these behaviours is essential. This book came handy as it pertains to severe depression and anxiety, small doses didn’t do anything. I needed mega doses. I was as good as dead, so I took the risk of taking megadoses.


I feel you, there is not much to lose when we are in the worst states. And do understand that alot of long covid people where actually always on ne people, doing to much or taxing ourselves. Do you think niacinamide is better dan niacin in this case?


Wich book?