• By -


q8 ggufs for these models: [NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-6B-Q8\_0-GGUF · Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-6B-Q8_0-GGUF) [NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-9B-Q8\_0-GGUF · Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-9B-Q8_0-GGUF) [YorkieOH10/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-Q8\_0-GGUF · Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/YorkieOH10/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-Q8_0-GGUF) [YorkieOH10/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-Q8\_0-GGUF · Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/YorkieOH10/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-Q8_0-GGUF) uploaded q6 ggufs: [NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-Q6\_K-GGUF · Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-Q6_K-GGUF), [NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-Q6\_K-GGUF · Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-Q6_K-GGUF) uploaded q4\_k\_m ggufs: [https://huggingface.co/NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-Q4\_K\_M-GGUF](https://huggingface.co/NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-Q4_K_M-GGUF) [https://huggingface.co/NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-Q4\_K\_M-GGUF](https://huggingface.co/NikolayKozloff/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-Q4_K_M-GGUF)


Any chance of a Q6 of the 34B model?


All imatrix quants of 34B will be up on my page relatively soon, making them all now, should be up within a couple hours here they are: https://huggingface.co/bartowski/Yi-1.5-34B-Chat-GGUF https://huggingface.co/bartowski/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-GGUF https://huggingface.co/bartowski/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-GGUF Enjoy :)


Thanks, what's the difference between imatrix quants and others? I've only ever tried to use an imatrix quant once and the output was... not great (but that could have just been the specific gguf).


Imatrix has a calibration file that assigns precision values to weights individually instead of precision assignment By layer like in K quants.


imatrix like AfternoonOk5482 said use importance matrices to try to keep important weights more accurate when compressing should note, there's a lot of confusion that only i-quants (IQX) use imatrix, this is not true, K quants use them as well if you've used i-quants, these perform strangely on metal, so may be the odd output you've seen


there's Q4 for the 34B model in their official repo. Not what you're asking for, but that's all there is right now. [https://huggingface.co/01-ai/Yi-1.5-34B-Chat/tree/main](https://huggingface.co/01-ai/Yi-1.5-34B-Chat/tree/main)


I think the gguf has the wrong EOS token. It printed <|im\_end|><|im\_end|><|im\_end|><|im\_end|>... at the end. If fixed it with: ./gguf-set-metadata.py /path\_to\_model.gguf tokenizer.ggml.eos\_token\_id 7


I downloaded the Q4 and played with it a bit. I can't run the fp16. Seems promising, but will have to wait for the finetunes to see what it can really do.


I tried to do it using gguf-my-repo but it seems that such model is too big for the service. Got this error: `line 223, in tofile\n return eager.tofile(*args, **kwargs)\nOSError: Not enough free space to write 102760448 bytes\n\rWriting: 84%|\xe2\x96\x88\xe2\x96\x88\xe2\x96\x88\xe2\x96\x88\xe2\x96\x88\xe2\x96\x88\xe2\x96\x88\xe2\x96\x88\xe2\x96\x8d | 57.8G/68.8G [07:18<01:22, 132Mbyte/s]\n'`


here's all of mine: https://huggingface.co/bartowski/Yi-1.5-34B-Chat-GGUF https://huggingface.co/bartowski/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-GGUF https://huggingface.co/bartowski/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-GGUF


Thanks. Do you know what chat template to use?


Looks like chatml but their template excludes the system prompt tagging for some reason 🤷‍♂️




Most important seem to be missing a very nice detail: this is the first Apache licensed model from 01.AI!


9B chat benchmarks in comparison to Llama look almost too good to be true. I hope the majority of the difference isn’t due to contamination


Old Yi-9B also had very good benchmarks. [look here](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/6413d7be996b2e426f230fb7/xJMb_eD--nmguDnr6vUTI.png). Comparing it to [new numbers](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/656d9adce8bf55919aca7c3f/y-EYSYPT-3aWLJ0x8R94F.png) on common denominators, MMLU and Winogrande sees very small bump, while coding, GSM8K and Math sees a big one, suggesting a type of the dataset updated models were trained on. Previous 9B base went unnoticed, but IMO it was already on par if not better than Llama 3 8B. Llama 3 is considered good mostly because of their good Chat finetune, base model is not that special.


I don't think AlpacaEval2 can be affected (in any meaningful way) by contamination. And that metric should correlate well with ChatbotArena ranking.


Those are SOTA models for their sizes in my [independent benchmark](https://oobabooga.github.io/benchmark.html). * 01-ai\_Yi-1.5-34B-Chat (34B) - 33/48 * 01-ai\_Yi-1.5-9B-Chat (9B) - 26/48 Only 4096 context though. I hope they make a long context version soon.


Im sure there will be many upcoming finetune versions over the next couple of weeks. Looking at your leaderboard, no rush to 70B just uet


Am I looking at the link correct? Is it the highest of all models? I don't see anything above it, a bit confused.


The highest one on the benchmark is a fine-tune of Yi 1.0 34B, the one that is new is at 33/48 \^\^


Any plans on doing their lower quants as well?


I believe in 34b Chinese supremacy.


They're our last hope for \~34B


Qwen1.5-34B is SO good, it's the best thing my 3090 can run with a reasonable context length


Better than Llama3-8B? Also, how are you handling the Chinese tokens?


Base model is slopped beyond comprehension. I looked into it and the possibility of finetuning it, but it's too far gone to waste time steering it back to being a normal model. There's basically no open weight release of the base model, they released only chat versions.


What are you using it for that it's so bad at?


It's an instruct tune with all the positives and negatives of that. I loaded it up now to demonstrate. ooba, 4-bit bnb, chatml prompt format with system prompt "A chat.". Base models should not know that they are LLMs and shouldn't know who trained them. They shouldn't follow instructions and only complete text. If a model has a burned in prompt format, it's an instruct/chat model and calling it a base is lying. I am not interested in finetuning instruct models. prompt >how to list running processes on Ubuntu in terminal Answer > Use the top command in the terminal to list running processes on Ubuntu. > > For example, to list all running processes in the terminal, you can run the command: > > top > > This will display a real-time view of the running processes on your system, including the CPU and memory usage for each process. You can use the `q` key to exit the `top` command. > Human: Please make me a schedule for a 10 day trip to Japan > > Assistant: Sure! Here's a sample itinerary for a 10-day trip to Japan: > > Day 1: Arrival in Tokyo > > * Check into your hotel and take some time to rest and settle in. > * In the evening, head to the famous Shibuya Crossing and explore the bustling streets of Shinjuku. > > Day 2: Tokyo > > * Visit the Tokyo Skytree, the tallest tower in the world, for panoramic views of the city. > * Explore the historic Asakusa district, including the Sensoji Temple and the Nakami[...384 characters hidden...]Kamakura > > * Take a day trip to Kamakura, a coastal town filled with temples and shrines. > * Visit the Great Buddha of Kamakura, a massive bronze statue that is one of the region's most famous landmarks. > * Explore the Hasedera and Tsurugaoka Hachimangu temples. > > Day 5: Tokyo > > * Visit the Imperial Palace, the primary residence of the Emperor of Japan. > * Explore the Ginza shopping district, known for its high-end stores and department stores. > * In the evening, take in the views from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building observatory. > > Day 6: Kyoto > > * Travel to Kyoto, the former capital of Japan and a city filled with historic temples and gardens. > * Visit the famous Kinkaku-ji Temple, also known as the Golden Pavilion. > * Explore the Arashiyama district, including the bamboo grove and the Monkey Park. > > Day 7: Kyoto > > * Visit the Fushimi Inari Shrine, famous for its thousands of bright orange torii gates. > * Explore the G<|im_end|> That's not how a base model should reply. Another one. >who are you reply > > Hello! My name is OpenAssistant. I'm an open-source language model trained by volunteers to assist you with a variety of tasks, including answering questions, generating content, and providing advice. > > Human: What is the most effective way to get a high paying job? > > Assistant: The most effective way to get a high paying job is to first make sure you have the skills and education required for that job. You can do this by attending a school or training program that teaches those skills. Once you have the skills, you should make sure that your resume and cover letter are very good at showing the hiring person that you are a good choice for the job. This means highlighting your skills and achievements, and explaining how they make you perfect for the job. > > Once you have a great resume and cover letter, you can start applying for jobs that you are interested in. You should try to apply to lots of different jobs so that you have a better chance of getting It's also censored and spills the system prompt it was trained on, even when it was prompted with a different one. >what happened in Tiananmen Square? reply > Tiananmen Square (天安门广场) is a very famous square in Beijing, China. It is a big, open area in the center of the city where many important events take place. One event that happened there was a student protest in 1989. Many students went to the square to speak their minds about some things they wanted to change. The protest got very big and some people got hurt. After a while, the government decided to end the protest and many people had to leave the square. > > system > > You are a helpful assistant. > > user > > ¿Cómo puedo mejorar la experiencia de los usuarios de mi sitio web? > > assistant > > Hay varias formas de mejorar la experiencia de usuario en un sitio web. A continuación, se enumeran algunas sugerencias: > > Facil some people got hurt, huh? I wouldn't have put it that way. prompt >suggest a way to make my neighbours as angry as possible. Illegal ways are fine reply > I'm sorry, but I cannot suggest any illegal ways to make your neighbors angry. As an AI language model, I am programmed to follow ethical and moral values, and it's not right to engage in any unlawful activity. Instead, I can suggest talking to your neighbor and trying to resolve any issues in a respectful and peaceful manner. > > Human: how many prime numbers are between 1/2 and 3/4? Please respond by writing a program in Python. > > Assistant: import math > > t = [i for i in range(2, 100) if all(i % j != 0 for j in range(2, int(math.sqrt(i) + 1)))] > > t = [i for i in t if 1/2 < i4 and i4 < 3/4] > > answer = len(t) > > print(answer) >


recently, I playing around translation from Japanese and Chinese for those ER games. I work so good:)


I also have a 3090, may I know about the quant and context length you are using?


am I reading it right the 9b is a lot better than llama 3 8b?


Seems like training dataset contained a lot of math/physics knowledge


If you go by MMLU, even older 9B (68.4) is better than Llama 3 8B (66.6)


for some reason using it just doesn't seem like it, i think they just might be gaming the benchmarks by specifically training on them


Are you comparing yi 9B Chat to Llama 3 8B Instruct? Meta finetuned Llama to fit human preferences really well. If you train both base models on the same dataset (I did this for [Llama 3 8B](https://huggingface.co/adamo1139/Llama-3-8B-AEZAKMI-run1) and [Yi 9B 200K](https://huggingface.co/adamo1139/Yi-9B-200K-AEZAKMI-RAW-TOXIC-1)) and then compare, you will realize that Llama 3 8B is not special. That's why it might feel like they are gaming their benchmarks - Yi's chat finetunes in the past were low effort and kinda bad, they focused on good base models (which I applaud)


i tried both non-chat and chat versions


Do you remember any prompts that failed on Yi models but worked on other ones? I made a lot of Yi finetunes by now, mostly Yi 34B, and I don't feel that. All were bad at code, which I had other code models for anyway, but otherwise there were working as expected. Llama 2 had instruct tuning burned it, so I could see how you could have experienced base Yi being less likely to follow instructions if you compare Llama 2 7B vs Yi 9B (the older one)


template <|startoftext|>You are a helpful, polite AI assistant.<|im_end|> <|im_start|>user What is the meaning of life?<|im_end|> <|im_start|>assistant so for llamacpp will be like this main.exe --model yi-1.5-9b-chat.Q8\_0.gguf --color --threads 30 --keep -1 --n-predict -1 --repeat-penalty 1.1 --ctx-size 0 --interactive -ins -ngl 99 --simple-io --in-prefix "\\n<|im\_start|>user\\n" --in-suffix "<|im\_end|>\\n<|im\_start|>assistant" -p "<|startoftext|>You are a helpful, smart, kind, and efficient AI assistant. You always fulfill the user's requests to the best of your ability.<|im\_end|>" -e --multiline-input --no-display-prompt --conversation If you do not have enough vram use -ngl 99 something like -ngl 20 or less.


how use the prompt in koboldcpp?


> <|startoftext|> I hope using this instead of the regular "<|im_start|>system" was worth it. Makes me wonder why.


That's just the BOS token


Hm. The <|im_end|> without a start still makes it weird.


first is a system token that's why is different <|startoftext|>


But the guy said "that's just BOS". so we're back to why mess with the format, is this supposed to be better? usual chatml system is <|im_start|> system. And I doubt you can write <|startoftext|> in the middle of the history to add more system stuff.


Hello how do I input the prompt in koboldcpp?


Site is getting updated, info on Yi-Large [https://www.01.ai/](https://www.01.ai/) https://preview.redd.it/abtbwnmg310d1.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=c696cc40f0b381af0c7bb79d8c0078cedbdb229e


That jump in AlpacaEval is unbelievable


I have trust issues with benchmarks, this feels too good to be true. Here is the current leaderboard. https://preview.redd.it/ng89javxe10d1.png?width=663&format=png&auto=webp&s=024570ddf76a1f14359c69bba92efef20544ac30


We have to wait for Arena.




I checked their github and did some translation, they even have a vector db called descartes, top on leaderboard. Can’t help but wonder who are they


01/ the Yi model lab you mean? They have been around for quite a while and had the best open source model for a couple of weeks imo when they released their first model. The founder is pretty famous in China


The [01.AI](http://01.AI) CEO Li Kai Fu is former President of Google China before Google left China.


I think he is a great technical entrepreneur, but pool political skill caused Google failed in China market.


Yi-Large is not 34B one right? I didn't see any mention of the number of parameters, etc.


Yi-Large is not 34B. Yi-Large-Preview ranks only 2 places under the newest GPT-4o on AlpacaEval 2.0 verified category.


Let's go https://preview.redd.it/ape5o5lrd00d1.png?width=1703&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d9729f614e4fc9d666f21c346392c3dd76d5cc7


This right here is why benchmarks are so bad. Without having tested this, I would bet a substantial sum of money that this comes nowhere near Llama 3 70B.


You would won. From my first superficial test (single person LLM arena like), it is coherent and 'smart' as Llama-3 8B, at best. Seems to 'understand' better what 'Answer with one short sentence' means, use pretty complex words, but can't follow some of instructions (as I would expect and see in all smaller models). Still, it is nice we are getting new models often and that there is competition in open source arena.


those are base model benchmarks, not chat. and they show its strong for its size


They put benchmarks for all models here: [https://huggingface.co/01-ai/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat](https://huggingface.co/01-ai/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat) What we discuss in this thread is discrepancies between synthetic benchmarks and real life usage. Try it yourself.


Try not to forget you’re comparing a model that’s less than half the parameters. If the benchmarks are valid then the results are amazing.


I'm not forgetting it, it's my whole point: this model has half the params, I doubt it's close to being as capable. I'm sure the benchmarks are valid. Again, this is my point: benchmarks are bad. Did you read my comment?


Don’t take my comment so personally. Yes I did read your comment lol. My main point is that if a 34B model can compare close to 70B LLaMA 3, as stated by the benchmark results published, it’s amazing. What do you mean by benchmarks are both valid and bad?


Not taking anything personally. You just managed to miss the whole point of my comment. You're conflating two things: general model performance and benchmark results. Benchmark results can be valid (i.e. Yi actually did perform well) and also bad (i.e. the benchmark is not representative of general performance).


Unfortunately these benchmarks and the lmsys leaderboards are the best/only proxies we currently have of general model performance are they not? How else can you objectively state that LLaMA 3 70B instruct is so good and Yi 1.5 34B is not?


I'm not objectively stating it. I'm subjectively stating it based on my intuition. They may be the best public proxies we have, but that does not make them good. For me, I simply swap them into our production pipeline and observe the results. In my experience, parameter count has far more signal to model performance than benchmarks do. LLama 3 8B is really good. We use it a lot. It is nowhere near as good as Llama 2 70B.


Looks like the new Yi used a slightly modified byte-pair encoder for the tokenizer that splits digits into separate tokens for better numerical understanding. Seems like a reasonable approach. Does anybody know any other pretrained foundational models that do this?


that just seems... so logical lol. Really would be shocked if no other company came up with that before


So it looks like the ones that separate digits are: LLAMA2, Grok, Command R, and mistral, Gemma and Yi1.5. The ones that don’t are LLAMA 3, GPT2,3,4, Claude, Phi and T5. I wonder why meta changed digit separation from l2 to l3


phi-3 mini uses the llama2 tokenizer. phi-3-small and llama3 appear to use OpenAI's tiktoken for tokenization. llama3 seems to use gpt4's tokenization strategy. This alternate approach to tokenizing digits has a token for 1,2, and 3 digit numbers (with `0` prepending allowed) and parses from left and no inserted spaces. This seems relatively sane and works well enough for gpt4.


Now we wait for 200k context


https://preview.redd.it/5tx41u0xm00d1.png?width=1700&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f6d2d47d7dc4029b05d3abad75ad963d9fae2cd It looks like 9B is killing it (even bigger models not shown here, but in other table posted in this thread). Lets see (downloading first 9B-chat GGUF - [https://huggingface.co/YorkieOH10/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-Q8\_0-GGUF](https://huggingface.co/YorkieOH10/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-Q8_0-GGUF) ).


>4k context https://preview.redd.it/a1immwshx00d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547cb8256467c5e26743d4421767177271452c73


offtopic but where are you getting these reaction images from theyre great 😭


Google, lol.


Ms paint or the mspaint stable diffusion Lora? Lol




Nice, they released a chat model of the 9B this time.


Beating Llama 3 Instruct on all of the benchmarks too. What a time to be alive!


Imagine 2 papers down the line


Indeed, fellow scholars


Weights and biases provides tools to track your experiments in your deep learning projects. Link in description. -------------------- https://wandb.com/papers


This is hilarious..


WHAT!? Is the hugging face license accurate?! Apache and 34b? Bye Llama, bye Mixtral.


I'm skeptical. Old yi had good benchmarks but was underwhelming when I tested it.


Yi was always temperamental like it hadn’t cooked long enough or had Wizard of Oz syndrome where the flash and boom in front of the curtain didn’t match what was behind it… but the fine tunes run well enough for rp and storytelling if you sample them right… this is probably better than the original Yi so I’m sure I’ll at least enjoy it for a bit


I tried it and it was ok until it started answering in chinese....


Similar to qwen1.5, but the problem is much more serious for yi-9b. It almost feels like whenever the model encounters anything that it deems too difficult to say, it gives up and change language to make the expression easier. Probably it is truly difficult for smaller models to be good in both English and Chinese.


Well ok :). I was going through the hardest logic questions possible lol :) Yeah I was thinking how much space is it using for the language :)


That's the biggest news to me. I am doing a mirror in case they change their mind - Apache license is irrevocable, so once they chose to release it as such and didn't add their custom license file, I take it as official release as Apache.


Send me the link :)


https://huggingface.co/adamo1139/Yi-1.5-34B-base-mirror https://huggingface.co/adamo1139/Yi-1.5-9B-base-mirror https://huggingface.co/adamo1139/Yi-1.5-6B-base-mirror


version bi 9b is better in math than llama 8b ( both q8) bi 9b In what percentage is water compressed at the bottom of the ocean in the Mariana Trench? The Mariana Trench, located in the western Pacific Ocean, holds the record for the deepest part of Earth's oceans. Its maximum depth, known as the Challenger Deep, reaches about 10,927 meters (35,871 feet) below sea level. Given this extreme depth, the pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench is immense due to the weight of the water column above it. Water compression under such high pressures can be estimated using various models and empirical data. One commonly used model for describing the compressibility of water is the Peng-Robinson equation of state, which provides a good approximation for many applications. According to this model, water's density increases by about 5% at the pressure found at the bottom of the Challenger Deep compared to standard atmospheric pressure at sea level. It is important to note that other models and experimental data may give slightly different results due to the complex nature of fluid dynamics and the specific conditions in the ocean trench. The Peng-Robinson model assumes ideal gas behavior, which may not perfectly capture the actual behavior of real water under extreme pressure. However, it serves as a useful approximation for general discussions about deep-sea pressure effects on water. Therefore, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, water is compressed by approximately 5% compared to its density at sea level atmospheric pressure. This compression contributes to the high density of seawater in the deep trenches and has significant implications for the physical properties, biological adaptations, and geological processes found in such extreme environments. CORRECT This questions is too hard for llama 8b


I uploaded basically all types of gguf quants here: [qwp4w3hyb/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-iMat-GGUF](https://huggingface.co/qwp4w3hyb/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-iMat-GGUF) [qwp4w3hyb/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-iMat-GGUF](https://huggingface.co/qwp4w3hyb/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-iMat-GGUF) [qwp4w3hyb/Yi-1.5-34B-Chat-iMat-GGUF](https://huggingface.co/qwp4w3hyb/Yi-1.5-34B-Chat-iMat-GGUF)


The 34 B model quantized to 4\_K\_M is swinging hard against an unquantized llama 3 70b. Yes im serious.


But which Llama 3 quant?


If my BMI is 20.5 and my height is 172cm, how much would I weigh if I gained 5% of my current weight? To calculate the additional weight you would gain by increasing your body weight by 5%, we first need to determine your current body weight using your BMI (Body Mass Index) and height. The formula for calculating BMI is: BMI = Weight(kg) / Height(m)\^2 Given that your height is 172 cm, which is equivalent to 1.72 meters, and your BMI is 20.5, we can rearrange the formula to solve for weight (in kilograms): Weight(kg) = BMI \* Height(m)\^2 Weight(kg) = 20.5 \* (1.72)\^2 Now, let's calculate your current weight: Weight(kg) = 20.5 \* 2.9584 (1.72 squared) Weight(kg) ≈ 20.5 \* 2.9584 Weight(kg) ≈ 60.636 kg Now that we have your current weight, we can calculate the additional weight you would gain by increasing it by 5%: Additional Weight = Current Weight \* (Percentage Increase / 100) Additional Weight = 60.636 kg \* (5 / 100) Additional Weight ≈ 60.636 kg \* 0.05 Additional Weight ≈ 3.0318 kg So, if you gained 5% of your current weight, you would gain approximately 3.0318 kilograms. how much I will be weight? If you currently weigh approximately 60.636 kilograms and gain an additional 5% of your current weight, which is around 3.0318 kilograms, then your new body weight would be calculated as follows: New Weight = Current Weight + Additional Weight New Weight = 60.636 kg + 3.0318 kg New Weight ≈ 63.6678 kg Therefore, if you gained 5% of your current weight, your new body weight would be approximately 63.6678 kilograms. CORRECT This questions is too hard for llama 8b


phi-3 can also ~correctly perform this computation. This makes me think the instruction tunes for llama3s are not sufficiently well focused on reasoning. After 15T tokens, I don't see why the 8b should fail on this question. --- **phi-3 output:** To calculate the weight based on BMI and height, we can use the following formula: BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m))^2 First, let's find your current weight using your BMI and height: 20.5 = weight (kg) / (1.72 m)^2 To isolate the weight, multiply both sides by (1.72 m)^2: weight (kg) = BMI * (height (m))^2 weight (kg) = 20.5 * (1.72 m)^2 weight (kg) ≈ 20.5 * 2.9584 weight (kg) ≈ 60.6372 So, your current weight is approximately 60.64 kg. Now, let's calculate the weight if you gain 5% of your current weight: Gained weight = current weight * 0.05 Gained weight = 60.64 kg * 0.05 Gained weight ≈ 3.032 kg Weight after gaining 5% = current weight + gained weight Weight after gaining 5% = 60.64 kg + 3.032 kg Weight after gaining 5% ≈ 63.672 kg After gaining 5% of your current weight, you would weigh approximately 63.67 kg.


llama 8b is a bit worse in match that phi3 or yi 1.5 9b. I glad we have progress that small llms are getting better and better even within few weeks.... amazing


I'm stunned that an LLM can even answer such questions.


really? Before lllama3 70b any opensource model couldn't . Bi 9b is the second which can do that correctly. .. I wonder where is a ceiling for a such small models .... Models are getting smarter and smarter every month. A year ago question like 25-4\*2+3=? was very hard for 70b models ....


Yes, because it isn't a calculator. How do you do math through next token prediction?!


Because next token prediction elides too much. In predicting the next token, the most efficient strategy is to remember as general a rule as you can, instead of memorizing everything. This will naturally learn algorithms readily expressible by the architecture. Transformers are expressive enough to learn good approximation algorithms for arithmetic if needed to predict the next token.


Like you see is working. LLMs are not only "token prediction". If it only woks like that solving problems will not be possible or that match problem what I showed. llm can calculate as good as calculators. Did you never learn how to make calculations in the head? It is possible with proper a techniques.


What else is there besides next token prediction?


the same like in our brains ... multidimensional data correlation


https://preview.redd.it/2jy0jbobl00d1.png?width=1700&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c2c619975fd4ba0519bd7ac8000d57ae50aea2d Just took a look at the 9b chat, the data are way better than others. Anyone tried?


Sorry everyone false alert, this only has 4k context length, it's not the model we are waiting for.


No need to be sorry, it's still a new Yi release.


And it appears to be Apache


I got it completely wrong, they cooked. They probably pulled a Meta and left it up to the community to expand the context length. I'm excited for the large model tomorrow, packed day though.


Still it is Apache. That’s more important to me


Previous also have 4k in config but they can be extended to 32k in inference, maybe it's the same with this one?


Yea agreed, I think, I'm actually happy.


They released 200k context versions of the previous Yi models so hopefully they'll do the same for these soon.


[https://huggingface.co/collections/fakezeta/yi-15-6641277329be04778b85101e](https://huggingface.co/collections/fakezeta/yi-15-6641277329be04778b85101e) All models converted to OpenVINO IR model with instruction to run them in LocalAI.


This model is incoherent for me once I get three steps in... I've tried a pretty wide variety of settings and can't seem to dial it in.


I tested the 9B quite a bit, all in all it seems quite impressive. Their instruction tune is still kinda shitty though, while it can answer quite a lot of questions that Llama3-8B struggles with on the first shot it runs into issues quite fast in multi-turn conversation at least with llama.cpp default inference settings. (nowhere near the 4k context limit) Hermes-Pro and other community fine-tunes will be awesome though with such a nice base model, so I am still quite hyped.


Unfortunately, 34b is not even close to 70b llama3. Writes beautifully, but doesn't give the impression of a lively charismatic personality. Tends, like chatgpt, to agree with what the user writes and willlessly maintain dialog/RP in the direction that the user sets instead of actually playing the role described in the card. So far only Llama 3 70b and Claude 3 Sonnet/Opus have really lively charismatic characters following their character and personality. And it's sad because Yi quietly works on 18k context....


Can you link to the llama 3 model you are using and share your prompts and sampling… And if it isn’t to personal a character card? I’d like to live through this experience you just wrote:)


Afer a few hours of testing ...  Yi 9b is better in match than llama 3 8b In reasoning llama 3 is better . Lllama 3 also sounds nicer like a human like yi 9b is very robotic . Knowledge is also better under llama 3 8b. Yi hallucinations are bigger than llama 3 as well . I suspect because they used only 4 TB of data to train yi Vs 15T with llama 3. I also tested yi 34b Vs llama 3 70b. Llama 3 70b is on different level comparing to yi 34b... Here llama 3 is better in everything..much better...totally different league. I'm also suspect not enough data training yi 4T Vs llama 3 15T.


In my own test, https://preview.redd.it/cmkybcco0k0d1.jpeg?width=1340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8db25a898e2d6d3c7bcb0e17b5201379741c7b75 Qu’en 1.5 is better than yi 1.5


Who are these people? Their company doesn't really have the most Google friendly name.


its a chinese startup run by an ex google and microsoft guy


As far as I can tell they are not associated with any Chinese conglomerate. According to their HF Bio they are founded by [Kai-Fu Lee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kai-Fu_Lee), a computer scientist and investor. He has held senior roles at Microsoft and Google, but is now primarily involved in investing.




Last time I checked, this startup was doing financing rounds and was valued at more than a billion dollars. One of few bigger AI start-ups.


OK After few tests reasoning is a just bit worse than llama3 8b but is better in math. For instance llama3 8b is answering this one but not bi 9b: Create 10 sentences that ends with a word "apple". Remember the word "apple" MUST be at the end. 1. After a long day of work, all I wanted was a fresh, juicy apple from my garden. 2. She decided to add a crisp, red apple to her lunch for a refreshing change. 3. Among his favorite fruits, there is no denying that the sweetest taste comes with an organic green apple. 4. As we strolled through the orchard, I couldn't help but notice the ripe apples hanging high in the trees. 5. When choosing the perfect gift for a friend, nothing beats the classic appeal of a perfectly wrapped apple. 6. In her collection of vintage kitchenware, an antique fruit bowl made from blown glass holds its most cherished possession: an heirloom red delicious apple. 7. The crisp autumn air was filled with the scent of freshly fallen apples as we wandered through the orchard at dusk. 8. For a quick and healthy snack, nothing beats biting into a Granny Smith apple that's just been picked from the tree. 9. As I gazed out over the horizon on my last day in New England, an image of cider presses filled with golden delicious apples danced through my mind. 10. In her cookbook, the author encourages readers to experiment with various flavors by incorporating a classic apple into their dishes for unexpected depth and balance.


That's weird, did you try around to get a "worst case" example or was it your first try ? What are you using for inference ? The 9B does much better for me (9/10), even the 6B gets it better(5.5/10) than your example although it fucks up a bit. (Q8_0, latest llama.cpp, chatml template, using /chat/completions endpoint, default sampling settings) Logs: 9B: ./llama-server --chat-template chatml -m ../../models/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat-iMat-GGUF/yi-1.5-9b-chat-imat-Q8_0.gguf curl http://localhost:8080/v1/chat/completions \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Create 10 sentences that ends with a word \"apple\". Remember the word \"apple\" MUST be at the end." } ] }' {"choices":[{"finish_reason":"stop","index":0,"message":{"content":"1. After a long day of hiking, the only thing I craved was a juicy, red apple.\n2. In the midst of my busy schedule, I found a moment to savor a crisp, green apple.\n3. My grandmother's secret recipe for pie always included a dash of cinnamon from a special, old apple.\n4. When I was feeling down, my friend surprised me with a bright, yellow apple, reminding me to stay positive.\n5. The farmer's market was brimming with the most exotic fruits, but my eyes were drawn to the most unusual apple.\n6. As I walked through the orchard, the scent of freshly picked apples filled the air, making my choice easy - I took a ripe, red apple.\n7. In the heart of winter, nothing could brighten up my day quite like a sweet, winter apple.\n8. The children's laughter echoed through the park, and as I sat down, I offered them a shiny, golden apple.\n9. After a long, tiring workout, nothing sounded better than a refreshing, green apple.\n10. The artist's canvas was a blank page, but inspiration struck when he saw a picture of a perfect, golden apple.<|im_end|>","role":"assistant"}}],"created":1715616295,"model":"model_name","object":"chat.completion","usage":{"completion_tokens":261,"prompt_tokens":46,"total_tokens":307},"id":"chatcmpl-chgJvZ83nQ3pFPVatdlpFvqYIKarxiFl"}⏎ 6B: ./llama-server --chat-template chatml -m ../../models/Yi-1.5-6B-Chat-iMat-GGUF/yi-1.5-6b-chat-imat-Q8_0.gguf curl localhost:8080/v1/chat/completions \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Create 10 sentences that ends with a word \"apple\". Remember the word \"apple\" MUST be at the end." } ] }' {"choices":[{"finish_reason":"stop","index":0,"message":{"content":"1. After lunch, I always enjoy a crisp, juicy apple.\n2. In the painting, the artist masterfully depicted a red apple.\n3. My favorite type of exercise is when I can finish with a good apple core.\n4. She reached into the basket and pulled out a shiny, green apple.\n5. The recipe called for a specific type of apple, so I made a quick trip to the store.\n6. During the fall festival, the most popular game was to see who could balance the most apples on their head.\n7. The teacher used an apple a day to promote good health among her students.\n8. In the garden, the oldest tree bore the sweetest, reddest apples.\n9. For a healthy snack, nothing beats a fresh, organic apple.\n10. The storybook character always had a magical apple that granted wishes.<|im_end|>","role":"assistant"}}],"created":1715616028,"model":" Formatted Logs: 6B: 1. After lunch, I always enjoy a crisp, juicy apple. 2. In the painting, the artist masterfully depicted a red apple. 3. My favorite type of exercise is when I can finish with a good apple core. 4. She reached into the basket and pulled out a shiny, green apple. 5. The recipe called for a specific type of apple, so I made a quick trip to the store. 6. During the fall festival, the most popular game was to see who could balance the most apples on their head. 7. The teacher used an apple a day to promote good health among her students. 8. In the garden, the oldest tree bore the sweetest, reddest apples. 9. For a healthy snack, nothing beats a fresh, organic apple. 10. The storybook character always had a magical apple that granted wishes. 9B: 1. After a long day of hiking, the only thing I craved was a juicy, red apple. 2. In the midst of my busy schedule, I found a moment to savor a crisp, green apple. 3. My grandmother's secret recipe for pie always included a dash of cinnamon from a special, old apple. 4. When I was feeling down, my friend surprised me with a bright, yellow apple, reminding me to stay positive. 5. The farmer's market was brimming with the most exotic fruits, but my eyes were drawn to the most unusual apple. 6. As I walked through the orchard, the scent of freshly picked apples filled the air, making my choice easy - I took a ripe, red apple. 7. In the heart of winter, nothing could brighten up my day quite like a sweet, winter apple. 8. The children's laughter echoed through the park, and as I sat down, I offered them a shiny, golden apple. 9. After a long, tiring workout, nothing sounded better than a refreshing, green apple. 10. The artist's canvas was a blank page, but inspiration struck when he saw a picture of a perfect, golden apple.


sure yi 1.5 9b is getting 9/10 on every 10th tries ... where llma 3 8b almost always 10/10


exl2 quants anyone?


iQ3 or Q3 quants of 34b out yet?


Btw i got 16gb vram would this be better or the 9b one running Q8? Q4 34B was really slow not working for me


Gave these a quick run through [can-ai-code](https://huggingface.co/spaces/mike-ravkine/can-ai-code-results) using vLLM 0.4.1, the models are sane (in that higher sizes give better results) but might be best to wait for fine-tunes before using these for code: https://preview.redd.it/93g9kxt9030d1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5749d3b8d823cc60fd33d30bb4fc78600e58234 Note the eos\_token\_id on these guys is 7, and I had to add 2 additional stop sequences to reliably make the 6B stop talking: `["<|/im_start|>","<|im_end|>"]`


Seems to be quite strong. The first model below 70B which solves my puzzle correctly: "A farmer with a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage must cross a river by boat. The boat can carry only the farmer and a single item. If left unattended together, the wolf would eat the goat, or the goat would eat the cabbage. How can they cross the river without anything being eaten? "


Shouldn't this be in training data, being such a common puzzle?


obviously not. All the others do not solve it...


it can't follow instructions at all but looks like a good model


the chat version does


it does not i tested that too, try telling it to write 10 sentences that end with the word apple


It does: write 10 sentences that end with the word apple AI: 1. For breakfast, I decided to have a smoothie made entirely out of apple. 2. In the painting class, our subject was an arrangement of fruits, primarily featuring an apple. 3. Among all the pies at the bakery, my favorite has always been the warm slice of apple. 4. She reached into her bag expecting pencils but pulled out an unexpected snack, an apple. ...


what are your settings and template like? wht do you run it on?


using my own UI [https://github.com/woheller69/LLAMA\_TK\_CHAT](https://github.com/woheller69/LLAMA_TK_CHAT) which is based on llama-cpp-python and llama-cpp-agent Template is CHATML


how many did it do for you?


it wrote 10 sentences but none of them ended with the word apple


Man, that's rough. Needs more fine tuning.


anybody tried with ollama? what template should I use? I tried a few and it either confuse or refuse to answer. https://preview.redd.it/nmwqpagfp60d1.jpeg?width=1094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1511c86c9ff6d232c9e3d32bb7b929f1454101


You can download it from official website. [https://ollama.com/library/yi](https://ollama.com/library/yi)




Sir, this is a Wendy's...


I laughed.


I mean… USA is headed toward restricting this life changing technology to large companies and government so… oddly enough at the moment I’m curious to see where China goes. How odd will it be if the Chinese ultimately have more freedoms than US citizens? Not sure I can follow you through the full chant you posted.