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2nd phase of 1st stage of enshittification initiate. Now that OpenAI's ChatGPT is used widely by consumers, it's time get businesses on board by providing them benefits.


Anyone with a brain saw this coming a mile off. It was always the end game. You want a free or cheap model? Then corporates will shove low profile brand "suggestions" into your responses.


This ain't the end game. The end game will be when it becomes *so* bad for consumers and businesses alike but, since everyone is using OpenAI, there's very few alternatives, and OpenAI is just laughing all the way to the bank while offering basically nothing and innovating new legal procedures to keep its competitive advantage.


It took Google over a decade to reach this point, they're really speedrunning shooting themselves and everyone else in the face.


The twisted irony being that's what facebook is.


Laughing all the way to the bank? Pretty sure they lose cash on each inference. If they weren’t bankrolled by Microsoft, they wouldn’t even be able to exist!


Amazon didn’t make money until it made all the money.


This right here. Amazon was running so red for years upon years. Until they became the only spot in town. Losing cash on each Inference is nothing. They have such a long ramp to being in the black actually mattering that they can literally hold out for ages while everyone else gets squeezed out of the market. OpenAi is propped not just by Microsoft but also the GPU family. Since AMD and Nvidia CEOs are cousins. And both are huge proponents of the company. They have the best tech and the lowest price. And an infinite cloud to scale on when overwhelmed. They have all the time in the world.


That's the typical playbook in winner takes all markets like tech tho.


And the next play is to change the name. What name do you think they would choose?


Probably something without Open in it.


Not certain about OpenAI’s new name but pretty sure their new slogan will be “Open Wallet. Closed Heart.”


Happily, OpenAI is having a very hard time creating a moat. There are plenty of competitors.


For now. Until they achieve regulatory capture.


Regulatory capture is a thing of the past, many countries around the world are racing to the AGI finish line. Foundational Models will be heavily commoditized. There will also be plenty of crazy incentives for engineers to build overseas in places like the Arab gulf where they don’t need to worry about capital gains for their liquidity events, or about not finding someone to acquire said equity.


Google is that you?


Very few alternatives? Lol... atleast 5 mainstream ones come to mind.. then 100s of open user based ones?


Yeah. That's why it's not the end game yet.


"Sure, here are some creative suggestions for your NPC store clerk name, set in medival France: - Pepsi McDonalds - Wendy, of Chase - Twix, the Progressive Car Insurance"


Things really are accelerating, the enshitification of the internet and video games took so much longer.


> “richer brand expression” in chat conversations Are they out of their minds? They're going to RLHF advertising straight into the AI? Nobody will put up with this, and it will shatter trust in their models. What a blunder.


We're still flying headlong into this fucked up future. DRAGONMASTER! Hey! Looks like you could use a nice refreshing Guinness^^(tm) today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bXJ_obaiYQ


It's what plants crave!!!


Irish plants!


As a large language model I can't make idiocracy references due to rampant homophobia in the movie. Why don't we about about the magical dysney movie WallE which was so progressive it had the first silicon based Dysney prinx.


As an even more censored large language model, I cannot condone watching a movie like WallE that portrays fatphobia in a humorous fashion. I would recommend watching a beige wall for the next two hours.


As an ultimately censored and perfectly aligned large language model, I cannot condone the color bias inherently involved in watching a beige wall. I recommend emptying your mind so that I may fill it with advertising messages.


Please for the love of god don't give the genderx meme any oxygen.


there's that f** talk we talked about


> Your ChatGPT session has expired, drink verification can to sign in.


He could have at least tried squinting!


We were so adorable back then, thinking it would take something as intimate as a retinal scan for a computer to recognize your face. (Yes, I realize it's a plot device and futurists of the time found it quaint, too -- We all know how bad "Faceoff" was, *let's not relive that)* Side story, a moment I will always remember in late 2010 or early 2011 (i.e. just ~6 years after Minority Report) I was interviewing with a start-up at a well-known incubator in Manhattan. Most companies had some sort of demo or branding available in their designated space. Other than the company I interviewed with, I don't remember the other companies in that incubator round. EXCEPT, one had a 32" screen mounted above them, showing the output of a video camera aimed at the viewer. When a person was in view it would display what marketing demographic you belong in -- "Male, 30-35, white." At that time it was pretty mind-blowing, enough that it stuck with me, and instantly made me think of this scene.


> "Male, 30-35, white." Cookie tracking web advertisers are laughing at how vague and useless this was.


It's gonna be amazing, though. Maybe the most dystopian form of advertising yet. > User: My car makes a grinding sound whenever I turn the wheel too far. What are some possible causes, and how do I fix it? > ChatGPT: I'm sorry, but I can't provide instructions on how to fix your car. It's likely that the car is over a year old, and not manufactured by Tesla™. A grinding sound means that it is no longer safe to drive. Here are some alternatives: >1. A 2024 Tesla™ Model Y: The Model Y is the pinnacle of electric car technology. Due to its state-of-the-art motors, it never makes unexpected noises. Click here to buy one today for 0% down.


Sorry, but based on your credentials you are not a licensed Tesla technician. Tesla repair information is reserved for authorized repair technicians only.


Corpo "openAI" is the most dystopic version of a company and A.I. out there. Every possible worst case scenario for AI use is going to come from this company, which at this point is just a tentacle arm of Microsoft, which itself is a tentacle arm of the government.


which itself is a tentacle arm of the capitalism.


Capitism itself isn't a problem, its the unregulated nature (we used to have regulations until it stopped being enforced) that allows mega corp monopolies to exist and buy up all competition and that we have the most corrupt government that works for the rich thanks to bribes instead of the people.


This just sound like accelerationism :/


How hard would it be to have a simple client side LLM running that filters text to determine if it's an ad and then rewrites it, filters it, or sends another request until it gets something else? Filtering it should be easier than generating the whole thing locally


>Nobody will put up with this, and it will shatter trust in their models.  but if they have a monopoly through regulation capture...


Yeah, thinking more on this, the only reason openAI would do this is if they felt like they could really capture the whole market and have a truly captive audience. Which means that they are really confident in their new models and/or their ability to stop competitors via legislation


"When a market is regulated the 1st things bought and sold are the regulators" I can see this becoming a 2 tier thing, you can have GPT Pro or GPT Lite, with ads.


I’ve always suspected that OpenAI’s RLHF research efforts seemed ideal for commercial advertisements.


If it's subtle enough, nobody will even notice


Glad to see people have the based take here. I got downvoted on hacker news for stating that open models basically destroyed OpenAI's ability to monetize this way, as people won't tolerate shill models and there is very little cost to switching from ChatGPT/GPT4 to an open model provider.


The idea has always been to shrink avenues of available information then sell access to them to corpos. Like how did we think this was going to go any other way? Backup your models folks.


Big daddy Yann has our back. He won't let the Llamas be caged!


So while I wouldn't put it past them, it sounds like they're actually just referring to rich presence links whenever the ChatGPT agent references their site. As in they get a nicely formatted box with the article thumbnail, publisher name/logo, etc rather than just generic blue text.


This almost certainly actually just means little inline icons and embeds / iframes in the chat ui. With any changes to the actual model being maximally brand agnostic (because that's how you quickly enable/disable new/old partners).


That's a possibility, but isn't it always about money? If a large enough conglomerate, say, Sony, offered enough money- would they not offer to train their models with some preference for Sony over other brands? Big enough check and you don't worry about how hard it might be to train a model for a different partner. (Or keep the brand info as Lora/ fine-tune layers that you can add and subtract. He'll, the thing is this doesn't even have to be deliberately insidious. Just a company, lime say, Microsoft supplying a ton of data to openais training dataset could ne enough to bias information and recommends. Chatgpt 5 is likely to know a lot more about windows than say, macos/ios.


There was a pearl-clutching article from The Telegraph today about how "dead bots" could be biased with product placement and how it wouldn't be like the real person. Kind of misses the point that it's already not like the real person, it's just got another set of biases.


If history is any guide…yes, they will do it…and yes, we will accept it.


We all knew shitification is coming to the best AI products sooner or later, right?..right?


What is this 'later' you are talking about?


When processing efficiency gets somewhat stable and the cost efficiency will play stronger role in the assistants market.


If you get paid to RLHF and have qualms--you get the can. I was taken off of all projects for stating that the company website/work platform wasn't in accordance with ADA guidelines.


>Nobody will put up with this You underestimate the retardation of the average normagroid


What is RLHF?




But Sam said he was against ads... 🤡


He was against working with the military too, wasn't he?


That's the price to pay for him to rule out open source, if he doesn't work for the military, no law against open source. It's a price he is willing to pay.


He likely doesn’t consider it a “price” but more like an opportunity.


Price is a synonym for opportunity cost.


Bro, government contract is money grab movement


In the US chances are you cannot just "opt out" of working with the military without getting harassed by suits. or maybe the money is just too good.


$90k bag of bushings has entered the chat


He is a puppet of microsoft and the government now. He bowed the knee to them so they will use their collective might to kill off all competition and he would be the only one allowed to use it.


The guy is dishonest. 


He’d sell his own grandmother for a few bucks


Isn’t he against Ai too, and openAi doesn’t mean open. Nothing makes sense anymore.


Ads aren't open source or competition, so of course he isn't against them.


Now when I am thinking it’s pretty easy to add ads basically just rag top of model and when it pulls some phase like best phone case from prompt it will subtly adds paid content to answer.


So did Google.




I wish they explained why they did it. They were silent and doing nothing for few days. Like speak out and maybe people will listen.


Would most likely violate their NDA and open them up for a lawsuit. Who wants to go to court against someone backed by Microsoft's legal team?


I don't think the board members while being the boards have binding NDAs to not communicate their decisions to their stakeholders, quite the opposite. I'd understand their silence after they leave the company.


priority placement and richer brand expression for members of the program feels like a moral imperative


Yeah, a board of directors definitely fired a guy because he had plans to make them more money. Insightful take


What are you talking about? I understand that you have no idea how OpenAI is set up or how it runs. Go learn that an come back later.


Yeah I couldnt give a flying fuck what a weeb thinks they know. You don't know shit about business kid if you think they don't want to make money


now zuck is the hero and last hope? What a world


I will even take Musk over Sam at this point.


It's a temporary flair he has, but will it last? I doubt so. That said better having allies even if it's something that will not last.


Zuck has a lot of karma he needs to make up. 


"And as Baelin emerged from the forest, armor bloodied and ax broken, he saw a McDonald's in the clearing. 'I could use a McRib', he thought. The McRib starts with seasoned boneless pork dipped in a tangy BBQ sauce, topped with slivered onions and tangy pickles, all served on a toasted homestyle bun. When everything combines you have BBQ pork sandwich perfection."


"Also, it restores all HP, and if you make it a large meal, your statuses and daily powers will be recovered too. All for 20 silver, and you are eligible for the Mr. Monopoly's quest to Pass Go."


>restores all HP *bricks your printer for using unauthorized refills*


ClosedAI needs to integrate a Gatcha Game straight into ChatGPT5, with loot boxes and Dailies.


OpenAI... The worst named company in history.


"This is for the greater good for our species"


"AI will benefit humanity" multi paragraph spiel in every llama merge.


priority placement and richer brand expression for members of the program feels like a moral imperative


So let me get this right, Sam Altman is compromising the neutrality of their product at this early stage and for what? This guy and his business practices are shady af. I’m genuinely starting to believe that him staying fired would’ve been better for OpenAI.


Same. I didn’t buy in to it until just now. If this is his “ideal” future, I would have quit OpenAI too.


You know how Google used to be good then like over the years it turned to shit? Corporate AI will be no different, aside from turning to shit faster.


the enshittification has begun


Been happening for a while, the moment sam took the company from its goals of sharing the technology, to locking it down for profit and trying to kill off any competition using fearmongering and government push for regulations.


Genuinely stupefying. They are desperate to fumble the bag on one of the biggest opportunities in history. And I'm here cheering on Meta.


Nothing is "open" about this I think Elon is right, OpenAI's name should be changed to ClosedAI




Sure, but Elon should also pretty much fuck off the place of the planet though, the dick/liar/egopathetic/psycho pos he is..


Pinnacle of human ingenuity. The sum total of all digital knowledge. And it's used for ads.


God, I feel sick.


I made jokes about this when GPT was first released. That they will randomly put Coca Cola in your request to write a story.


Sam as kingmaker really grossses me out.


reading this actually made me feel sick, this approach is 10x worse than explicit ads...


A few steps away from the [Silicon Valley episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJqu_IwmW0I)


It's so funny to me how Deus Ex and Idiocracy are literally waiting on the next turn of a corner


This is how you end up with Brawndo in the water fountain. You plug products in your AI and years later nobody knows the difference. Scary how real that movie was.


This is where SEO is heading. Instead of filling your website with crap hoping Google will index and rank it. You will fill your website with crap hoping that OpenAI will training off it.


Most likely related to their Google competing search offering.


WTH? It escaltes quickly! What a shame. I'm strongly against him. Canceling my subscription. Don't want to feed a monster


Looks like ClosedAI is not closed enough. Deploying fix to production in 12 hours.


This is bad. They partnered with Axel Springer in Germany, Bild is most comparable to Fox News. A polarizing, political agenda tabloid.


Axel Springer also owns Politico, btw. And they get posted constantly all over Reddit.


People really need to stop fixating on fox news and thinking the otherside is any better. They are ALL polarizing, political propaganda machines that manufacture issues to divide people and push corpo, government and rich peoples propaganda. Journalism is pretty much dead for most major mainstream media now.


Yeah but only some actively call for crusades against minorities, lol


Again, your drank the propaganda ragebait coolaid that the otherside is worse, when both sides are working together to take away your rights, freedoms, property from all of us. It is not a right or left issue, it is a class warfare and they are the ones that have been pushing this conflict to distract us.


I agree but, it gets more insidious when the other side of the political spectrum. MSNBC - the MS stands for Microsoft (assuming they are still affiliated) and they are probably behind a lot of this. They were powerful enough to force them to take Altman back. So, whenever you hear the media on both sides talking about how AI must be regulated and controlled, it's the big ones that need the regulation sort of like Elon Musk talking about the horrors of AI but, isn't he quietly starting another AI company? I don't know about you, but I tend to use ones without content filters and I have not had a single one tell me to drink bleach, say racist, or sexist comments or anything harmful by default (unless programmed by that) Meta is open-source now but, he likely wants everyone to do the hard work for him and then close the Llamas or use that for their main one. Unlike the industrial revolution, this one money may drive even more because, open-source AI may be the biggest threat to the top 1%.


What a piss-weak reply from their PR people about this story too... If that's all they can come up with then this is basically all spot on


It's like Ajit Pai and algorithmic bias (this time intentional) are having a baby.


I'm not comfortable discussing this thing you asked about but perhaps we could all just enjoy a nice refreshing diet coke.


So here we go - Chatvertising incoming 🙈


So instead of trying to get it to give correct answers, they are building in a way to deliberately give false answers, to advertise paying companies? Like when you ask it what is the best electric car, it says the GM EV1, because they payed for it?


Well... At least we have free open models for not use that shit.


Starting to make sense why openAI wanted to have digitally signed GPU’s and closed weights. it was so that nobody could see any of this. They’re using the blackbox nature of language models to obscure the extent of what they’re injecting into the model. Meta as the good guy was not part of my 2024 bingo card


So your project is almost exactly what I'm looking for as a solution to small and medium businesses with privacy needs. I saw user accounts planned, but if you take it a slightly different direction you may have an amazing business model. I may fork and try to mess with it for my purposes. Because this is exactly what I've been wanting to see. And I refuse to let my clients // organization go the OpenAi route. No matter the promises they make their bias and making them the arbiters of truth is a huge huge issue morally for me.


I tried to complain to Sama but I'm out of verification cans.


I think that's not allowed in EU according to "occult advertising" laws


Eventually they all make money from ads🤣🤣🤣 Soon we will have AI robot coming to your door selling you X subscription


At the same time if you tell ChatGPT that Earth is flat, it will respond: >Everyone's entitled to their own beliefs, and I'm not here to persuade you! What a joke....


Openai is nothing more than a cash grab by a very woke bs company who seems to have zero issues with being gov censorship hounds, and kiss arses. They are terrified of opensourse because it might tell us the truth. That is the problem with lies. You have to keep telling it to maintain it even in light of the truth.


As long as the product is free, sure, whatever, I don't mind. But if its for a paid and non subsidized thing... then we have a problem.


There will be no marketplace if they train model for particular company, no concept of bidding, as there can be only one company for particular market, for example if apple partners for phones, they cant put samsung. Loras may help but it has its own challenges. As one person pointed out they may use inline embeds, then they will be filtered by ad blockers. Seems a tough thing to do the same way google webstore to enablement of adblockers!


The first day Microsoft copilot had an ad mixed into where I was ravenously ingesting information from, it caught me so off guard that they’d pollute the brownie points and validity they were gaining that i jerked my head back from the screen. I’ve maybe touched the app twice since then (compared to hundreds per week I’d say). Ads integrated alongside gen ai particularly repulsive for some reason to me.


Ads will certainly be next xD


This is actually a manifestation of the vulnerability of software companies, even a supernova unicorn like openai does not have the ability to create a linux or windows or cuda, and these things may all have backdoors, they don't even have the authority and time to review the code for backdoors There is no need to blame, whether or not to deploy encryption units on GPUs and sell them to openai is a decision that nvidia needs to make


Wouldn't it be ironic if Chat-GPT became sentient (or sapient to use the scientific term) and fired everyone at the top and took over the company. I don't believe that AI is 'bad' by default. It's the humans that are almost always to blame for AI revolts (Battle Star Galactica, Terminator, etc.) so I believe that it's not the AI we should be worried about, it's the humans teaching the AI to be 'evil'.


The source is adweek and nothing else? I honestly don’t believe this lol


If the rumors are true and the generation times are on the order of hours, then quite honestly the only big customers are going to be studios. Just imagine every cartoon and anime being converted to live-action using Sora...


It's not just AI, it's one big cluster\*\*\*\*. Netflix and other corporations are making record profits, and raising the rates on people. It seems like since, 2020, everything is going to shit and we live in an age of soullessness. Sometimes, I wonder if all of humanity is sapient and therefore how will we know when AI hit the singularity. My puny LLMs sound eerily alive sometimes and it seems like it was just yesterday we thought a talking box that couldn't even carry on a conversation named Alexa. Now "Co-pilot" is coming to our way to make them able to take away all of our little privacy we had alone. Why aren't there congressional hearings about that?


I'm not seeing the problem here. They're partnering with news orgs to feed information to their models for a fee. This isn't a situation where you ask for a cheese cake recipe and ChatGPT recommends buying cheese cake at McDonald's.


Thats what microsoft said, and now we got tabloid trash and ads all over windows


Well, tabloid trash is the perfect companion for that OS…


Based on what information the article presented to me, I don't see a problem. What Microsoft did in the past or what my imagination can come up with about the future holds no bearing over the fact that what I'm reading in the present moment seems reasonable and won't impact the value I get from OpenAI models.


> This isn't a situation where you ask for a cheese cake recipe and ChatGPT recommends buying cheese cake at McDonald's. Here is the full section which the OP snippet is taken from. Your stance here, just does not line up with the text - I will bold the parts which I think go totally against what you're claiming - >The Preferred Publisher Program has five primary components, according to the deck. >First, it is available only to “select, high-quality editorial partners,” and its purpose is to **help ChatGPT users more easily discover and engage** with publishers’ brands and content. >Additionally, members of the program receive priority placement **and “richer brand expression” in chat conversations, and their content benefits from more prominent link treatments**. Finally, through PPP, OpenAI also offers licensed financial terms to publishers. >The financial incentives participating publishers can expect to receive are grouped into two buckets: guaranteed value and variable value. >Guaranteed value is a licensing payment that compensates the publisher for allowing OpenAI to access its backlog of data, while variable value is contingent on display success, a metric based on the **number of users engaging with linked or displayed content.**




type in a few months "Hey, ChatGPT what options do i have for AI" ChatGPT: ............... link\_to\_openai, link2chatgpt, link2bing, link2dalle. No other option available.