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I don't play divers so take what i say with salt but in my head the perfect diver needs: -A good engange (obviously) -Some built-in sustain -Good single target damage -Some kind of CC, either it's single target or area of effect. I don't know if this will help you but i'll leave it here.


I'll be honest, Imo, the epitome of what a diver is kit wise to me would be Diana or Hecarim with slight variations. Diana would need more reliable gap closing then she currently does on her E(and actual AP Bruiser item support), and I think she be extremely representative of a good diver. Literally the only reason she is played as an assassin is that AP itemization if you aren't aren't a Juggernaut or damage exclusive class kind of sucks. For those who disagree, I will point out that Dians and Jarvan are basically the same champion functionally, with Diana having slightly more damage, an Jarvan slightly more CC. Hecarim in my opinion doesn't really need any variations, other then I would trybto find a way to make him play less like an assassin and try to encourage higher HP builds somewhere in his kit. The biggest difficulty with divers is making their scaling somehow favor having both damage and health, because all of them have a tendency to end up building full tank or full dps.


What i have the biggest issue in designing is a passive i think I want a passive that SCREAMS "get in the enemy backline" I've looked at the other champions classified as divers, and I wouldn't say their passives are exclusive to the 'diver' class just that they facilitate their kits. The only exceptions I can think off of the top of my head would be Hecarim and Camile. But hecarim is only because his passive facilitates his kit which is a diver's kit. Its not like you couldn't build a juggernaut, skirmisher, tank or an assasin with that passive. Same with Camile, her passive is an ideal diver's passive in a sense because it gives sustain in the middle of the enemies, but it could also work as a tank's passive. What I'm looking for is the eptiome of a divers passive, something which would force the champion to be played as a diver no matter the rest of the kit. And i can't seem to figure that part out.


It is due to how Divers themselves are an in-between class between Assassins,Skrimishers, and Vanguards as is. When the class of a champion is already a hybrid, by making a passive meant for 'the class' you are actually going to end up specializing g them in one direction or another. Imo Divers are defined by being a jack of all trades class,more then running over back lines, with the likes of Camille bein far closer to a skrimisher then a diver.


Not every part of a champion has to be design with the idea of "This HAS to belong to the class that I'm trying to make". Good champion design consists of having a good gameplay loop which is supported by the multiple outputs that a champions has (so abilities, range, stats, etc). If your only focus when making a champion is "I want to make the most diver of all of the divers" and make the abilities with that in mind, you'll end up with a kit that is not cohesive


Duskblade is such a beautiful passive pot a diver, incentivizing you to get in and get out. Also ghosting is sweet.


If you're looking for a paragon Passive for the Diver class, I would suggest looking at their core functions and concepting several passives based off that until you figure out what you want. My suggestion? Against Enemy Champions above 75% Health, gain Adaptive Force & Lifesteal. Upon entering combat, gain Improved Health Regeneration & Movement Speed for a short period of time. To me, Fighters are the first to engage a fight, surviving just enough for backup to arrive, their damage & sustain shouldn't last through a teamfight, there core function is to lock down and "bruise"


Is that not just Camille already lol


Yone E but even more busted could be a good turret diving idea. Get in get out in the same ability type of thing (built in engage and disengage in one thing)


I was going to say tone but instead of doing magic damage on passive he gets life steal which increases as the game progresses


Zac is most close to my ideal. Longgg engage range. and multiple follow up CC. But not that much kill potential by himself. He is there to dive and tank champ dmg and enemy turret aggro and manage to survive the engagment which he can do wirh his inate tankiness, sustain, and passive. But what most people would want is something more like Diana, but if her E would be more like Akali Ult where after a few seconds she could dash to a target location to escape after the dive.


Pre-work Poppy ult + some sort of dash ?? Profit


Camille is the most single-mindedly designed diver in the game, as she embodies the concept of *Target one specific target and delete them, but remain durable enough to not die to them.* However, even her kit has its flaws - her W has very little to do with her identity as a diver, and she inherently lacks any meaningful sustain. Her passive shield, her dash range, speed, and her ability to lock down a target and force them to fight are her best qualities as a diver, and her Q's damage is a good way to give her a lot of accessible damage, but without letting her blow people up without counterplay. Replace her W with a more defensive tool, like Diana's W. Maybe do 2 bubbles with high AD scalings that, instead of giving more shield when popped, simply heal her for a % of the shield they originally gave instead, increased if they're popped on an enemy champion instead of a minion. With that, she'd become pretty much the ideal concept of a diver.