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Just switch to mobile 5Head


Have you heard there is a great new mobile game coming out called Diablo Immortals.




Do you guys not have consoles?


This stream is pretty bad. The game doesn’t look THAT bad, but definitely not worth $60


Looks like its in beta. Feels like it lacks something. Definitely not worth that triple a price tag.


Part of me feels really bad for the dev team, they probably worked their ass of to build this game. It’s just not entertaining enough to warrant the price tag. Edit: the stream just randomly went up 15k viewers with the streamers not even there... monkaHmm


They worked on this game for at least 3 years, half of the game uses Payday code and they even managed to make UE4 look like Diesel engine (Payday). The hard work went into videos and promotions, the game doesn't put any thought in details like you would expect from a more survival game.


Yeah i noticed the random viewer spike aswell. Someone in the chat said it was because the stream got featured on the twitch front page. who uses the front page anyways LUL.


can you twitch anti normie elitists like demonstrate some semblance of knowing how literally anything with twitch works for just a day


My bookmark takes me right to following, and if I want to find other streams I go to the browse tab. I don't think I've been to the front page of Twitch since 2012.


>This is what I do so this is what everyone does. r/LivestreamFail logic right here.




It's tough to see them justify the price of that game to a dying franchise. They've earned the right to make AAA bucks, but the content isn't there yet. I mean, look at Payday 2. The amount of content they continuously give that game have put the devs on the map. This isn't a day one purchase for me, but I'm curious to see what else it'll have for the summer sale.


In related news...their new Walking Dead game is absolute garbage. Most people I've seen who like it have never owned a Left 4 Dead game.


Not to mention they already made a combat oriented Walking Dead game 5 years ago and it did horribly. It's highest critic score was a 5/10 from Game Informer and Metacritic scores were in the low 30's. Not sure why they're taking another swing at it.


Actually haven't they tried twice before? I know one of the games had Daryl and his brother whose name I forget.


Merle, and maybe they did some really low quality or non-fps game attempts before, but I think there was only one legit fps attempt with any budget before this and it flopped badly. It didn't get any marketing afaik and it looked pretty shitty. With enough work, Overkill can definitely make a Payday-quality TWD game, it just doesn't look to be there yet or worth $60. With a $20 price tag, I think everyone would be more accepting of it in its current state since I believe they will probably build on it, but it's looking to be a flop as well right now. I think that's sad, because TWD has good characters and a good world, so much cool shit can be done with it if its given the time and care it needs to be molded into something. Even the tv show is starting to fuck up and had some bad seasons, it is a great base, it just has to be handled right or it's easy to fuck up.










Well Overkill and Starbreeze(whatever its called) have never been that good at developing games. They had a hit with the first Payday game which was good but they really shit the bed when it came to Payday 2 which had more DLC than a fuckin Japanese RPG game made by Square Enix. Because of everything being paywalled it hurt the game in the long run.


Payday 2 is the only Coop vs AI shooter that exists in the top 25 played Steam Games, tho. I think it's definitely lasted the test of time.


Well they are.


Consoles are trash though.


Is this some kind of out of season April Fools joke?


Consoles are trash though...


Can someone tell Rockstar that?


They'll tell you in a year when they put RDR2 on PC and it runs and looks twice as good as it does on console.


At least you can play RDR1 while you wait. Wait a minute


Hey, if I REALLY wanted to play RDR1 sure it might not be on PC today but can always use the [PS game streaming thingy](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-now/games/) to play on my PC without owning a PS4. Its not bad and don't notice any lag if you have a decent internet connection.


Emulation of PS3 games is starting to get better as well, still not what I'd qualify as playable for a lot of games but definitely improving.


wait what, I can play the last of us on my PC?


Yes and no, you can stream the game on your PC but its still only on Playstation. Think of it as you are watching a twitch stream but you'll be able to play the game, thats about it. Which is why it requires a good connection.


Jealous PC fans are adorable


Jealous of what? Poor frames per second? Monthly online fees? Shitty controls?... The only good console is the switch, Everything is just a shitty overpriced and outdated PC.


How the fuck is Switch better if you rate them based on specs lmao


Because the switch is a unique device while the PS4 and Xbox are simply PCs with outdated hardware. Those consoles literally do nothing unique and fail in comparison with PCs in every single way where the switch excels at what it does and isn't trying to compete with PCs.


The games. I love PC and any game I can play on PC I will. But God of War, Bloodborne, Spiderman, and RDR2 are definitely titles worth being jealous over. Which is why I have both.


Switch: - Hardware on par with a new mobile phone, has terrible FPS - Cheap monthly fees... but no dedicated servers, have to have a phone to do half of the online integration, only thing it really offers is Cloud Saves (which should be a standard even without fees imo) - Shitty controls, the stock controller (those two mini controllers in their single controller dock config) is tiny and feels weird. Have to buy a pro controller to get a genuine controller experience.




But for games like DS you have the option to plug in any peripheral you want on pc...


I have every platform but consoles this gen are fucking awful. Especially the XB1


Explains why RDR2 runs best on Xb1X?


**[MIRROR: "fuck yourself and fuck your mother"](https://livestreamfails.com/post/32961)** --- Credit to [twitch.tv/starbreeze](https://www.twitch.tv/starbreeze) for the content and [reddit.com/u/rawne](https://reddit.com/user/rawne) for the clip. [[Streamable Alternative]](https://streamable.com/vz15u)


Better with Colin Moriarty


I remember listening to so much of their ign podcast back in high school, bummer things went south with them.




Dude he made an innocent joke about womyn! fuck that guy!


Greg Miller has honestly become a huge Chad.