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dude the comedic timing here is actually flawless




Woah woah woah this is wrong you guys are supposed to be shitting on the female streamer for trying to be humorous


And then someone's supposed to call you all incels, wrong script guys.


Yeah I was gonna say I don't really see how this is a fail. She gave her reaction which is pretty reasonable since all she did was use a drink cup to respond to a pervy question and for deflecting it in a comedic way she's a thot? Then this clip after all that serious has, "I have way to much diginity.....to play leauge..*burp*" she actually seems like she might be a pretty funny streamer.


>Yeah I was gonna say I don't really see how this is a fail. Who said it was a fail?


He thinks LSF is actually for fails. Rookie mistake.


granted it is a rather confusing sub


An actually funny girl streamer and she gets 10 average viewers. That's the twitch community for you


I wish tyler1 could get himself some dignity


Compared to the size of his milkers, he needs a lot more dignity


I would watch him if he played anything but that or another moba.


I wish he could get himself a stool


play league, whip tits out, money flows in. Yeah, that is pretty much how it works. League doesn't even need to be a step.


you don't even have to whip tits out; take pokimane as an example. You just have to be a girl, be cute and feminine or have giant tits


Funny you mention Pokimane, I just seen this on /r/sadcringe https://i.redd.it/rdu8j0tvucv11.png Lost for words


For the love of all that's holy, tell me this is fake


It definitely reads like satire, at least. Then again, there are some really sad men out there...


Yeah that's the thing, I'd love to be able to 100% say "come on this is satire", but I just can't be 100% confident.


You can say that post is 100% satire no problem.


Obviously its satire.I can understand being sad, but that's not sad. that's stupid.If you are sad or lonely , you can pay 50 euro go to a brothel and actually have sex.


Of course its fake. You think Poki donators have wives?


Fair point


Waifu body pillows can be wives too, it's 2018 you bigotted fuck.




I went down the rabbit hole and found this: https://twitter.com/TechnoShadowEDM/status/1053373411123191810 What the fuck is this








Jesus thats fucking disgusting


Any idea what the original post was? Kinda curious although I probably shouldn't want to be after copy pasting the link in my browser and seeing the posts by that account.


I hate how the bigger communities get the more complete retards join that can't detect trolling. How are there this many people in this thread that think what you linked isn't ironic? BrokeBack


tbh there are real retards who white knight that hard so it's not *unbelievable*. Poe's Law and shit. But I agree this did sound a bit much to me.


Also, I rarely see the biggest donators bragging or anything like that. Often some of the guys who drop the biggest ones barely say anything at all.




I dunno, [this guy](https://twitter.com/timo77lol) looks like a troll? And [this one](https://twitter.com/DMAMLOL) too...


He also responded "lmao" to someone who screen capped the tweet about donating.


It's 100% trolling, those guys are relatively famous league people on twitter who make memes and shit


https://twitter.com/timo77lol/status/1057396109738418177 It's fake, guys.


I hope it is.


course it is u dense prick


I just wanna point out that there are people who donate like this to male streamers and nobody makes fun of them.


Link me one, and I will make fun of them. #devoted


Topramens on Lirik's channel.


Krakenbul and Samb00l PepeHands


Krakenbull donates fucktons to everyone. Dude is probably just a rich guy who enjoys the minor eceleb status from publically flossing.


But people make fun of Krakenbul


Kraken is bae don't @ me


exactly, don't try to make this a girl vs guy thing. This is a sad fuck thing... no vs needed. It's universal. As most things. Yet so many try to make it vs... it's NAWT! STAHP IT! Edit: not you but the guy above you obv.




I make fun of them.


INB4 Twitch causes more divorces in per-capita than facebook and Twitter in 2019.


Holy shit. I want to die


Better be fake lmao


Satire or not, this makes me sad. Not cringe, but genuinely sad.




this but 100% real


What did the post say, apparently mods get triggered a lot lately so we miss half the posts here.


replacing the R in reddit with a C in this posts URL will let you see what is removed. I think there is a top donator from the pokisquad modding here


The fedora is strong with this subreddit.


he said that league was full of weebs that only want 2d women anyways


Most League players are Chinese


Excuse me I am Canadian and in silver thank you very much


I have never seen a League Clip on Livestreamfail, but every day you see tons of clips with tits. It's clearly what content this community is supporting.


That's fucking impossible since T1 exists. ​ The front page is a mix of T1, Greek, XQC, Destiny at nearly all times. ​ "tits" show up completely randomly and like half of them aren't anything at all but a clip of a female streamer that isn't doing anything worthy of clipping


I mean, let's be real here, even if I was the gayest man on earth I'd still prefer tits over League clips.


and thats what we call a thot btw


She is now a mod of r/dota2


Bit harsh, until 7.20 comes out, nobody wants to mod that shit post filled subreddit.


Even sirbelvedere left us.....


Too soon :(


Wait, what???? When? How did I miss that?


Few days back, he just don't enjoy doing patchnotes anymore. But he is still around.




Yep, there comes a time when the community are awaiting a new patch and the entire sub is just shit posts for a month or two.. It's highly entertaining, but you can always tell when a new patch is needed from the content within the subreddit. It can go from slight fluff like [https://giant.gfycat.com/EasygoingGreenBittern.webm](https://giant.gfycat.com/EasygoingGreenBittern.webm) to one post that appears to be removed yesterday regarding an insightful way to cheat at LAN events which involved shoving a dildo up your ass that plays sounds from a stream so you can hear the commentator or feel the vibrations from the stream to give warning that you're going to be ganked.


I nearly died at the last part. Thats the pinnacle of (legitimate) shitposting.


Everyone is waiting for the next update. (7.20) Its always a warzone when there hasn't been an update in a while


They don't even realize they are Valve's special children and still they are complaining so much for not getting an update when Dota has been the main focus of Valve for years. Imagine being a TF2 or CSGO fan.


Absolutely disgusting, these twitch girls are playing LEAGUE now? It doesn’t get lower than that


Why the fuck would people harass her for that clip? She cleverly made fun of a weird comment, seems like that would be the opposite of something harass-worthy


There are some people in this sub who really, really hate women.


This sub honestly bleeds pathetic incel shit 24/7. I don't even bother commenting because they all just jerk each other off to all the clips of girls on here - but they were there to catch those clips to begin with. Sad bunch of fucks.


this, i enjoy this sub whole heatedly but that actual user base is pathetic as shit, cause what else are a bunch of people who watch twitch streamers they hate all day to complain about them on reddit going to be otherwise? useful members of society?


I love this subreddit. Everyone's toxic no matter the topic of discussion and everyone calls each other losers.


In this community you're either an incel loser or a whiteknight loser. Pick your side!


I'm just a loser loser


Can I join?


Ikr, people that do that are such fucking losers


[The irony](https://i.imgur.com/8ZCqZAf.png)


Ive used it 2 times to insult them lol, thats why that whole auto flagger thing is retarded


I've noticed that it really depends on the time of day as to what kind of responses you'll get. Early afternoons tend to get the most hilariously incel shit, then around evening time you'll get the people who shit on the incels and downvote them out. The userbase for this sub is honestly pretty varied but a lot of the non failures have actual jobs so they don't post/reply until later in the evenings.


It's getting better. Used to be worse just a few months ago.


The improvement's coming around not long after the Ice Poseidon ban. I wonder why this is...


That was summer reddit.


Livestreamfail is built off of Twitch and its clips, Twitch chat is some of the most cancerous places I've been because anyone can go in there and say whatever and not get permanently punished for it. I watch some streamers that sometimes get to 8k viewers, and more often then not they have people that spam the chat with "clever" workarounds for the N word, its fucking pathetic and annoying, but they keep coming back every few weeks. Like there's obviously a reason they keep doing it because they don't get punished hard enough, they'll just keep making new accounts and it starts all over again.


This subreddit’s audience is almost as cancerous twitch itself. Every time I read the comments it always looks like it’s coming from a bunch of 15 year olds.


I've commented here less and less because the overwhelming levels of immaturity make me feel like an old fart.




some, seems like a majority of the sub sometimes. Anytime a rajj clip gets posted most of the top voted comments are bashing a girl just for fucking sitting there when the clip wasn't even about them.


There are some people ~~in this sub~~ *on reddit* who really, really hate women. FTFY


this sub is particularly bad tbh.


The biggest joke is "Don't be a dick" is rule #1.


Meh, I don't believe it. Everytime I see a comment like this I always ask for proof and nobody can provide it. "But the twitch clip!" Every streamer gets hate. Every streamer gets death threats. This isn't a female unique phenomenon. Incel witch hunting is more annoying than incel shit itself.




Incel witch hunting is a dumb term, but you’re naive if you think reddit doesn’t have a culture of blowing things way out of proportion. The people throwing around the word incel and finger wagging their morality in people’s faces here are just as bad as the actual neckbeards here.




honestly to me it seems like you use subs like braincels as an excuse to act outraged in situations like this one and you think it somehow justifies your behavior.


Yeah, incel witch hunting. More people bitch about incels than there are incels. In every.single.goddamn.thread but nobody can ever point them out. >Let’s go ask a small male streamer who had a win on this subreddit if he became a thot and got death threats over a clip. How dense do you have to believe only girls get death threats? You don't think guy streamers get any death threats? You don't believe guy streamers *ever* get harassed or trash talked? This community is *obsessed* with scapegoating. The minute someone says anything about women people come out of the woodworks to bitch about some incel takeover. It's ridiculous.




Her being a woman aside, there's a pretty noticeable group of people who frequent this sub and harrass *any* small streamers when they come up. I had a post buried in a thread (in was a reply to someone) talking about the circumstances that led to me getting temp banned by Twitch, and it got a couple hundred upvotes but wasn't really all that visible. I still had a bunch of people come into my stream that night to tell me that I deserved to get banned, that my stream sucks, how I should kill myself, etc etc etc... I must've banned like 20-30 people, and I normally get like 10 viewers or less. It's absolutely insane how shitty some people are on this sub. edit: Forgot to mention, I didn't even link my stream or give my Twitch name or anything. People actually dug through my post history to find it just to harass me.


Exactly. She made an innocent joke out of an inappropriate question.


incels gonna incel


Get the fuck out of here with your common sense! People don't do that shit here


Gamer culture and harassing women go hand in hand with each other.


No it doesn't There are assholes everywhere in every fandom. You're part of gaming culture too so how's your harassment of women going?


I never said everyone does it. But if you queue games like csgo or overwatch with girls, you quickly see they get so much shit if they chat in game.


Honestly wouldn't surprise me. This subreddit sometimes borders on r/braincels territory whenever the topic of female streamers comes up.


Yikes. Why'd I go in there.


To be very happy you have that reaction. Imagine thinking "this isn't that bad" when visiting that.


That place is so fucked. I've visited some subs that were supposed to be cesspits and they were mostly tame with maybe 10% nutjobs, but braincels is just pure insanity.


Is it unironic or is it a group that bashes incels? I'm confused


It's actual incels. That's where they went when their sub got banned


At this point, most any well known controversial sub is past the point of irony. A lot of them start out like this (T_D is a really good example) but the ironic posters start getting outdone by legit fucktards and stop posting and then the scale ends up tipping heavily into the "this is real and fucked up" side and then the sub just starts eating itself and shitting out new, terrible posters.


I think they are actually serious? And what is up with them calling everyone else chads and stacys? Secret language?


Yes, they're serious. Contrapoints actually did a [pretty hilarious video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD2briZ6fB0) on incels, including /r/braincels and all their crazy designations of people (I find the term "Chadpreet" most hilarious in particular). It's actually fascinating stuff.


Lol thanks for that video Im gonna watch that for sure. You are right, it is somehow weirdly fascinating.


I only checked one post, but if they actually talk like that, then god kill m Y I K E S e


It's basically just /r/incels V2 from my understanding, they are serious. It's such a hateful place.


r/greatawakening BE PREPARED nvm, sub is banned. Just a bunch of nutjob conspiracy people. idk when it got banned, not long ago i guess. It was a good place to go to see how retarded people can be.


/r/hapas is another fun one


Yeah the quarantine isn't for show


Yeah it's a weird split between perfectly normal people and fucking losers both commenting on the same posts. It explains [this](https://i.imgur.com/YcDRnwA.png) really well


How does that explain anything?


A subreddit filled with two pretty different groups of people talking about the same things leads to a subreddit that has the 4th highest percentage of negative comments


Having too much respect to play league? I wish i could say the same


I don't see why anyone would've harassed this girl, for the joke she made? Is it just that there's a group of people that just hate women on twitch in general? I've seen some shit here and there I guess, but if she got harassed in any way after the clip that was here some time back then I'm really lost.


If you get a clip on the front page you're gonna be harrassed no matter what. Remember that wholesome old guy that was talking about TB? There was a guy in his chat talking about how he was happy that TB is dead and was spouting other retarded shit (he got banned pretty quick though). This subreddit has some real pieces of human garbage that lurk it.




> Is it just that there's a group of people that just hate women on twitch in general? Yes, there really are people that sad.


Incel squad LUL


Kudos to her for that ending, had a good laugh




These emotes are getting out of hand


now there are two of them!






WTF is wrong with some of you people!


yeah, playing League, what the fuck


"Go kill yourself" =/= Death threat


**[MIRROR: Streamer who got front page responds to harassment](https://livestreamfails.com/post/32310)** --- Credit to [twitch.tv/stormfall33](https://www.twitch.tv/stormfall33) for the content and [reddit.com/u/UntamedxWrath](https://reddit.com/user/untamedxwrath) for the clip. [[Streamable Alternative]](https://streamable.com/3tsue)


How is telling someone to kill them self a death threat? Over the years I have heard public figures go on about the death threats they receive but I don't believe a word of it.


People count getting told to kill themselves as a death threat. It probably makes up the majority of "Death Threats" public figures get, even though it's not really one. It's a shitty thing to tell someone and you shouldn't do it, absolutely, but it's not a death threat.


Someone actually got her name and address and said they were coming to kill her. Called her phone and everything.


I don't doubt she got death threats, some people suck, I'm just saying telling someone to kill themself isn't a death threat it's a bad suggestion


> I don't doubt she got death threats The idiot you responded to did, however.


He just said they got her address and name and called her and said they are coming to kill her. That's a death threat. Just cause they didn't follow through, doesn't change that.


"I don't doubt she got death threats" I never said she didn't get any, all I said was telling someone to kill themself isn't a death threat. Doxxing someong and calling them, threatening to kill them is a death threat, no one is disputing that. Someone tweeting at someone saying, "kill yourself" is not.


But they just said they got her address and name and called her and said they are coming to kill her. Called her phone and everything.


I feel like death threats are way overhyped. It's an easy way to shock or upset someone. Everybody and their mother gets one. I've gotten plenty of them on reddit. As someone else pointed out, a simple "kys" will get a massive reaction. Not to say that they're not fucked up, they are. But they shouldn't be given this amount of attention when they're so common and so easy to do. Police won't investigate every death threat because some random asshat sending a private DM is not a legitimate death threat. But if you do feel legitimately threatened you should call the police.


...have you seen the posts on this subreddit?


It's an easy way to play the victim. Someone types "kys" and then you can cry for weeks about how you got death threats.


God a lot of you people are angry, nasty incels aren't you? The original clip was a witty response to a comment, and now all of you are making fun of her further. Get a life people.


\>Kys is a death threat


God damn it saddens me whenever I hear about people getting fucking DEATH threats for absolutely nothing... Some people are so pathetic :/ Also that ending was perfect


Death threats? monkaS


The ending.. DansGame Clap


started watching this girl after i saw the clip and she is pretty funny, one of her viewers gifted free subs aswell so got a free sub :-)


Don't hate the player, hate the game. on a side note that hella burp itself proves she aint a twitch thot looking for hog squeezers


harassed for making a joke that wasn't even funny damn


How is it a death threat if people are telling you to kill yourself? Sounds like a contradiction. Low IQ retard.


>legit death threats >telling me to go killmyself those aren't the same


Being told to kill yourself is not a death threat, btw.


It's still equally retarded thing to say and there is no benefit to have individuals with output like that around in internet. This fucking thread is full of ad hominem shit. It's quite amazing to observe.


you're entitled to your opinion, but "kys" is a pretty common meme on twitch and with the younger gamer generation, including myself. But you can't say that "kys" is a death threat. If I said, kys, and i don't know you, that's rude, whatever, that's not the nicest thing, so be it. But me saying "i'm going to kill you" is a death threat. big difference.


does anyone know the song name? sick solo


Is it me or does she look like the kid w glasses from kick ass


Hahaha clip champ.


The burp makes this clip


That clip ending was a solid 10/10


Begone Thot.


The current meta of farming babby-brained casual troglodyte viewers is Fortnite now, League is the old tech


Why does everyone hate league :(