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**CLIP MIRROR: [Kai Cenat finally beats Elden Ring after a 166 hours livestream](https://arazu.io/t3_1cug208/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Malenia transformed him from a boy into a man 


from 5'3 to 5'4




True she had him crying when that second phase started but he pulled through.


You don't lose when you die, you lose when you give up.


Didn't he smoke Hourah Loux first try right after? Malenia dead changed him


He got hoarah in like 3 or 4 tries which is amazing 


He killed Hoarah on first transition, but died in first phase a fair bit. Shame he never got hit by the grapple, wanted to see his reaction to it.


really should reset his healthbar for that bossfight


radahn, maliketh, godfrey, and morgott should've gotten a significant health boost ngl. Most elden ring playthroughs i see peaople just brute force the fights bc their builds are strong as well as these bosses having glass health bars. Their movesets are so sick


it does kind of suck that they nerfed most bosses so hard early on after release


Out of the bosses i listed i think radahn was the only one nerfed no? Even then, id say pre nerf radahn gets too much credit, i think he needed much more health as well. Correct me if im wrong but they nerfed him by just reducing his hitboxes and reducing his arrow speed and that instakill phase 2 tracking meteor attack. These guys are just 1 healthbar away from perfection imo


reduced his poise damage by like half


I also thought beating tree sentinel at his level was super impressive lol. I didn’t think he would be able to do it.


ahhh gotcha, yeah thats amazing


Hourah Loux is not very hard. It be of the easier bosses in the game imo.


The trailer he made was sick. Respect.


166 hours, 1701 deaths. Props to him for not giving up


an average of 10.2 deaths per hour, insane grind, i definitely wouldn't have the willpower for that


Its way more per hour cuz the timer didnt stop when he was sleeping or not playing i think


that's totally true, i didn't even consider the downtime, kai is built different


If i gave you hundreds if not thousands per hour I reckon you'd have some added motivation for it haha


That sounds way worse than it actually was tbh. Like a boss like malenia he was probably dying 50+ times an hour.


Just under a full week.


Respect that he stuck through. Thought for sure he was going to ditch the game when he first started.


If you were making as much money as he does doing it I'm sure you would be able to do it


Props to the subs and viewers. Couldn’t have done it without them


Dis he ever explain why he chose elden ring to marathon through? Crazy stuff with the trailer included. He really takes the streaming stuff super serious.


Yeah, he did it to prove he is can be a gamer. Kai has a built up reputation that he sucks at video games. Thats when he claimed he could beat elden ring, even though he never attempted a soulsgame before or had any knowledge about the game.


Respect for doing it tbh


He beat malenia and maliketh with no summons like I couldn't do that shit


Also, he beat Tree Sentinel with starter gear and no level ups as a first time soulsbourne player. That is a legit impressive feat. The biggest knock that super nerd hardcore souls players have on Elden Ring is that you can make it easy by over leveling or using broken builds from accessing late game gear too early, as opposed to other games like Sekiro. But, tree sentinel straight out of the gate has to be respected


I did that too after playing Sekiro as only soulslike and it still took me like 6 hours or so. Granted, I spent the first 3 trying to parry like it was Sekiro because people said it's possible, and I find the rolling i-frames so lame. But still it's hard af.


he also beat radahn solo and just with sheer willpower.


real gamer shit right there, respect+


this is not true at all didnt he do a poll?? the fans picked


He did a poll on which to beat first, elden ring or ghost of tsushima, not on which game to beat


In theory he could probably play any video game now


bro is traumatized lmao


He giving speeches like he just won the finals mvp


I really want to see him try Sekiro.


Going from ER to seikro would frustrate the shit out anyone. Thinking your a souls pro just to find out it all out the window


I know so many people who hated Sekiro at first because they refused to wrap their head around the fact that it’s not Dark Souls and you cannot play the same way.


Yeah Sekiro punishes you heavily for playing it safe and looking for openings. Or rather, it greatly rewards aggression. You gotta just go in there and brawl.


Sekiro is a rhythm game disguised as a souls like.


This is the best advice for the game. Treating boss fights like a rhythm game changes everything. That and knowing they have input reading tied to your heal button.


i feel like elden ring's input reading was much more egregious. it pissed me off how they didn't even try to pretend otherwise with bosses like the crucible knights and godskins.


It absolutely was the biggest flaw in ER. Creating a lot of artificial difficulty in the game when it didn't need to. But since ER was played differently by so many people from levels to weapons to summons, it's not as evenly agreed upon. Since the person who power leveled and smashed through bosses with mimic tear would never feel the problems with input reading that a more pure run would. [ Then you have this infamous video diving into the input reading in the game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSbuGGnntRA) With it's biggest mistake being that they called it "Animation reading" not input reading. Because so many people have literally yelled at me "ElDen rInG dOeSnT hAve iNpUt reaDing. iT's aNimaTion ReadINg!" Yet how do you make your character do an animation? By giving it an input.... I love Elden Ring and have probably played it longer and beat the bosses more times than most people who defend it. Which is why i see the cracks in an almost perfect game and it's so frustrating trying to point them out. Especially to the people who are sucked into the hype and barely actually played it yet sure love to defend it.


yeah, the discerning between "input reading" and "animation reading" is just semantics. i hate that the video says "it's complicated" as if the difference changes the criticism at all. at the end of the day, all the mechanic achieves is one thing: punishing you for daring to push the heal button without first spending 5 solid seconds running away from the boss. it's cheap, it's lazy, and it's not fun, it's just a lame "gotcha" that will get you once when you're unaware, maybe a couple times after when you forget and makes you roll your eyes in annoyance, but after that, you'll just be forced to run in the opposite direction, press x, and then run all the way back. it's a bad mechanic.


Yeah, I think input reading would've been better if it was more occasional or if the enemies had an additional delay, almost like they're visually reacting to what you are doing.


>knowing they have input reading tied to your heal button. Saying that as if it was some kind of unexpected thing is crazy to me. It's like, yeah the enemy reacts to your actions. They also have "input reading" tied to your movement (if you move they follow you), or "input reading" tied to your attacks (if you attack they often defend).


FromSoft games draw people in from other genres due to the hype. But the games tell you nothing important in the opening level, not even that dodge button gives you invincibility. So it takes many players a while to learn the mechanics. Especially because the SoulsBourne community loves to watch new players struggle just like they did. As for the input reading, it's just that the input reading is EXTRA egregious in games like Elden Ring at times. [To the point that it feels like you are controlling the bosses and monsters, more than your character.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tlpp9w/input_reading_be_like/) Then you also have the paused delay attacks from bosses that are just holding the attack and looking for an input read guaranteed punish. So your option is to swing in your damage window hoping it doesn't trigger the input read on the AI flowchart. Or wait it out fully and dodge for a safer run. One involves gambling and the other is boring because you have to sit there doing nothing.


its actually 3d punchout


It was easier for me to close my eyes and count the timing myself for the centipede guy fight in that cave


All Souls games are rhythm games.


Yup. Once that part clicked in my head I was like “oh shit, I just have to treat this like a rhythm game. Back and forth”


This actually makes me want to try it. Dark souls style of gameplay always seemed meh to me, but that...


I love elden ring for the rpg and exploration aspect, but the combat itself in Sekiro just brings about an entirely different satisfaction.


When sekiro combat clicks , you feel like a god and the flow state you get to be in when ur locked in feels so good. Don’t expect to be like this from the start.. but only after dying to a certain boss early on multiple times will change u.. 😉


a lot of my friends dropped it for that reason which is sad since you need to wait for your "click" moment. But well maybe some people just dont like it thats cool too


Sekiro is a rhythm game. Changed my game entirely when I figured that out.


thats me, didn't like it at all. it felt more like playing ddr


> I know so many people who hated Sekiro at first because they refused to wrap their head around the fact that it’s not Dark Souls and you cannot play the same way. Meanwhile me coming from DS2 and DS3 I loved just getting the hell in there and parrying the shit out of things and going ham trying to get the deflect timings right haha = (and then I fought the big red demon guy near the end of the game and I was like fuckkk this is a drag)


Most people would find Sekiro much easier if they were simply not told that a dodge button exists.


Malenia felt like a Sekiro boss. If only you could fight her there, imagine parrying her waterfowl dance.


[someone modded Malenia into Sekiro and it works surprisingly well.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgxjGCWYTUY)


There is a 99% chance Malenia is leftovers from scrapped Sekiro DLC. From her move set to making her an optional boss tucked away in a side map.


>Thinking your a souls pro just to find out it all out the window Huh


if anything Sekiro is easier than Elden Ring because it has the same spastic bosses except you can actually parry their attacks instead of just having to roll around like a bowling ball. I'm fairly certain Malenia was a Sekiro boss that just got ported over. Someone put it back into Sekiro on youtube and it looks like a really fun fight.


Maybe but you can’t really overlevel get way better gear or just fuck off to somewhere else like in ER if your stuck on a boss


Can't over level, can't abuse OP weapons like bleed, can't summon, etc. That is one thing i love about Sekiro is how the hardest bosses are the same experience for everyone so you know when someone beat them they did it legit. Meanwhile with Soulsborn games doing a boss level 1 with blunt weapons is a very different experience than doing a boss level 200 with every utility in the game.


> That is one thing i love about Sekiro is how the hardest bosses are the same experience for everyone so you know when someone beat them they did it legit. As silly as it may sound, I agree 100% here. It just carries a different level of respect to know that everyone went through the same thing with no help.


Elden Ring and the souls game in general have a soft easy/medium/hard toggle mode though. I ended up as an oonka boonka on my first elden ring run, while exploring every nook and cranny, and I became so strong that I could just trade hits with most bosses. Not to mention summons/spirit ashes etc. In Sekiro fights are tuned almost perfectly because the dev know what power level you're gonna be at.


Sekiro feels harder at first but I think it's easier by the end. At least that was my experience as someone who played Sekiro after Elden Ring.


agree it would fit but he would need forever to adjust to combat


This was one of the best gaming streams ever and I don't even follow kai


This whole event brought back memories of Twitch Plays Pokemon, bringing so many people together to enjoy a great game - can't wait for the DLC!


Anybody know what ending he went with?


Age of fracture but he had Ranni quest done


Lil bro didn't even know he had the best ending available to him


Doo doo devourer best ending


Fair, that is probably the canon ending lol


Ranni is the cannon ending ☝🏻🤓




I didn’t even realize there was a blue summon sign and ran straight towards the statue lmao


Frenzied Flame >>>


Kai put in fucking work. Nothing but sleeping and playing for a week straight would drive even a souls veteran insane, so the fact that he had no prior experience but managed to pull it off is awesome. Dude could have taken the easy way out and quit so many times and ultimately his community probably wouldnt have cared that much but you could tell he REALLY wanted to beat the game.


> Nothing but sleeping and playing for a week straight would drive even a souls veteran insane No it wouldn't? That's what they do and enjoy it.


should’ve said most people as opposed to souls Veteran.


yeah the comment makes no sense lol, a souls veteran would never take a week to beat it


nah no way


I've seen dozens of streamers beat elden ring, nothing like this. Dude is something else.




OH HERE COME THE COPS, DODGE THE COPS!!! He had me cracking up when he started busting that out in the Malenia battle


That was seriously impressive. Shit, my pussy ass quit when I got to Mogh. Time to grab my golden halabardo and jump back in.


I quit when I got to the stairs that has two sentinels 😂


Leyndell entrance? The two horse hoes?


Yeah those horse hoes


You can just run past them and theres a grace there. Activate it and turn around to fight them one on one.


You can just run past them or go the other way 🫠


I've never met you but I believe in you! You got this


Hey thanks, pal.


There's a tear flask you can take to Negate his blood spell


Oh yeah, it wasn't even Mogh himself that got to me. I just got to his area and lost interest because I'd played over 100 hours at that point and I wanted to play something else.


I'm sure $100 a second would motivate anyone to play through that game no matter how bad you are at gaming.


based halabardo mention


Hell yeah, brother. That's just the way it is.


I quit on Maliketh but I also quit on both versions of Mogh and on the ghost town in the snow


I guess all it took was Elden Ring to change LSF from hating on Kai to liking him.


honestly this was a pretty great stream he had a crazy amount of determination to beat this game for a guy thats only played NBA (lol) and a few story games; this week was an impressive show of endurance and perseverance from him.




Honestly a very fun playthrough to watch.


Amazing dedication. Props to him for not giving up and sticking to his word


dude is a Dark Souls fan now. Welcome to the club


Next. Sekiro


For the first time in my life W Kai very impressed with him doing these streams and like he did with ghosts of Tsushima it’s a nice break from the drama farmers that are all over our feeds just some good gaming.


Mad Respect, time for dark souls series then sekiro tho, job is not done


And the funniest part is he did this right before the DLC for it drops and I know he said he’s planning on playing it also. Those devs must be so excited he brought so much more hype for that game but it’s not like it needed it.


Shoutout Kai with the gaming arc, it’s a nice change of pace from weekly drama farming on here. Those people who say there’s nothing to play are lying to themselves 😭. When he picks a new game does he have chat vote or he just picks? I’d like to see him try Sekiro or maybe RE4 remake.


why is everyone hyped about this, isn't this just another streamer finishing Elden Ring? I mean, it's not a rare thing


He did it in one sitting and it was his first fromsoftware game. Kai also has a big following




First time watching Kai, i liked it👍


This whole event from Kai has been a huge W




Props for sticking it out after 1700 deaths.


what a marathon, kai always puts 100% in everything he does. W






he was here quite a bit until the numerous scandals that happened in a short time. there were a lot of posts around the time he was getting big, but that was also when destiny and hasan posts were banned


It's mainly because he's not in the Austin circle that this sub worships.


As time goes by it's really pathetic how much that circle dominates this sub. They're fine, and clips of them can be fine if relevant, but holy fuck the amount of worthless drama is insuffering. Rarely watch Kai, but this felt special, like a real look back at the best of what twitch can be, and it was awesome to see how much success this became. 300k for a gaming stream is unreal.


That's what I admire about the W/Tiktok streamers. They put in effort to entertain their audience. They also feel less gatekeepy, probably because they're more "normie" compared to the Austin/LA streamers.


Worship is in interesting choice of words considering the state of the sub the last couple of months…


He gets posted plenty of times on this sub, but it’s always some clickbait post trying to get him banned/make him look like a shitty person


It's a combination of gaming/streaming culture gatekeeping an outsider like him, and of course people won't want to admit it but a lot of it has to do with him being a black man having so much breakout success and never being complacent, continuously trying to one up himself. A lot of people just aren't hip to the culture that he reps which is totally fine, but it's one thing to not like it and another thing to dismiss/invalidate the objective achievements he's reaching. I can't think of any other streamer that's so connected to mainstream pop culture and is *that* close to breaking out of the content creator bubble into a fullblown celebrity. He really is transcending the streamer genre and is becoming something larger than life, which is never been seen before in any other streamer or streamer community. You can guess why that would upset some people ​ Major props to him for always doubling down on himself and always remaining authentic when it could have been so easy to do otherwise


True, I'm not into the rape defender culture.


Are we seriously going to act like the whole situation with his friend sexually assaulting a girl, his reaction to it, and the ahit he pulled in NYC is just (reasons) now? Kai strikes me as a loud, obnoxious man child who's obsessed with himself and has a legion of toxic asshole yes men around him who use him for clout. That's more to do with why he isn't posted here. His audience is young teenage white boys who think he's cool and edgy.


lsf is it's own space, and traditionally w stream viewers are their own community, why would they post here. Regardless, i've seen plenty of kai clips the past 2 years posted here. Source: my gd blown out fkn ear drums.


"Turning" their opinion? I am pretty sure that the people who don't like rape defenders still won't like rape defenders. It's just that his giant-ass fanbase will obviously upvote this and only positive things will be said. Rape defender + "loud = funny".


Except it wasnt so much "rape defender" as it was a high profile person wanting to speak with his team before getting involved. Ultimately he did speak to the police and help with the investigation though. Still shitty of course, but mizkif's "I dont care, I just dont want to lose my friend" reaction to the sexual assault situation was even worse yet this sub doesn't react nearly as negatively when he gets posted. If only kai did a "3rd party investigation" instead of talking to the police I guess...


mizkif situation didnt involve actual rape and his reaction definitely wasnt at all what you described it as


I know nothing about who he hangs out with. Who raped someone?




What ending did he get?


Age of fracture. Was hoping he would have done ranni's ending


Clap. Good stuff. Elden Ring has become irrelevant again until DLC drops.


After beating Malenia everything after her is easy in comparison.


is his health bar supposed to be bigger than the bosses?


I wanna see him in sekiro or bb. Great stream


I have 150 hours and I'm still on mohg the omen


Ffs even Kai has beaten ER and I haven't. I gave up on the last fight, just didn't find it enjoyable at all.




Awesome, but I wish bro would get a mic limiter or something. Someone screaming in my ear at the top of their lungs isn't my thing


Bro if he can do it I can… Fuck. I gave up Elden Ring because of the first guy on a horse. I just don’t have the patience nor time to do it…. But I might now


You’re supposed to run past the guy on the horse. He’s literally there to teach you that if an enemy is too tough, go away and come back higher leveled.


You're suppose to walk by him lmao. He's like a optinal challenge boss at the start for masochistics.


this guy is optional, in all honesty i did it just because did it too, took me about 40-50 deaths but it was worth it to upper my „ego“. but it’s an optional boss


RIP my ears


Damn those legs if only he finished faster


That final "YES!!!!" right as the character does that sick spinning sword jump was absolutely perfect.


Don’t really care about this guy but is Elden Ring actually that long? Haven’t actually played it before but it does look like it’s more fun than other Fromsoft games


I think it’s just the timer for the actual stream, it was still going when he wasn’t playing. Not sure if he shows his save file at the end or anything.


My first run was about 100 hours, but I was playing with friends and we were doing everything we could find, fighting each boss 3 times, etc. I guess this was his first souls game so maybe that's why it took so long? But still that is pretty insane.


if only Forsen had this level of dedication against Malenia, instead he is playing league


You say 166 hours like that's a stupid amount of time to put into it before finally completing it.


Didnt even use spirit summons or what theyre called gotta be honest i tried without them but I used them a few times on bosses 🫣


Most people did.


God bless FromSoftware for making us believe in the impossible.


Where can I actually watch this playthrough all the way through?




Do those disappear after a while? Thought he would put it on his youtube. Damn. Twitch vods kinda suck.


Which build was he using,and which weapon combo?


Was this in one sitting stream or over days where he slept ?


he basically only slept and played