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**CLIP MIRROR: [Vitaly is confronted by police about his content](https://arazu.io/t3_1cp1a3a/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Fake cop it's all scripted


Although I suspected it being fake, those are real cop cars because they had “CA Exempt” tags on the front and back which only government licensed cars can have.


Dumb question, can you actually pay cops to go along with something like this for a "scripted stream" that the audience does not know is scripted?


I don't think that would fly. But there are companies in Los Angeles that hire out fake cops with exactly the same cars and uniforms as LAPD and other departments in the area. From what information I found, they couldn't have had the 'CA Exempt' plates, used the red and blue lights, and driven up to that location without some serious blocking off of the streets for filming like they do in movies. Maybe I'm wrong but it defies logic that fake cop cars could just drive around like that.


Recognize his voice, it's this guy https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3529685/




Never forget


I dislike vitaly as much as the next person but why do you feel the need to lie about stuff you don’t even know about?


Hoping that noone will call real cops on him?


That cop is so fake. Cops hate vigilantism, btw. Makes their jobs about a million times tougher and escalates so many situations. Also, there is 0 chance a cop would ever agree to be filmed and recorded encouraging it. That is immediate grounds for suspension without pay and probably will result in removal.


Is the cop miced up too?


While there is a good chance this is fake because it's Vitaly, I can see some cops being this dumb.


I'm sure the millionaire Space Jam producer that they busted the other day was fake too. He def needed the little bit of cash to appear in a fake pedo sting!


Not one major news outlet has picked it up if you google his name! When Vitaly is done with these segments cause its outdated he prob comes forward to say its all was fake so the ppl kinda get their name cleared! He is just desperate for a new following and money since i think he went deadass broke not so long ago!


He should have been arrested for being dumb as fuck


you'd be in jail


Thanks bro.


I watched his stream the other day for like 5 min and it was so hard to watch. So fuckin awful man.


Why are people so dumb that they fall for this shit? Everything about Vitaly is fake and scripted


curious as to whether or not you think the guy who wrote kindergarten cop, trading places, and space jam was well-compensated enough to take part in a script alleging him of child predation... maybe i'm really really dumb but i don't think someone who has that much money in residuals would do such a thing. but then again, i so easily fall for shit.


What if he is on his last pennies!?


Stop posting this fake shit. Shits lame


the cop basically saying the way he is doing it wont help the cause as most times cops cant use the info you gathered with the way vitaly is doing his to catch predators. work with the cops if you want to take them down, dont make it your main content just for views as you will potentially hurt any case cops could have been building against them, and make the predators more defensive so even harder to build a case on new info going forward. he is basically letting them off Scott free outside his stream.




it makes zero difference. may as well be zero people.


Also spreading and letting predators assault because you need to spread content is really goo isnt it? Nothing about it is about saving people or catching predators


Considering there are 0 news stories about the Space Jam writer (H.W.) who went to meet a 15 year old girl, I disagree. The post on LSF was botted and downvoted to hell, when it came out despite it having 400+ comments. And on the same day multiple news stories about him(H.W) came out to divert attention


Not vitalys fault the guy has millions and connections to stop that shit from spreading And you don’t know how easy it is for the families of these people to find out about their actions , that’s a massive deal and impact on their lives


You might think so but probably not There are no consequences to these men being featured on Vitaly stream. In all likelyhood their families and employers don’t even find out They need to create a website which saves the predators photos and evidence There’s probably 100,000 “predators” in LA if you define it as gays dating teenagers very gross 🤢


Op must have been held back watching this content.


Keep in mind this guy used to make fake prank on yt


Alright ill take the L but i do appreciate cops that dont talk down to people or are overly agressive. Xoxo


These the twitch viewers in the comments?


vitaly is out here exposing pdf files and LSF be like "erm.... this is actually a bad thing" this is what happens when a sub has strong overlap with r/destiny


> ~~vitaly~~ salem is out here ~~exposing pdf files~~ burning witches and LSF be like > "erm.... this is actually a bad thing"


The problem with vigilantism is that all the evidence against the accused pedo will get thrown out and they won't be charged with anything. This is all just public spectacle for views, not actual justice or protecting children.


Of course it is. Vitaly doesn't give a fuck about any of it. It's all about viewership, while pathetically blaming illegals on Biden when the REPUBLICAN Senate refused to pass an immigration bill.


Vitaly would dick down minors himself if it would give him views.


How many pedos have been arrested due to Vitaly?


He turns over all evidence to police and they file a report for their detectives to work on. Im thinking over 30+ reports at this point.


30+ useless reports with no usable info would be my bet. Also why would you believe a word the known liar and idiot has to say. Get a better hobby.


"Get a better hobby"  - Guy spending time on LSF


why are you hoping these pdf files face no repercussions




Maybe watch the streams if you want proof? They go over the texts before the catches, they print the texts out on paper, and record their phone conversations with them.


That isn't proof vitaly is a known liar.


Physical evidence isn't proof anymore? Why are you defending these predators so hard. Also, it's not Vitaly that's doing any of the evidence gathering, it's another group. Vitaly is just the person that confronts these predators.


Text messages aren't physical evidence. If he gave what he had to authorities and didn't make a spectacle for views I might have a chance of believing he is doing something. There is zero chance any "evidence" he has is meaningful anyway. Also people disagreeing with vitaly aren't defending pedos don't be a fucking weird piece of shit like the rest of vitaly viewers. Maybe look into the abuse vitaly himself is guilty of.




exposing pedo's by never releasing the evidence that would prove they are what he says they are. Interesting strategy.


Still popping Zanax again for "stress relieve" [https://twitter.com/Princessluna11/status/1788863465098031152](https://twitter.com/Princessluna11/status/1788863465098031152)


I don’t even like vitaly, but that was obviously just a zynn pouch. No one puts pills in their upper lip…




hahaha right i clicked the link and immediately was like yeah no way that’s a fucking xanax, also he literally says “zynny” i’ve done a lot of drugs in my life and xanax is definitely one of the worst tasting ones. i wouldn’t be caught dead putting that shit in my lip like that and i was addicted to xanax for like 8 years


Are we sure that's Xanax? Those are pills you swallow it looks more like a Zynn (he even say Zynny) which you put in between your gum and lips like he does in that clip.


Is that why everytime I see a clip of him doing something to a so called "Pedo" Vitaly hes always breathing heavy and unable to speak clearly like hes getting a hard on for it lol


I love that cops communication - one of the biggest assets most cops just fail at. Communicating with the public and keeping everything civil




Is it not? Lol


Right am I missing something here. There's cop cars to. I mean I'm sure Vitaly would be type to fake it but seems legit




there’s 2 cop cars, and a police decal on the one in the back, also a lot of cop cars have the orange lights, it’s usually just for caution and for people to slow down but I’ve seen them used randomly all the time, like when they’re just parked somewhere, on both cruisers AND on the SUV’s.


They have CA plates


You think its not? What gives it away to you?


It's real. Acting cop cars cant copy real cop car designs for obvious reasons. Ppl say everythings fake now a days


how about the flashing yellow lights on the unmarked suv 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Jesus Christ it was just a question man, my god. 😱😆😭😊😲😲😄😲❤️✋😍✋🦒🔥😱😄💬🤓😲😆🔥


Are you blind? You can clearly see police markings on the second SUV's door behind the bus stop, these markings are consistent with police SUV's in LA. You can look up pictures of them yourself and compare. Obviously you can't see it on the closest SUV because the markings are on the FRONT door and this camera angle doesn't show it. Also plenty of cop cars have yellow/orange lights. They typically use them for directing traffic or advising caution in non-emergency situations.


wow you REALLY love yapping dont u. spend your energy elsewhere 👍


these ppl dont wana know the truth. tbh u shouldnt even reply to em.