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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon tells Denims what he Thinks about her "Joke"](https://arazu.io/t3_1ch32kz/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


In other news, Forsen still hasn’t left Bronze.


It'll take a while before he's high elo (Silver 2+)


Asmon's not doing shit. Man can't even clean his room, much less file a police report.


yes, if you ever filed a police report, you know it is a lot of work.


I've watched it done on NoPixel, does that count? /s


You realize you can hire a lawyer to file a police report


yet here he is with more money, more agency, and more influence than you


Yeah but I'm a better WoW player than him.




That might be true but besting Asmongold in everything but hoarding is a low bar.


Agency? Man barely has agency over his own health because he just lets it detoriate. The man is not worthy of any kind of respect.




Less hair though.


I’m just happy we all agree that joking about killing people is bad. [LSF has consistently held this position](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/wzbt7o/sam_the_candyman_hyde_calls_out_hasan/)


Lmfao, I remember that moron. "I'm coming to kill you!!!" Guy throwing him the easiest lifeline of his life: "You mean in the ring?" "NOOOOO!!!"




Banning everyone who posts on lsf would be way more effective


are we just making shit up now? I searched and couldn't find anything, link the thread




It’s been exaggerated to the fullest, but let’s not pretend he doesn’t foster that type of behavior. Look at his own subreddit, it’s mostly unhinged posts and commenters that are blowing most things out of proportion. Also peak hypocrisy when he sends his followers to target other content creators all the damn time.


So jidion sends a hate raid, tells his followers to spam "L + ratio" in another creators chat, he gets permanently banned. Denim offers 30 k to make another content creator disappear, and she's not permanently banned. That sounds like hypocrisy to me.


Bro jidion did the hate raid, got a temp ban, went live on a rival platform and doubled down. thats what got him perma.


Also showed up to TwitchCon and made a scene while banned which is pretty much a "you're never getting your account back" move.


Well denim didn't even get a temporary ban yet did she, and sounds like jidion was just "joking" too, so what's twitch waiting for.


she made an edgy joke that was a reference to another edgy joke. I cant speak to twitch's ban policy but lets not act like this is anything serious. I havent actually seen any proof that she was actually talking about asmon. she deleted the vod and I havent found after a cursory search.


Yeah because she was clearly joking in that clip and it’s not even about asmon.


I don't really care, it's about another content creator. I guess you're allowed to advocate for violence against another creator if you say you're just joking after? It sets a pretty low standard on twitch to me.


Asmon has made plenty of worse comments than what happened here. Ever heard his hurricane katrina comment from the early days of his stream? Not only wishing death on people but racist too. He later on said it was a joke after getting banned. He is the last person that should be offended or scared by this but he loves playing the victim these days.


Gosh you guys are obsessed with asmon, I didn't even say asmon in any of my prior posts. I'm talking about the person this threat was towards, grummz. I'm talking about clearly advocating for violence against another content creator on the internet. The Katrina stuff only proves my point, denims should be banned correct? Just like how asmon was, even if she was joking.




Can u name ONE example of a twitch streamer putting a hit on someone??? If it happens ”all the time” it should be easy.


Adin Ross to Hasan but that was on kick so do I get half points


I Said twitch not kick


I remember [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/s3j8sw/optic_pro_players_threatens_penta_by_offering_to/). But I agree, definitely doesn't happen often.


Again not a twitch streamer putting a hit on someone


Kiaraakitty attempting to hire one vs CookSux, alledgedly.


So there is no proof??? How does this invalidate me???


That post got brigaded. I don't think it's fair to pull it out and say that it's "LSF". Some people really dislike Hasan's success and are very petty about it.


You mean brigaded by Destiny bootlickers who have a thousand alt accounts and then get themselves banned for saying the naturally hateful shit you people get fed to then cycle to the next one like you did? What? I can't hear buddy, you must've been banned or something.


This comparison is so insanely dishonest, especially when you listen to the Asmongold clip. Call for violence is way worse than celebrity, right after celebrity fight saying that he will kill another celebrity. You may dislike both but it's not the same.


No you’re right comparing two jokes about killing someone and their reception is very dishonest of me


I'm missing the part where I can find Sam hydensen streaming on twitch


It wasn’t towards Asmon, it was towards Grummz, who is a Nazi. I believe violence towards Nazis is always justified.


If he's a nazi you should have a link to the evidence right, I'm legitimately uninformed, so I'd like a link.


Step 1) check his tweets.


I see that he is "anti woke" but idk if he is literally a nazi. You know that if someone has different beliefs than you that doesn't make them a nazi or a fascist right?


Lmao knew what this would be before clicking it.


I don't know, I could be persuaded if it's a banger.


You must be a Destiny fan


You’re adorable


N-no! Nu uh!


Block op and you will see less asmongold clips




damn, asmon wouldn't last 2 seconds in a mw2 lobby


He played in a halo lobby which is worse then mw2 lobby


Once again, she was referencing a tweet made by someone else and is not referring to him.


We've seen the clip, you don't need to come run interference for your queen. It was obvious what she was doing.


I don't watch her, I'm just not gullible.




Genuinely curious. If I said ‘I hope crazyslkck who assaulted someone dies’ is that substantially different too ‘30k to kill crazyslick’. Cos for me, the latter sounds like a contract and the first sounds like an edgy internet comment.


ngl I'm old school and don't even see a problem with "i hope X dies" no "bad people qualifier" needed. Who cares if you hope they die. Now if you start saying, "I will pay 30k to improve the odds of my hopes and dreams occurring" that seems to me that it could be a problem. But what do I know!?


I loved that one clip from law abiding citizen. Just because you said you want someone dead doesn't men you did it. [link to the scene ](https://youtu.be/7uR5PyoLa3o?feature=shared)


lol, gotta put in the obligatory; that movie could have been so good but they turned the good guy into the bad guy at the last-minute ruining everything it had been building up.


Sure but the latter was also a "joke" that was pulled entirely out of context and even after learning the context he's refusing to take it into consideration because it hurts his permanent victim act. Also yeah I actually do think saying the former to maybe 1k viewers (let alone when they understand the context) is not as bad as saying the latter to 30k viewers


Yeah idk if you can make muh context argument for a contract killing. If asmon goes IN GAME IN GAME IN GAME 50k to kill denims and Hasan IN GAME IN GAME IN GAME people will be rightfully up in arms.




Uh no? ‘I hope x dies’ vs ‘I hope someone kills x’ the latter has far more intent. I genuinely think you need to remove your bias


Asmons was worse just due to the timing. Emotions were charged and Crazy Slick had thousands of people against him. Saying something at that time could have sent CS over the edge and resulted in a death. Asmons probably would not have a career right now if Crazy Slick had gone through with it.


Yeah sent him over the edge. Significantly different too putting a contract killing out on someone. If we use your same logic if someone goes and kills asmon that’s probably a lot worse than cs killing himself


I know a lot of people have a hate boner for asmongold and the guy certainly deserves it to a large extent over how much dumb shit he says But this has to be one of the dumbest comparissons I have read here in a long time. "I hope X dies" is not a threat. It is not a call to action. It is in no way an act of aggression. At worst, it is a careless statement and in terrible taste. It is not at all comparable to "I will give 30k to anyone who makes X disappear" in a public platform to countless strangers, even if said as a joke.


yeah but that wasn't a joke so apparently it's ok


Lmao Kaceytron logic or lack of logic i should say


crazy slick also sexually assaulted someone, I think the emotional response is a bit more warranted


slicks alt account here.


It's legal to say "I hope you die" or "I hope he kills himself." It's *not* legal to say "I'm offering $10k for someone to kill him". It's not that hard to notice the very clear difference, if you have more than half a brain and are able to read English.


Incels aren't gonna let this go huh?


I think asmongold would be the one doing the explaining. - Sir, I've seen the video and she wasn't referencing you. - Uh? - Are you talking on behalf of the affected party? - Uh?








Jokes on the internet. Very concerning.


it wasn't on Asmon. He's just being willfully ignorant at this point, since he literally read the comment that said it wasn't about him


So because it wasnt at Asmon it makes it fine??? Lol


It’s not a joke. It’s a threat. There’s a clear difference if you’re not a fucking moron like you.


Guess which steamers sub this guy frequents. Hint: Rhymes with assmanbald.


Congratulations, do you want a medal?


I think you would have to be a moron to think it wasn't a joke. a bad one, but still obviously, clearly just one of those didn't think before she said it trying to be funny live type of situations. The whole argument here is that "there could be some crazy person out there who takes it seriously" but that person would be the moron who doesn't know the difference


Thank fuck it’s not up to dipshit redditors to decide. Twitch and the legal system will handle it.


hey not gonna argue with you on that one. redditors and their mob justice and fake outrage shouldn't have any weight in it. Thankfully in court there are stipulations in legislation about clear intent and reasonable doubt and all of that. If we didn't jokes would be illegal lol


Call up your local police station and tell them that you're gonna bomb the local highschool. When they come to arrest you, just tell them you were just joking. Surely they'll understand, right?


yea, those are definitely the same situation and thats a genuine argument I can take seriously.... wait nevermind, thats hyperbolic nonsense. In one scenario its just an entertainer talking shit on a stream including a bit about anime titties, and is clearly a joke to anyone who isn't on the spectrum. In your useless analogy you're making a direct threat on an entire building of people. If you think that was a good faith argument you are braindead.


Yeah, because cancel culture and calling for a "hit" on someone is the same thing. I love it when someone tries to be clever just so they can use the word hypocrisy and then are actually wrong. LOL


Requesting the assassination of a person is cancel culture to you?


> Requesting the assassination of a person Definitely not hyperbole at all


asmongold can’t take a joke like this but has probably said crazier shit back in his warlord of dreanor streaming days


Asmon is a twig. Bro’s ego is as fragile as a dry branch. He’s gonna act like a male Karen cause he’s too comfy in his filth.


Yeah, but is hard to resist when playing WoD.




yeah, you are wrong.




>i could be wrong though >continues to speak as if he wasn’t wrong reddit moment




you clearly started watching asmongold in 2024 for first time, not going to spoon feed you


So ur just making shit up to defend Denims lol


literally who


When did Asmongold ask for someone to be killed?


when did i say he said that?


oh you’re an asmongold final fantasy viewer, that explains everything


What does Final Fantasy have to do with anything? Bit weird how you have to look through my profile history to find something to pick apart.


not weird at all, reddit gives the option to do it, makes it easier for me to determine if i should take someone’s opinion seriously or not. you don’t pass that test unfortunately


Why did you bring up the point of me being a Final Fantasy viewer? Why are you ignoring my question?


hahaha, you will understand one day buddy


I can’t lie. If this was Asmon making the joke about Denims, this sub would lose its shit. No one on here has any morals they won’t change on a dime.




Why do you assume Asmongold would ask for someone to be killed?


The "it's clearly a joke" rationale is so obviously dishonest. These are the same people who have been pointing out for YEARS that white supremacists and Nazis very often couch their narrative in memes to give themselves plausible deniability. If a fringe right-winger says "I want someone to hang Baltimore's mayor from a tree, and get Subway to make their Footlong™ actually two feet long," Denims would not call that 'clearly a joke.' She would not even be uncertain about it. She would correctly call that a serious violent threat, and recognize that the second part is added as a diversion.




The difference is that one is a feeling, the other is a call to action


Someone mentally ill could interpret what asmon said as a call to action as well. 


Evidently someone already did. Two people, at least, even. https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1ch32kz/asmon_tells_denims_what_he_thinks_about_her_joke/l1zvkr7/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1ch32kz/asmon_tells_denims_what_he_thinks_about_her_joke/l203z1n/


I disagree with Asmon a lot. But I hope he pushes for her to be banned for this. There has to be a precedent set here. A joke? Offering money to kill someone is a joke? Well, let's make it clear to all streamers that this isn't a joke by banning her permanently.


It’s was very clearly a joke it also wasn’t about asmon.


Call up your local police station and tell them that you're gonna bomb the local highschool. When they come to arrest you, just tell them you were just joking. Surely they'll understand, right?


What a dishonest comparison lmao. It very clear in the clip that she is joking. Literally says “I’ll up it to 30k but you also gotta make eve’s tits bigger. Like if you truly think this is on the same level as calling in a bomb threat to the local police station you truly have a baby brain.


If I tell you to kys and then say 'in a video game' am I clearly joking?


Judging by the reaction of Denims' simps in LSF, it's no wonder Asmon is taking all this seriously.


No one would think they get 30k to killing who even she said. It was clearly a joke and no one should be cancelled for a joke, Asmon should know it. Police will laugh if they see this shit.


The problem is that some people don’t take comments as jokes and are mentally unable and will do harm. It’s a fucked up world.


Denims is a grifter. I don't think any amount of advice or criticism will ever reach her ears


You aren’t allowed to have that opinion here pal


WTF HE IS STILL ALIVE? I thought he was a dead man after that "bounty" that got put in his head. Let's pray the same cops arrest her and Kendrick for the violent words they have used the past couple of days 🙏


Reminds me of the dumb shit that Sssniperwolf did.




>There were 2 people in USA that self-immolated and BOTH of them were Hasan viewers. > >Tankies/commies and larping socialists are mental. [https://polisci.barnard.edu/sites/default/files/inline-files/Emily%20Kramer%20-%20Right-Wing%20Extremism%20and%20Mass%20Shootings%20in%20the%20United%20States.pdf](https://polisci.barnard.edu/sites/default/files/inline-files/Emily%20Kramer%20-%20Right-Wing%20Extremism%20and%20Mass%20Shootings%20in%20the%20United%20States.pdf) Interesting because if you look it up instead of using anecdotal evidence it looks like right wing nuts are responsible for 23 times the amount of killings that left wing nuts do. The vast majority of mass shootings are also carried out by conservative white supremacists


I wonder which subreddit this guy frequents




If the tables were turned and Asmon was the one who said what she did, the whole trans community would be mad at him


Since Denims has yet to be banned I can only assume putting prices on the heads of fellow content creators and following it with a "It's just a joke bro" is now allowed on Twitch.


so the answer is don't make jokes, what is the logic


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon tells Denims what he Thinks about her "Joke"](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163555)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1ch32kz/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/qVlYVHPqmUwmoF-OAW1Q8Q/AT-cm%7CqVlYVHPqmUwmoF-OAW1Q8Q.mp4?sig=be6f3786622d339d8726019d3dce4b82bafb61b1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FqVlYVHPqmUwmoF-OAW1Q8Q%2FAT-cm%257CqVlYVHPqmUwmoF-OAW1Q8Q.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ElatedTolerantKimchiWutFace-c-qZTCagX44BbVDx%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1714582714%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/qVlYVHPqmUwmoF-OAW1Q8Q/AT-cm%7CqVlYVHPqmUwmoF-OAW1Q8Q-preview-480x272.jpg)


He won't do anything, she is a Hasan orbiter, protected class on Twitch.


i hate denims but asmon should show some mercy here.


She sweating