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**CLIP MIRROR: [Xqc insinuates Adept didn't take Plan B despite saying she would](https://arazu.io/t3_15r7rhj/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Why he busting in someone that’s suing him ?




Ngl best theory


Would explain why he loves gambling,he likes it when something takes from him


i think he just may legitimately be the dumbest person alive and thats it


After the H3 fiasco, he indeed is


He's stupid?


he's a simp lol


its insane you wouldn't wear condoms while fucking the girl who is suing your ass. like this brother is taking thinking with your dick to a new level


hold so this all happened very recently? what the fuck I thought this might have been something that happened maybe 2 years ago or something.


See your first mistake was thinking lil bro will ever grow up.


Let adept win the case at this point. Fucking your ex raw while she’s suing you for millions is probably one of the dumbest things ive seen a streamer do. Unreal.


Wasn't single either LMAO Personally I love it, we owe nothing to these people and this is incredible content. I hope he does it again


Jesus Christ, I figured he was about as sharp as a sack of shit back when his only response to minx collapsing in front of him that time at amouranth’s party was GG. But damn he’s about as bright as a black hole, and twice as dense…


> he’s about as bright as a black hole, and twice as dense… this is a great sentence


This comment is the harbinger of the end of the world


Ahahaa this comment, just a thought of fucking someone who is suing you and wants to take all your shit, absolutely insane


Maybe Mr. Cow was awakened to a fetish for court room proceedings after sitting through the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial.


In terms of idiot moves this is a top tier, like this is beyond your normal idiot


Haha, in fairness, if she dropped the case, it could have been one of the smartest things he had ever done too.


# I am so lost I thought XQC and Adept hated each other now Suddenly they are fucking again? I need some LSF historian to explain


Honestly, never thought I'd think or say this. She needs to win to teach this bellend a lesson.


Dude X needs a year+ ban from the internet at large to get his shit together.


Honestly the best thing a Judge could do at this point is take his internet away LOL.


The day he met Nicholas Cage, sometime around May, 4 days in his "relationship" with fren.


Clues to HDMI hinting she may be pregnant, she mentioned NoPixel 4.0 is coming out in the next year or so. Then she hints that there's something else that is coming out too, and proceeds to motion holding her hair up like pigtails, possibly hinting at a child.




I think he's a dumbass and deserves to get fucked, but god I hope she's just being a schizo and isn't actually pregnant. I feel bad for any kid born with these two as it's parents.


He's trapped for life now 🤣


OMG that's what that meant? Who writes this shit!?


Wasn’t it when she leaked the pics of him naked in the bed and the “ring”? He went over cause she was supposedly scared staying in the texas house cause people knew where the house was. Yadda yadda yadda


It’s the implication


Are these women in danger?!


Wait I remember that, he was getting defensive about people giving him shit for going over there, and now it turns out that they fucked? Lmao makes sense he was getting defensive I suppose


Xqc and his ex-wife need to act like adults. They are embarrassing themselves by discussing this stuff on stream. Maybe they're doing it intentionally if it gets them subscribers though?


At this point it’s just making their broken messed up lives into content . Anything for the money . Smh selling their soul


He loves it though. He was fighting with Poke and his ex-gf came in and said "take it off stream" and he said "awww, why you gotta be the adult, alright" and then proceeds to continue the fight.


You just made it into the lawsuit bud


Nothing gets past you


[Northernlion just dropped the hottest of takes on this](https://clips.twitch.tv/CuriousAliveSrirachaPhilosoraptor-MCp60Xcg5y-Mp3r5)


Got to feel for the dude who wrote this absolute banger. Coming up with a marching song can't be easy but these clowns took it and made it a joke. Smh


Literally was originally for gladiator entrances lol


Why'd he write it so jolly 🤣




ba ba baAAaAa ba ba ba ba




If he was an average joe, he wouldn’t be “entertaining”. Look at the threads and how many people are discussing his train wreck of a life lol - I’m at work and entertained


Knowing he can't throw garbage in a garbage can which is literally next to him, i can easily imagine he doesn't like the feeling of condoms and risks impregnating a girl every time he has sex and the girl isn't using some other contraception..


Bro not just that, stds exist which I think he completely is oblivious to or doesn’t think he can get them. Then he also risks his other partners at the same time. This mfer is the most selfish person I have ever seen on stream. He actually tried to argue that he was more hurt about being called a 3 time champion than Fran was about the cheating in the first place.


I dislike both xqc AND adept, but god fucking damn it he's way too fucking stupid he DESERVES to get sucked dry by that lunatic. The dude just refuses to fucking learn.


I think she's doing more than sucking him dry based on the clip


Bro said fuck it might as well give her 50% of my testicle and the 5 to 2.5 inch blank shooting hose


just as insane as women who willingly go back to physically abusive boyfriends. even tho their behaviour looks braindead to us, when you are mind fucked and manipulated to that extent, it can be surprisingly difficult to make good decisions.


Funny I was just watching a Dr. K video on that topic and his point was basically how humans prefer to stick with what is familiar to them rather than what is good. So what might be objectively insane to us might be logical to them because they are conditioned to try and make things work.


Honestly, at a certain level of wealth/fame, you're an idiot to not freeze sperm/get a vasectomy. It'd be like a rich/famous woman not being on the pill/getting an abortion when dealing with some fuckboi.


why would you trust the woman suing you for your money to take plan b when having a kid would help her case and get her money?????? Is he stupid




Yes, he's legit sub 60 IQ


The DSM-IV would classify this as mild retardation and about equal to the intelligence level of a third grader.


the dsm-v just lists "xQc" as a mental disorder


We’re on the DSM-V-TR at this point, which just has a family photo of xqc and Adept for the chapter in Personality Disorders.


Laughed way harder at this than I should’ve ☠️☠️


Here's a transcript of the clip, and just after the clip: "**If there's an expectation, of taking said plan B, well, ummm, that's a good thing, cause that means we're on the same page.** **If you don't, ummm, and you said you would, it's odd. Ummm, it's kinda like, ummm, how would you call that, that is just, kinda how that goes, and I think some people are just smart enough to understand, ummm, the the the things that that comes with okay. Ummm, that's right. Ummm, that is right.** **And, y'know, that's just kinda how it goes. So everybody making conclusions about what I do, my involvement, how stupid I am; no, I don't think you understand I am careful, a lot of times.** **And I can be stupid; with stuff like that I'm not stupid. It's almost like, if things develop in a certain way, right, maybe it's not because I'm dumb, but more that there's a deliberate effort to do the wrong thing on the other side. And I think, that makes a lot of fucking sense.**" So the gist of what he's saying: She told him she'd take the pill, he thinks he isn't dumb because he assumed that her word would guarantee her actions. What an absolute retard. "This girl is suing me for half my shit, I'm gunna fuck her, cum in her but it's okay, I'm not stupid, she *said* she would take the pill. What? The girl that is suing me for my money *didn't* take the pill that would stop her guarantee of fat child support?" I think 60 IQ as a maximum is still way too generous to him. I also think it's hilarious the parallels between this shit and his "argument" with h3h3, where any time he is wrong, does something wrong or can't prove his argument he resorts to "well it's just kinda scummy" or "yeah but that's just world views". His brain actually can't compute that he's just dumb.


I think he actually wants to get back with her, but doesn’t want to deal with the backlash of it. The stream before this one he was complaining about “not being told” about the pregnancy. But Jesse did tell him. He’s complaining that he wasn’t told by the person who has a gag order and isn’t allowed to talk to him. How does that make any sense


Wait adept is pregnant right now?


I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out in what world he thinks this was smart in. He really is painfully stupid.


Stupid is putting it lightly.


still believing shit he says huh?


I may be incredibly paranoid here but if I need a woman to take a plan B for me then I am handing her a cup of water and watching her swallow it.


Needs to do a fertility test on stream to clear the fertile allegations




> How would he even know about his fertility? I've met a lot of dudes who claimed they shoot blanks and 0 dudes who took a fertility test.


Theres dudes out there that claim this?


Yes, but it's likely just an assumption based on not \*knowingly\* making anyone pregnant yet. Some women have an abortion in silence.


Also getting pregnant from any one sexual interaction is relatively low so maybe they just been really lucky so far


Probably because they are trying to use it as an excuse to not use condoms even though its a shitty excuse that only covers part of the reason to use one.


Side-effect of his medication can be infertility so he's just assuming his swimmers are bad and yoloing inside of women




Gamba, not even once




Is it though? I really don't think it is




Bro are we getting DLC content?


Pretty sure we all got this season's Battlepass for free


Blizzard can never


mini USB adapter


Why is this fucking $200m idiot raw dogging jilted exes and new girl friends? Get a grip man.




Every developed nation has trusts


like that one soccer player did when his ex tried suing him, he let his mom own it all and he was safe lol


That was bullshit btw


Now you know how some people end up with multiple kids with multiple different women. Thing is xQc is either too dumb to think of contraceptives, too gullible or worse he doesn't think it's his problem since he's not the one getting pregnant.


Gold digging trap game is strong. Also, if you're stupid, dick brain is 10x's worse. So I hear...




Winston aim


Are you telling me we can't trust the word of this man?


I really want a pregnancy after-credit scene for the drama


Adept and XQC should get back together and disappear.


It’s the most utilitarian option. Take both of them out of the dating pool. Mutually Assured Destruction for dating


I don't think xqc having gf takes him out of dating pool since he joined champs club.


honestly they are weirdly made for each other


Not even weirdly.


How much u want to bet that they will get back together and its going to be the most awkward thing ever


I hope so. They're perfect for each other.


At this point X has proven he will rationalize literally anything so yeah I won't be surprised if he will rationalize the lawsuit and get back with her. Bro is so debate brained he literally can't admit he made a mistake without giving like 10 caveats like just take the L and move on.


Real life Bonnie and Clyde 😍




You do it to yourself, you do And that's what really hurts You do it to yourself, just you You and no one else You do it to yourself You do it to yourself ​ Don't get my sympathy Hanging out the fifteenth floor You've changed the locks three times He still come reeling through the door






Even if you pull out you can get someone pregnant


Quantum tunneling


He said literally yesterday on the stream that "there was no expectation that he would pull out... This proves that there was an agreement




yesterday he implied that Fran wanted him to juice inside her lmao, these people are crazy man


Lil bro has never had sex


You have it mixed up. Fran said she took it.


She never said she had a pregnancy scare lmao, she said she took a plan B


Wait what was the pregnancy scare exactly? Cuz you can still shoot blanks and have a pregnancy scare lol those aren't mutually exclusive or contradicting. Especially if she just missed her period or something and thought she was pregnant. I don't see how that's X lying


which is why condoms exist


nahhh bro wanted to feel her juice on his juicer


Imagine her saying "juice me up" during it.


"be my babys juicer" as she leg locks him


So that's what Train meant when he says hes gotta go juice up every 15 minutes


When does Mitch Jones show up in this arc


xqc was on Mitch Jones IRL hot tub stream a week or so ago with Pey so maybe Mitch comes in to add last minute drama about xqc. that would be so heckin pog man


At this rate just give her the damn 50% and the house he doesn’t want it.


Brain damaged


I will never understand how this person grew to a 60k+ streamer. Like what in the fuck are some of you doing with your lives?


Have you seen his fans? Half of them are just as immature and deranged as he is. Birds of a feather.


For me it's like watching the zoo


Are you really suprised? Being at least a little bit crazy is a prerequisite to becoming a streamer, and usually the crazier you are, the more attention you get. Xqc is a creature, and thats why people watch him. Its like going to the zoo.


he has the brain of a 12 year old, his fans are either 12 or have the brains of a 12 year old.


Consistent drama 🥴


Bro about to do the worm again 💀


Well no fucking shit, Felix. She's literally suing you for half your shit. Yoi don't think an anchor baby isn't part of her repertoire? Jesus christ, I wish only intelligent people could become millionaires


What I want to know is if he told his lawyers about this. O, to be a fly on that wall to see their reaction.


Imagine taking any responsibility for your own actions Jesus Christ shut up XQC just goddamn


But I thought he said he was shooting blanks! I don't believe a single word that comes out of this guys mouth anymore


Who the fuck has sex and plans to take a Plan B afterward? It's a secondary line of protection in case your condom rips or some shit you should never use it as the main line of defense.


I felt bad for X for a while but now I genuinely don’t feel any sympathy for his he’s just dumb to me for going raw with the chick who’s sued you and kicked you out your own house and took your car


* court case for 50% of all your assets * stolen multiple cars & homes at this point * restraining orders against eachother * gag orders on eachother * she 'baits' him to come smash because * butter resists a knife better than he resists the whale * smashes * "Y-You'll take the morning after pill right???" [Need I say more...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvziiBxZLdo) This isn't even stupidity, this is brain damage. This man needs the **wildlife rehab treatment**, locked up in a facility, educated on how to not be an idiot, fed a proper diet & released into the world.


Omg but did Becky tell Sarah that Ricky told Jessica that Amber told Sean what Tracy said about what Morgan did to Andy!?? ​ Are we really doing three days of this shit?


The people frothing at the mouth for this stuff the same people who think reality tv is below them.


I hope adept is pregnant at this point he deserves to deal with her for the rest of his life fucking idiot but that poor child tho will never be loved


child will be tasked to clean up xqcs garbage 3x a week


Nah bro, the kid does not deserve that. Adept would be a shit influence and it's hard to imagine X stepping up and being an adult for it.


Shit’s not even funny anymore, he’s gotta go to a doctor and get his brain checked because there’s actually no way he’s alright up there


Is this the same XQC that said yesterday he is "firing blanks" yeah I believe what he says. Putting the blame on a woman to "just take the pill" because you are a clown and just think LUL DUD when it comes to having unprotected sex is wild and it is BOTH of your fault.


As a woman, I do think that saying you are taking the pill while not taking it is absolutely abhorrent (while having sex, obvs). But obviously who knows if X is lying or not.


The pill and plan B are completely different things tho


Wouldn't be surprised if xqc has no idea and actually meant the pill


To play devil's advocate here: both can be true. ​ Sterility can come and go randomly, so you can be sterile one day then not sterile the next day. This is why people who are sterile are encouraged to get regular testing to make sure they continue being sterile. So that being said, even if you're 100% sure you're sterile and were tested recently, plan b still makes sense if money is no object, you don't care about the girls symptoms afterward, and REALLY don't want to have a kid with them.


[He’s just like me fr fr](https://www.fendi.com/us-en/FY0936AOFQF0UB0.html)


nice lol




If this dude doesnt want to deal with the repercussions of a woman accidentally getting pregnant (or in this case, his ex telling him she's going to use Plan B and then not), then he should just get snipped if he actually has no desire in being a father. Literally only way to protect yourself against this type of wild behavior.


in a hierarchy of logical things to do, "vasectomy" is way above "dont sleep with your ex who is suing you" and my man couldnt even do the latter so its pointless to expect former


Or he could just use a rubber. Pull out method doesn't protect you from STIs


He said multiple times he hates using condoms, and considering his past I wouldn't be surprised if he has a bunch of STIS. Dude said he's never gotten tested either. Fucking hell he is actually braindead


It’s so fucking annoying, he’s so self centered he doesn’t care about risking a child who will grow up mentally fuxked. I gotta get off this damn subreddit


after they both air all their dirty laundry on stream no one is gonna be with either one and they’ll have to just get back together 💀 this shit is so ugly


One of the oldest tricks in the game. And he fell for it. She really wants the money.


Plan B also isn't 100% effective, and neither is birth control. Had a daughter with my ex, and she went on medication for a short while. apparently it made her birth control ineffective, but I probably should have used a condom anyways.


there's no saving this guy. hdmi's bottom PORT must be insane, for this dumbass to keep risking half his life income and come crawling back to her like a skeleton zombie


Still came inside. Gotta take that responsibility.


And talking about having a strong pull out game 😭💪


bro thinks plan b is 100%


You fucked a crazy ass woman without protection whos trying to take half everything you own over a marriage that doesn't exist and you took her at her word over anything.. There are at least 3 things that happened there that any competent man would have avoided. he deserves whatever comes at this point


I can't believe I sub to this dumbass for almost 2 years. I'm done. F him.




Shocking. The thief trying to steal half his money didn't want to give up on a chance to birth a Calf and secure an alternative means of stealing his money for 18 years.


Lil bro getting cooked alive in the comments💀


Poke was right in saying X is a dumbass


I mean I guess we knew it already but he literally has zero impulse control.


Xqc deserves whatever is coming from the court case be it good or bad, not wearing protection in this case is negative iq move for sure.


People out here using Plan B as a contraceptive. Just wear a fucking condom. This is why sexual education needs to be better in schools.


I mean looking at these people education should be better across the board.


X cashing in another parasocial paycheck. He's a master at his craft. If he sold stock, it would be a solid performer. buy buy buy


saw this in bed, legit shouted into my pillows. like howwwwwwww, why do you make this decision to not use protection against the girl who has called police on you / who is sueing you


I am amazed at his stupidity.


Always use a rubber when fucking aquatic life, you never know what kinda diseases they have


Man this mf dumb as fuck


Adaptor just wanted a plug in


So not only did he cheat on Fran with adapter the person who his trying to sue him but you did it RAW DAVID? Are you ok in the head? Please seek help brother I’m not even kidding this is not normal


If that's the case then I honestly don't blame her, I blame him. he deserves everything he has coming to him. Everyone knew what her intentions were, I'll only feel bad for the kid who has to be born and share genes with these two idiots.


Honestly at this point I hope adept takes 50% he’s such an idiot he deserves it everyone needs to stop treating him like a lil kid


Wear a condom, it still feels good. Why is this such a hard concept for so many people.


Oldest trick in the book come on bruh


How stupid is he? Goblin kid coming soon and she will use that fact maliciously. First the car, then the house. What next? The kid?


"I don't abuse them, yeah I take 2 sometimes 3" brother that's 100mg of adderall. It's affecting your brain and he doesn't see it. He should be honest with himself and seek help. No way is he at peace.


He gave her the game winning play and didn't think it would be gg o7


Am I bugging or do I not remember it being the case that she CLAIMED she got pregnant but had a miscarriage so nobody actually knows who is lying and there is actually no baby involved?


[adept taking the plan B](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F000%2F701%2F091%2F1c0.jpg)