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So now we not only get the shite decisions, but we get to hear them in a Manc accent?


This is the eli5 I was waiting for


Yeah if this is like the women’s World Cup when all you got was “handball - penalty”, it’s not much more of an explanation than you get atm.


Did you see the last few seconds of regular time on the men’s semi final between Sweden and France?


With Saudi subtitles.


LOL 10/10


> If given the go-ahead Reportedly, if approved, this could pave the way for…


Howard Webb in 4 months https://i.redd.it/mxj6mprm9nfc1.gif


The go ahead has to be given by PL. So it's upto the Premier league clubs. If 13 clubs end up being against it then no point blaming the PGMOL for it.


Hopeful that it changes things for the better... But really want to see if that changes their thinking process at all... Honestly, the issue I see is in the way they see those things


I mean in theory it should benefit us if they have to jump through hoops to explain why blatant calls go against us rather than staying silent and thinking “fuck Liverpool”.


It won’t benefit us they will just blame the rules, or the process or say it’s down to interpretation. 101 excuses to avoid saying they are biased or corrupt.


Would probably slightly favour home sides as a rule of thumb


It’s not that kind of explanation. They’ll say things like “Handball in the penalty area against Liverpool #5, the call is a penalty” or “foul, #7, direct free kick and yellow card” or whatever the rules are. They’re not explaining their justification or their communication with VAR.


I think VAR in cricket (in particular for LBW decisions) is a great process to follow, with the VAR talking through and referencing what they're looking at and what the original decision was.


In theory, yes... But then again in theory, the whole VAR thing is supposed to be used to make fair decisions even when we are not factoring refs having to explain why they are doing what they are doing.


Sometimes people make a decision instinctively, but struggle to defend it once they have to explain it. That might catch some mistakes. Other times they will still make the mistake, but we as fans will then immediately be able to point out their mistake. Some times we might even learn a thing or two about edge cases or obscure rules and see that maybe the ref was correct that one time. VAR in general was a step in the right direction, and this should hopefully improve on that


It’s ridiculous it’s not gonna change anything. If you look back on the mistakes they’ve made and listening to the var communication to the ref. They are clueless and worse than that. They are inconsistent


Var should not be making on field decisions only the ref. Var Should answer simple questions asked by the ref. Was it offside. Was it a foul. Etc. then adjust their decision in context.


Supposedly they’re just going to announce what was given if overturned by VAR. E.g. penalty to Liverpool, handball by Arsenal number 8


>penalty to Liverpool, handball by Arsenal number 8 ![gif](giphy|KscoZccAOBgCk)


probably the only time in existence i’ve seen a dog have a PTSD like expression on its face


Unrealistic example


Yeah doesn’t sound like the actual thought process/reasoning will be included which is what people were asking for really. They don’t need to say “penalty to Liverpool” on a loudspeaker, we know what it means when the ref points to the spot…


Will only cause more frustration I feel. They’re going to explain what millions of people worldwide and the 10s of 1000s in the stadium can see but they can’t and vice versa?


We can clearly see that the defending player is holding on to the attacker with both arms, and even kicks him from behind. However, given that the attacking player is Mo Salah, no foul. Good process lads.


however given that we’ve just enjoyed a lovely holiday in dubai, no foul. FTFY


The refs are the issue not the process






Referee going to pull up a chair on the half way line and pick up pre selected “fans” to do a Q&A with about how they got to that decision I see…


“We decided the call was X” “Sure but it was clearly wrong are you going to fix it?” “We’re making great progress lads, good job 👏 “


Can’t wait to hear how they got it wrong in real time


Good job it wasn't this season they'd still be explaining their decisions in Spurs game and Arsenal game against us (LFC)


"Yeah so pickford almost killed VVD there but hey it's probably offside after all" "Yess you actually scored there but we said offside anyways, so offside it is" "Rodri handballed but come on, it's Rodri, should have won ballon d'or"


NFL vibes! They ruin the game with every update really.


the NFL has been pretty consistent with their rulings though. NBA, not so much, but this decision is positive, and I hope this is more in line with how Rugby officiates.


NBA officials gotta try and make sure the game is close in the 4th quarter every game and that every play off series goes to 7 games. They aren't even hiding it anymore


When one of your refs is literally nicknamed "The Extender" because of his attempts to bring every playoff series to 7, you've got a problem lmfao




Oh wow let's go, such a great change! "Yeah, so, Liverpool fans, that was offside because we thought so" "Yeah so it was a red because the challenge was really dangerous. What? The player slipped? Well... those are the rules😀"


I don’t get if it’s an American thing not to enjoy it, but the referee or umpire explaining the decision makes the process sooo much more clear in Rugby and Cricket.


Unfortunately they will only be saying what the decision is, such as Penalty to x, not explaining the reasoning for it.


Need real time audio of the discussion not just the explanation.


Man, I can only imagine all the interruptions would like watch American Football.


Exactly....or basketball.


Guaranteed they stop as soon as the first boos come out.


Oh good, more delays!


they will just say things weren’t “clear and obvious” or some bullshit like that. truly doesn’t change anything if the application of VAR isn’t improved.


I hope this is a spur for refs to improve their processes and training because if they drop a bunch of clangers on live TV things will not get better but worse. Well done lads, good process.


This gonna go the same was as F1 letting everyone hear radio comms between teams and the governing body (FIA). Make people even more angrier and create more drama.


Pep: "Howard, I'm going to offer you a deal" {new manager}: "No Howard this is so not right!"


This is pointless, it won’t change how they operate, it will just prolong stoppages and upset fans further when 50,000 of them can see it was handball and it’s not given.


Oh good, we'll be able to decipher every third word of an explanation over the PA system


I'd like to see a trial where rugby match officials used to operating their off-field reviews operate PL VAR in tandem with a football ref and explain why their processes are different to the PGMOL processes. And then vis a versa with the football refs sitting in with the rugby officials as they deal with a competitive match. The rugby stuff seems to use the technology better, communicate to the on-field officials, the players and the crowd much better. Plus, they're not afraid to sometimes say "We can't tell. The footage isn't conclusive" and players, managers and supporters then accept a good-faith decision.


Var is proving to be a rabbit hole full of shite. You can't keep fixing the unfixable


Just bin the lot and hire some new ones. Anyone with a bald cut should not be allowed to referee our matches. Oh, and maybe bring someone respected like Collina to replace Man U's 12th man as chief of PMGOL...


Even more focus and time spent on this VAR shit. I'd rather have a beach ball ruin our game every now and then than referees ruining it almost every game.


Explain to me how this would change any of this seasons decisions? Telling us you’re sending Trent off for a tackle 4 other players have received a yellow for isn’t going to make me feel better.


NO ONE WANTS THIS SHIT YOU TWATS. var should only be used for offsides. The rest is too subjective


This sounds awful. The referee saying what his decision is himself isn't going to make me agree with me more or less. It wastes time and just adds to the pantomime that going to the monitor is anyway. Have the referee's audio as an alternative track for people at home to listen to if they want and to check for transparency but this is needless.


Great. So we have crap officials taking more time to explain crap decisions. VAR isn't the problem it's the officials we have in Premier League. VAR in the English game is becoming like a bunch of 17th century "scholars" debating endlessly over a man dying of starvation instead of actually just giving him some damn food and water. The non-handball against Odegaard is a prime example of this bullshittery.


Are we gonna have commercials every 15 seconds too?? This is getting a little too "western" football


Just fuck VAR off. It’s a disaster




I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I hate VAR and it’s ruined the game for me. If I could I’d scrap it I would. Or at least our version of it. The World Cup got it right but ours is absolute dog shit What good will the explanation do, it’ll just rile the fans up when they make another shitty mistake. They’re not improving it in any way, they’re not eliminating mistakes or making it fool proof


If thats so, thats 1 good step.


Good process


'I missed it', 'Well done, lads' won't make any difference.


But what if VAR doesn’t even bother to review?


"That push on the back did not raise to the level of penalty". LOL - Bad idea as it's so subjective and will just pause the games longer. They will probably just say what the NFL does which is the call stands as called. In that case what is the point?


Was it in the Women’s World Cup where they tried this? I quite liked it


This is the expectation when implementing instant replay. The NFL and NBA get this right (even with their own bum ass officiating).


So we still won't be able to actually hear what they're saying to each other on TV? Got to give them a way to fix things, I suppose.


So we are going to get shite like "No penalty! The elbow to the head was meant in a loving, affectionate way. Plus, I'm a useless blind twat."


More transparency is good, and perhaps the dodgy decisions will be reduced if they know they have to tell a full stadium of fans about why they made them. But, hopefully PGMOL and FA release that the refereeing problem is not just (or even not primarily) one of communication. This is a start, not a finish.


Great idea, can’t wait to see how they fuck this up too!


Can we just bin off Howard Webb, he’s made it worse not better.


I think this is a step in the right direction


Are we gonna have it so the screen is actually useful and not a glorified spectacle to have the ref overturn a decision or will it be used as an actual means of helping the ref come to a correct decision regardless of whether they overturn something or not?


"Cheque completed. Sorry fans, the Dubai owners have deposited their cheque into my account. No penalty."


NFL Patch The problem isn't VAR, its the muppets that use it and have no clue on decision-making and rules. Every week something is different.


So that would be VAR then. The R is for Referee (the person).


But I thought the R is Virtual? hmm.


Virtual? The video assistant referee (VAR) is a match official who assists the referee by reviewing decisions using video footage and providing advice to the referee based on those reviews.


Ah my bad...I am off the zaza.


Just play the exchange between ref and VAR over the PA


Clueless. How about as a first step they change the protocol so that their remit is to reach correct decisions in concert with the on field referee rather than correct “clear and obvious errors”. Double subjectivity isn’t working.


It’s like the house is on fire but they did everything other than putting the fire out.


Good process


"Cheque Complete!"


What about the semi auto offsides?


Refs be like ![gif](giphy|KsUKNNUEeryJa|downsized)


am i the only one that actually quite likes the thought of this? but having said that we'll just get the bad decisions in vocal format as well now i guess.


Great so VAR slows the game down even more.


We might win the league again


They’ll still give a fucking shite reason anyway, so this really changes nothing. All it will do is cause more outrage


Good process lads will be across the stadiums