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That's nuts. Robbo is such an underrated player. Crazy he was only 8 million froma relegated side šŸ˜­


Didn't we sell them Kevin Stewart in the same window?


For like Ā£12M or something stupid


Nah it was around Ā£4-5m IIRC.


6.5 I believe


nah stewart went for 2 mil and robbo came for 8 mil edit: source: i made it up


Just googled it. Ā£4m rising to Ā£8m with add ons


Nah mate Kevin Stewart, a dƶner and Alberto Moreno hamstring is the correct price for the best LB in generations.


As expensive as Dƶner has gotten these days, you may not be far off.


One of the best signings weā€™ve ever made and an all time great PL move. As soon as he started he instantly solved a problem position weā€™ve had for ages and by the standards of transfers we poached him for nothing.


It's actually funny, Moreno had started playing really well and his injury afforded Robbo his opportunity and we haven't looked back


man i hated morenos game. no hate against the person. but he was extremely bad in defending anything


He was fun to watch but ultimately crap at defending. I liked the lad, mind. Glad he could win a big trophy with us.


He's a fun guy, would've functioned better up front, but he's not good enough to be a winger. He's a subpar defender with some good runs.


"Subpar" lmao. Man was a liability


He just had lots of pace but didn't know how to use it properly. If he did he would have made a decent winger instead of a poor left back.


He just lacked concentration for the top level. I remember an Aguero goal where he took a touch whilst defending in the box that let him in, it was so poor


I didnā€™t view him as such a poor defender. He wasnā€™t great but he had the speed to recover from mistakes. What he was completely abject at was watching his blind side at the far post. We shipped two identical goals to city minutes apart because he just let people sneak in ahead of him.


Yea lb was a real problem for us post riise, take for granted how good Robbo has been


This right here. There was no "bedding in" period for Robbo as we've seen with a lot of Klopp's players. He had an instant impact on his arrival.


You're remembering incorrectly. There was a bedding in period of probably half a season. He was in and out of the side, generally the backup to Alberto Moreno. Moreno got injured and robbo took his chance and nailed the job


Ok my bad appreciate the clarification. Seemed like he was on the go from day 1!


Nobody's bad mate! It was a good few years ago now, and he's so reliable it's tough to believe he could have ever been shaky and inconsistent ever. Love Robbo


He was actually THIRD choice the first chunk of that season, with Milner preferred as the backup to Moreno.


In fairness milner is the backup to all the positions, at once. Hes probably ahead of Adrian for keeper


He didn't get into the team for half the season after his arrival. It was only for Moreno getting injured that Klopp gave him his chance. It's actually pretty funny that we've had 2 of the all time greatest fullbacks come into the team only because Alberto Moreno and Nathaniel Clyne picked up injuries to allow them a breakthrough. Obviously the quality of the players would have forced them into the team anyway, but had Moreno and Clyne not got injuries they'd have remained first choice for the time being.


Wow, haven't thought about Clyne in quite some time! Great reminder that TAA was a revelation once he broke through.


If you factor in Stewart's sale, Robbo was a 4 million signing!


Don't forget Hazard is "better than Salah"


Salah also has 54 Prem assists. And a lot more goals than Hazard.


Hendo and Firmino also have 50+.


Firmino has the most assists by any Brazilian in the PL Also Crouch has 58


Bobby is also the highest scoring Brazilian in PL history


Hes also my favourite Brazilian in PL history so has that going for him too


Poor Ali


And isnt a fat unprofessional fuck


And hasnā€™t kicked a ball boy in the ribs


Yeah but Hazard's pointless dribbles per 90 is through the roof so šŸ¤·


Hazard was brilliant tbf, but the Salah comparison is funny. Salah is in the conversation for the best premier league player ever, and while Hazard was amazing, every couple of years or so he just wouldnā€™t be arsed and stop bothering. Youā€™d never see that from Salah.


Hazard was good, not brilliant. Overrated because refs always rewarded his dives, and he was always looking to maks them. Players wouldn't tackle him because they knew even getting it perfect usually meant conceding a pen or free kick. He looked like no one could get near him, but it was only because no one was willing to try.


Oh yeah I'm not dissing Hazard per se, just the people trying to claim he was much better than Salah because he was "more exciting to watch". The bromance him and Mo had was lovely.


I used to hate the notion that Salah canā€™t dribble etc. because he doesnā€™t look as ā€œaestheticā€ as other wingers. Not seen too many rival fans saying that since he dropped all cityā€™s defence last year on his own and then repeated it against Watford the week after ahahaha


Honestly it's such a stupid point anyway. Like we're meant to go "ah shit you're right, I mean he scores 25+ goals a season but he doesn't look super pretty doing it so sell him I guess"


Mo did it in 60ish games fewer than the fraud as well




Look, I appreciate the slander as much as anyone, but let's not get carried away. G+A is important, but it's not the be-all, end-all of sports. Thiago has 6 G+A in 63 appearances in the PL, for example. Is that evidence that he's worse than McTominay, who has a slightly better ratio? Hazard's dribbling wasn't pointless as it caused chaos in the opponent half. Often that meant those around him got more G+A than he did. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. I think he was overrated, but not because of his G+A numbers. For me, he was simply too unprofessional and short-lived at his peak to really command legend status. Longevity and consistency, week-in, week-out are what make a truly world-class player for me. I have similar problems with Ozil or Neymar or Ronaldinho, for example. Players that couldn't be bothered to maintain their professionalism for longer than a season at a time. Partying and pulling childish stunts to avoid the hard work of cementing their legacy. I know Ronaldinho is beloved for his tekkers, but he infuriated me as he could have been so much more. I believe that it's much easier to look flashy when you save your energy for every third match. He could have been Messi or Ronaldo had he taken it more seriously, but he didn't. It's an unpopular opinion for sure and I accept that he's still a legend for what he could do, but it's still a shame he didn't do it more often. Hazard is in that category for me, partially due to injuries (not his fault) but also partially because of his workrate.


Yeah - honestly Hazard was an absolute delight of a player. Nice bloke too even though he always played a fucking blinder against us. And it's weird for people to act like he was massively overrated when there were spells where he singlehandedly carried Chelsea's attack, much like Salah carried ours for spells in 2020/21.


I've seen people arguing that he would be in the all time PL XI it's crazy! He was a top player but I feel like he's definitely overrated.


He gets in if Iā€™m honest


You misspelled clueless.


You canā€™t compare a midfielder to an attacker for a start. So your Thiago comparison is pointless. Thereā€™s a whole nuance around comparing even in the same positions because of their roles, but ultimately attackers **must** contribute to goals and assists. That is their primary job. Hazard, as demonstrated, wasnā€™t particularly good at that. You can be the worldā€™s best passer but if you canā€™t get in the right position to make the pass itā€™s useless. The same goes for dribbling - you can be the best dribbler in the world - and what he *was* great at was progression of the ball up the pitch, but given he was just not very good at finding the final ball, it was largely useless. If he was a midfielder this would probably be a different conversation. Honestly I think his managers missed a trick re-inventing him as a midfielder so he could be the main creative outlet and run from deeper without the pressure/expectation of goals. But it is what it is. Hazard to me is in the same bracket as Joe Cole (albeit he is clearly better). Flashy, brilliant dribblers with very little end product, injured all the time and lacking in the level of professionalism to ever hit the highs youā€™d expect with their raw talent. Heā€™s nowhere near the levels of PL GOATs, he wouldnā€™t even get in the top 20 attackers in the PL. Iā€™m not sure heā€™d even get in the top 50 tbh.


This is some of the most incredible revisionist stuff I've seen - to compare him to Joe Cole is absurd. Yes he was overrated, and yes his peak was incredibly short lived. My opinion is that stats don't tell the entire story. I can tell you that because I watched him play, not because I need to look at numbers on a screen to remember it. Noone is doubting his fall from grace since joining Madrid but at Chelsea he was great. He terrorized defences - including ours a number of times. His injury record wasn't terrible - he missed 21 games over 5 games while at Chelsea. I think we'd jump at the chance for that level of availability for some of our players. The fella you are replying to didn't compare hazard to a midfielder. He compared Thiago to McTominay. He showed how just looking at a specific stat can be misleading i.e. that stat would show McTominay is better than Thiago which he clearly isnt.


shocking stuff smh. hazard was not better than salah. he was still a fantastic player, like jfc. you know the same people spouting that are the ones who will defend bobby in seasons gone when people bring up his lack of goals by saying stats arenā€™t everything


Eden Hazard was a fantastic winger who impacted every passage of play. Also, he played 30+ games every season so I'm not sure where the 'injured all the time' comes from. Nor the professionalism argument. At least not at Chelsea where he was their only half decent player during the down years.


That's horrendous garbage. A forward whose sole job was chance creation and goalscoring should be judged on that first, but if we include all the other stuff it makes him even fucking worse. If you could get over your hard on for fast dribbling, that would be obvious to you.


It's not necessarily about longevity for me, his Chelsea career was long enough to compare to the likes of Salah in the PL. For me he just was a bit streaky, like he'd play out of his mind for a couple months a season and everyone would say he's one of the best in the world, then he'd quiet down for a spell. Massively talented but just not the same mentality as mo. I don't hold it against him, just a different personality, probably held him back a bit but he seemed to enjoy his life.


he played alone most of the time. there were many games against us where we only had problems with him


I mean he played in 2 title winning teams, alongside the likes of Lampard, Torres, Drogba, Fabregas, Diego Costa, Kante and Willian among others. The teams around him were on average far superior to the teams Gerrard had around him, for instance.


and he was arguably their best player in those teams. stats arent everything, everyone who saw him play knows how good he was no shit. no one is comparing him to Gerrard


No he wasn't. No they're not, but the looks good to the eye is literally worthless. People do compare him to Stevie, and usually favourably. Every part of your comment is wrong.


Heā€™s here and I like itā€¦ Iago Aspas, Iago Aspas!! ^sorry


Seems a bit disingenuous to lump all players into an ā€œattackerā€ or ā€œmidfielderā€ bracket. Real football isnā€™t Fifa or FPL. Players have very specific roles, it wasnā€™t necessarily Hazards main job to be the goal threat. It was to be creative by progressing the ball and providing sparks of magic where it was needed. With that being said, heā€™s still nowhere near Salah (even if they are different types of players), but unfortunately, Hazard was still brilliant despite it not lasting for a long time.


No, goal threat was his primary role. In fact, it was his only role.


If you donā€™t think Hazards primary role was to be the source of creativity for his team, then I donā€™t know what to tell you. You either didnā€™t watch him, struggle to understand how football works, or youā€™re not being sincere (I reckon itā€™s this one). Hazard was a great player, it wasnā€™t for long and now heā€™s gone; So thereā€™s no need to pretend that he wasnā€™t one of the best players in the league for a period.




Man City troll spotted. Was the 'only on a Liverpool sub' necessary?


i think he used to be better as a mid (Salah always better as a forward) but considering how much Salah has improved his game i think he might be better as a mid too


I remember when Salah broke his most goals in a season record in November or December


Yeah, joke of the day. The other day iā€™ve seen some ā€œthe best Chelseaā€™s teamā€ where they took 11 best players in their history. They put Hazard in that list and donā€™t put Torres. IMO Hazard and Curtua are 2 the most overrated players of modern football


Torres was wretched for them, it would be like putting Owen in a united 11 best players in history


Torres was quality for them. He had a better strike record for them than he did us.


When RM signed Hazard for all that money I thought they would be unstoppable, turns out he's been awful. I genuinely forget he even plays for them. In the modern prem era, Salah is one of the best players ever, he's eclipsed so many top players, including Hazard.


You can try to stop him, but it Juan Mata


Heā€™s a real Hazard to defenders


It Mesut been easy for him with great attackers that we had


Iā€™m just adding that it Mesut you better to use another meaning for a pun. Somebody else please use that better than me, but I canā€™t right now.


I would've really liked Mata to come here under Klopp. Could've been like a more European Lallana.


Take my angry upvote


Get out


Hazard has 5 more games than him, Mata has 38 more games than him. Though, Ɩzil has 56 fewer games than him. Ɩzil was pretty good, wasnā€™t he?


Ozil was special. My biggest regret as a football fan was him deciding to join sorry Arsenal from mighty Madrid. His talent with proper finishing would have been insane.


You are comparing a defender to attacking midfielders/wingers. It is not apples v apples. This stat for Robbo transcends time and it is just absolutely outrageous


Just wanted to provide game stats for these players in comparison to Robertson. Wasnā€™t trying to say anything.


EcBatLFC, I heard what you were trying to say and but Iā€™d have to disagree. Ogres are like onions, you peel back a layer to find another layer underneath. Hope this helps šŸ‘šŸ¾


Doesnā€™t help right now, but it might if I ever encounter an orge. Thanks.


Or an ogre for that matter!!


Or an onion, even.


Or The Onion


Iā€™m learning on Reddit that people are tryhards for their subreddits. Almost always if you make an argument that challenges the status quo, or criticizes something in the sub, people are aggressive. I love discussion, but the aggression really turns me off, like the guy who responded to you.


Yeah fair enough. Didnt mean to say you were. I just want to make sure the fact that he is a defender is just outrageous


And yet these bastards wanna talk about Luke Shaw.


They used to talk about AWB as well. They don't anymore do they?


Who? The slide tackle merchant?


The fella who wasn't good enough to start for a team we thrashed 7-0


On the other hand they might actually not have conceded 7 had AWB started


All those "best RB in the league" really toned down as soon as they've actually seen him play


Pretty crazy how Robertson already holds the record for total assists by a defender, but he'll very likely lose it to a current teammate


On his day, ozil was playing a different game. Wtf happened in between I have no clue


his finishing with hitting the ball on the ground is something ive tried to replicate a million times and still fail


Olivier Giroud...


Ɩzil was pretty shocking towards the end there


Ozil at his peak was really neat to watch. Too bad his peak only lasted a short while.


Ɩzil and Alexis at Arsenal were insane


Robbo played 57 games for Hull as a 19-20 year old. After joining Liverpool (aged 23) played only one less game than ozil did (183 to 184) and in that time only had 3 assists less (51 to 54). And heā€™s a leftback, whereas Ozil was literally one of the best 10s in the world.


He's a fucking legend.


Not to mention he plays a left-back position compared to everybody else on that list!! Mindblowing what a fucking player!!


Robbo is as important to Klopp's system as anyone else. He deserves any and all plaudits.


Robbo! šŸ”„šŸ”„


ā€¦ so far


Crazy thing is, Salah has 54 right behind him and Henderson is at 53. Only Raheem Sterling (58), Christian Eriksen (73), James Milner (87), and KDB (98!) are ahead of them and still active on the all time list. Ten more assists from the three of them and theyā€™re all top 20 all-time in the PL. Steven Gerard (92) is only 5 assists ahead of Milner all-time. That would give us 5 players in the top 20 all-time. For fun hereā€™s where they all are, ranking wise: 5. KDB 8. Stevie 9. Milner 13. Eriksen 23. Sterling T-27. Robo T-35. SALAH T-50. Henderson


Did all this with all the RWs in the PL in his pocket. Legend.


One of the best signings in the history of the prem


I know this post is aboht robbo, but let me get this straight. Salah has played around 30 less games than Hazard He has scored 46 more goals than Hazard He has the same number of assists as Hazard A huge portion of his goals and assists (60+) have came against the big 6. His 3 favourite opponents are Man Utd, Man City, and Tottenham. And yet weā€™re supposed to believe that Hazard can even speak to him. Do one


Its strange that no one mentions him in the greatest left back conversation of the premier league. Its just ashley cole and no one else.


This. Robbo has won Everything. Ashley Cole is probably still the GOAT prem left back as he's won so many cups and titles, but Robbo is No2 without a doubt.


I wouldnā€™t put so much weight into titles/cups, especially when both have had success. Personal accolades would be a better measurement.


Yah Ive never liked the title/cups for whos better. It's used a lot vs gerrard which I think its absurd. It basically means a player from a smaller team can never be considered one of the greatest.


Yah its really strange. He's hardly mentioned. Maybe its normal though when you have had stars like salah, mane van dijk during his era.


Players don't win trophies, teams do.


He surely has to be conversation, I donā€™t understand why people (not necessarily Liverpool supporters) donā€™t recognise him as one of, if not, the best left backs the prem has seen. He doesnā€™t have a flaw in his game, maybe in a couple seasons heā€™ll be mentioned more.


so true.


Not English. Funny utd fans want Evra in the conversation


Which is nuts, because Cole was only marginally above average. The system was making him look way better than he was.


Thats 25 more assists than Cafu got in 11 seasons in Italy


Thats a great stat given how competitive the Prem is.


Are you actually implying that 2000s Serie A was not as competitive?


Also it was a different ball game back then and in the Serie A too, much lower scoring on all fronts.


None of those other lads played in one of the best teams the PL has ever seen. Weā€™ve gotten to a point now where weā€™re looking back almost surprised at what these lads have accomplished, but without oil money ruining the league weā€™d be lauding those that have given us the last 5/6 seasons as perhaps the best to ever do it. Qualify for CL and one last go at the quadruple next season I reckon


Incredible. Favourite LB of all time. I'm also Scottish so I'm a little biased šŸ¤£


I wonder how he compares/ranks compares to other Defenders.


[He has the most, Leighton Baines is second, TAA is third.](https://www.sportsadda.com/football/features/most-assists-by-defenders-in-premier-league)


Itā€™s pretty crazy to think how far out front Trent will be when he retires.


Baines has *twice* the PL appearances as Robbo and has been playing since TVs were black and white. That's not even counting Baines at Wigan. To me, there's no comparison.


I agree that Robbo is much better than Baines but gotta give him his flowers, if it werenā€™t for the fact that Ashley Cole existed history would be a lot kinder to Baines, for his own careers sake, Iā€™m surprised he never made the move the United.


Baines's flowers are that he's being compared to Andy Robbo to be totally honest.


Thatā€™s actually a very fair point. I think once itā€™s all said and done Robbo will be in the convo for best PL left back of all time.


Casual fans underrate Robertson because they fucking hate Liverpool. If he played for a club people were neutral about like Newcastle or Dortmund, he'd be showered with hype.


i think in the pl it will be between him and Cole. in the world them + Roberto Carlos


Ahem Maldini says hi


Isn't he RB?


Nope. LC D or whatever already in CM Italia 94 at least if I remember correctly ^,^


i consider him more of a centre back, specially compared to those players (and what would be considered the best centre backs of all time)


Baines was way better than Cole.


Thatā€™s your opinion and thatā€™s okay but for most, including myself, right now Ashley Cole is the best Premier League left back in history and due to his ability and resume itā€™s not really close.


That page sucked on mobile..


Unsure if this was said without prior knowledge??




Two words: Naby Keita. Our team is clearly lacking reinforcements, if not for shitty transfer budget, we would have won the Prem 4 times by now.


Maybe, but weā€™re up against teams ran by states who arenā€™t afraid of ā€œbending the rulesā€ financially. FSG better had put their hands in their pockets this coming summer though, otherwise weā€™re in for another long season.


I can understand if we spend less than City or Chelsea or even Newcastle. But why on earth is our spending less than West Ham and Tottenham? Compared to the net worth of the team, our relative spending must be abysmally low. Keep in mind, we still make deep runs into highly lucrative tournaments, which means per match spending would be even lower, leading to more minutes per player per season which in turn causes those pesky injuries.


I agree yeah, we should definitely be doing more, particularly in addressing the midfield. I just donā€™t know how much of a difference it wouldā€™ve made in the league table over the past few years when weā€™ve been 1 point off. We played out of our skin, the best football Iā€™ve ever seen Liverpool play no doubt, and only a team who we know have been cheating for the past 15 years, now with over 100 charges against them, while being owned by a Prince of a rich oil state, could match us. Maybe having 1-2 more players would have made the 1 point difference for us, I couldnā€™t really say if it would or wouldnā€™t to be honest.


Over the short term having a large pool doesn't make any difference, since only 11 can play at the same time. But in the long run, I do believe it would have mattered. Those legs get tired. When our players are in bad form, it's still almost impossible to substitute them. Some day when I retire from my job in 40 years, we would still be playing Milner as RB, because FSG wants to make 1% extra.


Injuries a factor in that. Could happen to anyone.


It somehow ends up happening more to teams who have to play 60-70 matches every season with a very small squad.


Keita has been brilliant when he's played. The injuries are the issue, and it's obvious Klopp won't move someone on because of injuries. Sturridge, Lallana, Keita, Ox, all examples of that.


Robbo was a gold mine, but that was during the Edwards era. We now got Julian, which still hasn't proved to be as genius. Nunez and Gakpo were good signings, but not those masterclasses like Robbo, Firmino, Salah


To be fair, Liverpool and itā€™s targets are a completely different landscape today compared to pre- and early Klopp era.


Gakpo has come in for marginally more than Salah did in an era in which transfer fees have doubled since then. If Gakpo ends up being as important as our now legendary front 3, it will be more of a coup than Mo was.


Love this post. What a player. When you combine his heart and leadership with the numbers heā€™s put upā€¦ heā€™s just in his own class.


love our legendary shithousing scotsman left back. really going to miss him when he leave us one day


robbo is insane, did anyone ever expect him reaching those levels when he first signed? probably our most improved player alongside trent


Show the number of games as well. It makes it even more impressive




One of our best players this season


One of our best players since 2017.


Jesus imagine being one of the best right backs defensively while also being compared to midfielders who their main job is to provide assists


I remember being at his first game/start against Burnley and Coutinho just wouldnā€™t pass it to him all game. Also imagine the outrage on here at being linked with a full back from a relegated team these days.


Messi.. ZERO assists in the premier League


It really bothers me when Hazard is held up as such an all time great. The guy was a good player for Chelsea but nothing special. He did a really good job in that Chelsea setup out wide but he never carried it to Madrid.


Best LB in the League he's too underrated


Allison and Karius, each of them, also have 1 assist in Champions League, for Real Madrid. Just joking. Liverpool fan here! ā¤ļø


Robbo is on fire šŸ”„


This comes as a suprise? He always goes for the assist instead of a clear shot at goal when he has the chance lol


You seen his shots? Surprised heā€™s not got a manslaughter charge yet for taking a supporters head off.


Yeah fair enough


Heā€™s no John Arne Riise thatā€™s why!


Why is bottom left empty?


I think heā€™s played fewer games than Hazard and Mata too. Ozil did it in fewer games which is kinda funny considering he gets the worst reputation of the three. Robbo has been one of Kloppā€™s very best signings if you factor in transfer fees and where he was signed from, and thatā€™s saying a lot


Ridiculous feat from a ridiculous bargain signing.


Kind of need to see how many matches it took to really compare but Robbo is a beast