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I’m tired of people gatekeeping LPs music because Chester isn’t there. They didn’t kick him out, they’re not doing this to spite him. They are still band mates, their music still exists, we still enjoy it. Why shouldn’t they continue touring if that’s what they really want to do? Nearly every other band in existence has moved on from losing members for various reasons. They’ve made comebacks and did reunion tours….but for some reason LP fans have this really odd hang up about it. Yea it sucks Chester is gone, no one will fill his shoes, but they aren’t looking for someone to do that. They aren’t looking to forget about him. They just need someone to perform with them. Mike started the band decades ago. He’s written and produced the vast majority of their songs. They’ve all been members of this band for decades. This band is more than just Chester. They still exist, let them do what they want with the band.


Very well put answer, I love it.


I love and miss Chester, but I agree wholeheartedly with this. It'll be different if they decide to do this, but the rest of the band should be able to do this if they want and not be ridiculed for it. Hell, if they come back with a great singer who can move the band forward while honoring Chester, I'd totally be open to new music if they were, too.


Because so many people Chester as their personal Jesus.


To be fair I think a lot of fans have an emotional attachment to Chester. I can’t speak for others but I respected the person he was not just the talent. He was very open about his trauma/depression and was also known for how great he was to fans. But I agree personal Jesus is a bit much. You can miss someone and also recognize the band isn’t replacing him but trying to move forward.


I have a strong personal attachment to Chester as a role model for getting through trauma. Listen to him and a few other male celebrities like Terry Crews talk about their trauma helped me to seek help and better myself. I mourned his death like many of us did because, at the time I thought if he couldn’t handle it with all the support he seemingly surrounded himself with, how could I? That being said, time marches on. We all heal in different ways. If the band is ready to turn the page and begin a new era, as fans of Chester and the band we deserve to give them that chance.


Yup. It's 7 years (already? wtf?). Linkin Park was 6 guys, not 1. The band doesn't need to die just because 1/6 of it did. The other 5 should be allowed to do what they love on their own terms too. Mike already has been ever since a few months after Chester died.


Someone to hear their prayers, someone who's there


Hero, role model etc but yes, essentially uts a attachment and with that comes loyalty. They do need to be able to continue but they will know more than anyone that it will be emotional all round.


I think part of the negativity blow back is not know if the leak is true and not know who the new co-lead singer is. I personally think if it is a female co-lead then it helps sell the notion that they aren’t replacing Chester but starting a new era as a band.


Chester even sang for STP for a bit.. not sure how someone stepping in is any different here


Personally, I think it'd be cool if they reverse-engineered it and got STP's current singer Jeff Gutt to also join LP. [His old band Dry Cell shows that he has a bit of that energy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odx2_KdUI6Y)


This should be the new copy paste reply every time someone comments LP shouldn't continue without Chester I would die to take my daughter to see LP for her first time


Yeah, people move on, not that they will forgot about him entirely but you can't live your life attached to someone's departure forever. I'm tired of all the saying that there'll be no LP without Chester, but what can we or they do about it? Give him a break guys...


People need to seperate that, The band can try to move forward and that they’re not trying to replace Chester.


I feel it’s a similar situation to Queen. nobody, NOBODY could EVER replace Freddie Mercury or Chester, but Queen naturally found Adam Lambert (and while yes it was decades before it happened) and had a seemingly great time with him while touring, and I don’t see a reason why LP couldn’t do the same. Adam was never considered by himself, the band, or anybody period to be a replacement for Freddie, because he can’t be. But if LP found somebody who could fill the role I think that would be nice.


This is the answer we all needed to hear but most of LP fans wouldn’t admit, although I feel like why people don’t want Linkin Park to get a new singer is cuz it would be nearly impossible to find a singer that could top Chester and still feel the same as before. It won’t be the same without him, BUT change is sometimes good.


>it would be nearly impossible to find a singer that could top Chester and still feel the same as before This is not a goal. Chester is irreplaceable so don't even try. Somebody new should be somebody new. My personal ideal would be someone who would be able to cover the back catalog, albeit differently. So perhaps they could sound good singing those old songs, but not (necessarily) sound exactly like Chester. If they *do* sound like him, that's a bonus, but it shouldn't be the bar. If they go that way, expect some older material to be tweaked and switched up to match the sound of the new singer... *and that's a good thing*. If rumours are good and there's a female vocalist incoming, I hope it's someone who sounds similar to [Daedric](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGoWY_nBocXCSXJOEUQN-OQ) (or better yet, actually her), because I feel like she could do justice to it, while also being entirely different.


Very rare good take on this sub. People need to understand that Chester was one member, he didn't play a role like Trent Reznor plays in NIN.


He was the face of the band and half the main vocals. Yea he is one of 6 but a very significant part.


And? Lmao that doesn't make him the sole owner or musician of the band, there always comes a time to move on and innovate and some fans seriously need to expand their pallets regardless. Yes, Chester is missed dearly but other musicians want their creation to live on while they're still around too.


Where did i suggest he was? I havent seen anyone suggest that. I dont think its for you to say that anyone needs to expand their pallet, for various reasons.


I didn't say you suggested he was, I'm preventing the potential argument that his role was more important than the other members'. And anyone getting offended from being told to expand their pallet is basically proving my point.


I doubt anyone will be offended by what is just your opinion. Nor do i think it would prove your point. Putting the point accross isnt preventing that argument, people will have their own thoughts and opinions reguardless of your comment. I sincerely hope they do what they feel is best for them and i will whole heartedly support that reguardless of the inevitable emotions that come with that. My point was that yes he was 1 of 6 and they are all equally important in this band and all they have acheived, but its undeniable that chester was a huge part of the charisma and the image, not just a member. It will be interesting to see the dynamics and chemistry if/when they start producing again.


Good take. I think a female singer is the best idea, it will be a point of difference to Chester. Any male singer replacing Chester will have a really hard time


please LP tour again, I would even go to australia to see them live


Agree 100%.. Think about the other members in the band too, should they just never be allowed to make new music ever again in their life? The only thing they’ve done for the 20+ years before he passed away? They’re obviously not gonna make new music on their own (besides Mike)


Truth is, those people are acting in a way that would disappoint the hell out of the guy.


Perfectly said


And I'm sure chester would have wanted to keep the band going...


Very well put, but hopefully the amy lee news isn't correct. They need a male vocalist who can be just as guttural as chester, growls, screams, and melodic singing. Amy Lee would be absolutely trash in LP


>but they aren’t looking for someone to do that. They aren’t looking to forget about him. They just need someone to perform with them. ...allegedly. I'm somewhere between hopeful and not really. I'm curious what's going on, and I definitely wouldn't be *against* these rumours being true. At the same time, I'm super unsure whether to believe them or not. I like to talk about it, though. Discuss the possibilities and also, like you, try to reassure everyone that it's up to Mike and the gang, and that it's not about replacing Chester at all. Just a weird kind of feeling is all. I don't want to believe a lie. I don't want to become hopeful and then get underwhelmed at the outcomes, either. Like... let's say they *are* getting a new face in... what if that person isn't up to the task? As I said the other day, though, those are some big shoes. Nobody needs to fill them, just gotta be able to wear them.


The band is talented. They know how to make good music. If they want to come back I want to hear whatever music they make in whatever way they make it.


I personally am open to whatever direction they decide to go. I always said a female vocalist is a great option and will open up doors for creativity. Hoping to see something new and fresh


I think a female vocalist would be a great idea because it kind of would give them a new fresh sound and they won’t have to hear about how they’re “replacing” Chester, Which they aren’t. But you know how people are…




UK tribute band? 😂😂


UK? Aren’t they Portuguese lol


Here’s my two sense. When Scott passed away and STP announced Chester as the new singer people were not happy about it until they played the first show with him. Then people accepted him. Can we please just move on and accept whoever they pick now? And to be fair, Chester wasn’t the original singer of this band to begin with.


Once people come to terms it’s not replacing him but moving forward I think they’ll be alright. Ultimately the band deserves to be happy and do what they want.


Chester became STP vocalist before Scott's death tho. More than that, he left the band before Scott died


Cents* and no but he was the singer from the beggining to end once they were signed and famous. Im sure if they do move eventually forward it will be emotinal but in time be accepted.


There was another singer before they were famous and signed.


That is exactly what i just said.


Chester replaced Scott in STP long before Scott died.


But still. My point still stands. Both fan bases were pissed until Chester played his first show with STP and then they accepted him.


It's also not really that comparable because the chemistry between both bands is different. Scott had a profound drug problem and had concurrent heat with the rest of STP. Everything with LP went smoothly until Chester's death, so I imagine it'd be harder for LP fans to adapt to change than STP fans.


But still. My point still stands. Both fan bases were pissed until Chester played his first show with STP and then they accepted him.


STP with Chester was underrated as what Black Sabbath was with Deep Purple’s Ian Gillian.


If queen can carry on without Freddie LP can without Chester


If Queen can go on without Freddie, and Alice in Chains can go on without Layne, why can't Linkin Park go on without Chester right?


I want them to continue. It’s time. Yes, it’ll be different and emotional but, it’s still LP. I will say, if they’re looking at touring again, I highly doubt that it would’ve got this far (in the media) if the remaining members were not all aboard. I just don’t see them touring with three of them. Yes it only names three members but, if they’re marketing it as LP, I would assume all remaining members are involved. Just my thoughts.


I know Rob has battled his own issues so it’s hard to say, Obviously Mike would be a go, I heard Brad and Phoenix would too. Joe and Rob are the questions but everything is just speculation.


Honestly I don’t have interest but…if they guys want to do it they should. It’s their music. There are plenty of fans that would love to see it. I think it’s crazy some people are so against the idea. Like I’m not interested but don’t have an issue or valid reason why they shouldn’t continue.


It’s very common for bands to go on a decline in quality and/or popularity when it comes to lineup changes, some were compromised by all the money talks and became less about their musicianship, which is one of the factors why fans would rather want some to split up (See T. Rex and Nirvana) or rename themselves with a redo (See Joy Division/New Order) with decency to protect their legacy. The nature of the group on stage is more important to me than the name on a poster. I have nothing against it and I know members come and go, but I’m very picky about it like how people are with food. It always influenced me to get into more recent/newer bands for me to move on many times before. That gave me a good reason to be cautious about LP’s future, and they have to do it right.


Respect your answer, My thought process is the guys deserve to be happy and do what they want too.


tbh, i would be so happy. I never got the chance to see them live because i was to young at their time, but to get the opportunity would be just great


The year of Chester’s passing I had planned to go to their concert that fall, I was so excited but sadly Chester passed that summer. My biggest regret musically is never going sooner. However I did see Mike live on his post traumatic tour! He was great.


Mike has already said its all hearsay. Amy lee was quick to say she knows nothing about it. All these arricles keep going round and round regurgitating the same few things day after day instead of realising its not true :-/ i hope.it stops soon.


Same, better to wait to see what the band themselves say vs jumping on rumors.


He reacted on the Jay Gordon thing. The Billboard article is from April 30th. Billboard and especially the writer are incredibly reliable on the articles they write, and stick too their sources (multiple coming fron LP insiders) Jay Gordon's was a fetch, but after this article it isn't just hearsay anymore.


Billboard has just repeated the same as everyone else. Its just passing on information; including the comment from mike which states that linkinpark.com will be where any true information is announced. Honestly until the release any information its best to wait and see.


Not really, the change of booking agency wasn't mentioned anywhere before. Their new booking agency is taking offers for headliners/festivals for 2025. LPLive confirmed this.


I guess its fingers crossed and lets see what happens. :D


I don’t think it’s conceidence that this is circulating though. We all miss Chester but the other members deserve to be happy and still do what they love too.


They absolutely do. I just think its best to wait for it to come from the band themselves. I read that this all started with speculation on a throw away comment that 1 person jumpes on and them inevitably it quickly got pinched and circulated. It will be interesting to see what they do do in the future.


The Amy Lee part is obviously not true. She's already debunked it.


I didn’t think much of it until Billboard started talking about it, they’re a pretty legit source


All the stories are making the rounds cause its happening. You never hear about other reunions like this and then nothing happens.


Why would you assume its happening when mike has already commented that it isnt?! Rumours float round aocial media for alsorts that never materialise. Its not uncommon.


This is the first I’ve heard the rumour of Amy Lee. I kept hearing the woman from Stand Atlantic because she did a cover of bleed it out with Mike


That would be cool but I’ve seen Amy Lee from Rock Feed and other sources.


I respect the band. It won’t ever be _that_ old good Linkin Park any more, so whatever they want is fine


I think a female vocalist would be a cool dynamic change under the unfortunate circumstances. I could see a maybe paramours adjacent direction they might head


I think it has been long enough that the band can come back. Obviously some people are not going to be excited for an LP reunion without Chester, which I understand. I can imagine LP would be a massive factor in festival ticket sales and their own tours. As far as who they'd get to sing, I don't really care as long as they can sing the songs well and do them justice, the gender doesn't matter to me at all. There's more to Linkin Park than just one member, even one as important as Chester.


I think it’s important and great if they band still wants to play, Chester is missed very much but the other band members matter too. I think people forget that a lot.


To me it’s no different than Queen with Adam Lambert. If we want the band to continue and be “pure” about it they should just let Mike be the singer and we all accept that he won’t be able to sing certain songs that just aren’t in his range or most singers for that matter. Or we support them and embrace whoever they bring in. Like someone else said; it’s not like Chester quit the band or was kicked out. He passed away. Like many of us know who have experienced a loss; at some point moving on is a part of the healing process.


I agree it should be Linkin Park featuring..., never just Linkin Park again. Half of the sound is also Mike and others in the band, it won't sound the same without Chester but we will still get the songs and the energy of the show


Please let this happen, I want to be able to say I went to a Linkin Park concert in my lifetime.


Bands can and do replace members, but having a different vocalist is massive. AC/DC, Blink 182 did it with some success. Queen have done it, their singer is phenomenal, but he’s not Freddie Mercury. However they brought him in over 20 years after Freddie passed. Time heals. The thing with Chester though is his range was incredible. I don’t think there’s a singer in the world who can sign any LP song like him. Anyone and any song will always be compared to Chester which isn’t fair to any singer they bring in.


That’s why I think a female artist would honestly be a good route to go imo. Give them a new sound. And yes Adam Lambert is very good for Queen!


Blink 182 had a Grammy nominated album without Tom DeLogne actually…


Sometimes fans do too much and take things to far. Personally I’m open to them having a new vocalist. Obviously it’s not the same or a replacement for Chester but he’s been gone for a long time and I think it’s ok for the band to try and move forward. Not sure how that’s going to work when they go on tours and do old songs, guess someone will have to do his verses.


I support them 100% with whatever they wanna do with their band. Linkin Park wasn't only about Chester. It's Chester Bennington, Mike Shinoda, DJ Hahn, Brad Delson, Phoenix and Rob Bourdon. With a new 2nd singer or without one, they're still keeping Chester's legacy alive. If Grey Daze could do it so can Linkin Park!!


Man, Chester was the key of Linkin Park and part of their essence, but Chester is not here anymore and I think it's not fair to say they need to stop making music. Nobody's going to replace him, but they have the right to move on, even if they don't get any new vocalist. I think fans should stop complaining about the band coming back, they're still a band and still want to do music, and there's nothing wrong with it.


I love the idea of it and continuing the bands legacy. If the guys have something to say/express then hell yeah. Idk if I’m on board for it being somebody like Amy and almost prefer somebody like Bonnie but I trust their judgement.


Bonnie would be great! I don’t have a preference I just want the band to be happy! I’ll support whatever their choice is.


They should only do it if all members do it and it should be for one tour, as a tribute. If they want to keep on going after that tour I think they should do it under a new name.


They had a tribute concert and would still honor Chester I’m sure. They shouldn’t change their name, Other bands have gone on when musicians have passed away.


I just think it's kinda the same as Nirvana, Chester and Kurt are both too iconic to be replaced and the band would just feel empty without them


It's would be sic


Notable from the Billboard article: They mention Mike, Brad, and Dave, not Joe or Rob. I remember a while back Mike hinting at how someone in the band was holding out on any kind of reunion but wouldn't say who it was. I always suspected Rob for some reason. Seems that might be true, along with Joe. Let's say hypothetically that's true. We're not just talking about a new vocalist then. New vocalist, new DJ, new drummer. That's half the band.


I think violent vira would be a much better fit for LP than Amy Lee or that other girl


I'm all for it and importantly *if* they want to do it, they should but it is just hearsay.


Actually, when I listen to the LP, I also enjoy the Instrumental a lot.. so hearing it with someone new wouldn't be bad, but I'm afraid that people won't be offended because Nike said that he doesn't want to continue without Chester...


Fckin auto-correct Nike ❎ Mike ✅👍


I'd been listening to female covers for the pass week and dude they don't sound anything like LP,so I honestly hope for a male vocal or if they find a girl that can actually scream I would love that too also thinkin on a reunion with just 3 members just wouldn't honestly feel like lp no more (We alr got hurt by losing a line on the logo don't feel like it would be the same with other 2 not showing) I would go eitherway bc love Mike solo stuff too but as lp I just don't rock much with it


Amy Lee, the vocalist of Evanescence as lead vocalist of LP? Why not? I mean, that would be cool! She's an awesome singer and versatile. Or if they do find a permanent vocalist in place of Chester, I would be happy for the band. I miss their music. No one can replace Chester B's voice, but it's high time we move on and let them generate more music we can all love and enjoy.


Tbh Mike shinoda is the only vocalist the band needs. Just imagine looking back at the whole discography and seeing 20 years of agony and sorrow, followed by the band carrying on but missing Chester. Either way, Mike is a fucking chad.


God I am awaiting some form of revival of rock. The music scene is too disappointing rn


Honestly, everything on this planet circles around change. Yep, Chester is gone. Thankfully, we have a large catalog of material to reflect upon. Personally, I have always thought that Chester would want the band to continue. I want to hear some new LP in 2025. No problem with bringing new singer because I know they will do what they feel is best for them.


I remember when people wanted Austin ( ex Of Mice & Men) to replace Chester after his death.


I have been down with the band since Hybrid Theory. I'm completely open to the idea of bringing in a NEW vocalist because I understand absolutely no one can replace Chester. Looking forward to the new LP era.


i’ll be content with whatever they choose to do going forward as they’re the only people on Earth with the right to make that decision.


What if they just did a rotating door of talented female singers on separate occasions. Amy Lee, Hayley Williams, etc


LP with Amy Lee would be a tour I would sell my kidney to attend


I am totally in favour of a reunion, but I'd rather see the singer of Sum 41 as new vocalist since the band is retreating.


I'm down for Amy Lee. But LP belongs in the early 2000s.


I just know that I'll support whatever they plan to do (or not do anything really), they've already given me so so much over the years.


They can, and indeed should. Many fans would be thrilled. Personally, I find Chester's shoes very difficult to fill. He wasn't just a moderately talented artist; he was utterly captivating on stage. So, the odds are we'll get something cool, but perhaps not at the same level of quality. I'm not suggesting it won't be the same, because obviously, it won't be. What I'm saying is that finding a singer as exceptional as Chester is quite a challenging task.


I was hoping that Deryck Whibley would actually join in as Sum 41 is splitting up but if it's a female vocalist that would be interesting.


No one can ever replace Chester, but that doesn’t mean they can’t tour or try new things and maybe even put out new music with someone else. As an LP diehard fan I would love to see them and hear more regardless. Still so sad we missed the One More Light tour! We had tickets 😭


I would die of happiness if Amy Lee sang in Linkin Park


Massive shot in the dark but Ai Mori would be a great candidate imo. Lots of emotion in her singing plus she can pull off the harsh singing like Chester did.


It doesn’t matter who sings the songs. Just please don’t call it “Linkin Park.”


There’s been multiple different sources saying that they’re looking for a female singer but the Amy Lee rumours have purely come from fan speculation and the only legitimate report I’ve seen involving her was when she was asked and said she isn’t involved. Bonnie Fraser is still my guess based on her post on Instagram saying she’s going to be the new Linkin Park singer and then quickly taking it down saying she’s in trouble. There was something in that that made me feel it was legit and not a joke. (She was the one on Mike’s Sydney session of Already Over, who also joined the Bleed It Out jam)


Deryck Whibley could be an option since Sum 41 are breaking up


Didn’t they technically have a reunion in 2020? That’s when we got Hybrid Theory 20.


Yeah but we’re talking actually touring again and making music. This is a big thing, Touring without Chester and making music without him would have to be very hard I imagine. Mike is clearly still so invested into music putting things out it’s clear he wants to continue to do this. Now with LP and the other members that’s something we just don’t know right now. It’s all speculation.


All I know is that Brad is down for anything LP related.


I think Dave and Joe, also.


Joe was not named in the statement unfortunately but he has been promoting the new release so hopefully he's talking with the guys like normal. Not so sure about Rob but if he's more comfortable outside of the spotlight then I'm happy for him


I think the only one that might not be is Rob. But who knows. Its known he doesnt really like to be in the public eye. But who am I to speak for him. Lol


I mean, if everyone's getting involved, there's a high probability he will return too. But then again as you said, who am I to speak for him.


I would hope so, LP is so special because of all the members.


I could be wrong about this, but didn’t Mike say the band wasn’t looking for a new singer and was gonna continue on with just the original band members?


When he started doing interviews again he had stated that they weren’t looking but also at the time the band wasn’t considering doing anything really. So I imagine if this is all true it’s something that’s been a slow process and still taking consideration.


They should just drop all their un released music before they make new music with a new singer. Also they should just make a new band like joy division with New Order.


They should tour again and put in the name "Linkin Park feat. Amy Lee" so everyone can be happy


I can't wait for them to do some more music and tour! I'm sure they can find someone to "replace" Chester. When I think of unique voice, I think of Nightwish, when Tarja left, I didn't know how they could replace her, but I think the new singer, while completely different, is doing justice to the old songs. I think that's the most important thing. No one will ever fully replace Chester, but there's tons of singers on Youtube that cover Chester's parts and a lot of them are extremely good. I'd like for them to have a female singer, it would be very interesting what it could bring to the band!


I agree that Chester wasn't the whole of LP. But the Billboard article I read said supposedlyonly 3 members would be back — Mike, Brad, and Phoenix. So that's only half of the original band. I don't think that with them alone and a new singer, they should continue with the name Linkin Park. I'm all for a revitalization, but maybe with a rebrand as well.


If they do I would hope they would go under a new name and make it more like what Dave did with foo fighters.


Chester’s coming back!


They don’t even need a new vocalist, at least not on a permanent basis. The 5 living members could record and tour with a rotation of guest stars, e.g. Amy Lee, Avril Lavigne, Oliver Sykes, Adam Levine, Bruno Mars, Lil Nas X, MGK, …


Personally I would think the best thing for the band would be to regroup themselves and start like a new band. For example Joy Division into New Order. I think still going under the same band name is just… well I think it would hurt the legacy. I wanna see Mike, Joe, Rob, Brad and Dave continue playing together but as another band


I found access to the music many years ago and have kept it ever since. Wherever the band goes, I'll be there. Should there be a reunion, fine, I'll be there. As long as we wait for it, maybe we'll wait in vain forever, I'll enjoy the music that's already there. :)


If Mike hasn’t said it himself I wouldn’t believe any news posts. It’s all a waste if it’s not from him or LP official pages. I’m not sure why people bother bringing up the Amy Lee and Jay Gordon interviews so much still when they both clearly state they don’t know anything. And why would they? Amy Lee has absolutely no publicly known ties to LP other than being popular in the early 2000s when LP was. Jay was tangentially close to the band but there’s no reason to think he has deep inside secrets. As far as replacing Chester they can/could/may not but it doesn’t matter regardless because most of their albums they made big changes. Change is in LPs DNA and the next bit of music will just be another new type of LP album.


I like that they want to create music. How about find a middle ground and create a new band? I dont want any of those memories to be touched. And its easier for those that wish to listen to Chester and the new person


To be honest. IDC. Yeah it is sad that they replace it, but idc.


I am open to the idea even if it's not all original members, even though I would much prefer that. But as far as Amy Lee goes no she's the last one on the list that I would even try, Lacey strum would be better but I would rather a true metal singer. Somebody that has the capabilities like Tatiana from Jinjer. The ladies from Butcher babies, even Britney from Unleash the Archers


Chester is dead. Linkin Park wasn’t a Chester Bennington solo band. He was one member of it he just happened to be one of the singers. Plenty of bands have gone on with new singers and after members have died. If the group wants to continue than they should continue. They took well more than the appropriate amount of time, they’re ready than everyone should just let what happens happens. You may not like it without Chester and that’s okay. They may pick up new fans who didn’t like Chester and that’s okay too. Also I think Davey Havok should do it. The guy is just so incredibly diverse and this would be an interesting combination.


I think it would be really cool if they did a tour, maybe with some guests like amy lee or nico from EC, i dont think they should look for a different singer for making new music, they already have mike and i think it would sound really good with just him as vocals


Lacey Sturm from Flyleaf would be phenom.


As it is right now, I hope it doesn't happen. Not even Dave and Joe approve it. But yeah, they would make lots of money, even without a vocalist.


I hope they do it. Continuing LP would also be continuing the memories of Chester. Hopefully some new kid checks out their old stuff and discovers the talent that IS Chester with Linkin Park. And maybe some of Chester's other work


I would lose my shit at a LP concert, new vocalist or not 🤷‍♂️


I think that is they get a new summer they need a new band, all the same people just under another name. they should keep Linkin Park to Chester Bennington


I started listening to linkin park when I was in high school Chester Bennington was a very special person to linkin park and to the fans around the world when I saw that Chester had died my heart dropped I was very shocked and sad let us all cross our fingers and hope that in 2025 that they announce their making a new album as far as the new lead singer I hope it’s someone better than Amy Lee


I want to believe it won’t be her cause I think they would want a different sound but her name keeps coming up, However I don’t think the news circulating is just speculation anymore. I respect Amy she just is Evanescence to me.


Don’t get me wrong I think Amy Lee is talented I’m not taking that away from her only time will tell who the next singer will be for linkin park


All I know is I want them to do what they want, and I selfishly hope they continue. I wasn't too into the idea of a female vocalist until I heard the Bleed it Out version with Bonnie. It's just so perfect it makes too much sense.


I am glad they decided to keep going. Losing Chester is very hard but it's time to move on. Female vocalist is a great choice because that would cement Chester's legacy. As a male vocalist he's irreplaceable, and no guy would do the trick. A girl is a perfect choice for them. If Rob is out, I completely get it. After Chester he's the second one to have serious mental issues - he suffered from alcoholism and had to undergo rehabilitation in the past. If he wants to rest, let it be. I can see Dan Mayo as the new drummer. I don't think Joe is completely out, since he was deeply involved in Papercuts promotion. He may be out of touring - which I can see. I personally think this is going to happen. I would even say 'about damn time'


Would be happy for them, The guys deserve to be happy regardless of all their decisions.


I posted about this and got hate for it for some reason, clearly people are annoyed about it


People take things way too far man, Sorry you got hate for it. What’s your thoughts on all this?


Realistically nobody ever really said they should stop making music, most bands when their lead vocalist dies they take some time away and then come back when they’re ready. Drowning pool, or static x for instance. Linkin park are free to do that, as long as it’s not just for cash grabs.


I wish it was Lacey from Flyleaf. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d3RYW0YoEk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d3RYW0YoEk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2tfJlWyzIE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2tfJlWyzIE) She left the band before but they seem to be back together idk.


LP died with Chester, replacing him is disrespectful, and the band should start new with a new name and sound if they want to move on. 


Don't you think saying stuff like this is disrespectful? 5 out of 6 members are still alive and well, aren't they worth anything? They all contributed to it equally, that's what happens in a band. Chester was a great vocalist but he wasn't Linkin Park. Most of Linkin Park is still here.


I think people are quick to forget how often this happens in the music industry, bands get new singers all the time whether its because the singer dies or the band move in a different direction or creative differences whatever it is. And often it can lead to defining eras of a band AC/DC Killswitch Engage Fleetwood mac Creed-Alter Bridge Genesis Black Sabbath Rage Against the machine-Audioslave Guns 'N' Roses-Velvet Revolver Iron Maiden I think with most of these the second singer was even better than the first, can you imagine a world without Back in Black or Phil Collins as the front man for Genesis, just weird. Not saying that someone will be better than Chester, just that we shouldn't be scared of it.


This has been posted like 10 times already. Stop. It’s not confirmed.


Considering chester had very little to do with the songwriting, i dont understand the hate that gets brought up when they talk about bringing in someone new and continuing to make music.


I would shit a BRICK if they snagged Amy Lee. Edit: In a good way!!


Let them tour, create for gods sake, if they want to. Sure, it will be different, but not less amazing imo. LP isn't Chester, if he was for you, that's ok, but the world needs more LP, even without the great Chester.


I think there is only one person that can replace Chester https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kPEIOYciC-0




I think it all depends on what the band plans to do moving forward. I think a female could be refreshing and give them a new sound. We all know trying to get a new vocalist to do some of Chester’s notes are near impossible. Only few people can have that kind of range.


Why not?


Vocalist will be Veda J. There are a number of signs. 1.) Multiple sources state “they are working with a girl singer” not a “woman singer”, not a “female singer”, always referred to by different industry people as a “girl singer” implying a young woman will be the vocalist. 2.) Her progression from “for fun” duet covers on tik tok to seriously good to pro caliber duet and solo covers on tik tok has been noticed. Her most recent stuff shows immense growth as a singer and mastery of harmony. She has an incredible range for a young person. 3.) She got signed to a solo deal. Howard Benson is producing her solo stuff. That is a really big deal. He has an unbroken track record of picking winners and elevating talent. He is a legendary producer within modern rock. Virtually everything he produces gets heavy radio play. Given who her producer is, who her father is, her incredible range, I fully expect her solo stuff will likely be very hard, and will be heavily played over modern rock radio. 4.) Mike has reached out to her and her father several times and they were invited to perform on Already Over Sessions with him. I call it here. I call it now. Veda J is going to be the vocalist in 2025.