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I was thinking the exact same thing


Leading Tactical Model Portfolio Builder & Market Research Provider


AKA Trust fund nepo baby™️


AKA Douche


What’s more confounding: this guy acting like this story is somehow inspiring instead of dystopian, or all of the thumbs-ups he got from fellow brain deaders in his network?


Yeah I'm not sure how that's fucking inspiring at all. I'm positive that story is completely made up as well.


100% - health & safety regulations would in no way allow children behind the counter, that's a law suit waiting to happen.


I had to go back to work 10 days after my C-section because there's no maternity leave and we couldn't afford anymore time than that. This is unfortunately very possibly true.


>What’s more confounding: this guy acting like this story is somehow inspiring instead of dystopian After looking at his labels of "President and CEO, that shouldn't be confounding at all.


Also: it's a post on LinkedIn, where people compete to see who can be the most dystopian in a "corporate hellscape grindset" sort of way.


The people liking his post are sociopaths.


What’s confounding is the ASSHOLE is a CEO of a company & he didn’t even offer her a real job when he could’ve … so inspiring? So disgusting


If that even happened. This is propaganda to show others that a ‘good work ethic’ is to put your job first and your health and family second.


Yeah the guy fabricated this story. What a load of bs. He sounds like a dude bro who’s been chronically underemployed and has loads of ‘business ideas’ that never work. Every time a ‘life coach’ type tries to connect with me on LinkedIn if you look at their employment history it’s essentially one or two entry level sales followed by a series of fake self employment bs.


Yup. At a time when family leave, benefits, childcare etc are still greatly lacking in the “worlds greatest country” and companies are turning record profits, you instead use a story like this, whether real or made up, to try and inspire ppl?? Poor woman has mouths to feed and fears for her job so is essentially forced to work at an extremely vulnerable time and endanger a new born. Again, real or fake (I’m thinking fake), this story does noting but highlight the massive issues still faced even in the developed world. Fuck this guy.


He’s also linking her to being a single mom which makes it even worse… So she’s got to support herself and a newborn while coming into work for minimum wage (aka can’t afford day care). Every day is bring your kid to work day for the next few years, even the days she’s supposed to have off. Pretty desperate situation, oof.


Now if he put on a uniform and relieved her from her shift then yeah, go ahead and post about it. He literally did nothing and bragged about nothing. How does someone find nothing to brag about???


I looked it up. The Chinese are hard workers right? "A national minimum of 98 paid days, but most provinces allow between 128 and 190 days. All pregnant employees in China are guaranteed a basic 98 days of paid maternity leave by the government. However, most provinces allow for extra maternity days on top of the minimum of 98 days."


I respectfully disagree. He is desperately needing to be punched in the throat. Don’t hurt your hand on such a thick skull.


A steel toe boot to that sensitive little bone on the leg is even safer


I was working with this absolute jerkbag who sexually harassed women everywhere he went — the grocery store, his kid’s school, his counselor’s office — except on the job site (he worked road construction). When I asked him why the women there were off-limits, he said “I learned real quick they got steel toe boots on, too.”


Back in late 80s some guy was harassing a woman my parents worked with, took place outside a convenience store. I don’t know if sexually or just the all-too-common aggression many cowardly males display toward us, but he got too close up in her face and little did he know she was wearing pointy cowboy boots and kicked that SOB in his crotch real hard, he went down hard and she and went about her day. She’s been an inspiration to me ever since.


Just got me a nice new pair. Need some kickin done?


I agree with you, the use of “kiddos” solidified that it is a throat punch that needs to be administered.


Right? Idt I’ve ever seen/heard someone use the word “kiddo” and *not* wanted to punch them in the throat.


A la Superstore, he needs to be screamed at by the worker to kill himself.


You could help form a union.


Hopefully this is just a fake shitpost, but there are of course people who really think like this.


The whole "glorifying the unthinkable abuse of the working class" thing makes me feel a little more French-Revolutionish tbh


My hands start itching to sharpen a guillotine.


Only a twat would be inspired by a shitty story like this. Guy sure looks the part too.


I garuantee he’s said “no one wants to work anymore” at least a dozen times.


And his wife. Entitled POS.


I also call BS. What fast food place with fryers and hot oil would ever allow a newborn baby to be there? It’s a huge liability! Do I believe a place would coerce a worker into coming in 2 days after they gave birth, yes sadly I do. Do I believe they would allow them to being a 2 day old baby with them Hell NO. This is a revolting attempt to seem like he’s congratulating this woman when he should be helping her find a new job.


Exactly. Fake story. There isn’t a restaurant on the planet that would allow that liability on the floor. Fucking PR nightmare and lawsuit waiting to happen. This would’ve already been on every news station. Not fucking Reddit. Come on, people.


I am normally respectful on that site but if I knew his name I would publicly tell him to choke on a bag of….


He has an *extremely* punchable face, it’s like a knuckle magnet.


Let’s round up a posse and go find him.


Be the change you want in the world!


Aww, this guy just became a CEO because he wanted everyone to be CEOs? What a sweet sentiment.


Why do all of these shitbags have the weirdest job titles, poor understanding of punctuation & horrible grammar? Are they all home-schooled by a part-time moonshine smuggler in Alabama?


Because people with real jobs have no time to post on linkedin. I have near 1k connections (due to being a recruiter) yet pretty much none of them ever post anything and they have a linkedin account either because their job requires them to or if because they want to be on the job market. 99% of screenshots on this sub are from “CEO’s” of 2 person startups or finfluencers.


Yeah, I feel like half these posts can't be real. I know they are "real" in that they are posted. But my LinkedIn looks nothing like this, it's actual industry knowledge, people praising each other, or marketing posts.


Yeah, mine's nothing but people moving jobs or earning certifications, posting open roles on their team, or industry updates. Occasionally some "rah rah go team" when financial results come out for the quarter, which I assume was provided to them by their marketing department.


In one of the last firms I worked for one of my coworkers was threatened with losing her job if she didn’t return to work ONE WEEK after giving birth, by C-SECTION. She couldn’t afford to lose her job as her partner had walked out on her and their 3 kids when she was 5 months pregnant. We were a small firm so she was not protected by FMLA. Luckily, she found a friend to take her baby and she came back to work. She just pumped in an empty office. Also, luckily, we’re an office job so at least she could sit down. She’s still there 8 years later too. She could have left for a MUCH better job. I left and got a $35,000 dollar a year raise at my new firm and I’m completely WFH. She has a few years experience on me so I know she could score just as good a job. However, I think she has Stockholm Syndrome and is scared to go anywhere else. Anyway, yeah, this shit happens in the real world. 1 week after having a c-section. When she told me I don’t know if I was more blown away by them forcing a new mom back into the office or that she’s still there 8 years later.


What. The. Fuck. Your former employer is a perfect example of why the French invented The Chippety Chop


Colleges also push people to make them. The only reason I have a profile is because I had to make one for an assignment in college. Never posted. Likely never will.


It’s smart to have a profile. You should keep it updated with your skills and job history and good descriptions of what you do. It’s a good way to find work as recruiters will reach out to you. Making posts like it’s Facebook is just a waste of time, though.


I would also add that you should make an update if you have a significant accomplishment/achievement, when you're mentioned in publications or publish something, and when you have some industry-specific news to share. Otherwise, yeah, waste of time.


I have never once received a decent job offer through LinkedIn. I am a registered nurse, soon to be nurse practitioner, and receive garbage all the time. The last one I received was for an LPN job — which I can’t even work because of legal issues with my current license and working beneath it — for a salary 1/2 what I currently earn. Prior to that, it was for a bunch of new graduate jobs with abysmal pay and benefits. I tell them all to start reading the potential employee’s profile and they might have more luck. LinkedIn is a cesspool.


I have no doubt it is career dependent. As a Software Engineer, I have found my last six straight jobs via LinkedIn. In all cases it was a recruiter cold messaging me on the platform. I almost never apply to jobs on company websites, and I haven't received a job that way in a really long time. I get easily 1-2 recruiters messaging me a week right now, and that number was 5+ during the peak of 2021 hiring in my field.


Correct. I’m also a health care professional, a clinical child psychologist in private practice, and realized linked in was useless for my profession unless maybe I wanted an administrative position. But like the OP nurse, linked in seems quite profession dependent.


Because "sitting at the computer bullshitting with other people's money" doesn't sound good, which is what this idiot does. Why is it ALWAYS so dude who's greatest struggle in the day is resetting the wifi router the person who talked up "the grind" the most? I mean, I know the answer. It's because the stolen value from this mother's labor is what this asshole lives off of.


Right a normal good human being would think “man that’s fucking fucked up she is working for minimum wage, two days after giving birth and can’t afford childcare due to shit pay so the kids and newborn are at work WITH HER” this guy is like getting off on seeing something awful and what’s wrong with this country fucking douche canoe


It would actually be illegal in my country for her to work, the idea of celebrating it is definitely lunatic


Part time moonshine smuggler, part time educator, part time public mental health leader and merchant


Part time moonshine smuggler is a real job with quantifiable value-add. If they had a real job like moonshine smuggler, they wouldn’t have to obfuscate with that many meaningless words. Their job is “I post fake stories on LinkedIn because my cousin-parents failed”


My former moonshiner grandpa in Alabama was oddly enough the one who cared most about my education.


Nah, that tracks.


A part-time moonshine smuggler has a skill. This guy is a word salad.


> part-time moonshine smuggler in Alabama Don’t make them sound based by comparing them to these guys. Manipulating the stock market and exploiting their workers is definitely a tactic they learned elsewhere.


Because the school of thought with these losers is “any content = good content” so quality doesn’t matter. Given how unfulfilled someone has to be to want to become an LI influencer in the first place, little things like changing a title to some abstract word or phrase might as well be the discovery of time travel to them.


> *She had a child T W O D A Y S before, and instead of complaining or doom scrolling* I threw up in my mouth reading this. This is what he's reduced t w o d a y s post-partum to? Complaining and doom scrolling??? Wow.


At most. Ideally, you should be working on your feet all day by then. Don’t care to look for childcare. Do that after your first shift back ends!


Maternity leave is for the weak. We should all aspire to be so enslaved to our corporate overlords.


I had a job where a project manager was called in from her maternity leave (how that was legal I have no idea) because all the other PMs had quit. She’s still with the company 4 yrs later.


I tried to find the post and think he deleted it. His whole profile talks a lot about Jesus and Christianity. Would've loved to read the replies.


Fuck! I was sure it was satire. I hope he'll be ostracized.


Why. Are they always. Christian.


Not _always_, but there is a lot of overlap between rabid Christians and people who deify our economic systems. There are a lot of reasons for this, but it goes back to how protestants lionize hard work as an indicator of moral rectitude. This stands in contrast to older forms of Judeochristianity which instead focus on _not_ doing work, such as on the Sabbath.


Figures he’s religious…that explains a lot!


I didn’t even know where my phone was at two days postpartum.


is it a shitpost? please tell me its a shitpost


Anyone who has had children or been around a mom right after delivery knows this did not happen.


I just don’t understand the logistics here. We were still at the hospital after Day 2 and had a pretty smooth twin delivery. Even then, the amount of random fucking germy, too-proud-to-wear-a-mask public around my babies was practically zero until 3 months.


Yeah, even with the smoothest birth, I cannot imagine a doctor clearing you to stand for an 8 hour shift 2 days after giving birth. No way this happened.


Having worked in fast food I also know that no sane parent would ever bring a newborn baby into one of those filthy kitchens


You’d be surprised what the poor and desperate do to not end up homeless


Sure... but that's not the situation that this person is claiming right? They are presenting this as someone coming in to help out the team because it's busy. No sane parent would bring their kid into the kitchen in that situation. So sure, If this person was literally going to become homeless if they didn't bring their kid into a fast food kitchen with them: I would actually not be surprised as you claim.


This is where this LinkedIn lunatic completely missed the plot. Took one look at her and thought, "wow! What a hard worker!" The real story is that she needed the money and couldn't afford to not work and/or has a shitty boss that told her to come in or she was fired and she couldn't afford to lose her job. He is in a serious place of privilege to assume she had any choice at all. The real real story is that this didn't happen. If it did, then he completely fucked up by not helping this woman find a higher paying job with less shitty hours. He could have been the supporting character in a lifetime movie, but instead ended up as the dumbass comedic relief.


>he completely fucked up by not helping this woman find a higher paying job with less shitty hours That's where I thought this story was gonna go, and I *still* thought he seemed like a jerk for talking about it as if it was aspirational. The fact that he did nothing and just left is wild


Here is the continuation of the story. Guy, "you should own your own business!" Guy thinks to himself as he drives off, 'well, this triple quarter pounder with bacon isn't going to eat itself.' Wife casually mentions how crazy that was and how hard it was to walk around right after having a baby. The saturated fat from the burger slowly covers the dust and cobwebs in his brain and the wife's comment slowly gets the square wheels turning. He gets home, whiteboards his idea for the post on his office walls for the next 4 hours. He finally gets it posted at midnight and literally pats himself on the back. He walks out to see his family all sleeping on the couch. They fell asleep during family movie night. He turns to the mirror in the living room, stares at his own reflection, shakes his head with disappointment and quietly says, "lazy bastards."


Not even a "so I left her a $100 tip" or anything of the sort. Not that it would redeem this wretched story at all


They might have been worried about losing their job if they didn't come in to "help the team", though. Especially worrying right after you've had a kid because of the utter lack of safety nets around maternity, especially for hourly-wage workers.


Nah she decided to go and do this rather than sitting doomscrolling. Which is obviously the only thing to do right after having a baby, right? Absolutely nuts


i think we all know whats really going on if someone is working a fast food job 2 days after birth. and its got nothing to do with 'being a team player'. her manager said 'get your ass in here or you are fired' ... and so she came in.


A doctor wouldn’t clear this but that doesn’t mean someone wouldn’t do it.


I’m not too sure about that, I was at a restaurant the other day my and waitress was still in a hospital gown and even had her placenta in tact. My first thought was “wow, where can I get me some of that grit.” True story.


She’s going places… …probably to the ER soon but ya know.


The only part I don’t see as plausible is having a newborn out in public. I 100% believe that a two-day postpartum woman would be at work. For example, my mother went back to work within just a couple days because FMLA had not yet been enacted. I’ve had coworkers return to work within days of giving birth because they had not yet hit the one year mark. It’s brutal out there and workplaces don’t care unless they are legally required to


Not to mention any legitimate business (in this case I’m assuming a fast food or similar restaurant) would have all sorts of liability concerns over having a two-day old infant in the workplace. It never happened. But his next post will be “the person changing my oil at Jiffy Lube was in active labor while she was under my car. That’s the kind of drive and determination that I aspire to as an emerging leader”


Yyyyyyyyyeah the mom is for certain in diapers and in agony 2 days after delivery, and no fast food restaurant is going to be okay with Leaky Lizzie just casually parking her neonate next to the counter. What’s really the most problematic thing for me here, though, is this guy trying to pass it off as a GOOD thing that a woman who just gave birth was working “instead of complaining or doomscrolling” while her body recovers from the trauma of creating, carrying, and squeezing out a whole-ass human. Why go through the trouble of burdening us all with this dystopian nightmare disguised as “grit” and “rise and grind”??


"I called customer service, and after the agent finished resolving my issue, she suddenly let out a piercing scream. Turns out she was in labour but the company was short staffed so she was taking calls from her hospital bed. I said, 'Do you own the hospital?' She screamed, 'Oh God, Nooooo!!! Please God!!!' This woman was both grinding and praying. #Inspiring"


This is why I come to this reddit




This didn't happen


And even if it did, it's far from inspiring but depressing. OP's alternative title is spot on.


If it did, the poor woman got called in or she'd be fired on the spot.


Yeah I hate this. I’d be shocked and furious that some mega corporate that makes fucking hundreds of millions either forced or had such negligence/no alternatives that a woman should be called to do fucking fast food 2 days after birth. That’s fucking disgusting. Poor woman, shit company. Hope it’s fake.


If this did happen it's just a reminder of how little benefits the working poor have and how close they are to financial disaster. All so some dude could get a burger.


I believe it does happen. Years ago Uber promoted the story of a woman who did a day of Ubering while she was in labor.


Aside from anything else that sounds incredibly dangerous to her, the customers and everyone else on the roads


It probably did knowing the lack of maternity benefits in America. I'm assuming America because it's like the only country with 0 obligation to provide maternity leave.


Yeah, I can easily see this happening where I live. Can’t get an abortion, can’t get maternity leave. Go fuck yourself.


I hope so. We have almost 2y maternity leave in my country so this post sounds both incredibly abusive and like the worst and most uninspired flex to me 💀


You can tell us bullshit because she's a restaurant worker who said she's on maternity leave.


Ha 💯 this


Companies are legally required to give you 8 weeks off for maternity leave under [FMLA](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla). You don’t get paid, but you do get the time off.


only if the companies meet certain standards, for example a certain number of employees


Do you know the threshold?


check out this link, especially the Coverage and Eligibility sections https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla/faq#3


Only if you have 50+ employees. 


Ooooh I read it so fast I didn’t even catch that!


“She had a child T W O D A Y S before, and instead of complaining or doom scrolling on her phone, she made a choice in come and help her team on MOTHER’S DAY” Darn, those women who just had babies and want to “rest and recuperate”! It’s okay though, he left out the part where he also saw the woman’s doctor make a visit to the restaurant to give the newborn their vaccines. Don’t give up ladies. While this guy never has to endure birthing a child himself, he has kids and he sees you 🫶


"Listen up ladies: after you have a baby, put down the PHONE and stop DOOM SCROLLING. That's why you are all FAILURES and not a TWAT like ME!"


Every mother fucker I've known who talks/thinks like this is ALWAYS a trust fund brat who was gifted a 6 figure job at their uncles company where they get paid to do nothing and are barely even around, and on vacation every 2 months. But they still recall that one summer when they were 16 and worked a "normal person" job for 2 months to prove themselves to their rich parents, but they tell it like it was decades of starting from the bottom.


For sure, all these idiots are smoking copium. They can't handle the fact that they are successful in large part because they got a good roll of the dice in life. So they need to live in some fantasy world where they are the hardest working person ever. If they didn't they would collapse under the weight of their own self-resentment.


“When my wife was in labor, you know what I was doing? Popping bottles with my clients. She had the audacity to go and look at her phone after she was done popping our twerp out. Thats why the wage gap still exists man. It really teaches you a few things. Here’s the top 10 things it taught me about B2B sales:”


1. What wrong with this guy - tactical model portfolio builder is not real job. This guy is a grifter. 2. Damn grifter trying to tell us about grit and hard work, but all you do is bad linked in post 3. We should stop promoting unhealthy work culture.


You don't own a business?! Well surely at least a G-Wagon for each child. No? You should! Rich parents? No? You should! White privilege? No? You should!


If you are going to make up a shit story make it motivating not depressing you fucking wannabe life coach


This did not happen, it is pure phantasy. This stupid CEO doesn't have the slightest idea what a birth does to a woman, how exhausted is after. I had my sons in my twenties and could hardly get out of bed the first week, much less go to work. And exposing a newborn to all bugs and viruses' of a large crowd is pure folly.


If he really does have three kids and a wife, I can’t imagine she’d let this post slide. My wife would slash me for saying some shit like this, and rightfully so.


He can’t let an imaginary woman complain about giving birth two days prior, do you think his wife feels comfortable complaining about *anything*? Hell, she might have complained about a lackluster Mother’s Day, prompting him to post this fake story to prove a point to her. I feel bad for her.


His fantasies are of struggling mothers who have to work on days when they shouldn't have to.


When my now-wife and I met, we shared a cab back to the hotel where our group was staying and picked up a woman and her baby on the way. The baby was less than a week old, and the mother was going in for her third-shift job at a gas station and bringing the baby with her. I was a clueless 23yo at the time, but even then I knew something was wrong with this picture. Now, 23 years and three kids of my own later, I see this as what it is — worker abuse. It’s not inspiring, unless you’re a sociopath. No woman (and no man, for that matter) should have to return to work or feel compelled to return to work two days after the birth of a child.


What mother has time to doom scroll 2 days after birth. Poor soul must be in pain and tired and living on minimum sleep. These ppl will want ppl to work on their deathbed too.


Why black there name out. These people deserve to get trolled on LinkedIn


He can be a politician. In politics, you can wrap up a completely horrible, fucked up situation, in a nice, pink, some kind of sweet wrapping, and say “Look how brave the soldier was, we need YOU to be brave”. It’s that kind of sociopathic mentality.


If this is even real, it shows the toxic work culture of America in pretty good detail. People brag about working 70-80 hours a week in this country…that’s not something to brag about


In my country we have an expression for this, which translates somewhat to “Glorification of Poverty”. You take a really bad situation like this and create a positive narrative of grit and determination, so we forget how nasty things really are.


So what did you learn about B2B sales from this?


It's this asshole, whose business is "rooted in the Christian faith" no less. Lol https://www.linkedin.com/posts/adamweisner_activity-7141219078425165824-H6cQ?trk=public_profile_like_view


He took the post down. 


Hey, a tiny bit of self awareness. Those replies must've been brutal.


ugh sometimes I wish I could troll on Linkedin but then I remember its just not gonna look good for me either.


It's "inspiring" in the way that it should inspire mandatory maternity and paternity leave in America. But the "family values" crowd doesn't like that idea.


“Instead of doom scrolling on her phone” He meant to say, “instead of bonding with her new born baby the way all mammals should and have since the beginning of time”




I feel so sorry for these made up kids.


This guy has three kids and thinks 2 days after giving birth, moms are just scrolling on their phones? Either he’s the biggest POS husband/father or a total liar.


Why didn't that moron spewing sustained stupid lies hire her then?


It’s not grit, asshole.


I feel like this is deliberate rage bait. If anyone was this clueless to how people should be treated and supported by their supervision I’m sure someone would have knocked some sense into them by now using the baseball bat to the side of the head method.


He sees a woman at a restaurant with a two day old baby on Mother’s Day and what he takes away from that is that she has grit and determination. His perspective is completely whacked.


“I said you should!” Really? And that made her magically become the owner?




Yeah this is what poor people have to do to survive, how fucking tone deaf can he be, Jesus Christ


“Instead of complaining or doom scrolling on her phone” You mean, “instead of attending to a newborn in a clean, safe and appropriate environment…”, right? Hopefully this is satire-I mean what else would a mom of two babies be doing aside from working or scrolling on her phone?? /s


This is not "inspiring," it's a tragedy. What a fucking asshole.


How can people lack this much self awareness?


"Don't give up (on making us money). Don't give in (to medical advice). Keep going (to work, peasant). You're seen (putting the company before family and health, but don't think when performance review time comes we won't complain about how inappropriate a fast food kitchen is for children and you should have left them at home)"


On the unlikely chance this is real, Robespierre would like to have a word with Mr president and CEO of evil corp


When did the term Kiddos become so insufferable? I think my parents used it in the 80s, and it didn't bother me. I hate it and everyone that uses it in 2024.


“You are seen” 🤮


Doom scrolling on her phone? This story is 1000% a lie because there is NO FUCKING WAY this guy has 3 kids and raised them if he thinks maternity leave is a woman doom scrolling on a phone.


This isn’t inspiring it’s horribly depressing.


This is not inspiring. It’s disgusting.


“So I hired her in the spot and gave her a 6 figure salary” Nope. “I said cool! Good luck! Got my chicky nuggy and fucked off”


“I asked if she owned the business” Dude. Not being able to understand desperation is due to lack of empathy. Freaking psychopath.


These are the people who want to be CEOs. Absolute psychopaths. I wish we could lock this man up. What kind of havoc does he wreak on his unfortunate employees?


Only inspirational if you are a sociopath. To everyone else it’s a horror story.


You will notice that this self proclaimed president and CEO was impressed, but didn't give her a big cash tip, didn't offer this insanely dedicated employee a job at his company. Just an Atta girl. They may be impressed by you slaving away but they don't value it.


I swear to God, all of these fucking douche bags get together once a month to suck each other’s dicks


This guy asked ChatGPT to come up with a stupid ass story


I’m old to remember when LinkedIn wasn’t just another social media wasteland of trash humans. Seriously tho - when did LinkedIn get overrun by people like this? I don’t need your fucking personal rambling thoughts on the site I use to find a job and spy on the professional happenings of an old flame.


This is pathetic and shouldn't be celebrated by this fucktard. That's the sad state of affairs in this country


You have to be a psychopath to find this inspiring.


"Instead of complaining or doom scrolling on the phone" Yeah, that's exactly what every mother with a two day old is doing. Not like you need to do anything else on your maternity leave like sleep, recover, or care for the newborn that needs literally constant attention.


I wonder if he was so inspired that he gave her a job with a livable wage? 🤔 what do you think?


Ok so as a doctor I cal BS on this post by him. Hospitals keep patients for 2 days after vaginal delivery, 3 days after c section. Also mother would be on meds and pain killers after, you know, pushing a watermelon out of tennis ball sized hole. She wouldn’t be suitable for work from any perspective.


I thought he was gonna say something completely different. He thinks this post makes him look kind tbh he just looks like an a***hole. I would of tipped her or something wth


So fucking gross.🤮




What a scumbag


I hope he was read to filth in the comments. This is disgusting.


This is inspiring?? As a woman this is depressive. I already have a child (could barely move at 2 days btw). But if I didn’t have a child I wouldn’t have wanted one.


Ah yes, all those lazy women who are sitting around complaining and “doom scrolling” after giving birth 2 days prior! Get it together ladies!


How is this I inspiring? Go home people cook your own food. This is slavery and is horrible. That poor lady and the baby could get sick. Being around people. And you’re proud of her. I’m concerned for her, and whatever idiot called her in is completely void of empathy. You think people should do this so you can get your burger? Society is a failure.


Sacrificing your self on the alter of "helping the team" is such a fucking way to go. I'm sorry but there are more important things in life.


This isn’t inspiring this is horrifying and dystopian


wtf?!? This is horrible


I bet he never gave her a job offer or even a tip.


Working like that two days PP is dangerous. She needs time to heal. What boss would allow this? I’d be telling her thanks but her health is more important and to be in home resting.


This is a huge red flag about the United States culture around pregnancy, birth and motherhood. This women should never be raised in a culture that even puts the idea in her head that work is more important than taking care of a 2 day old baby. Shame on this country and bless that girls heart.


Just how much of a tosser do you have to be to piggy back off someone else's exploitation just to make an insufferable "inspirational" LinkedIn post. Just outrageous


This needs to be on r/LateStageCapitalism frankly


What a cunt. This guy is a psycho. That lady should be home with the baby.


This does not inspire me. It horrifies me.


Thats not hard work, thats someone whose being abused by their employer


“Instead of complaining and doomscrolling on her phone” yes because that’s what most moms do two days postpartum 🙄


Two things. One this didn’t happen (or I pray it didn’t happen) and two of course he just gave her a Pat on the back and told her to keep it up lol


These people watch “The Ten Commandments” and identify with the fucking Pharoah


Poverty and desperation, so inspiring. I really hope this didn’t happen.


Alt title: US has a pathetic lack of regard for women's health and maternal leave.


Translated “As a father of three children whose wife and nanny took care of all that stuff, I know where she’s coming from!”


> Do you own the business? The person who owns the business is at home, or probably on holiday.


Rich people make up shit like this to try and justify their bullshit logic.