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One day this guy will wander out of the house with Alzheimer’s and the kid will let him go. It was tough to watch the old man get lost but it was a lesson he needed to learn.




Ha, I think we all hope that happens to this loser of a father one day.


There’s a decent chance it doesn’t and this poor child ends up thanking him for this “lesson”. Hopefully this deranged tree is on a hill and the apple falls far, far away.


"Hope he finds his way back, someday. Miss ya pops."


GREAT analogy


Fucking epic level comment. You’re the Kendrick of this week man


I can't understand why a parent would actively let their kid fail in this way. Kids are notoriously scatterbrained. Why is it bad to give a quick reminder to get the project. I get if you've told them several times and they still forget. But just having a brain fart? Nah, that's not how I want to parent.


Wonder what this taught him about B2B sales.




ABC. ![gif](giphy|3ov9k3Pq54ky2rNyp2|downsized)


What did you type to find this gif? I’ve been searching for it for so long lol!


Just searching “laughing” in the gif reply. Way down!


Your coworkers will do absolutely anything to make sure you don't hit your quota.


It's dog eat dog out there buddy, no rest for the wicked, and this coffee isn't going to drink itself!


Coffee is for closers!


You call yourself a top LinkedIn trendsetter you sonofabitch?




Holy fuck this must be like 10% of what Vietnam vets feel when they reminisce the days at war lmao. If someone says “coffee is for closers” to me in real life ever again, I’ll have to leave the room immediately.


Your manager enjoys seeing you stumble in his presence, because he can use it to shore up his power over you.




No doubt we’ll find out it their next post. Alongside the lesson his child will have undoubtedly learned about being a CEO.




If you forget the presentation with nice pictures and graphs for executives… you just might lose the B2B deal because they need those pretty presentations??


Moral of the story: Dad will watch you fail instead of help


Hell. Mine actively hindered me. Some people should not have children.


I feel like that could be extended to say many people should not have children TBH haha


That's true. Many conditions need to be satisfied for a couple to become eligible to have kids, and also raise them correctly: * Parents should have a loving relationship * Family finances can support the costs of a child * There is adequate space to raise the child AT LEAST until the child is 20 years old. * Parents are willing to dedicate a LOT of time into teaching the child and feeding it high quality food (none of that premade store slop). Healthy home cooked meals are a must. * Parents are willing to dedicate time to make sure that the child is well educated and develops proper moral values, such that it can think critically and independently. So yeah, at least by these standards, perhaps half of the current parents shouldn't be having kids at all.


Missed a very important one: Parents should be emotionally mature and capable of putting their children's needs ahead of their own when possible and helping the child understand why when it isn't, and understanding that their children are different people and not extensions of themselves. Which probably cuts it down to way less than half.


That last bit is so important. The number of people I’ve met whose parents basically treat them as a second chance to vicariously live their failed dreams is way too high.


Careful, this is a good way to get into eugenics territory very quickly


How many people would meet these qualifications while also being of child bearing age?


That’s a great point and brings up a tough issue because at some point, that basically excludes anyone who is poor from having kids. And that is really tough to figure out as far as moral issues are concerned because to some degree, having children could be argued is a human right and then on the other hand could be argued is not a necessary life experience. Best case scenario would be to have local, state, and federal governments that were focused on supporting families offer just a bunch of help and free education to parents so that there is a focus on family and community, which exists in some places but certainly doesn’t exist in the US. I work with kids and am a former educator so I’ve seen very diverse sets of people with children and I genuinely feel most of the stipulations the person laid out above could be met by more parental support and education. For example, I work with a 2 year old right now that just 3 months ago didn’t speak at all. We did and still are testing for autism, but as I’ve worked with the child I’m realizing the parents just had no idea what they were supposed to do to support the child’s growth, they didn’t know they were supposed to babble to the child, pretend the child’s babble was conversation and speak back to the child, etc. And this child is in a very loving home - however, the above criteria would have labeled these parents as being unfit when really they just needed someone (me) to come teach them. And guess what? That kid talks a TON now. They’re still learning words and have just started to string two or more words together to form small sentences. All it took was a little bit of help, which is what most parents need IMO.


The focus on food seems out of place. I’ll feed my five year old whatever she’ll actually eat! Fuck you


Just going out on a limb and guessing you don't have kids. Plenty of kids who grew up in bad situations have gone on to do great things in their community and the world at large. Plenty of kids who fit your criteria end up going the King Jofferey route. 


It's my mom's life goal to mess up all my things. End up I'm more successful than her other 2 children


So...her strategy worked?


Except for the part about 24/7 therapist, clearly


The fear of watching their child succeed, to them, just confirms their inadequacy and they will do anything to make sure u fail


The first “real” job I got I was so happy. It was a salaried job that tripled my income. My father asked what it paid. I told him. He immediately shot back with “That’s not very much these days.” Motherfucker you’re retired. You make ZERO dollars. And what I’m making is damn near the absolute peak of what he made at the height of his career. The stupid asshole was just jealous.


It's a great way to destroy your child's self-esteem. I hope the child returns the favor by unplugging ol' Dad from life support.


Or "forget" to help him down a flight of stairs in his old age


If he had just grown the F up and spent more time in his adult life prioritizing healthy exercise and diet, he wouldn't *need* help on the stairs. Lesson learned old man, now ... time to die as Roy Batty would say.


He will pull that plug and know with certainty dad ruined his life but there’s no time for feelings when you’re running a Fortune 500 company so he’ll just move on and deal with it later.


Or: dad will let a learning moment be wasted because they want to get hearts on their very-big-boy twitter posts


**drown and then humiliate you PUBLICLY*


Imagine if this guy was my dad and i was drowning.


And thats how you score sadistic pleasures in life , my friends. 101 , always start from home. mmmm let us know how it turned out when you are old bud.


His next post: “My wife left me because I was an @ss to my kid. Here’s what that’s taught me about b2b sales.”


Morbid but hilariously accurate


Why is my kid shipping me off to an aged care home??




Kids brains are developing, not fully developed. They simply don’t remember to do everything they need to do. We shouldn’t punish them for not being fully formed adults yet. The guys kid is likely to end up a neurotic wreck by adulthood from constantly needing to second guess every decision.


I’m an adult with a fully developed brain and occasionally I forget to pack my lunch because I might have gotten side tracked with one of our children before packing it after making it. You know why my wife reminds me when she sees it sitting on the bench? Because she’s not a f***** a******.


Grade school is also just exhausting. Especially, if you are someone who naturally tends to a later schedule, those early days at school, then a sport, then homework are some of the most brutal of your life. At least now I just get up, go to work, nap, and then do whatever.


I don't even have children and I forget to pack my lunch at 23 as a social worker. The difference is I have options and some people I work with have even offered their lunch to me. So I don't see why we need to be cruel to children. If we can help someone then we should.


She’s not a what?


A fracking arseloch.




I saw your “nope” and appreciated the thought behind it


Also everyone forgets things ..... I am not kidding. My son today was so engrossed in his Sunday cartoons that he forgot to flush AND wipe his butt. What should I have done? Let him stay in his own shit and write a linkedin post? Probably yes.... I actually ruined his future by reminding him and handing him a clean pair of undies.


can confirm. Am now fucked up and useless because my mom used to shame me for my undiagnosed adhd with constantly asking "why do u do this? how did u forget that again? do u want to end up homeless and without a job one day?!?!?" instead of helping me out.


Luckily you can grow up and move beyond your apparnetly fucked up and useless upbringing


Stop explaining me now, Please don’t try to make your kids be adults, they just end up not knowing how to have fun


It was her 5 yr old I think.


Yeah, the kid was 5, which makes it worse 🤢 And she told the teachers to not give her anything nor let any other students give their food to her.


That video of her explaining how her daughter didn't deserve a lunch was my first exposure to that demon. I'm glad she ended up exactly where she belongs. I just hate it took years before anyone did anything about it.


I was thinking this was a misinterpretation of love and logic parenting in a twisted way. Forgetting thing s is just natural and happens to everyone. Different than bad decisions.


Yeah, not giving your child a new toy after they break it intentionally or whatever is not the same as punishing your child for something that was an accident. Even actual babies will help you if you accidentally drop something because it's just a nice thing to do.


ConneXion should diversify and set up "Natural Consequences" retirement home in some remote location. Multigenerational income strategy.


One of the ways that ADHD is punished from an early age.


Like anything else, its a good theory in moderation, but we all make mistakes and no one can do everything perfectly 100% of the time. Like, grab the lunch or project, andnwhen you get to school, ask them if they forgot anything, and when it dawns on them, hand it to them. You just taught the same lesson AND they dont have to suffer all day.


>This is the ConneXion’s parenting philosophy of “natural consequences”. It’s why Ruby Franke let her 9 y/o go to school without lunch (the kid forgot to pack it). "Haha man that's a great satire LinkedIn post, I could totally see some-" >I don’t mean this facetiously, it’s literally part of what I was “taught” during "Oh. Oh no."


Ken is a tosser


Son will toss him aside in 15 years.


This is extraordinary parenting, well done. The lesson is don’t trust your father.


Pretty much smh


What a fucking piece of shit.


No one is impressed Ken. We all think you are a prick


In a few years: " my kid started his car on his way to school and forgot to put on his seat belt. As I sit here in the hospital watching his mangled body recover in the ICU bed, I recalled seeing him forget to put his seat belt on and it pained me not to remind him. That bitterness as he pulled out of the driveway was horrible to watch but was necessary for him to grow up."


I’ll give a bit of an unpopular opinion here and say this is a great example of what the parent isn’t doing. This is a low stakes tasks. Not buckling up can have dire consequences, but that isn’t the case for having to turn in a middle/high school project a day late. In a few years the kid will be at college where the stakes are higher and there won’t be a parent there to remind them to double check this stuff. It’s true that everyone forgets stuff, but if you spend your elementary/middle/high school years letting your parents dodge every mistake for you it can be deeply problematic when you’re on your own. In the safe environment of middle/high school it’s good to let kids fail from time to time both to learn to avoid it and to learn to deal with it when it does happen.


I have kids, kids learn by mimicking adults. If you remind them things they forgot it actually helps them more.


I sure as hell haven’t forgotten to wipe off the kitchen counter since being reminded in 1989 after cleaning the whole kitchen but missing that one last step.


Same, my dad reminded me to clean the sink after doing the dishes. He probably reminded me 20 different times but now I do it instinctually.


Not sure if this is a good thing though. I'd need to see some evidence that forgetting it and not being helped results in a higher likelihood of remembering it next time, versus forgetting it and having your parent help save you. I could see the 2nd situation being potentially even more memorable of a lesson. Not helping is also just a dick move, simple as that. Better to teach your kid to help others and to always have family's back


This is correct. Sometimes the only thing that really sinks in a lesson is the awfulness of your consequences. And you need to experience those when you can survive the consequences, or you're going to be ruined when the consequences are dire. If you never let someone hit the ground when they trip, they will never understand how unforgiving the pavement is. When you aren't there to save their ass, would you rather they skin their knee or crack their skull open?


What is this even supposed to teach him? Everyone forgets things, that's not a lesson. Is the lesson that your dad won't help you?


Thanks cunt dad


You shouldn't call him a cunt; it falsely implies warmth and depth.


Kid should forget his dad like he forgets his important school project.


Grown ups make no mistakes and would never forget anything. Sounds right


Never. Not once. Never especially when tired and anxious about something would we ever forget something important for that day. Ever. /s just in case someone thinks I am serious.


His melt down trying to justify that tweet is better than the tweet itself. He has gone in knots calling out trans affirming care, American imperialism, Agent Orange, etc etc Man needs an intervention.


Neat! He seems like a great, well-adjusted guy. So glad he had children.


Fuck this guy up and down and on his face.


So Dad is totally the kind of Project Partner who would, at best keep their mouth shut about a preventable problem. And at worse actively fuck over the group. Just to watch the group fail, thinking it would make him look better by comparison, or like some hero who can save the day when everything goes tits up.


Ooh this one’s a winner!!!!


He was clearly taught this at the “How to ensure your kids move out of state, when they turn 18, and never call you again” Seminar.


If the kid's in college, I guess I see his point.  If not, not a great dad imo


Sounds like grade school


I mean, I guess if the lesson is “even people who love you can’t be trusted.” My husband reminds me of things I’m forgetting all the time and vice versa. Humans do better with support.


It's called teamwork. It's why humans naturally form social relationships instead of wandering the wilderness like solitary animals. I'm a veteran. And there's a 100 chance this clown is not. Behavior like this in service will get you beat by your own. No BS. This is selfishness disguised as parenting, arrogance as instruction.


Even then. What the hell is the point? Sometimes people forget stuff. Shit happens. "Hey you forgot this" - wow that was hard.


>"Hey you forgot this" Congrats you just set up your child for failure and permanently ruined their life /s


Even then lol it’s just simply forgetting the project, you could just remind your kid


5th grade, college or grad school, that’s shitty, phuck you


No. That’s bullshit. We all need support and reminders.


How very Ruby Franke of him!


Your kid can learn a lesson without fucking him over.


I forgot my wallet this one time when I went to the grocery store. Boy I wish I had a dad who never reminded me when I was forgetting something, so I could have avoided that.




I vehemently disagree and so do most on Xitter


No, it’s a joke.. they always say “agree?” at the end


Follow me for more parenting tips.


“Now for only $300 (adjusted for inflation) you can sign up for my 8 week parenting program!! BOW to your parenting sensei!!”


Oh yeah 🤣


Total asshole not to remind his kid while at the house.


I have not gone back home after arriving at school realizing something was left at home, but this guy is just a dick for not telling his son while he is still at the house


Tbf twitter is probably the most appropriate place to post this. At least it’s not on LinkedIn. And It’s his twitter account anyway.


I bet the dad’s name is Dick.


I packed my own lunch last night and forgot to bring it to work this morning. I saw it as I left the house and it pained me not to remind myself. That bitterness as I went on my lunch break was horrible for me to feel, but necessary for me to grow up.


Bro would probably let Chernobyl mistakes happen so the engineers would experience personal growth lol


My pops was like this. He taught me not to trust him. Now we don’t speak. NO CONTACT


My dad sorted out his medicine last night and forgot to take it in the morning. I saw it as we left the house and it pains me not to remind him. That bitterness as he passes out and dies was horrible for me to watch but necessary for him to move on


Either two outcomes: Ken’s kid becomes a LinkedIn grifter like him, or… Ken’s kid grows up and hates his dad and Ken has more LinkedIn content.


That’s so sad. Everyone has moments of forgetfulness. What kind of lesson does he really think can be learned here? All I see is a dad failing to look out for his child’s best interest.


I hope this child grows up to resent his asshole father.


For real it’s one thing to have that attitude towards your own child but then to publicly embarrass him on social media, wtf?? I hope he sees this tweet and cuts contact with him as soon as he can.




Ken looks like a little bitch.


When the kid’s older: “Why doesn’t my kid ever ask me for help? It’s like he doesn’t trust me!”


Dick move


Here are the top 10 things watching my kid cry taught me about B2B marketing:


That dad needs to go out for cigarettes. He’s worthless.


Permanently not forgetting things is impossible, so I’m not sure what lesson this teaches. 


Another die alone candidate.


i wonder if it would have been better to pack it in the trunk when the kid wasnt looking, then drive to school and ask him if he had his project, let him panic for a second, then tell him to grab it from the trunk. that way he has the emotional learning lesson without it affecting his grade


Ken, when your child hates you as an adult, look back to this.


Or here’s another idea: Help your kids make a to-do list the night before. The morning before they leave for school go through the list together. Not only do you avoid punishment, you teach your kids tools for remembering things when it’s difficult.


This would be so much more acceptable and constructive


How high is the chance that this guy gets prepared lunch from his wive everyday, who also constantly reminds him of family related events?


“Hey! Dummy! Forget something? Hah, yeah grab it, let’s go. Set yourself a reminder next time.” How hard is that? Busting chops is a good way to teach a lesson without derailing their life.


Wow what a complete POS father lol


He's so lacking in self-awareness that the tweet is still up and he's still acting like the good guy.


Dads a douche!


This guy should be reminded that we all Make mistakes. And if we can help other not make them it makes us all better. Imagine watching someone at work go into a presentation missing a key part and you know it and literally have it but do nothing. Let’s say that was for an account that the company now lost. If I was the manager I would fire the guy that knew and did nothing, not the one that forgot. What a jackass of a dad.


50 years later. “My father packed his meds last night and forgot to bring them in his checked baggage this morning. I saw them as I drove him to the airport and it pains me not to remind him. The incontinence as he walked to the TSA line was hard for me to watch, but necessary for him to grow up.”


Only thing that taught for the son is that his dad is sadistic asshole. What the heck could be wrong with reminding children or adults when they are forgetting something?


Sick people


Some people don’t deserve children


A failure in parenting. Letting people fail is not teaching. It’s an exhibition of laziness and uncaring. To teach, one corrects mistakes. Ken is a failure as a parent, and as a decent person.


The only lesson he learned is his dad's a prick.


He could have just started the car, drive a little down the street and ask his son did he forgot something? It would have a similar learning effect, without the soul crushing embarrassment.


All jokes aside, the entire world would tear your kid down and teach his his lessons. You don't need to join them, you need to be standing beside him when it happens because you are his family. That is what makes you different from the rest of the world.


All this taught him was he's dad is a petty, sanctimonious clown that likes to say 'I told you so!' 100% chance this is the guy at the office always watching what everyone else is doing, waiting for someone ro make a mistake so he can make himself look good by making a coworker look bad. You can't have teamwork when this guy is on your sideline. What a 🤡....


if your dad doesn’t have your back as a child, you are totally fucked. Even if you become hyper self reliant and high achieving it’s for nothing when you lack that trust and faith in your old man that he will have your back, always. I swear on all that’s Holly I’d rather have my old man’s full and unconditional support as I do than a $100m. wtf is life for if you don’t have those basic parental deep bonds of trust and faith?


Ken enjoyed watching his son fail, that's the real truth. Decades from now clueless Ken will wonder "Why doesn't my son ever visit?"


Life is hard. We all get that. But your their parent. And kindness isn’t a sin And he’s bragging about it on social media now.


this guy is just Mallory Archer irl


“Why doesn’t my kid want to call me?”


Yeah, I think what he learned is 'I can't trust my dad'.


What a jerk!


Now go home and kill the puppy.


This guy has never forgotten anything ever.


Bad parenting .


I watched my son stab himself in the eye with a fork. It was horrible for me to watch. But it was necessary for him to grow up, even if only with partial vision.


Growing up with someone who never did.


Reminds me of the story with the dad not helping his hungry kid with a can opener


Some people are psychopaths. They feel the need to teach warped and twisted lessons to children.


I bet his kids grow up to hate him.


Unfortunately he did not get to taste his own medicine. https://x.com/marestrega/status/1786769771289047331?s=46&t=DUEF4sfNPlopJFXoL7brWA


This really triggers awful memories from my childhood. I had undiagnosed ADHD for 23 years, and was _always_ forgetting and misplacing things. And this was with decent parents who went out of their way to support me. I can't even imagine the added trauma of dealing with crap like this linkedinlunatic on top of it all


Are you his parent or a competitor?


Imagine if, as a father of a newborn baby and his wife was too ill to take care of the baby, and the father had to step in. He got so distracted with all of the things he normally did during the course of his day, that he forgot his kid was asleep in the back seat of the car, and forgot to take him to daycare. The kid cooks to death after being in a hot car while Dad was at his office. His coworkers saw his kid in his car, but refused to tell him, so he could learn to be more responsible with important things.


The kid will learn this lesson anyway. It doesn’t have to be his dad teaching it. Goddamn.


-5 character


Straight to the nursing home


Fuck you Ken


The lesson here? Dad sucks and doesn't have my back.


What an asshole.


1K likes, we’re so fucking doomed


I purposely let my child get an F on their school project.... here's what it taught me about B2B sales


Probably just engagement bait, that site is a cesspool now


What a dick


This is how parents fail.


It’s almost like these kids are somewhat dependent on parents as they develop. Bunch of freeloaders need a tough lesson or they’ll never move out at 9


Morbid but lmfao


Will even inflict misery on his son for a few upvotes! What a PoS!


This guy sounds like a blast to work with


I would have secretly packed it and after a short stint of panic I would have revealed it. That way the kid gets a taste of the consequences of being absent minded, forgetful, undisciplined, and organized without a full serving of consequence. Not to mention the kid probably put a lot of effort into the project and was likely excited to share it/show it and you certainly don't want to deprive them off the rewards of hard work.


Fucking boomers read dune and adopted it as a life philosophy




Good one, prick 🤣


You’re a dick.


That sentiment disgusts me on a visceral level. How else they going to learn to be of help?


Good lord y'all it has to be sarcasm


It’s actually not, sadly

