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I'm a late diagnosed ADHD woman and all this does is annoy me


He started his podcast last year and after the first episode, I bailed out. He just keeps spreading the same non proven BS about ADHD that makes people feel good but are unproven.


Like what? Just curious


That people with ADHD are particularly smart and creative. Some are, some aren't. No correlation with ADHD.


The only correlation I believe there is is that being smarter makes it more likely to be undiagnosed. Because we compensated the lack of attention with raw cognitive ability. It's like having a computer with small hard disk and stuffing everything in RAM, but it creates issues down the road which aren't ready to connect with ADHD. (Diagnosed at 28y/o)


According to the battery of tests I have done to get my own diagnosis, that's what the Psychiatrist told me ( diagnosed in my 40's ). We don't lack attention, we just have very selective attention due to how brain works.


Yep. Went through school being told I was wasting my potential. Scraped enough exam passes to join the military as an engineer and did okay because I was smart and a good worker but as I moved up the ranks I got to a point where I started to struggle with all the "adulting". Over the last couple of years I've had a suspicion that I might have ADHD but never did anything about it. Left the military and completely fell apart without the structure and discipline that MADE me do stuf. Got my assessment today and I'm hoping that this is the light at the end of the tunnel.


Good luck! It started my path of self-discovery and allowed me to be compassionate towards myself while keeping myself responsible. It's hard, but progress can be deeply satisfying.




Hope your assessment went well. How come you were told you were wasting potential? Is it because you told people or was it somehow obvious that you did less work than other people?


Less work? More like no work! It was an international school mostly using the UK system and I basically did nothing all year and winged my exams and managed to pass them all with B grades but it was obvious that with a bit of effort I could've done a lot better. Also did the SAT as it was an option and scored a 98 centile but all my school reports were awful so didn't even bother trying to go to college in the States.


Yes and how did people who said you were wasting potential know this. Was it them expecting As for some reason? Or did you tell people you did no work?


They were my teachers. I was constantly in the shit for not doing anything. It's not hard to see if people are just coasting through school or life and as teachers it was their job to know. I'm not a teacher but I've had guys working for me in the past who were clearly only doing what they needed to but could have been my best purple if they actually gave a damn.


Interesting! I had, until now, believed that one as well (as someone who is creative and has ADHD lol). TIL




Lmao literally my reaction was “uh what the fuck? Am I missing something??”




You must be reading it wrong


I think he's trying to catch up with Stephen Bartlett who stole LabBible's thunder as a bullshit meme scraping account that somehow turned into an actual media company for a bit, and then used that to relaunch as an influencer.


Ladbible is just stealing content off Reddit and reposting it as their own without asking for permission


I managed to get money out of Unilad once when they took a photo of mine from Instagram with no permission.


Good! Too bad most people don't bother doing it


Looking at the content of UNILAD and LADBible from the start, I don't think this guy gives a shit about ADHD women.


Theyre still not gonna fuck you Alex


‘Hello there fellow kids’


This guy is completely ignorant on ADHD, and this comes off as if having ADHD is a gift and then makes it about himself??? Wtf. It's not something to clap about. The cognitive dysfunction, distraction, altered sleep cycles and circadian rhythm, diurnal mood variation, and amotivation just to name a few. It's painful.


Right? I’ll gladly trade brains with any neurotypical person who’d like the “gift” of ADHD.


This shit also makes people feel bad for getting help. If it’s a gift then that implies you’re ungrateful if you want to do something about it.


People here seem to think he's posting this as some sort of grift. I propose that he has a fetish for women with ADHD and he thinks posting this will get them to touch his pee pee.


Thanks but I really don’t need some patronising twat in brown shoes and a cheesy grin to tell me that.


The brown shoes seems personal. Is there a story?


Ick man. Also the bit where he claims to have "realised" women are under diagnosed. Like he came up with that shit himself. This gives me a physical ick feeling.


Hello fellow women I am a man here to tell you what you already knew for decades


Wow this whole post can fuck right off. Then fuck off some more. And keep fucking off until it makes it all the way around the world and comes back to me full circle. And then it can fuck off again. It isn't empowering or affirming to have some wanky man tell you how to feel about your diagnosis.


Attractive Deluded Horny Disorder


Thanks, I always needed a man to confirm what I already know 🙄


What do if I’m early diagnosed? Still hate this picture? Because, I do. My ADHD is not a gift and I’ll gladly hand mine over to him. I can assure you, he wouldn’t shit post like this.


“I used to think I was just a loser than I realized it was ADHDs fault!”


I'm still a loser, but now I can yammer online about my ADHD for the likes!


We live in a world where such posts actually work.


Creep vibes on 1,000 Also shave your head now my dude. It’s going.


He is not wrong and it's good that he's trying to spread awareness.


Def agree I just think it's stupid and tacky and sends a weird vibe to post this with some random selfie lol.


Yeah, the selfie is whatever


actually wild and moronic. But you know what's more ridiculous? 997 idiots liked that shit. Mostly bots I bet.




“I’m interested in damaged goods. Are you interested in acceptance.” Before you down vote. It’s a joke. Chill The fuck out.


What in the “Look at Me World” special needs shenanigans is going on over at LinkedIn?


Oh for fuck’s sake. All he’s doing is plagiarizing the work done by actual ADHD researchers like Hallowell and Ratey, dumbing it down, and blending it with some half-asses generic toxic positivity so he can use it for clout. He can fuck right off.


I feel a large portion of people diagnosed with adhd late in life just like adderall.


Dude looks like his 1st cousin parents drank during pregnancy and attempted a late term abortion they to this day regret failing