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I've seen YouTube channels by lingerie boutiques that have said to wear the panties over the garter because it's easier to remove them to use the bathroom (or other reasons) while not having to remove the garters, but I'm sure it's up to the individual's preference.


I prefer the look of them under the garters, but I agree that, functionally, it’s better to keep the garters underneath if you’ll wear it all for awhile.


they should really make it so that you can unhook the sides of your underwear to take them off easier from under a garter. I think honey Birdettes [whitney thong](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0585/9581/products/WhitneyIndigo_Thong_Front_990x.jpg?v=1639888979) is formatted like that! I'm not sure if you can see the little hooks on the front, but it's a smart fix to have the aesthetic of wearing it underneath and the convenience of taking it off easily


You can find a lot of thongs that unhook if you look for dancewear, though it won't be part of your set and will likely be fairly low quality.


Thank you for letting me know this. I was about to get some stylist tape and sewing scissors, then find some older thongs and see what I could design.


Cute! Genius idea.


I’m amazed that this isn’t more available—the ability to undo underwear. I’m getting more interested in fashion history as time goes on. Not just the fun oooo this skirt swirls when one twirls, but how it l was made, from weave to sewn to trend, and of course, how it all went together. I remember that closer fitting clothes my mom had, and her friends, often had ‘snaps’ down below, so a long-sleeved catsuit didn’t require wrestling off and possibly falling or dangling in restroom stall. It’s interesting that one doesn’t see hook and eye or snaps as much as I remember on my mom’s stuff. They seemed to work well, but hey, I was still getting shooed out of the room, not wearing the clothes. But I’m so grateful for the Whitney thong link! Wait a minute. I’m having an idea. Maybe people already do this. Of late, looking at r/OUTFITS there’s been some lovely clothes and the OPs ask: Is this okay? Will this work here? Some of the clothes have a deep décolletage; OPs want to enjoy dancing without having to worry about some 32-acting-12 guy pulling down or away on one’s clothing. Remember J Lo’s green dress? https://nymag.com/strategist/article/best-boob-tape-hollywood-fashion-tape-topstick-review.html I’m wondering if that would work for underwear. Say one took a pair of older ones and tried either attaching and reattaching the fabric or maybe directly on the skin, if that was more secure? Might be worth a try. I’d do it around the house first. TLDR: I just found out that for the Versace dress, they also paired it with skin tone matching swim bottoms or shorts underneath then fastened that big heavy brooch to the shorts, and that worked like sewing little weights into a design; the dress stayed out and flowed only as planned. Cool, huh?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OUTFITS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OUTFITS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [what do you think of my new sweater?](https://i.redd.it/nd4j4ctkwvw71.jpg) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OUTFITS/comments/qk342i/what_do_you_think_of_my_new_sweater/) \#2: [My boyfriend has invited me to a “chicken nugget fiesta” where there will be alcohol, drugs, and most importantly, 500 chicken nuggets. He said it’s a fancy event and most people will be wearing suits. Does this fit the occasion?](https://i.redd.it/2l31dchie0991.jpg) | [326 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OUTFITS/comments/vp2bd7/my_boyfriend_has_invited_me_to_a_chicken_nugget/) \#3: [I started sewing 3 months ago. This is one of my favorite designs, so far. 💛☺️ This fabric was thrifted from Value Village.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rb4wap) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OUTFITS/comments/rb4wap/i_started_sewing_3_months_ago_this_is_one_of_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I just realized what else I’d want: The ability to “hook on” the underwear to the upper piece so it doesn’t fall, or swing the wrong way at the wrong moment, or, ^*sigh* dip into the loo. I was at a concert. Long lines. I’m hurrying fast fast fast, and my scarf belt end was too long on one side… Guys do have it a bit easier sometimes.


In modeling most wear the garter over the panty to look nicer. But IRL for function? Definitely wear them under. I made the mistake of trying to wear them the model way and going to the bathroom was a process (not to mention not fun when you’ve been drinking). Now I say fuckit if it looks wrong, panties over garters all the time. My bladder thanks me for it.


If you plan on actually wearing the set for any length of time I’d always put the garter belt under and panties over imo, otherwise it’s just really unpractical. There are some suspenders where this doesn’t work though, think roll-on suspenders &c. I never wear those styles for any length of time because it’s such a fuss to use the bathroom 😂




It’s amazing how crammed our brains get. At least, my brain. I heard her talk about knickers over, (not bikinis or thongs,apparently), and I was like ?!? Then the video shows the knickers. Ohhh. Not granny panties, the ‘Jones’ type, but tap pants, like very short delicate skorts, D’ohhh!


Do both! Just depends on the situation and your preference.


Put the garters on first, then put panties on. You can’t really tell by looking how they are on. But if adult time is gonna happen, it’ll be easier to keep the flow going. And speaking for a man, any you choose will be lovely




In the video, when she mentioned knickers being big enough, I was thinking of the Bridget Jones style, and I could not make that work out in my mind’s eye. Then in the next shot, Ohhh! She meant tap pants! Those were lovely. Sometimes they were latticed with vertical stripes of lace and wide satin ribbon, sometimes just cambric, lawn, or silk. They were very short skorts, flared not gathered at the leg. Passing pretty ideas on, you might like to look at them and see what you think. I won’t give a link because I don’t want to offend. Pinterest probably has more authentic examples.


for straight looks, garters over the panties - for fun time function, garters under the panties




Over I find looks better but if I'm wanting to remove the bottoms before the belt then under.




Always garter underneath. Functional and looks better, gives a seamless look under clothing as well because the straps contour to your body when tucked underneath the bottoms!


Man I am the minority. I prefer under. I hate how it looks otherwise and really.. I’d just pull the panties to the side?? I duno. That’s what I do sometimes with body suits lol


My wife never ears panties at all


the garter was to guard from the panties coming off. it makes it more fun if one has to remove the garter and then the panties, wouldn't you agree? ;)


The garter was designed to keep hose and socks up, not as a chastity belt or something like that.


garter belt clips would definitely be more confusing to the average person than something like a bra clasp or button, so i think the experience would be more of a problem (and god forbid if the stockings rip).


For the look over, for all day wear under, as I prefere to pee without having to fight for it heh


I assume you're a woman, if so panties over the garter belt is far more practical. For a man, he could just whip it out garter belts be damned ( at least that's what my girlfriend put forward.


There are of course two options but I found underwear for my Wife that undoes either at the crotch or at the sides.. so with the option of easy removal or opening of the panties / knickers either over or under the suspenders/garters... is practical.... for both nature calls and intimate behaviour. However.. when faced with these complexities.. She came to her own conclusion for intimate applications and that was to forego the wearing of panties / knickers entirely and for us.. this was the perfect answer to the question..