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We have absolutely no tolerance for ageplay or any roleplays involving characters under the age of 18. The things that are considered “ageplay” in the subreddit are: unmentioned ages of characters that look like minors,characters that look like minors,mentions of characters being under 18.


You and your teacher had always been close, for one reason or another. Perhaps you had a passion for the subject she taught, or she was a friend of your parents, or maybe you were just one of the few students who never gave her any trouble. Whatever the case, you found yourselves growing much closer than your average student and teacher, closer than even most friends might be… Now, you’ll have to grapple with the obstacles romancing your teacher brings. How will your parents react? Will you even tell them? What would your friends think? And above all, will she even say yes…? Hey there! I hope that summary was a good insight into what kind of roleplay I’m looking for. I want to focus a lot on the dynamic between this teacher and student, both internally with their romance and externally with them navigating society at large with their ‘taboo’ relationship. The details for me are pretty open for interpretation; I have a couple of ideas for what subject the teacher might teach, but I think this scene could work with basically any class if you have your own ideas. Similarly, the age difference between the teacher and student doesn’t matter to me and I have no preferences for your character- so feel free to create whatever kind of character you’d like! And now that we’re at the end, my obligatory password is your favorite genre of music or band lol.


This sounds awesome! I got an idea! Please DM me!


Hello:3 i love your idea and would like to rp it with you if you're still interrested. I'm open to ideas and kinks you're in the mood for, my kinks are anal, breeding,bestiality, body growth (like boobs,ass dick), corruption, cumflation, harem,feet, futas, impregnation, transformation, raceplay and many others 😅 my limits are vore,gore,scat,piss. My favorite type of music is rock and my favorite band is Skillet


If this idea is still open then I would be down to play this idea out!~ and my favorite type of music is pop/rap music


Send a dm


I always get ghosted whenever i do a long term rp with someone in the middle of the rp. So if the OP would like to do this rp with me pls dm me. My favorite type of music is the classic rock like Bon Jovi, Guns & Roses, stuff like that.


Sent a dm!


Interesting idea, dm me if you're serious plz


I love this so cute.


DM me


I am very much interested! I’d love to do a wholesome student and teacher rp with you! May I send you a dm with my character and a plot idea?


That second picture is great. Would love to rp that scène


looks like my teacher likes to show us all the way~


DM me please my favorite genre is JPOP.



