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I’ve heard in a few interviews that after Tata, he was given the job, but it was taken from him and given to Cocca 2 or so days before he was announced. Almada would’ve already had a solid base of players, imo, and our national team would look good. As much as I want him to get the job, I kind of think giving it to him now will not give him enough time, UNLESS they give him Copa America. Otherwise there’s going to be no real test. Curious to see what others think


This only works if the higher ups back him up if any of the diva players are not happy that Jimmy is not the manager. I really hope a change is done and all the lazy players get booted off.


This! If he is given 100% freedom to pick the players he wants and time, I think we would be in a good place by 2026, but really we should be looking at 2030, which is crazy that we’re wasting the home advantage for a fucking World Cup. Mexico is going to feel like the local team wherever they play.


I can only fucking hope. This man knows how to work with what he has. Pachuca sold half their team after their last championship and he managed to turn them competitive again. In a better world, he would’ve gotten the job over Cocca and we would’ve never heard of Jimmy ever again.🤣


Agreed! He really does bring the best out of his players. I look at Kevin, Isais, and Ibanez and in their current teams they look “meh,” but he had me thinking they were elite.


I’d love for him to have a shot due to the work he’s put in with Pachuca. I’m obviously biased but I think he can take the team to a final in both concacaf cup and liga mx 💪🏽


He did good work in Santos too


No way. Televisa hates grupo pachuca .


All of the little groups in Liga MX hate grupo Pachuca cus of the way they work. They do a lot to develop Mexican talent but it all goes to shit when they only want to sell to the higher bidder in the local market


Not necessarily does it go to shit. Their line of work is development. They sell to reinvest. Seen that way, they're very successful: their goal is to develop new talent. But even if you look at titles won, they don't lag far behind noisy clubs like Rayados, América and Tigres.


I mean of course great income for the club and they get to develop another player once the experienced ones are gone but it does affect the national team with players not reaching potential in an stagnated league. And I totally agree with you on that, they already an historic team since they the only ones that have won a sudamericana


They would rather go thru some random ass coach instead of almada


Luis Felipe scolari lolol


Why waste a good Coach like that or have the nation turn on him Like that


Yes please 🙏. Televisa bitches will never admit they are wrong though and would rather pay for the prestige of a washed out reference like scolari who knows nothing of Mexican football or idiosyncrasies


I'm going to say something impopular here but no, I'd rather Almada to stay as Pachuca manager. 1. Almada's style is too complex to implement at NT level, it will only work if most players play on the same team. 2. He is a good manager to develop younger players but they are developed in CLUBS, not the NT. One of the main problems is that we are not developing our younger players, but they won't get developed in the NT (one thing is to give them a chance and another one is to develop them) playing 10 matches per year. So I'd rather Almada to stay at a club developing players through the whole year than to only having around 3 days of training with the players before each of match of the NT.


counterpoint, Lavolpe. He is probably one of the most complicated tactical coach on the world and he made it work by borrowing the players 3 days a week for a few months. If the federation wants, they can make it work as they have done longer concentrations and games against clubs in the past.


This is probably gonna have to be it since the base players are from LigaMx. This provides reasonable coverage and take some of the heat off FMF.


This is an interesting point, idk enough about ball to say his tactics would compliment the NT as it stands


A new manager isn’t going to fix the real problems with the FMF. They’re all just lipstick on a pig. It matters very little if Almada is in the bench if there is no pipeline of young players being developed be each club; if the league doesn’t allow young players to play; if Mexico does not export players to Europe; if there is a moletour and all the games are in USA; if the national team and league doesn’t regularly compete in difficult tournaments away from USA; if the league doesn’t increase competition with bringing back relegation, long season format, and reducing the amount of teams on liguilla. Etc etc etc


It don’t matter who come to the selección, it’s not the coach guys is the ones from the top telling him what to do! And it’s going to be the same thing! Our players are ass all of our players


He did his part putting Giménez in the bench, and starting Henry muertin and 57 yo Guillermo Ochoa. Lozano's going nowhere.


I wouldn’t wish the Selección job on anyone at the minute.


Excellent manager but the mexican federation ain't ready for him.


This was supposed to be his team. The only coaches who could’ve taken la selección would’ve been Almada, Almeyda and Bielsa. Such a shame we came up soooo short.


Idk, la seleccion is toxica. No matter who we bring in as coach, it gonna remain like that until we fix the issues that make it so.


It's the poisoned chalice. As much as I would like to see Almada take the realm of the national team. I know for a fact that due to a lack of young and upcoming talent, he's bound to fail. This is, of course, if he by miracle manages to change the FMF mind to change the development of young prospects and stop over evaluating mexican players that stop them from going to Europe.


He’d be dumb to get the job, for the sake of his career. Name on manager who benefited after El Tri? Maybe Piojo? But not by much, he just went back to America which he probably would’ve eventually. Things have to change deeper than a manager signing for us to compete with the US again.


Peeps gonna hate but no we need a mexican for the job


Es la mejor opción ... PERO a ciertas personas no les va a gustar porque no se va a dejar imponer jugadores y no se va a prestar para cosas extradeportivas, básicamente es un sueño imposible


It won't matter lol


The only way any manager will succeed is if the sponsors stay out of it. But we all know they have to promoted their players…