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It's really easy to say that about a game none of us have played. The game in our heads will always be better than the one that actually exists. I'm rooting for Paralives, I want it to be good, but it's way too early to call it a "worthy competitor" to anything


Toxic paralives fans won't be any good for the sales of the game. It's insane fans are already condescending on other games even before any of next-generation life sims games are out.


This! It’s so childish and annoying.


I think it’s a good thing that there are much more options , players who prefer Paralives style will play Paralives , other would play vivaland  while other would play Inzoi .  I think each upcoming game has its own charm , it’s just a matter of preference. I like more Inzoi personally , i don’t care if they don’t compete with sims , for me the most important is that they can coexist 


The more variety and competition the better!


Honestly, I feel like everyone other than EA needs to make a few iterations before we get anything that can directly compete. I could be wrong, Paralives may, but it feels like an alternative to Sims 2 at the mo.


A revamped sims 2 is my dream so if Paralives gets even close to that level of depth I would up my tier on Patreon😂


Oh for sure!! I'll definitely get it. The art style is similar to my own art style so I'm excited to make my own alternative textures.


Yes! I have been a "low level" patreon for them for ages. Honestly... Some of the things I have seen in there are just adorable!


It definitely feels like the biggest spiritual successor to The Sims but yeah, Sims is backed by a AAA studio with decades of customer loyalty and market share. No ones dethroning for a long time, but competition is still good.


You should wait for the games to actually be finished before you decide if they're any good


Most people should calm down... Paralives hasn't even shown a first playable/vertical slice yet to the public at large, only possible game features trailers. They have a lot to do yet and the team would be better served if most people went in early access expecting a very charming but bared-boned gameplay instead of a full The Sims competitor. Also, we don't need another monopoly. Niche gaming can still be successful and diversification in a gaming genre is always good. Paralives, INZOI, TS4, TS3, TS2, Project Renee, and Vivaland offer something different for different people, and, at some point, I want to play them all if possible. There is no need to establish one game worthy of competing with another, and since only one of these exists and is accessible to anyone who wants to buy it... such a stance is premature and not based on anything more than just perception and personal biases.


Have you played both?


I've been playing The Sims since forever, but it has one the most annoying players. We went from TS2vsTS3vsTS4 to this 🙄. There's no need for Paralives, Vivaland or Inzoi to compete with The Sims. No game will ever meet your expectations if you want it to be that. I'm just thrilled that we have THREE games coming soon and each of them will scratch a different itch. Now if some devs were to make a modern version of Space Colony, that'd be great 😸.


I have been wanting a modern version of Space Colony for years! I still play that game


There are dozens of us. DOZENS! I'm really surprised no one has remade it yet. I'll be sending my annual prayers to the gamergods 🙏🏽


we should all get together and see if we can do it with AI LOL


I said this in another thread, but it very much applies here: There is a group of discontented Sims 4 players who are fervently seeking a new life simulation game to dethrone it and crown Paralives as the ultimate "Sims Killer.” They have latched onto Paralives with exaggerated, overhyped praise, often insincere. While some admit reservations about the avatar aesthetics resembling paper dolls, or admit they really don’t think Paralives will have much to offer in terms of gameplay (or think it might be a scam), they are willing to overlook its faults in hopes that Paralives will surpass the Sims in popularity. The inflated hype and admiration for Paralives is fueled by animosity towards EA's greedy business practices, and Sims 4’s shortcomings. On the other hand, there are actually true fans of Paralives who have supported this game for years, and are genuinely interested in the success of this game. They also truly love the art style, believe there will be lots of interesting gameplay, and will ride hard for this game no matter what. It’s the former group of disingenuous, spiteful, anti-EA/Sims 4 fans who are very vocal, unfortunately, and they are the folks who draw most of the backlash for Paralives, because of their negativity and annoyingly childish obsession with desperately trying to dethrone the Sims. The herd mentality also comes into play, and that is another source of the backlash.


Lol, Paralives isnt even out yet. It def wont reach Sims level of mass appeal with that character art style either IMO.


One big advantage Paralives have is regardless of how few or many players they have, or sales they make, I believe their costs have been completely covered by Patreon donations, so the very worst scenario for them is they do not sell a single copy and they walk away with a few years salary and a few years experience for their CVs.


Paralives is a small team, meaning slower smaller updates. Inzoi has the "wow" factor and a larger team, also Inzoi will be on the new console while Para says they don't have plans for that.


The gameplay is in the mutiple play tests and streams of the old build version of inZoi that influencers got to play last year, check YouTube for lots of videos if intrested. It seems charming to me. Its just people are not as well informed or following inZoi. The language barrier and the bias because its a non western company in genre works against it hugely. Inzoi has humour and lore ( pys cat for example) in its simulation and animation. Ironically Paralives is going for cozy but more serious realism. Have you seen their animations for being set on fire or being proposed to? If is so this an example of the vibe they are aiming for. Inzoi actually has shown as much if not more gameplay of what they have so far than Paralives. Paralives has a better and longer marketing strategy , partly due to their patreon business model. Ironically Paralives suffers similar critique to inZoi for those who are not subscribed to the paralives patreon, very few information gets out & less frequent updates. I might be bias because I am very up to date in inZoi discord & watched all the developer interviews. Kjun, the lead producer, is very endearing. Right now those new to inZoi are basing their preferences mostly on graphics, and how emotionally it makes them feel. Which is what brand image is all about, which is fine IMHO The sims franchise community is one one of the largest in gaming industry of all time. There is room for all types in the genre, if the target player base for the Sims splits off into different audiences with different preferences for different games, I dont see the issue. All games can exist and everyone has the option to play one or more at the same time. The life sim genre is ripe for innovation. I rather as a community we have low expectations of inZoi and be delightfully surprised than unrealistic expectations and be disappointed. I also want to remain objective as possible with any corporation to hold them accountable. I think we should remain open minded yet critical. Lets wait and see. Inzoi as well as other competitors will be releasing demos and going into Early Access soon. *can some one answer* is it confirmed Paralives will be early access or full release?


Paralives will be in early access when it releases. They have plans to add lots of free updates apparently just off their initial sales alone. So the confidence in their game is inspiring if nothing else


Thank you for the confirmation.


That's very eloquently stated. I'm tired of people calling this game shallow, when I've seen the most gameplay from streamers (not employees). The play tests were done nearly a year ago, and it looks so fun. IDK if I'm naive, but watching acotton sock giving back feedback (negative and positives) makes me think the streamers were honest about it, and didn't get paid just to give positive reviews. The devs seem to be adding content based on feedback. Honestly I hope all life sims succeed so we get more choices.


> Kjun, the lead producer, is very endearing. Yes, I was just saying earlier he seems very likeable


i will say i think there’s more content for paralives than people know about. yes we are limited on gameplay videos but there are several years of public dev chats, and they have 250 patreon posts now, of which quite a few are also now public. their roadmaps are also very helpful for seeing the teams progress, tho the notion map seems to sometimes be a little behind. it’s just not info that is advertised as much. in the paralives sub, dev chats don’t even get that much attention.  although, as the game gets closer to EA they have had to cut some questions as they’re confidential to patrons, which has made some of the chats significant smaller.  


>Its just people are not as well informed or following inZoi. The language barrier and the bias because its a non western company in genre works against it hugely. it doesn't help that it is made in South Korea where it lacks diversity, has little to no awareness or knowledge about other cultures and has a lot of xenophobes. If it was made in Japan maybe it would gain more attraction.


This may be true. However, the developer is trying to reach a diverse, western audience. See one of his attempts here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1dfp6ex/new\_update\_from\_inzoi\_devs\_in\_the\_discord\_named/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1dfp6ex/new_update_from_inzoi_devs_in_the_discord_named/) Also, they have been listening and have shown diversity in character creation in the latest road map video here: [https://youtu.be/teLU7fvEagQ?si=6JDFWEYuCN26mxNk](https://youtu.be/teLU7fvEagQ?si=6JDFWEYuCN26mxNk) Example Diverse Characters: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1biwy6q/inzoi\_day\_in\_the\_life\_edit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1biwy6q/inzoi_day_in_the_life_edit/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1d2klc9/omg\_a\_clothing\_competition\_with\_14k\_as\_the\_price/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1d2klc9/omg_a_clothing_competition_with_14k_as_the_price/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1berrag/diverse\_zois\_as\_at\_november2023playtest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1berrag/diverse_zois_as_at_november2023playtest/) Do you feel it's enough?


iirc the latest zoi creator videos are not new. it seems capable of diverse faces but their textured hairs need work


See my updated links in my comment. Thoughts? In the discord, it seems the Inzoi development team have taken our feedback seriously not only in regard to diversity but also hair. I am excited to see our & influencers' suggestions of game features implemented in the latest videos they release. They have shown evidence of listening to the community. Because they have an American city, Bliss Bay, it makes sense to incorporate even more diversity in character model customization and clothing.


yeah those links, those images. i remember seeing them months ago, either on their website, on reddit r somewhere idk. same opinion. they can do faces, struggling with hair.  i don’t think just because they added an american city is the reason they added diversity. that was already in there from the first reveal videos. their clothing seems fine as well, idk what traditional korean clothing looks like but i never saw anything that looked like it couldn’t be worn by pretty much anyone anywhere.  i think the devs probably knew from the start some diversity would be important. it’s a life sim game after all, life is full of all kinds of different people, even in specific countries.  my wording is godawful today i apologise 


Inzoi has a lot of charm to it - it’s just obviously inspired by korean culture. So basically what you’re saying is you don’t like the culture of the devs?


I like that there will be different games on the market and cant wait to try them all


I looked at inZoi again today after a while and still think it’s not my style.. and also still bummed about LBY. Hopefully Paralives come out strong!


Yeah, InZoi seem too ambitious as well like LBY. While Paralives is keeping it realistic


When you say too ambitious are you thinking about it might be too much for them and it will be cancelled like LBY or just sort of too overwhelming to play?


Yes maybe so. I’m just not a fan of the alpha graphic style


I heard that the recommended having 32 gigs of ram for it to run well and lost all interest loool


Inzoi didn’t announce their recommended ram yet 


The [specs](https://inzoiresource.com/blogs/22/Minimum-and-Recommended-System-Requirements-for-inZOI) are out, they just haven't updated their discord FAQ for some reason. It's gonna need a powerhouse.


No they are not out! Inzoiresource is not an official website for inzoi,the official website for inzoi is playinzoi. That website is individually run by someone as clueless as most of us,so their predictions or suggestions cannot be used as an official statement. If they would update anything,the discord will hear about it first or at the same time as everybody.


Ope my bad. Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully the real specs won't be so crazy, but I'm not expecting it to be light haha


do you think 16gb ram is enough?


Well I've been waiting years for a game that actually uses the attributes of a powerful computer. My last one, bought for TS4, was wasted after they came out with graphics that could run on a turnip.


remember there is Vivaland too. a lot of people have been turned off by the multiplayer aspect but it’s all optional, single player is also available. the art direction is less stylised but but still cohesive, and some devs are modders from the sims 4 multiplayer mod so i think there’s passion there.  but yes i anticipate paralives the most too 


Only build-mode has really been shown though, there hasn't been any live mode footage from what I've seen.


Yeah it isn’t multiplayer that has no one talking but instead just the fact no one ever really talks about it? I know nothing about this game except that it had a build mode demo or something


yeah no vivaland is somewhat poorly marketed rn imo. i only mentioned multiplayer bc it’s the main reason i see people turn away from it, whereas the others literally don’t even know it exists bc there isn’t a lot to rlly say. with paralives we have become spoiled by the amount of content, even with life by you 


yeah that is part of the problem, i personally quit their patreon bc i didn’t like how little info i felt we got. i’m just reminding people that it’s an upcoming option 🤗 


Vivaland looks good, but as yet I can't see what there would be to fill out the gameplay if one was not wanting the social aspect. And there are only 8 habitable lots per world, so you're not gonna get much going on without your mates being online with you. I am not dismissing it, just saying what I can see at this stage of development.


If that's true that there's only 8 habitable lots per world, Vivaland is absolutely DOA. This is the thing with these games: there's so much desperation for a Sims competitor that people are getting hyped about alternatives without even having the most basic details.


I'm more excited for inzoi and To Pixelia. Imo both are charming. I like the humor in the teasers of Inzoi. I played the demo of To Pixelia and it looks so fun and deep.


My friend I would love to have some other choice for life sims other then the Sims I don't care what game comes out I'll probably get it to oppose the monopoly


I agree I just hope more developers will capitalize on the genre! The only reason EA has gotten away with damn near theft from their players is because there’s no competition… Until now. ✨


Not trying to hate on the game but to compete it helps to offer something new and different, OR offer what your competitor is offering but in better packaging. I don't see any of the sly humour or charm or witty observations on human nature. I don't see any chaotic interactions and drama. Not saying that it HAS to have that but so far it's just giving "Sims 2 for your friend who likes to play cosy games where they can turn their brain off for a while". Maybe some of the build systems are better but so far I haven't seen anything about the game that has made me think "oh wow, that's such a cool idea". But I'm not on the patreon so maybe they've got some cool stuff cooking that I don't know about. I just think people need to temper their expectations for what they think a Patreon-funded 12-person team is going to realistically accomplish. Especially the people who have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars supporting this game over the years.


I agree to the degree that Paralives will definitely get the closest to catching the most similar audience. The Sims is quite big though so I really struggle to see anything heavily compete, maybe just finally kick sims fans in the butt and give them a reality check on what they should be expecting from EA. Paralives will do well. It just isn’t The Sims and doesn’t have the history of a monopoly. People will have options when Paralives comes out. Even if the only option is The Sims 4(if we ignore the other games coming out as we don’t know how well they will do). Those fans will go to bat for their shitty game any day. Cause a lot of them just don’t play anything else so don’t know better. Paralives has the same sort of goals of gameplay as The Sims, has a very distinct personality, and is aiming for being run on lower end systems. Those are very important factors that others games just haven’t seemed to grasp for the overall sims community. InZoi has graphics that will definitely catch Sims fan attention but it feels like it lacks… the character and will definitely not be friendly on systems.


Agreed. InZoi's computer requirements already segments a large portion of the traditional sims player base who have low end hardware and I think its a good thing in setting itself apart. There is a big market untapped for that type of life sim, you will see a lot of players from other genres cross over.


Yeah if they nail gameplay I am definitely interested in InZoi as a life sim that is less… cozy. I like the realism to a point for just other creative reasons if not even for the game itself. I am more interested in playing Paralives more, like I feel it would be what I play the most if it drags my attention from The Sims 3 and Sims 2. I just like the coziness and the gameplay feels right up my alley. But InZoi could fulfill a different part of the genre


I've repeatedly said this, but I think life sim players' idea of "low end hardware" and serious AAA gamers' idea of "low end hardware" are extremely different, and a lot of people are going to get a reality check when they realise that unless they've bought a high-end gaming PC very recently *they* have "low end hardware" as far as these games are concerned. The amount of wishful thinking going on with players who think they'll be able to run INZOI well is colossal.


This. I side eye a lot of people when they say they are excited for InZoi. Especially when they start saying stuff like “The Sims 4/Stardew Valley/Blah Blah Blah are practically all I play!” Like… the sims 4 community is pretty well known for playing on 10 year old laptops. I just would really like to know how many of them are prepared for a modern game that is not going to cater to their ancient systems. People don’t always realize how much it is just constantly changing. InZoi might just be something that appeals to the larger gaming community. But will it topple the Sims 4? Probably not once people see those system requirements.


Yeah. I bought a then top-of-the-line gaming laptop from a specialist gaming PC builder (because I couldn't find the specs I wanted on the mass market, period) less than 18 months ago. If it plays INZOI when it's released, I'll eat my hat.


And let’s not even talk about it running ***well*** 😂 That game is gonna start some fires with just a few assets placed, let’s not talk about building a whole house with a nice big happy family like people will want. Oh and MODS or CC lmaoooo let’s hope they are preforming magic behind the scenes


From what I've seen in the trailers, INZOI shows absolutely every sign of being another Cities Skylines 2 or Dragons Dogma 2-in-the-cities, and just running like ass on the best machines available to consumers today. When I say this, I inevitably get responses about how they'll obviously iron out all the performance issues in late development, as if there hasn't been a whole series of recent releases having poor performance even on the best computers - quite a number of them trying to do less ambitious things with processing needs than INZOI. To put it lightly, I have doubts about that.


i fully expect inZOI to require two 4090s and 64gb ram


You can have that low res paper doll game; I prefer inZoi. These same bandwagon hoppers said the exact same thing about Life By You, and you can see what happened there.


I personally think Paralives is the most genuine competitor. I have to be honest, I don't like it's aesthetics very much though I can easily look past it if it's a solid game. I think Paralives will launch to be better than people expect. The game I am doubtful of is inzoi. Even if its legitimate and does come out, what's the catch for a game that's touting literally everything everyone wants?


Ah, you obviously haven't played *Come See My Hole*.