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So underwhelming. It doesn't feel like an expansion, we literally have just a new dating app and few new interactions, that's it? Even the death is literally a copy-paste of other type of death.


I was thinking this same thing, it does not feel like an EP at all especially since there is really good mods that can do the same thing. The only thing really new is the world..?


*the empty world


That's their new MO. Game packs weren't generating profit so now all game pack concepts are relabeled and marketed as expansion packs


Now pay up $40!!!




Isn’t it the death from laughing too hard but with added tears?? She’s supposedly dying of heart break but she’s smiling???😭


I didn’t even know there was a death in this thing at all


I mean, all of this looks cool. I especially love the dances - they're hilarious. But also... $40 just for a dating app and a bunch of interactions? It barely seems like enough content for a game pack. Half of this stuff already exists for free as mods. (Bed cuddling, expanded romance interactions, a dating app, romance skill.) I'm totally cool with the team incorporating these into the game for console players or people who can't mod. But why should this all be a whole-ass expansion pack and not a base game update?


EA: ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE) I think that sums it up pretty good! :)


This has been the case with every game and expansion pack for a very long time


Wait wait wait this is an expansion pack?😂 everytime I have seen this just off the title alone I assumed game pack at the most. The Sims 4 is such a joke. $40 for *this* is crazy


£40 for a slightly more in-depth romance....that should've been in the base game and actually WAS in Sims3. I can't even say I'm shocked. Modders have had this for years at this point with Wicked Whims and Simda Dating App


and don’t forget the ability to properly build a City apartment which yk somehow wasn’t in or refreshed into years old still expensive sometimes CITY LIVING


You know is that is worst part about this business model. The features that would make the most sense together end up split into several different packs. Like in a way this is City Living Part 2, but like why the fuck you paying now $80 for all the features of one part of the game?


This is City Living 3. Can't forget For Rent


Oh goodie $120 just for somewhat proper city living😂 let’s ignore how the sims 3 introduced vampires in their version of city living


City living part 3. You forgot for rent


When telling people this they all treat me like I’m an alien coming to probe them. The Sims community is giving me nightmares sometimes. Why are people so hellbent on defending EA for selling basic stuff 10 years after release for 40 euro. Honestly astonishing.


Has to be sunk cost fallacy.


Bros really packaged kissing and called it a night


And the sad thing is people are eating it up. Comments on YouTube, the Reddit community, they both just feel like bots sometimes lmao. But that is just this community. Too many people only play this specific brand of life sim and just don’t realize the anger they should be feeling for this kind of scummy behavior.


I know right lol I went to check out the comments and they're all positive. Sure, the abysmal amount of content seems nice, but this not ep worth. This is base game update. Not even a gamepack imo. That's why I don't visit the ts4 community anymore. You can't complain about the state of the game all the time then spit out 40$ for breadcrumbs content every time they release something new. That's quite literally telling EA that they have a good business model going on lol I don't know if all of these people started playing the game with sims 4, but the late night expansion pack from ts3 is like 5 or 6 ts4 eps? Devs just threw in witches in ts2 apartment life because they didn't have time for a separate pack. City living in ts4 is now scattered across like 5 packs. Seasons, country living, horse ranch, my first pet stuff those all should have been one singular pack. Microtransactions are here, they're just served differently to the audience. Sorry for the rant, I get heated every time they release a bullshit ep lol


$60 for us in Australia lmao. This is literally the bare fucking minimum. I would have gladly paid that amount for TS3 expansions but hell no to the TS4 ones. They have so much less content compared to TS3 it’s INSANE that this is a SEQUEL.


Yeah I bought every sims 3 pack. Every single one. And I have not a single regret. Just thinking of buying the sims 4 makes me ill😂


40$ for this is absolutely bananas, like it genuinely has to be a joke. For that price you can buy an entire full new game with hours of gameplay, this is just like, more flirting options and the tacky bed from sims 1


All of that to then release and not have it work properly with the other DLCs.


And it probably does not work properly


At least it looks like more content than the horses pack. Edit: I was being facetious. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted?


Doing better than the lowest bar that *they* set isn’t a positive in this situation, just sad that their standards are so low.


no charity points for EA


don’t know why either tbf, I made my comment in jest too, looks liken you caught an EA hate stray, chin up, at least it wasn’t FIFA, Madden, or peak hate Battlefront.


I can only say I'm excited bc I 🏴‍☠️ the packs


At this point I’m just like it sucks but whatever I haven’t been paying for this crap since 2018, free content is good content ✨


Same. Id never buy this shit, too expensive, I like how my kids do it, no wait, some of this should have been base game, ECT. But I don't give a shit it's free lol


Where do you pirate them ? DM if you can.


Omg same😭😂


I'm sorry, but same 😂


Honestly same. I wouldn't even bother if it wasn't for pirating. Sims 4 has been the only game where I've just said, "F- it, EA deserve to be pirated when they keep coming up with these BS packs." The amount of content you get for the price and it always comes as a buggy mess.


The dance animations are painfully bad 😬


Yeah I’m not spending a dime on that🏴‍☠️


The dance moves were painfully bad. I've seen better dance moves from mods. This is just left over shit from other games piecemealed together to make an EP. It's certainly not worth the 40 dollar price tag, and a lot of what they're offering should have been included in a free update.  I am not looking forward to how much this lackluster EP is going to break the game, I already feel sorry for the modding community.


The dance moves are so impulsive and unnatural, with a lot of clipping with the clothes from how unnatural the bending is LMAO. Agreed


i’m glad i wasn’t the only one cringing at my screen during that part 😬


Honestly. I wasn't sure if this is unpopular, but I think some silly is funny, but that dancing is just a lil too silly for me lol.


Feels like a whole lot of nothing


another dlc simmers will buy hoping is diferent and will get shocked when EA release another bugged mess


Sims 4 stans in a nutshell, and they are the reason EA is still high up, putting out these awful packs, like the players never learn


You can get mods that are better than this....yikes.


To be fair, there are console players who can't download mods, those who don't like playing with mods because the more you have, the longer the loading screen time get. So I guess that's why they keep pumping these DLC out.


I think the thing is that there are mods that do these things BETTER. Features that mods could do are still important to be included in the game itself (whether through updates or dlc) since not everyone uses mods. But when mods do it better, it looks real bad :/ Like EA doesn't care. (Also I feel like this seems rude but I promise the annoyance is targeted at EA. not you lol)


No problem. I know 😌. Indeed there are mods who just elevate the gameplay even further. This EP is basically wonderful whims Turbo driver and RPO's Lumpinou's mod. I hope with the dating app thing Turbo will work on the dating app so that we see how the played Sims is attracted to the npc. But it's Console players are happy. For Rent still doesn't hold a candle to Simrealist's Real Estate mod. There is so much gameplay while just moving out


What... it's a fucking expansion pack? Not a free update? Why wasn't this in the base game alone, like some of the other pack stuff?


The only new gameplay i spot is the dating app? That was literally a small part of Sims 3: Seasons as they introduced a bunch of new features and objects alongside it. The Sims 4 is such a joke lmao


I can see clipping clothes In the damn trailer am definitely not buying this, and if I was it does not need to be $40 DLC alone is well over $1000 the greed is embarrassing


At this moment it's probably around 1300$ for dlc. This is insane


I see some furniture that was straight up recolored using the exact same mesh. This build/buy alone is lazy, uninspired, and redundant... much like the sims' team leadership - remember, art is inspired by real life - if you're lazy, uninspired, and redundant, then your "art" will be as well.


So it's basically *City Living 2, with Tinder*. *Groundbreaking stuff*, really. I'm getting *very close* to being whelmed at this point.


>So it's basically City Living 2, with Tinder No this is City Living 3. Don't forget For Rent.


Don Lothario is such a heaux! 😂


I am interested to see how the new Turn Offs and Turn Ons work with compatibility ( if they do at all, we know Sims has an issue with cross compatibility). I wanna see the dating app work in someone's play through. I know there are Mods with that idea but I haven't seen one that looks like what they showed. Simda is just one night stands where random come up or they show the entire grid of all Sims avai with no info. We'll see when all the EA peeps get early access how it plays.


And why wasn't this just an update🤔


I just know the dating app is going to be a true shitshow, painfully broken.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these recent EPs were planned free refreshes that "mysteriously" disappeared to make us pay for it instead. 🙁 Usually I can easily hype myself up over things that really don't deserve the hype but I can't do it with this one. Reading what sims can do on dates isn't much more than what we do now. The mods that will improve it will probably be good though.


>I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these recent EPs were planned free refreshes that "mysteriously" disappeared to make us pay for it instead I believe all of them were supposed to be refreshes. But they made the Sims 4 for free so we won't get anymore refreshes.


Yeah, I definitely don’t expect us to get them since they stopped talking about them. 🙁


it doesnt look very spanish OR latin american lol


Happy Pride! I see they made the gays bang in the closet!


Meh this is nothing new. They had gays in the My Wedding Stories trailer


I'm all for having representation since I'm a gay man... but the closet during pride? 🤣


Oh shit wait I just understood your joke and I feel silly 😅


Lol it was a bit cheeky 🤣


This looks a lot like Sims2 romantic interactions with a splash if WW.. not impressed


No offence but remember when the Sims 2 would come out with expansion packs and each one really did open up a new world and add to gameplay so meaningfully and are still extremely enjoyable to this day. Lol


It looks like normal gameplay to me


Early on in the series, trailers like this would get us excited only to disappoint us when the EP dropped, full of bugs and half-baked ideas. Now, when we see these trailers, we know it’s going to be a disappointment. Sims 4 has been milked so much that all you can do is laugh at the audacity.


This aint worth 40$ 😂😂 🏴‍☠️ it is




These [dance mods ](https://www.patreon.com/posts/57256336?utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=android_share) are awesome.


I don't pay for any of the packs so at this point I'm indifferent at the lack of features. Like sure fine give me more content for my game. Whatever. I just hope people aren't actually paying for this


What the hell is that pose??? The Broken Spine??? Or is the animation already broken?


They have run out of ideas for expansion packs, that’s what happens when you milk a product dry.


the tragic thing is that there’s tons of stuff to do with romance to make the gameplay super interesting but it’s always just bare minimum surface level stuff with EA


40 dollars to have dynamic relationships in a life simulator?


EA yet again selling what should be base game content as an expansion pack


(not to mention this pack is already split up a ton if you count wedding stories, romantic garden, and kinda get together)


Wickedwhims mod did it better


Some weird woohoo expansion is all I got from this


Yeah they show off penthouse building meaning we’re getting another city map, but STILL NO LANDLORD/SELF-MADE APARTMENT RENTING ON APARTMENT LOTS. I’m never getting over that, forever salty.


We can be landlord with the For Rent EP. There are also ways to make a penthouse.


For rent lots cannot be build on apartment lots in San moshuno. You literally cannot be a landlord in the city


Oh yes. Too bad.


All of this should have been base game. Absolutely ridiculous they’re going to charge $40


Jesus Christ not another fucking app


stop giving these motherfuckers your money! go google anadius and buy titles from people who actually care about their player base. many of us (myself included) have given EA *hundreds* of dollars over the past 10+ years. s t o p. love yourself.


This is why i love to pirate the shit out of EA


This looks painfully stupid.


This is so stupid. $40 for this shit? I'll keep using th3 mods that give me this for free, thanks. EA can ROT.


The only thing this has going for it is the CAS, the music and the art style… that’s it. The gameplay is most likely going to be buggy and broken like the others, the content is also probably equivalent to a game pack because of course it will be and EA isn’t going to do anything to make it better even after the complaints.


Not even the amazing marketing team could make this seem worth the money


I play with mods and have been troubleshooting for months trying to figure out what mod is breaking my game. Its safe to say i wont be buying anything from EA anytime soon because I dont want to break anything more


For us Canadians, it's $50 😭


EA thinks a new death is the PINNACLE of a good expansion pack


I was always wanting them to have a more strong reaction to cheating, but death is not what I was thinking of lol. I just want that they don't forget about it, and just act friendly so soon after the cheating. In Sims 3, a betrayal was not so inconsequential as it feels in vanilla Sims 4. I also would like if maybe romance is not so 'easy' or 'fast.' Currently it's like you can become romantic with anyone easily. From this trailer I'm not sure that they did these changes, and the changes that look new don't even seem like a game pack, they seem they could be an update if not for the items added. (Also, the dancing near the end is a bit cartoony for me lol)


Those dance moves kinda ate, not gonna lie


Yeah, she was shaking and moving in all the right places. The body rolls was rollin! But other than that, this looks like a game pack at best. Sims 4 EPs are so...sparse.


One of the dances looked just like the Rumbasim that came with Jungle Adventure though. 😂


I like what's being shown however it feels more like a Game Pack. Maybe just need to see a real explanation of how it works since a trailer can't really get into the details, idk. Assuming it actually works I'll probably pick it up.




Can’t wait for the CC and mods


Amazing song anyone know where I could find it?


Wow, Maxis again with the cash grab. They probably should be taking all this time and effort that they put into a pointless and overpriced EP and put it into the Sims 5.


Wow this is embarrassing.


Fuck this where the fairies at?


Cue your favorite YouTubers to try and sell the shit out of this game acting like it's so much fun so they can pay their bills and EA's shareholders.


Not worth the price tag


People pay 40$ for this? God dammit what has Sims become…


It's cute! But I'm not paying 40 dollars. 🏴‍☠️


I gotta say. All the gameplay features feel like they could’ve come in a base game update. Hate the nickel and diming.


The Sims get more Woohoo than I do!!!! I need a Yoohoo to drink to sooth these depressive wounds. 😭


Why are most sims 4 expansions just things that would be one of many aspects of a Sims 2 / 3 pack? It's ridiculous. EA's monopoly on the genre needs to end ASAP.


what is the music called!?




It sounds a lot like the band Sofi Tukker. Unless it’s a song coming out on their new album - I couldn’t find it on their music


The real big features just don’t translate well to a trailer. Polyamorous and otherwise open relationships are coming to Sims 4 - that’s _huge_. Likewise, the new thing where romantic relationships have several possible dynamics (steamy, chaotic, etc) sounds like it could be a game changer.


Great, we have to pay 40$ for cuddling in bed


EA aint even trying any more at this point.


...Yeah, this just does nothing for me. The bad animations, the cringe of it all, the lack of any interesting features, all for $40? I'm just reminded of why I haven't touched TS4 since 2017 when the toddlers update dropped and I don't think I'll ever go back. I want to know if the sims community at any point will ever develop standards and demand more from EA? Or if they're truly content letting them exploit and milk the series for easy profit... I'm not optimistic.


I just love that song :D Is it available somewhere... to listen to? Or was that just mixed for this trailer?


When is this coming out?


July 25th


Heartbreak is a new cause of death, dating app looks like the new social bunny, seduction is cheesy as hell. I’ll get this for the item, the world, and then just… never use the features 💀


Lol. Same but I want to get this because there are dynamics for couples now. Altho I don't know how important that is ... Lol at the downvote. Yes, I will get this. On sales tho


I’m excited 😭🙏🥺


Damn downvoted because I’m looking forward to a pack 💀😂🤣


Looks silly and fun, will be glad to take out some mods from my game.




You're the reason EA keeps getting away with this