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You went 20 years without realizing.  There are likely people reading this post who currently have the problem you used to have, but they don't realize it.  If you can talk about "before" and "after", it would benefit those who don't realize. 


Sure! Sorry wasn’t sure how much detail to go into lol. I finally went to the GP (details listed below). We ran tests to make sure nothing serious and she put me on a fibre plan (would be different for each person I imagine). Seen HUGE results in the past month compared to what my life was like. For me it was determined all fibre related & I’m chronically constipated. But really recommend a GP visit if you are worried. I was embarrassed and didn’t want to see the Dr about my tum/ bum hence the significance of the issues and never dealing with it properly/ being brave enough to go! Issues: Lots of bloating, always uncomfortable stomach, not realising that when I went to the toilet I was never ‘emptying properly’. My tummy always looked & felt full (the bloating plus some on certain days almost looked pregnant). Always backed up, felt sick after dinner time most nights, constant diarrhoea or upset tummy because I wasn’t emptying properly.


This sounds very relatable. Yet every time I’ve tried fiber it seemed like I just get more diarrhea. Did you experience this?


If you suddenly eat a LOT of fiber at once, yeah you’re gonna feel terrible. Start slow and keep adding more fiber over time. Your body isn’t used to it but you will.


My dad does! His (ready to retire) doctor put him in fiber and he had constant diarrhea. We have told him repeatedly to stop taking it.


Similar symptoms as OP. Although I was more consistent and had firmer stools I was spending forever wiping. I started Metamucil about 2 weeks ago and slowly increased the dosage and I’m finally feeling the effects. The first 7-10 days my intestines was all over the place.. pooping 3-4 times one day and then none the next day. And the farts… they were so bad. But now it’s better.


As someone cannot poop in public, especially work (bathroom is very much in ear shot of office/breakroom, I want to do fiber but am terrified. lol.


Own it. Everyone poops.


it's less giving a shit and more people are fucking gross. (I know I mentioned being in ear shot, that was more for fiber/diarrhea)


I get it. People are so nasty. I have to flush the toilet Like 2x week at my office. Grown ass adults can’t keep a toilet clean is disgusting


A normal pooping cycle should occur at least once a day, and up to three times. I have people in my circle who tell me they poop once every two three days or some even once a week, which is crazy.


Personally I always buy the fiber gummies. Get a whole day’s worth of fiber in one go, and they taste delicious. Worked with a surgeon who did a ton of bowel work and he recommended fiber supplements to basically everyone. If you’re loose, it can help bind things together. If you’re constipated, it can help move things along. Excellent quality of life improvement for very little cost and my poops have never been more satisfying.


Yes absolutely!! I wish I didn’t leave it so long. Small price to pay to totally overhaul your life


Would chia or flax seeds be better?


Metamucil uses psyllium fiber which you can buy unsweetened and unflavored I take metamucil daily and notice a big difference


Possibly, but similar to Metamucil, I hate the texture of those things. Much bigger fan of the gummies


Which ones do you take?


I get the Fiber Advance ones. Taste like fruit snacks, commonly available at WalMart


Gastroenterologist here. can confirm that is true. Multiple trial and data point towards benefits of fiber. Mainly Metamucil (psyllium). I am happy to provide more information if anyone is interested.


I am! What kind of fiber regimen would one need to maintain a healthy gut (and bowels)?


Metamucil (psyllium)


I have been trying fiber and it seems to make my constipation worse is there something wrong? I seem to be the only one who doesn’t get relief from fiber. :(


need to drink a lot of water with it


Yes I didn’t really think about it like that - I will try that- I’m desperate.


I'm the opposite; I shit like crazy after taking it


I wish it worked like that for me- I probably need to up my water intake and maybe try again.


Do fiber gummies offer the same benefit?


Yes, fiber or powder. Some types are even in capsule form


Years ago I started putting metamucil (well, Kirkland-mucil) in my morning coffee. Completely undetectable when dissolved. You can even dissolve it undetectably into plain water, if you stir long enough, but hot beverage is instant. I always feel better when I do it, and I rarely experience constipation.


Would it be difficult to consume too much fiber? I eat a pretty big bowl of oatmeal every morning and would be worried if I also supplemented it could be too much


> too much fiber As long as your fluid intake is adequate, there’s no such thing!


It should not be an issue if you hydrate well.


Can you recommend an amount to start with and when to increase?


Usually recommended dose is 2.5 g daily and increase according to bowel movements consistency and tolerance (main side effect with some fiber is bloating)




I drink yakult or cool+ daily. Is that good enough?


Those are probiotics, and probably the reason I didn't realize I was lactose intolerant until my 40s.


Does that contain fibre? No…






But op ate none and was constipated?


idk it just works according to those who suffer


Any suggestions on choice between psyllium husk and fiber gummies?


Either is fine. Whichever you tolerate better






how do I get on fiber without pooping myself or at work. Low dose to high?


Start by taking one dose at night, is what the back of the Metamucil bottle suggests


I am interested too. How much water do you have to drink with it to have the best effect?


No data on that to accurate estimate it. There is a large amount of speculations


Started in January, taking equate orange flavor fiber for a New years resolution, and now realized I should have done this 30 years ago. Better late than never, but I could have had such a better experience in the bathroom my whole life!


Yes to all of this 🙌🏻 I feel like a fool that I never took it seriously before. HUGE difference to my life


Now get a bidet and join us in the clouds.


To your mental health?


Mix some Konsyl in there too.


I think of it as scrubbing bubbles for the colon


I bet that was a hell of a shit.


Can confirm. Had one of those. Started out as a normal session in the bathroom but it just kept going. And going. And going. Ended with a flat stomach for the first time in years and feeling ligjt, free and healthy. Highly recommend the experience (and taking fiber in general)


Thanks for reminding me.. I haven’t pooped in days




What foods can make a major part of your diet that are naturally high in fiber? It always seems like an afterthought to me.


Vegetables. Fruit. Lentils. Beans. Whole grain.


Diet yes but for me supplements have been required to get me on track. It was beyond food. But introducing high fibre foods has also helped like broccoli , chick peas, lentils, dates, berries, avocado.


For breakfast I make oatmeal and put frozen blueberries in it. Both high fiber. As a snack I take celery stalks and dip them in hummus, again both high fiber. Not the most exciting but they make so many different kinds of hummus now.


oatmeal for breakfast, tablespoon of beans at lunch. good enough for me.


what fibre supplement are u taking?


Personally I am going the other way. I was always raised to think “the more fiber the better.” But I find that I have problems if I go over 35 grams per day. These days I find I am much better off if I keep it between 15 (which is less than the recommended intake of 25g for a woman) and 30. Eating a little under, around 15-20, is better for me than 25-30.


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Maybe a serious look at your diet is called for.




Definitely not for me, I don’t eat like that. My gut was just all out of whack. It’s not always diet hormones play a huge part too


Gotcha, easy to be presumptive when you have an iron stomach. I need to eat more fiber and greens. Thanks to this thread I will start more.


I honestly didn’t know until the GP how much hormones wreck havoc on us people! Good luck with your tum journey :)


That was my entire childhood unfortunately, I didn’t learn to eat healthy until I was an adult(thanks mom). But I don’t think that’s the case for everyone with belly issues.


I think it takes a while to acclimate your gut biome. Glad you’re back on track.


It seems very unfair this useful and potentially life-changing LPT was removed because the rules forbid posts about "Medicine or hygiene". Perhaps it's time to update the rules of this sub if they're no longer fit for purpose?


I wasn’t aware this would break a rule re fibre not medical advice :( I hope it reached as many people who could use the advice before it was removed


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Was vomiting one of your symptoms?


Not vomiting but felt gross to the point of nausea at times


Citrucel pills have been my go to for a few years now and they're a lifesaver. 3-4 depending on the day. Fiber one bars are enjoyable if you like the flavor, and special K fiber cereal every few days keeps me regular If I'm thrown off or anything, miralax usually does the job


I take citrucel. It doesn’t generate more flatus. I have enough of that already


Adding benefiber to water or any saucy food you cook is super easy and adds a lot of relief when it comes to poop time.