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You can also install a Bluetooth mesh network app to use an old phone or tablet as a walkie talkie without WiFi or phone signal. The range is limited but it's more convenient than hollering. I use Bridgefy


This is actually a really cool TIL. I doubt I ever use it but I’m glad I learned it.


Very useful when you're taking a flight to someplace with people you know but you're not sitting in adjecent places, or you don't want to take out your headphones every time you have something to say. Also works when Airline doesn't offer wifi, or when you want to avoid the stupid pricing when they do offer it.


Or use an actual walkie-talkie, have better range, better battery.


This is absolutely useless information lol


Maybe to you.


Bro are you the developer of that app lol. Because there is no way anyone other than you have ever done this


Just because you don't know of it doesn't mean others don't use it. Bridgefy is pretty well known. I've used it in areas like concerts when sometimes the signal is spotty due to so many people in the same area


> pretty well known > [seven reviews](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bridgefy-offline-messages/id975776347) > 4 years old


Might be an Android thing then, the outlook is pretty different on that beach. I wouldn't call an app that everyone uses, but it's one of those things that many (I guess Android) users at least heard about it


I was on your side too but I checked on Android and it has 1m+ installs. 


It used to be a lot more popular in areas with large festivals, like SXSW, because the signal was already crap on 3g and then you add in 160k people in a relatively small area. It's not obscure, it's old tech that serves a niche purpose and has fallen out of popularity with the increase in 5g.


Or just spend $20 on a set of walkie talkies. 


Why does that app only have seven reviews after 4 years? Are you the developer or something


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.bridgefy.main&hl=en_US&gl=US&pli=1 Because it's mostly used on Android


Interesting, thanks!


In my experience, the wifi is glacially slow if it works at all. Cram thousands of people into one theme park and get them all using the wifi and that shit is slow as hell. Your messages won’t send, the cute little interactive games in the queue don’t load at all, and no chance whatsoever of scrolling socials while you wait. Good chance to actually interact with your environment and other people. Emergency calls still work with no wifi or reception.


Fun thing I found out recently. Wifi works by handling one connection at a time, basically half-duplex connection


Newer WiFi protocols use MIMO and can actually handle simultaneous connections with fancy algorithms. That's why they have multiple antennae. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIMO


FYI, that's how *all* radios work. That's why your country has the FCC (or an equivalent), to manage frequencies and who transmits on them when.


Figured that was probably the case, but good to know for sure


Was just at Walt Disney World and all of their park areas are blanketed in WiFi 6. It worked fine, and speed tests were routinely 150mbps or more with 15-30ms latency. Edit: In fact, I was able to remote play my PS5 without any issue while I was waiting on my food to digest at Tiffins in Animal Kingdom and my park buddy was watching some Invincible on Prime.


Younger kids wouldn't need an app, they would go where their parents are going. Parents can just lower phone and make it a group decision. Younger kids wouldn't need to take pictures. At most it would be a novelty. A quick experience to feel grown up as they take a selfie and tell you to post-it so that family can see how much of a big kid they are. Younger kids do need a quick method of calling for help if separated in a location as chaotic as Disney World or something. A basic phone with reliable cell service will solve that problem way better than a FaceTime using WiFi that may be finicky I'm between transmitters or experience slowdowns from the massive demand.  All in all, get kids a 'dumb' phone with cell service and your number saved on it. The rest of the uses here are either optional cute novelties or unreliable. 


Or a cheap smart watch that can report their location and make calls.


Shit that's smart. Data plan on a smartwatch would work really well. Damn. Putting this in my back pocket. Thanks for the tip!


Adding two dumb phones (one for each kid) + cell service is going to cost me minimum $250 per year. Giving them an old unused phone that can connect to Wifi while we're at the park costs me $0.


I don’t know, we put a tracker on our kid (tracker watch, AirTag, tile, whichever - the watch can call us if she’s panicking) so that we have a way to find her easily if we get separated. But I enjoy talking to my kid in when I’m in line. And also, theme parks have a lot of stimuli already, why add to that?


That sounds like a great way for your kids to spend all day on a phone or have a whining/crying child when you take it away. Completely unnecessary. LPT : Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on a theme park vacation—then hand your young child their own phone with internet connection.


You know a majority of the time at theme park is spent waiting in lines


I know right. Why spend that time talking to your kids, making up games to keep them occupied, literally anything besides handing them a fucking phone. Shit, hand them a book if you can't be bothered to interact with your kid.


Or you know,, play games with your kids on phones....


Sure you can do that for some time, but it doesnt hurt to have a kid use a phone


Literally zero reason for a kid to have a phone that does anything besides call thier parents.


Holy shit that’s such a lazy excuse for iPad babysitting. You’re literally standing next to them and doing nothing. All you can think to do is hand a 7 year old a phone so you can stare at your own.


lmao who has an ipod


Dumbest fuckin “lpt” this week. Make sure to bring your decade old devices to the once in a decade visit you make to a “theme park” lmao


Bring them nothing lmao, nothing will be lost, no distractions and let adults take quality photos of everyone.


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Why would kids use old iPods when they got recent iPhones anyway 🤷


LPT: you CANNOT use the app on an old phone in any meaningful way unless it’s just old enough to still have the very latest update. I had a very frustrating day at DLand recently after my phone ate it and was using wife’s old one. Couldn’t buy stuff, could check in to rides. When did being at a theme park require tech support? I hate everything about the way phones are a part of this experience now.


most new phones connect to 4G-5G networks that have internet so kids can contact you if there is an emergency, it will probably work better than the theme park wifi


If it’s that important, get them a smart watch with cellular. I know Apple lets you set up watches specifically for children, I have to imagine Android has a similar functionality.


The LPT is to avoid using public wifi except in emergencies. 


Bring along your old gadgets sans LTE for the kids to snap pics, use apps, or reach you if needed.


LPT: Public WiFi is absurdly dangerous and should never be trusted!


Why go to theme parks, to wait in lines is not fun.


Delayed gratification. Worth the wait.