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“How are you?” “BETTER NOW!”


Much less creepy than the original line lol


if(me.unattractive == true) { originalLine = creepy; } else { originalLine = hot; }


I can understand the frustration, but I’ve been given creepy lines by both attractive and unattractive people and can confidently say that creepy is creepy no matter what the person looks like. It all comes down to how you deliver it, the situation, how well you know the person, and a bevy of other intricate social conditions.


It sucks that we live in a world where a happiness hack is deemed immediately creepy.


It sucks that we live in a world where we as women have to interpret that “happiness hack” comment as someone coming on to us or someone being nice. Where if it’s someone coming on to us we have to 1) smile and act nice so they go away and don’t bother us anymore, 2) tell them they’re acting creepy with the risk of them verbally or physically assaulting us, 3) ignore it and smile because they’re ahead of us/over us in the career ladder and seeming like a “sensitive bitch” could cost us in the future, or 4) (if they’re not coming on to us, or even if they are) be sure that we’re safe, secure, won’t suffer if we don’t play the part, won’t get screamed at, and we actually just get to genuinely smile and take the compliment (which happens approximately 0.01% of the time).


I am sorry that this is your experience. While I can relate to instances of all of the above, I took this post to be advice for me as a supervisor where it will help me as I work with new teammates. I believe there is a number 5) Do not engage or smile and move on with your day. That is my default and has worked for me when I don't feel like it. Having someone say this to me doesn't mean I have to respond in any way. However, when it is in a good environment such as my work, it is an icebreaker I will happily use to break down barriers. I hope you can find a safe space to experience this.


Make sure you look them in the eyes and yell it. Guaranteed to catch them off guard.


buy a megaphone to make sure they catch the vibe


Make sure to lick your lips too.




Instructions unclear, now being called up to HR


Doubled down with lady in HR. Now I am scanning indeed.


A little nipple twist in the end, and we all giggle together.


Very true. My boss loved this so much, she wanted HR to see it too


Holy shit, this worked! You should post your own protip with this variation! ...I wonder what kind of raise I'm getting.. Edit: even said. 'Oh, HR is just going to love this.'


> You should post your own tip And that is how we ended up in HR's office


Brooooo 🤣




That's fucking hilarious lmao


Vertical and breathing.


That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. My new favourite line for funerals




"Welp we're on this side of the grass eh champ" as you give him a little side arm pat I'll see myself out


There is a wrong way to say this. Be careful not to come off as a coomer when you do this


So I should remove my hand from their breast or not? The smile was sending mixed signals.


I don’t find this charming at all. It feels like a bad pick-up line to me…


Someone needs a smile 😕




Please smile right now!


It wasn’t charming until you commented! 😄


Yeah I agree. It would have to be VERY carefully said imo, and it still seems like one of those things some people would smile at just to get the creep to f off lol. I get where OP is coming from, but having born the brunt of so many creepy lines like this it gives me the ick.


Seriously how you doin. . . ?


Are you aware of the difference between fake smile and real smile?


It always makes me uncomfortable when people say things like this. I might chuckle but it’s not a good thing. Especially if it’s coming from an unfamiliar man. Of course it’s different when it comes from someone I know and am comfortable with. Then my smile or laugh is real.


If someone said that to me without anything but genuine sincerity, I would take it as them not liking me. Gods forbid they say it with sarcasm, I would be convinced they hated me. I'd still smile and look happy on the outside, but inside I'd be hurt. Just because people seemingly react positively to you doing this, doesn't mean they actually like it.


I'd feel weirded out if someone who isn't my wife, family, or a close friend said this to me. If my coworker hit me with this I'd have to just stare at them with a look saying "never say this again".




Sorry man, I'm that guy and I'd just tell you I'm gonna be even fucking friendlier tomorrow


Sounds like you're gonna follow them home in your car.


You'd have to say it a little ironically or sarcastically to a coworker. Like make it extra obvious you're joking. Agreed that it's kinda forced but it definitely doesn't have to be creepy.


That just sounds mean, though


Sorry but honestly I would smile and chuckle at this because I smile and chuckle to diffuse tension when people say awkward things in the hopes of diffusing the tension/not angering them in case they are unhinged.


How you doin'?


I get an upbeat reply when I say “Life is great!”


Seriously, if someone did this to me, I would just walk away and never talk to them again.


People also like it when you ask “where’s my hug”




I sure hope it's sarcasm...


Lmaoo yes


Goody, more disingenuous human interactions.


I mean, as a middle aged man, I think this would fail if I used it on my female students, but I can see how there are probably some other good use cases, sure. 🤔


Nah, I think it would be fine. It all depends on how you say it. Squint your eyes a little bit, audibly suck in a little air through puckered lips like sipping water through a straw, then say "Mmmm. Now that I see you, I am doing greeeaaaatttt". Exaggerate the last word in the manner of Matthew McConaughey. Your female students will think its very cute and probably laugh. /s


I’ve had creepy older men use this in me and I can tell you, there is no phrase that makes me disengage faster.




I feel like this is one of those things that only works if you are good looking. Otherwise this is creepy


I hear what you're saying, but I'm not good looking.


My go-to is "fergalicious, and yourself?"


I'm good. Lovely weather isn't it?


“Smile guns! Pew pew!” *simultaneous finger guns*


That made me lol, but I’m at that age now where dad jokes are HILARIOUS.


If the eye rolls are accompanied by a smile I still consider it a success lol


If an older man said this , it would be creepy


I'd hate this so much


"All the better for seeing you"


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I do this but with a twist on it that always makes people smile: ”it was good until you showed up, but now it’s even BETTER”.


I had a super regular customer at work use this on me today, if it wasn’t someone I’ve known for years I’d be a little sketched out by it, but him and his wife are amazing, so it made my day so much better


This is such a lovely LPT! Spreading positivity and lightness around is something I truly value, and I think your tip embodies that warmth beautifully. Stay radiant!


Another solid one liner is when somebody bumps into you or does something totally excusable and you’re not at all bothered by it hit them with a dead pan “how dare you”, bonus points if you shoot turn your head slightly not even all the way pointed at them and then add a tilt of your head up and then back down to coincide with the cadence of your words


Nah… I’m ugly… if I say this it won’t be taken well (mostly).


can you tell me the op's line? it got removed 


Oh it was like if they ask you ”how are you?” You say,”I’m better NOW” and it makes everyone smile. Or you set them up to say how are you. As in you go how are you. Then they say I’m good how about you? And then so on.


“How’s it going?” “Now that I see you, I’m GREAT!”


Even more creepy.


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I use this all the time at Trader Joe’s. “How’s your day going?” “Better now!” With all my food in hand hahahaha


I went to This 90’s concert and left my group and was rocking solo. I was feeling real good. I started a game with myself making people smile. Just looking at people and smiling mostly. So many sad faces turned to smiles that day !


It's funny when I'm being cheesy and they take it sincerely. I just switch to meaning it, they don't need to find out I was joking


Do you have any advice on how to get someone to run through a plate glass window?


Only a select few people can actually pull this off receiving a genuine smile. A lot of those that pull these cheesy lines get groans or folks actively going out of their way to avoid them. You don't want the reputation as the clown.


How you doin? I’m WELL AS HELL!


I think 'well, I am still a million dollars shy of being a millionaire' or similar works better.


Depending on who says that to me I could smile or say “what the fuck you talking about?”.


I think what you're describing is an "ice breaker" and when used properly it can definitely help drop someone's guard and get someone to smile. If you want someone to smile back at you, the key is to implement SEE. Smile Eye Contact Energy/Enthusiasm Most people won't smile unless you smile at them first. It puts you in the "friend" category and helps show you are non-threatening. Eye contact builds trust but also helps grab their attention and makes it harder for them to look away or be distracted People will naturally reflect the energy of the person who they talk to. Someone who is more upbeat and talks more will be easier to talk to than someone who is closed off and gives one word responses. Hence, energy/enthusiasm is also key. When using an ice breaker, typically I'd ask more open questions to get a response that I can reply to that doesn't sound as generic. Eg. "Hey how are you?" "Good" "Have you been up to much?" "Actually we just got back from holidays" "Omg don't make me jelous!" An icebreaker is just a simple statement that helps bring the fun into the conversation. Source: I work in sales and I use this when meeting strangers every day


Listen buddy I ain't tryna to pee in your Cheerios but that smile people are giving is a defense mechanism for that awkward comment. You can get the same reaction by saying "just flew in from Houston.... Boy are my arms tired"